938 resultados para N uptake


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare VO2 kinetics during constant power cycle exercise measured using a conventional facemask (CM) or a respiratory snorkel (RS) designed for breath-by-breath analysis in swimming. METHODS: VO2 kinetics parameters-obtained using CM or RS, in randomized counterbalanced order-were compared in 10 trained triathletes performing two submaximal heavy-intensity cycling square-wave transitions. These VO2 kinetics parameters (ie, time delay: td1, td2; time constant: τ1, τ2; amplitude: A1, A2, for the primary phase and slow component, respectively) were modeled using a double exponential function. In the case of the RS data, this model incorporated an individually determined snorkel delay (ISD). RESULTS: Only td1 (8.9 ± 3.0 vs 13.8 ± 1.8 s, P < .01) differed between CM and RS, whereas all other parameters were not different (τ1 = 24.7 ± 7.6 vs 21.1 ± 6.3 s; A1 = 39.4 ± 5.3 vs 36.8 ± 5.1 mL x min(-1) x kg(-1); td2 = 107.5 ± 87.4 vs 183.5 ± 75.9 s; A2' (relevant slow component amplitude) = 2.6 ± 2.4 vs 3.1 ± 2.6 mL x min(-1) x kg(-1) for CM and RS, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Although there can be a small mixture of breaths allowed by the volume of the snorkel in the transition to exercise, this does not appear to significantly influence the results. Therefore, given the use of an ISD, the RS is a valid instrument for the determination of VO2 kinetics within submaximal exercise.


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Oxidative metabolism of the isolated embryonic heart of the chick has been determined using a spectrophotometric technique allowing global as well as localized micromeasurements of the O2 uptake. Entire hearts, excised from embryos of 10 somites (primordia fused, stage 10 HH) and 40 somites (S shaped, stage 20 HH) were placed in a special chamber under controlled metabolic conditions where they continued to beat spontaneously and regularly. During the 32 h of development, the O2 consumption of the whole heart increased from 0.9 +/- 0.1 to 5.3 +/- 0.8 nmol O2/h. These values corrected for protein content were, however, comparable (0.45 nmol O2.h-1.micrograms-1). At stage 10-12, the O2 uptake varied along the cardiac tube (from 0.74 to 1.0 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2). From stage 10 to 20, the O2 uptake per unit area of ventricle wall increased from 0.7 +/- 0.2 to 1.8 +/- 0.2 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2, and the O2 uptake per myocardial volume during one cardiac cycle varied from 7 to 2.5 nmol O2/cm3. These results indicate that, despite an intense morphogenesis, the cardiac tissue has a rather low and stable oxidative metabolism, although the O2 requirement of the whole heart increases significantly. Moreover, the normalized suprabasal aerobic energy expenditure decreases throughout early cardiogenesis. The functional integrity of the isolated embryonic heart combined with the experimental possibilities of the microtechnique make the preparation appropriate for studying the changes in cardiac metabolism during development.


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The evaluation of new antimalarial agents using older methods of monitoring sensitivity to antimalarial drugs are laborious and poorly suited to discriminate stage-specific activity. We used flow cytometry to study the effect of established antimalarial compounds, cysteine protease inhibitors, and a quinolone against asexual stages of Plasmodium falciparum. Cultured P. falciparum parasites were treated for 48 h with different drug concentrations and the parasitemia was determined by flow cytometry methods after DNA staining with propidium iodide. P. falciparum erythrocytic life cycle stages were readily distinguished by flow cytometry. Activities of established and new antimalarial compounds measured by flow cytometry were equivalent to results obtained with microscopy and metabolite uptake assays. The antimalarial activity of all compounds was higher against P. falciparum trophozoite stages. Advantages of flow cytometry analysis over traditional assays included higher throughput for data collection, insight into the stage-specificity of antimalarial activity avoiding use of radioactive isotopes.


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This evidence briefing collates review-level evidence of interventions including those targeted at pregnant women and evidence for tackling health inequalities in smoking.


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The briefing identifies gaps in primary and review-level research and makes a number of recommendations, including further measures to address health inequalities.


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Uptake of transferrin by epimastigote forms of the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi occurs mainly through a cytostome/ cytopharynx, via uncoated endocytic vesicles that bud off from the bottom of the cytopharynx. We have here examined whether detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) domains might be involved in this process. Purified whole cell membrane fractions were assayed for cholesterol levels and used in dot blot analyses. Detergent-resistant membrane markers (cholera B toxin and anti-flotillin-1 antibody) presented positive reaction by dot blots in cholesterol-rich/ protein-poor membrane sub-fractions. The positive dot blot fraction was submitted to lipid composition analysis, showing composition similar to that of raft fractions described for other eukaryotic cells. Immunofluorescence assays allowed the localization of punctual positive signal for flotillin-1, matching the precise cytostome/ cytopharynx location. These data were confirmed by immunofluorescence assays with the co-localization of flotillin-1 and the transferrin uptake site. Our data suggest that DRM domains occur and are integrated at the cytostome/ cytopharynx of T. cruzi epimastigotes, being the main route for transferrin uptake.


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To compare the effect of hyperthermia on maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in men and women, VO2max was measured in 11 male and 11 female runners under seven conditions involving various ambient temperatures (Ta at 50% RH) and preheating designed to manipulate the esophageal (Tes) and mean skin (Tsk) temperatures at VO2max. The conditions were: 25 degrees C, no preheating (control); 25, 35, 40, and 45 degrees C, with exercise-induced preheating by a 20-min walk at approximately 33% of control VO2max; 45 degrees C, no preheating; and 45 degrees C, with passive preheating during which Tes and Tsk were increased to the same degree as at the end of the 20-min walk at 45 degrees C. Compared to VO2max (l x min(-1)) in the control condition (4.52+/-0.46 in men, 3.01+/-0.45 in women), VO2max in men and women was reduced with exercise-induced or passive preheating and increased Ta, approximately 4% at 35 degrees C, approximately 9% at 40 degrees C and approximately 18% at 45 degrees C. Percentage reductions (7-36%) in physical performance (treadmill test time to exhaustion) were strongly related to reductions in VO2max (r=0.82-0.84). The effects of hyperthermia on VO2max and physical performance in men and women were almost identical. We conclude that men and women do not differ in their thermal responses to maximal exercise, or in the relationship of hyperthermia to reductions in VO2max and physical performance at high temperature. Data are reported as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated.


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Inconsistencies about dynamic asymmetry between the on- and off-transient responses in VO2 are found in the literature. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine VO2 on- and off-transients during moderate- and heavy-intensity cycling exercise in trained subjects. Ten men underwent an initial incremental test for the estimation of ventilatory threshold (VT) and, on different days, two bouts of square-wave exercise at moderate (<VT) and heavy (>VT) intensities. VO2 kinetics in exercise and recovery were better described by a single exponential model (<VT), or by a double exponential with two time delays (>VT). For moderate exercise, we found a symmetry of VO2 kinetics between the on- and off-transients (i.e., fundamental component), consistent with a system manifesting linear control dynamics. For heavy exercise, a slow component superimposed on the fundamental phase was expressed in both the exercise and recovery, with similar parameter estimates. But the on-transient values of the time constant were appreciably faster than the associated off-transient, and independent of the work rate imposed (<VT and >VT). Our results do not support a dynamically linear system model of VO2 during cycling exercise in the heavy-intensity domain.


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Inconsistencies about dynamic asymmetry between the on- and off-transient responses in .VO2 are found in the literature. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine .VO2on- and off-transients during moderate- and heavy-intensity cycling exercise in trained subjects. Ten men underwent an initial incremental test for the estimation of ventilatory threshold (VT) and, on different days, two bouts of square-wave exercise at moderate (<VT) and heavy (>VT) intensities. .VO2 kinetics in exercise and recovery were better described by a single exponential model (<VT) or by a double exponential with two time delays (>VT). For moderate exercise, we found a symmetry of .VO2 kinetics between the on- and off-transients (i.e., fundamental component), consistent with a system manifesting linear control dynamics. For heavy exercise, a slow component superimposed on the fundamental phase was expressed in both the exercise and recovery, with similar parameter estimates. But the on-transient values of the time constant were appreciably faster than the associated off-transient, and independent of the work rate imposed (<VT and >VT). Our results do not support a dynamically linear system model of .VO2 during cycling exercise in the heavy-intensity domain.


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The contribution of respiratory muscle work to the development of the O(2) consumption (Vo(2)) slow component is a point of controversy because it has been shown that the increased ventilation in hypoxia is not associated with a concomitant increase in Vo(2) slow component. The first purpose of this study was thus to test the hypothesis of a direct relationship between respiratory muscle work and Vo(2) slow component by manipulating inspiratory resistance. Because the conditions for a Vo(2) slow component specific to respiratory muscle can be reached during intense exercise, the second purpose was to determine whether respiratory muscles behave like limb muscles during heavy exercise. Ten trained subjects performed two 8-min constant-load heavy cycling exercises with and without a threshold valve in random order. Vo(2) was measured breath by breath by using a fast gas exchange analyzer, and the Vo(2) response was modeled after removal of the cardiodynamic phase by using two monoexponential functions. As anticipated, when total work was slightly increased with loaded inspiratory resistance, slight increases in base Vo(2), the primary phase amplitude, and peak Vo(2) were noted (14.2%, P < 0.01; 3.5%, P > 0.05; and 8.3%, P < 0.01, respectively). The bootstrap method revealed small coefficients of variation for the model parameter, including the slow-component amplitude and delay (15 and 19%, respectively), indicating an accurate determination for this critical parameter. The amplitude of the Vo(2) slow component displayed a 27% increase from 8.1 +/- 3.6 to 10.3 +/- 3.4 ml. min(-1). kg(-1) (P < 0.01) with the addition of inspiratory resistance. Taken together, this increase and the lack of any differences in minute volume and ventilatory parameters between the two experimental conditions suggest the occurrence of a Vo(2) slow component specific to the respiratory muscles in loaded condition.


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The study assessed the operational feasibility and acceptability of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) in one Primary Health Centre (PHC) in a falciparum malaria endemic district in the state of Orissa, India, where 74% of the people are tribes and DDT indoor residual spraying had been withdrawn and ITNs introduced by the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. To a population of 63,920, 24,442 ITNs were distributed free of charge through 101 treatment centers during July-August 2002. Interview of 1,130, 1,012 and 126 respondents showed that the net use rates were 80%, 74% and 55% in the cold, rainy and summer seasons, respectively. Since using ITNs, 74.5-76.6% of the respondents observed reduction of mosquito bites and 7.2-32.1% reduction of malaria incidence; 37% expressed willingness to buy ITNs if the cost was lower and they were affordable. Up to ten months post-treatment, almost 100% mortality of vector mosquitoes was recorded on unwashed and washed nets (once or twice). Health workers re-treated the nets at the treatment centers eight months after distribution on a cost-recovery basis. The coverage reported by the PHC was only 4.2%, mainly because of unwillingness of the people to pay for re-treatment and to go to the treatment centers from their villages. When the re-treatment was continued at the villages involving personnel from several departments, the coverage improved to about 90%.Interview of 126 respondents showed that among those who got their nets re-treated, 81.4% paid cash for the re-treatment and the remainder were reluctant to pay. Majority of those who paid said that they did so due to the fear that if they did not do so they would lose benefits from other government welfare schemes. The 2nd re-treatment was therefore carried out free of charge nine months after the 1st re-treatment and thus achieved coverage of 70.4%. The study showed community acceptance to use ITNs as they perceived the benefit. Distribution and re-treatment of nets was thus possible through the PHC system, if done free of charge and when personnel from different departments, especially those at village level, were involved.


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Pyochelin (PCH) is a siderophore produced and secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa for iron capture. Using (55) Fe uptake and binding assays, we showed that PCH-Fe uptake in P. aeruginosa involves, in addition to the highly studied outer membrane transporter FptA, the inner membrane permease FptX, which recognizes PCH-(55) Fe with an affinity of 0.6 ± 0.2 nM and transports the ferri-siderophore complex from the periplasm into the cytoplasm: fptX deletion inhibited (55) Fe accumulation in the bacterial cytoplasm. Chromosomal replacement was used to generate P. aeruginosa strains producing fluorescent fusions with FptX, PchR (an AraC regulator), PchA (the first enzyme involved in the PCH biosynthesis) and PchE (a non-ribosomic peptide-synthetase involved in a further step). Fluorescence imaging and cellular fractionation showed a uniform repartition of FptX in the inner membrane. PchA and PchE were found in the cytoplasm, associated to the inner membrane all over the bacteria and also concentrated at the bacterial poles. PchE clustering at the bacterial poles was dependent on PchA expression, but on the opposite PchA clustering and membrane association was PchE-independent. PchA and PchE cellular organization suggests the existence of a siderosome for PCH biosynthesis as previously proposed for pyoverdine biosynthesis (another siderophore produced by P. aeruginosa).


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A low digit ratio (2D:4D) and low 2D:4D in the right compared with the left hand (right-left 2D:4D) are thought to be determined by high in utero concentrations of testosterone, and are related to "masculine" traits such as aggression and performance in sports like running and rugby. Low right-left 2D:4D is also related to sensitivity to testosterone as measured by the number of cytosine-adenine-guanine triplet repeats in exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene. Here we show that low right-left 2D:4D is associated with high maximal oxygen uptake (VO2(max)), high velocity at VO2(max), and high maximum lactate concentration in a sample of teenage boys. We suggest that low right-left 2D:4D is linked to performance in some sports because it is a proxy of high sensitivity to prenatal and maybe also circulating testosterone and high VO2(max).


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Here, we observed the uptake of membrane-impermeant molecules by cercariae as they penetrate the skin and are transformed into schistosomula. We propose that membrane-impermeant molecules, Lucifer Yellow, Propidium iodide and Hoechst 33258 enter the parasite through both thenephridiopore and the surface membrane and then diffuse throughout the body of the parasite. We present a hypothesis that the internal cells of the body of the schistosomulum represent a new host-parasite interface, at which skin-derived growth factors may stimulate receptors on internal membranes during transformation of the cercariae into the schistosomulum.


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Recently, it has been proposed that drug permeation is essentially carrier-mediated only and that passive lipoidal diffusion is negligible. This opposes the prevailing hypothesis of drug permeation through biological membranes, which integrates the contribution of multiple permeation mechanisms, including both carrier-mediated and passive lipoidal diffusion, depending on the compound's properties, membrane properties, and solution properties. The prevailing hypothesis of drug permeation continues to be successful for application and prediction in drug development. Proponents of the carrier-mediated only concept argue against passive lipoidal diffusion. However, the arguments are not supported by broad pharmaceutics literature. The carrier-mediated only concept lacks substantial supporting evidence and successful applications in drug development.