137 resultados para Myotis nattereri


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Most anurans are considered short lived reproducing only once, with adult size being an important factor contributing to mating success. We sampled anurans with 30 pitfall traps in three forest patches of the northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil, throughout one year. Our objective was to analyze the variation in anuran body size between the dry and rainy season. Our hypothesis is that anurans registered during the rainy season will be larger than conspecifics registered during dry season, since there is a selective advantage in having a larger body size during reproduction activity. The most abundant species registered in the patches were Eupemphix nattereri, Physalaemus cuvieri and Leptodactylus podicipinus. Males and females of E. nattereri and P. cuvieri recorded in the rainy season were larger than of those captured in the dry one. In contrast, males of L. podicipinus were larger in the dry season than in the rainy season. Besides, the operational sex ratio (OSR) in the breeding season was biased towards males in these three species with, respectively, 4.66, 3.2 and 1.87 males per female. Our results suggest that probably body size variation between different seasons is a consequence of individuals' turnover between rainy seasons. Lower individuals captured in the dry season, would be reproductively active adults in the next breeding season.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Embora seja geralmente assumido que a agricultura influencia negativamente populações de anfíbios, existem poucos estudos sobre os efeitos dos cultivos agrícolas em anuros neotropicais. Visando contribuir para diminuir essa lacuna de conhecimento, no presente estudo buscamos verificar quais espécies de anuros estão presentes nos agrossistemas. Para isso, usamos dados de anuros capturados em armadilhas de queda, inicialmente proposto para o levantamento da fauna de opiliões em três agrossistemas (milho, soja e seringal). Nós registramos quatro espécies de anuros nas armadilhas de queda: Leptodactulus fuscus, L. mystacinus (Leptodactylidae), Eupemphix nattereri e Physalaemus cuvieri (Leiuperidae). Na plantação de milho foram registradas quatro espécies e 30 indivíduos, no seringal quatro espécies e 11 indivíduos e na plantação de soja três espécies e oito indivíduos. Nossos resultados mostram que os anuros estão presentes nos agrossistemas, principalmente espécies de anuros generalistas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study the incidence of moths and beetles was examined from feces samples of bats that use different foraging behaviors. Twenty sites around the Fazenda Intervales, a Field Research Station located in São Paulo State, in southeastern Brazil were sampled. Feces were collected from bats caught in mist nets, Turtle Traps or hand nets and, in one case, from beneath a roost. Feces samples were taken from six species of bats: Micronycteris megalotis (Gray, 1842), Mimon bennettii (Gray, 1838), Furipterus horrens (F. Cuvier, 1828), Myotis riparius Handley, 1960, Myotis ruber (E. Geoffroy, 1806) and Histiotus velalus (I. Geoffroy, 1824). To record and describe the frequencies dominating bat echolocation calls, an Anabat II bat detector coupled with an Anabat ZCA interfaces and DOS laptop computers were used. The data show that Furipterus horrens feeds extensively on moths, as predicted from the features of its echolocation calls. Gleaning bats, whose echolocation calls are much less conspicuous to moths take a wide range of insect (and other) prey.


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Estudo preliminar sobre a riqueza de espécies e a freqüência de capturas de morcegos em dois habitats, mata primária e reflorestamento de Araucária, na Região Centro Leste do Paraná. Foi empregado o mesmo esforço para as duas áreas, resultando na captura de 11 espécies na área de mata primária, contra oito no reflorestamento de Araucária. A uniformidade na distribuição da abundância -equitabilidade - foi maior na mata primária. No reflorestamento de Araucária, noventa por cento dos indivíduos coletados pertenciam somente a duas espécies. Pelos resultados, conclui-se que a floresta primária com numerosos nichos, apresenta uma riqueza de espécies elevada, mas a ação do homem reduz a riqueza de espécies geral, o que se reflete principalmente na dominância de poucas espécies. Destaca-se aqui, nos dois tipos de ambientes, a presença de Myotis ruber, listada como ameaçada de extinção no Brasil.


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OBJETIVO: Os relatos sobre a ocorrência de raiva em morcegos no Brasil são esporádicos e isolados. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi descrever a detecção do vírus da raiva em morcegos do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 7.393 morcegos provenientes de 235 municípios do norte e noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1997 a 2002 e identificados por meio de características morfológicas e morfométricas. Para a detecção do antígeno viral foi utilizada a técnica de imunofluorescência direta e o isolamento do vírus foi realizado por inoculação em camundongos. RESULTADOS: Das amostras examinadas, 1,3% foram positivas para raiva, com variação de 0,2% em 1997 a 1,6% em 2001. Foram encontrados 98 morcegos com o vírus, 87 deles em área urbana. O vírus da raiva foi detectado pela imunofluorescência direta em 77 do total de amostras positivas, enquanto 92 produziram doença em camundongos inoculados e o período de incubação variou entre 4-23 dias. em 43 municípios foi encontrado pelo menos um morcego positivo. Entre as espécies analisadas o vírus da raiva foi detectado com maior freqüência (33,7%) em Artibeus lituratus. Os vespertilionideos do gênero Eptesicus e Myotis totalizaram 24,5% dos morcegos positivos e as espécies do gênero Molossus (Molossus molossus e Molossus rufus), 14,3%. A distribuição do vírus da raiva foi semelhante entre fêmeas (33; 48,5%) e machos (35; 51,5%). CONCLUSÕES: Morcegos positivos para raiva foram encontrados em situações que colocam em risco tanto a população humana como animais de estimação, exigindo medidas voltadas para o manejo destas espécies e de educação da população.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA molecular marker was utilized as a means of analyzing genetic variability in seven bat species: Molossus molossus, M. rufus, Eumops glaucinus, E. perotis, Myotis nigricans, Eptesicus furinalis, and Artibeus planirostris. The determination of genetic diversity was based on 741 bands produced by a 20-random primer set. Only eight bands were considered monomorphic to one species. The greatest number of bands and the most polymorphic condition were exhibited by M. molossus, followed by M. nigricans, A. planirostris, E. furinalis, E. glaucinus, M. rufus, and E. perotis. Nei's genetic diversity index in the seven species considering the 20 primers was not greater than 0.22, but some primers were capable of detecting values between 0.39 and 0.49. Nei's unbiased genetic distance values and the UPGMA clustering pattern show that M. molossus and M. rufus have a close genetic relationship, unlike that observed between E. perotis and E. glaucinus. The latter was clustered with A. planirostris and E. furinalis. The low values for genetic diversity and distance observed indicate a genetic conservatism in the seven species. The fluorescent in situ hybridization experiments did not confirm a monomorphic condition for the eight bands identified, demonstrating that the monomorphic bands obtained by random amplified polymorphic DNA are insufficient for the identification of bat species.


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Cytogenetic and DNA content studies were done on six nominal species of Corydoras from the southeast coast of Brazil. The data show that several nominal species present local populations with differences in karyotype or DNA content. There are at least two groups of Corydoras species with similar karyotypic structure in this region: the first composed by C. ehrhardti, C. nattereri and C. paleatus and the second composed of C. barbatus, C. macropterus and C. prionotos. These two groups of species are probably not derived directly from the same ancestral line. The speciation process of Corydoras species from the southeastern coast of Brazil is discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present work aimed to determine the oral microbiotic composition of snakes from Sao Jose do Rio Preto city, São Paulo State, Brazil. Ten snake species, comprising the families Boidae, Colubridae, Elapidae and Viperidae, were submitted to microbiological examination of their oral cavity, which indicated positivity for all buccal samples. Gram-negative bacilli, gram-negative cocci bacilli, gram-positive bacilli and gram-positive cocci were isolated from the snakes. Among isolated bacterium species, the occurrence of coagulase-negative staphylococci in the buccal cavity of Crotalus durissus (Viperiade), Eunectes murinus (Boidae), Mastigodryas bifossatus (Colubridae) and Bacillus subtilis, common to oral cavity of Bothrops alternatus (Viperidae) and Phalotris mertensi (Colubridae), was detected. It was observed higher diversity of isolated bacteria from the oral cavity of Micrurus frontalis (Elapidae) and Philodryas nattereri (Colubridae), as well as the prevalence of gram-positive baccillus and gram-positive cocci. The composition of the oral microbiota of the studied snakes, with or without inoculating fangs, is diverse and also related to the formation of abscesses at the bite site in the victims of the ophidian accidents, and to pathogenic processes in the snakes that host these microorganisms.


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The diagnosis of rabies in bats is usually performed using the brain of suspected animals. The main hypothesis tested by the present study was whether the aspiration method using a plastic pipette (Pasteur type) was effective in the collection of bat brain sample for rabies diagnosis when compared to the skull-opening method. A total of 200 bats of 4 species were studied: Molossus rufus E. Geoffroy, 1805, Molossus molossus (Pallas, 1766), Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818) and Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821). The proportion of brain weight compared to body weight was statistically higher when using the traditional method, although the brain mass collected by the aspiration method was enough for rabies diagnosis and did not damage any skull biometric characteristics. The results demonstrate that both collection methods detected positive samples, while the aspiration method has the advantage of skull preservation, permitting the identification of the species.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)