1000 resultados para Myopathie de Duchenne--Traitement


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Pelvic external radiotherapy with or without brachytherapy plays an important role in the management of pelvic cancers. Despite recent technical innovations including conformal three-dimensional (3D) external beam radiotherapy and more recently intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), local side effects can occur secondary to normal tissue damage caused by ionising radiation. Morbidity depends on the anatomic position of the rectum within the pelvis and the fast turnover rate of the mucosa, as well as the characteristics of the radiation treatment and patient co-morbidities. Medical management is sometimes complex and merits herein a short review.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical and molecular genetic findings in 2 carriers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) who exhibited marked hemiatrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked disorder in which affected male patients harbor mutations in the dystrophin gene. Female patients with heterozygous mutations may be manifesting carriers. DESIGN: Case study. SETTING: Neurology clinic. PATIENTS: Two manifesting carriers of DMD. INTERVENTIONS: Clinical and radiologic examinations along with histologic and molecular investigations. RESULTS: Both patients had marked right-sided hemiatrophy on examination with radiologic evidence of muscle atrophy and fatty replacement on the affected side. In each case, histologic analysis revealed a reduction in dystrophin staining on the right side. Genetic analysis of the dystrophin gene revealed a tandem exonic duplication in patient 1 and a multiexonic deletion in patient 2 with no further point mutations identified on the other chromosome. CONCLUSIONS: Marked hemiatrophy can occur in DMD manifesting carriers. This is likely to result from a combination of skewed X-inactivation and somatic mosaicism.


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The reality of metabolic syndrome (MS) as a specific entity is debatable. However, the simple measure of waist circumference (>94 cm in men and >80 cm in women) is useful: (1) to check for insulin resistance by measuring serum levels of fasted glucose and insuline, cholesterol, triglycerides; (2) to look for diseases associated with MS such as hypertension, non alcohoolic steatohepatitis, sleep apnea, polycystic ovary disease, hypogonadism and to measure serum levels of ferritine, ALAT, ASAT, urate acid, CRP hs, testosterone and (3) to make obese people aware of their risk of becoming diabetic and to motivate them to change their life style. The utility of exercise and of various diets is discussed as well as the efficiency of drugs acting on different components of MS such as rimonabant, orlistat, metformin, glitazones, telmisartan and testosterone. The importance of political measures to fight the obesity epidemic is underlined.


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RÉSUMÉ La prise en charge des fractures de l'enfant a beaucoup évolué au cours des quinze dernières années. Les spécificités pédiatriques des mécanismes de réparation osseuse rendaient nécessaires des modalités de traitement se différenciant de l'ostéosynthèse adulte classique qui suivait les principes de réduction anatomique et de stabilité. Chez l'enfant le traitement conservateur des fractures reste le moyen le plus fréquemment employé. Cependant, ce traitement s'avérait imparfait dans le cas de la fracture fémorale car il impliquait une hospitalisation prolongée. Ceci a mené à réaliser des ostéosynthèses classiques et trop invasives chez des patients pédiatriques, entraînant des hyperallongements parfois importants. C'est ainsi que de nouvelles techniques adaptées à l'enfant sont apparues, tels que l'enclouage centro-médullaire élastique stable (ECMES) et le fixateur externe dynamisable (FED). Nous rapportons ici l'expérience du Service de Chirurgie Pédiatrique du CHUV à Lausanne. Entre 1988 et 1996, nous avons recensé 265 cas de fractures fémorales chez des enfants âgés entre 0 et 15 ans : 227 sont diaphysaires, 23 épiphysaires, 8 cervicales, 7 per- ou sous-trochantériennes. Parmi celles-ci, 94 fractures diaphysaires, 11 épiphysaires, 4 trochantériennes et toutes les cervicales ont bénéficié d'un traitement chirurgical. Nous avons étudié rétrospectivement 96 fractures traitées par ECMES, ce qui représente le traitement chirurgical standard de la fracture diaphysaire fémorale dans notre service. La majorité de ces fractures est liée aux accidents de la route (41%) ou au ski (27%). Le collectif comprend 7 enfants polytraumatisés, 3 fractures du membre inférieur controlatéral, 1 fracture du tibia homolatéral et une fracture instable du bassin. Après ECMES, la mobilisation débute généralement entre le troisième et le douzième jour postopératoire selon l'âge de l'enfant, le type de fracture et surtout les lésions associées. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation est de 12 jours. Le suivi moyen est de 16 à 21 mois selon la catégorie d'âge, le type de fracture et la compliance du patient et des parents. Dans les suites, nous avons pu observer que l'hyperallongement du membre concerné affecte plus souvent les patients les plus jeunes (3-5 ans) tandis que les raccourcissements du membre fracturé concernent les enfants plus âgés (12-15 ans). La complication la plus fréquemment rencontrée est la migration des broches dont la fréquence varie entre 8% et 25% selon l'âge. Un total de 11% tout âge confondu nécessite un traitement ou une reprise. Chez les enfants de moins de 8 ans, avec migration de broches, la moitié des cas nécessite d'une reprise, tandis que le montage est repris dans tous les cas de plus de 8 ans. L'ECMES offre l'avantage d'une technique simple, peu invasive, peu coûteuse, qui utilise les capacités de guérison spécifique de l'enfant. Il permet des séjours hospitaliers courts et favorise une bonne consolidation respectant la biologie de guérison et autorisant une reprise précoce de l'activité physique. Les complications sont peu nombreuses et les résultats orthopédiques, comparables à ceux du traitement conservateur.


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Treatment-resistant hypertension is still common despite the availability of several types of antihypertensive agents acting by different mechanisms. The existence of refractory hypertension should lead to rule out "white-coat hypertension", poor adherence to prescribed drugs as well as classical causes of secondary hypertension such as renal artery stenosis, primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and renal disease. It is also important to consider the possible existence of obstructive sleep apnea or the regular intake of vasopressive drugs or substances.


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Unipolar depression is among the leading cause of invalidity and disability-adjusted life-years. Many depressed patients do not respond to several antidepressant treatments. Several treatments have been investigated in resistant depression using electrical or magnetic stimulation of the brain. In this field, electroconvulsivotherapy remains to date the only treatment validated for efficacy and security. Novel neuromodulatory treatments used in neurological conditions are currently under investigation. Vagus nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation may offer long-term efficacy and therefore justify expensive and highly specialized treatment programs.


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The 2012 Swiss consensus paper on diagnosis and management of patients suffering from dementia resulted from the work of an expert panel who met on March 23d to 25th in Luzem. Based on a literature review, panel members wrote a first draft that was subsequently circulated among multiple dementia experts in Switzerland. After adaptation and revisions according to comments, all consulted dementia specialists and panel members fully endorse the consensus content. The conference was financed by the Swiss Alzheimer Forum.


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis still has to be diagnosed by elimination. Neoplasm, toxic treatments, collagen vascular disease, professional exposure or diagnosis such as sarcoidosis have to be ruled out. The repercussions on gas exchange are the most reliable indications of the severity of the disease, the pulmonary function test or chest x-rays alone being often misleading. Transbronchic biopsies, thoracotomy or thoracoscopies provide a precise diagnosis. In many cases only broncho-alveolar lavage and a high resolution CT-scan are performed to rule out infection or tumor and to assess the inflammatory state of the disease. Due to the often poor prognosis of this disease and its often poor response to steroids, the role of cytostatic drugs, cyclosporine and colchicine, and of pulmonary graft is discussed.


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Chlamydia are obligate intracellular bacteria. Three species are considered human pathogens. Chlamydophila pneumoniae is one of the most common agents of atypical community-acquired pneumonia. Chlamydophila psittaci causes psittacosis, a severe zoonotic pneumonia transmitted by birds. Finally, Chlamydia trachomatis is the etiologic agent of trachoma and urogenital infections. The latter are commonly asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic. Thus, they may remain undiagnosed for years, leading to serious late complications such as salpingitis, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Currently, the diagnosis of chlamydial infections is essentially based on molecular methods. Treatment should use an antibiotic with good intracellular bioavailability such as tetracycline, macrolides and new generation fluoroquinolones.


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