993 resultados para Murine encephalomyelitis virus


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IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 have been shown to exert a range of similar immunoregulatory effects in murine and human experimental systems, particularly in Th1- and Th17-mediated models of autoimmune inflammatory disease. In this study we sought to translate some of our previous findings in murine systems to human in vitro models and delineate the interdependence of these different cytokines in their immunoregulatory effects. We demonstrate that human IL-27 upregulates IL-10 in T cell-activated PBMC cultures and that IFN-ß drives IL-27 production in activated monocytes. IFN-ß-driven IL-27 is responsible for the upregulation of IL-10, but not IL-17 suppression, by IFN-ß in human PBMCs. Surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of IL-17 by either IL-27 or IFN-ß in this model or in de novo differentiating Th17 cells, nor is IL-27 signaling required for the suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by IFN-ß in vivo. Furthermore, and even more surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27, in sharp contrast to Th1-biased EAE. In conclusion, IFN-ß and IL-27 both induce human IL-10, both suppress human Th17 responses, and both suppress murine EAE. However, IL-27 signaling is not required for the therapeutic effect of IFN-ß in EAE. Suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27 is IL-10-independent, in contrast to its mechanism of action in Th1-biased EAE. Taken together, these findings delineate a complex set of interdependent and independent immunoregulatory mechanisms of IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 in human experimental models and in murine Th1- and Th17-driven autoimmunity.


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Le virus de l’hépatite murine de type 3 (MHV3) est un excellent modèle animal pour l’étude des différents désordres immunologiques lors d’infections virales. L’hépatite aiguë fulminante induite par ce virus chez la souris susceptible C57BL/6 se caractérise par la présence de plusieurs foyers nécrotiques et inflammatoires dans le foie associée à une immunodéficience en lymphocytes B et T, tuant les souris entre 3 et 5 jours post-infection. L’évolution rapide de cette maladie virale suggère un débalancement dans les mécanismes de l’immunité naturelle sous le contrôle des cellules NK et NK-T et un bris de l’équilibre entre la tolérance hépatique et la réponse inflammatoire. Afin d’élucider les rôles respectifs des différents mécanismes de la défense innée impliqués dans le développement de l’hépatite aiguë, des infections in vivo ont été réalisées chez des souris C57BL/6 avec la souche pathogène L2-MHV3 ou avec des variants du virus MHV3. Ces derniers possèdent des tropismes différents pour les cellules endothéliales sinusoïdales hépatiques et les cellules de Kupffer, tels que les virus faiblement atténué 51.6-MHV3, fortement atténué CL12-MHV3 et non pathogène YAC-MHV3. Ces études in vivo ont montré une diminution des cellules NK spléniques et myéloïdes suite à une infection avec le virus MHV3. Cette chute en cellules NK spléniques reflète un recrutement de ces cellules au niveau du foie. Par contre, les cellules NK se sont avérées permissives à la réplication virale entraînant un processus d’apoptose suite à la formation de syncétia induits par le virus. Les niveaux de recrutement et d’apoptose des cellules NK et NK-T dans le foie reflètent la pathogénicité des variants MHV3 durant les trois premiers jours de l’infection virale bien que les cellules NK recrutées au niveau du foie maintiennent leur activité cytotoxique. L’ajout des IL-12 et IL-18, qui sont normalement diminués lors de l’hépatite aiguë, provoque une production synergique d’IFN-g par les cellules NK, résultant d’une interaction entre l’activation de la voie p38 MAPK et la réplication virale. Par ailleurs, le récepteur viral CEACAM1a (carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule 1a) serait essentiel à cette synergie, mais exercerait aussi une action inhibitrice dans la production de l’IFN-g. D’autre part, les niveaux de production des cytokines immunosuppressives IL-10, TGF-b et PGE2, impliquées dans la tolérance hépatique et particulièrement produites par les cellules de Kupffer et les cellules endothéliales sinusoïdales, sont en relation inverse avec le degré de pathogénicité des variants du virus MHV3. Finalement, le virus pathogène L2-MHV3 déclenche la production de cytokines inflammatoires par les macrophages, tels que l’IL-6 et le TNF-a. L’induction de ces cytokines par les macrophages serait indépendante de la présence de la molécule CEACAM1a. Cette stimulation est plutôt reliée à la fixation des particules virales sur des récepteurs TLR2, en association avec les régions riches en héparanes sulfates. Tous ces résultats mettent en évidence de nouveaux mécanismes par lesquels le virus MHV3 peut diminuer l’efficacité des mécanismes de l’immunité naturelle sous le contrôle des cellules NK et NK-T intrahépatiques, suite à une stimulation de l’inflammation résultant du bris de la tolérance hépatique.


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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) inhibiting cytokines have recently emerged as new drug modalities for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Interleukin-17 (IL-17) is a T-cell-derived central mediator of autoimmunity. Immunization with Qβ-IL-17, a virus-like particle based vaccine, has been shown to produce autoantibodies in mice and was effective in ameliorating disease symptoms in animal models of autoimmunity. To characterize autoantibodies induced by vaccination at the molecular level, we generated mouse mAbs specific for IL-17 and compared them to germline Ig sequences. The variable regions of a selected hypermutated high-affinity anti-IL-17 antibody differed in only three amino acid residues compared to the likely germline progenitor. An antibody, which was backmutated to germline, maintained a surprisingly high affinity (0.5 nM). The ability of the parental hypermutated antibody and the derived germline antibody to block inflammation was subsequently tested in murine models of multiple sclerosis (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis), arthritis (collagen-induced arthritis), and psoriasis (imiquimod-induced skin inflammation). Both antibodies were able to delay disease onset and significantly reduced disease severity. Thus, the mouse genome unexpectedly encodes for antibodies with the ability to functionally neutralize IL-17 in vivo.


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Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors have been used to transduce murine skeletal muscle as a platform for secretion of therapeutic proteins. The utility of this approach for treating alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency was tested in murine myocytes in vitro and in vivo. AAV vectors expressing the human AAT gene from either the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter (AAV-C-AT) or the human elongation factor 1-α promoter (AAV-E-AT) were examined. In vitro in C2C12 murine myoblasts, the expression levels in transient transfections were similar between the two vectors. One month after transduction, however, the human elongation factor 1 promoter mediated 10-fold higher stable human AAT expression than the CMV promoter. In vivo transduction was performed by injecting doses of up to 1.4 × 1013 particles into skeletal muscles of several mouse strains (C57BL/6, BALB/c, and SCID). In vivo, the CMV vector mediated higher levels of expression, with sustained serum levels over 800 μg/ml in SCID and over 400 μg/ml in C57BL/6 mice. These serum concentrations are 100,000-fold higher than those previously observed with AAV vectors in muscle and are at levels which would be therapeutic if achieved in humans. High level expression was delayed for several weeks but was sustained for over 15 wk. Immune responses were dependent upon the mouse strain and the vector dosage. These data suggest that recombinant AAV vector transduction of skeletal muscle could provide a means for replacing AAT or other essential serum proteins but that immune responses may be elicited under certain conditions.


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Pre-B-cell growth-stimulating factor/stromal cell-derived factor 1 (PBSF/SDF-1) is a member of the CXC group of chemokines that is initially identified as a bone marrow stromal cell-derived factor and as a pre-B-cell stimulatory factor. Although most chemokines are thought to be inducible inflammatory mediators, PBSF/SDF-1 is essential for perinatal viability, B lymphopoiesis, bone marrow myelopoiesis, and cardiac ventricular septal formation, and it has chemotactic activities on resting lymphocytes and monocytes. In this paper, we have isolated a cDNA that encodes a seven transmembrane-spanning-domain receptor, designated pre-B-cell-derived chemokine receptor (PB-CKR) from a murine pre-B-cell clone, DW34. The deduced amino acid sequence has 90% identity with that of a HUMSTSR/fusin, a human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) entry coreceptor. However, the second extracellular region has lower identity (67%) compared with HUMSTSR/fusin. PB-CKR is expressed during embryo genesis and in many organs and T cells of adult mice. Murine PBSF/SDF-1 induced an increase in intracellular free Ca2+ in DW34 cells and PB-CKR-transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, suggesting that PB-CKR is a functional receptor for murine PBSF/SDF-1. Murine PBSF/SDF-1 also induced Ca2+ influx in fusin-transfected CHO cells. On the other hand, considering previous results that HIV-1 does not enter murine T cells that expressed human CD4, PB-CKR may not support HIV-1 infection. Thus, PB-CKR will be an important tool for functional mapping of HIV-1 entry coreceptor fusin and for understanding the function of PBSF/SDF-1 further.


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In the current study, cellular and molecular approaches have been used to analyze the biophysical nature of T cell receptor (TCR)–peptide MHC (pMHC) interactions for two autoreactive TCRs. These two TCRs recognize the N-terminal epitope of myelin basic protein (MBP1–11) bound to the MHC class II protein, I-Au, and are associated with murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Mice transgenic for the TCRs have been generated and characterized in other laboratories. These analyses indicate that the mice either develop encephalomyelitis spontaneously (172.10 TCR) or only if immunized with autoantigen in adjuvant (1934.4 TCR). Here, we show that the 172.10 TCR binds MBP1–11:I-Au with a 4–5-fold higher affinity than the 1934.4 TCR. Consistent with the higher affinity, 172.10 T hybridoma cells are significantly more responsive to autoantigen than 1934.4 cells. The interaction of the 172.10 TCR with cognate ligand is more entropically unfavorable than that of the 1934.4 TCR, indicating that the 172.10 TCR undergoes greater conformational rearrangements upon ligand binding. The studies therefore suggest a correlation between the strength and plasticity of a TCR–pMHC interaction and the frequency of spontaneous disease in the corresponding TCR transgenic mice. The comparative analysis of these two TCRs has implications for understanding autoreactive T cell recognition and activation.


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The high incidence of neurological disorders in patients afflicted with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) may result from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) induction of chemotactic signals and cytokines within the brain by virus-encoded gene products. Transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) is an immunomodulator and potent chemotactic molecule present at elevated levels in HIV-1-infected patients, and its expression may thus be induced by viral trans-activating proteins such as Tat. In this report, a replication-defective herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 tat gene transfer vector, dSTat, was used to transiently express HIV-1 Tat in glial cells in culture and following intracerebral inoculation in mouse brain in order to directly determine whether Tat can increase TGF-beta1 mRNA expression. dSTat infection of Vero cells transiently transfected by a panel of HIV-1 long terminal repeat deletion mutants linked to the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene demonstrated that vector-expressed Tat activated the long terminal repeat in a trans-activation response element-dependent fashion independent of the HSV-mediated induction of the HIV-1 enhancer, or NF-kappaB domain. Northern blot analysis of human astrocytic glial U87-MG cells transfected by dSTat vector DNA resulted in a substantial increase in steady-state levels of TGF-beta1 mRNA. Furthermore, intracerebral inoculation of dSTat followed by Northern blot analysis of whole mouse brain RNA revealed an increase in levels of TGF-beta1 mRNA similar to that observed in cultured glial cells transfected by dSTat DNA. These results provided direct in vivo evidence for the involvement of HIV-1 Tat in activation of TGF-beta1 gene expression in brain. Tat-mediated stimulation of TGF-beta1 expression suggests a novel pathway by which HIV-1 may alter the expression of cytokines in the central nervous system, potentially contributing to the development of AIDS-associated neurological disease.


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Activation of the c-Src tyrosine kinase has been implicated as an important step in the induction of mammary tumors in both mice and humans. To directly assess the effect of mammary gland-specific expression of activated c-Src, we established transgenic mice that carry a constitutively activated form of c-src under transcriptional control of the murine mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat. Female mice derived from several independent transgenic lines lactate poorly as a consequence of an impairment in normal mammary epithelial development. In addition to this lactation defect, female mice frequently develop mammary epithelial hyperplasias, which occasionally progress to frank neoplasias. Taken together, these observations suggest that expression of activated c-Src in the mammary epithelium of transgenic mice is not sufficient for induction of mammary tumors.


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Parasite resistance to antimalarial drugs is a serious threat to human health, and novel agents that act on enzymes essential for parasite metabolism, such as proteases, are attractive targets for drug development. Recent studies have shown that clinically utilized human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitors can inhibit the in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum at or below concentrations found in human plasma after oral drug administration. The most potent in vitro antimalarial effects have been obtained for parasites treated with saquinavir, ritonavir, or lopinavir, findings confirmed in this study for a genetically distinct P. falciparum line (3D7). To investigate the potential in vivo activity of antiretroviral protease inhibitors (ARPIs) against malaria, we examined the effect of ARPI combinations in a murine model of malaria. In mice infected with Plasmodium chabaudi AS and treated orally with ritonavir-saquinavir or ritonavir-lopinavir, a delay in patency and a significant attenuation of parasitemia were observed. Using modeling and ligand docking studies we examined putative ligand binding sites of ARPIs in aspartyl proteases of P. falciparum (plasmepsins II and IV) and P. chabaudi (plasmepsin) and found that these in silico analyses support the antimalarial activity hypothesized to be mediated through inhibition of these enzymes. In addition, in vitro enzyme assays demonstrated that P. falciparum plasmepsins II and IV are both inhibited by the ARPIs saquinavir, ritonavir, and lopinavir. The combined results suggest that ARPIs have useful antimalarial activity that may be especially relevant in geographical regions where HIV and P. falciparum infections are both endemic.


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A 5-year-old Australian stock horse in Monto, Queensland, Australia, developed neurological signs and was euthanized after a 6-day course of illness. Histological examination of the brain and spinal cord revealed moderate to severe subacute, nonsuppurative encephalomyelitis. Sections of spinal cord stained positively in immunohistochemistry with a flavivirus-specific monoclonal antibody. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay targeting the envelope gene of flavivirus yielded positive results from brain, spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid, and facial nerve. A flavivirus was isolated from the cerebrum and spinal cord. Nucleotide sequences obtained from amplicons from both tissues and virus isolated in cell culture were compared with those in GenBank and had 96-98% identity with Murray Valley encephalitis virus. The partial envelope gene sequence of the viral isolate clustered into genotype 1 and was most closely related to a previous Queensland isolate.