794 resultados para Multiclass prediction
This paper outlines research on the processes taking place within the coal mineral matter at high temperatures and development of the relationship between ash fusion temperatures (AFT) and phase equilibria of the coal ash slags. A new thermodynamic database for the Al-Ca-Fe-O-Si system developed by the author was used in conjunction with the thermodynamic computer package F*A*C*T for these purposes. In addition, high temperature experimental studies were undertaken that involved heat treatment and quenching of the ash cones followed by the analyses using different techniques. The study provided new information on the processes taking place during AFT test and demonstrated the validity of the AFTs predictions with F*A*C*T. Examples of practical applications of the AFT prediction method are given in the paper. The results of this study are important not only for the AFT predictions, but also in general for the application of phase equilibrium science to the characterisation of the coal mineral matter interactions at high temperature. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two stock-market simulation experiments investigated the notion that rumors that invoke stable-cause attributions spawn illusory associations and less regressive predictions and behavior. In Study 1, illusory perceptions of association and stable causation (rumors caused price changes on the day after they appeared) existed despite rigorous conditions of nonassociation (price changes were unrelated to rumors). Predictions (recent price trends will continue) and trading behavior (departures from a strong buy-low-sell-high strategy) were both anti-regressive. In Study 2, stability of attribution was manipulated via a computerized tutorial. Participants taught to view price-changes as caused by stable forces predicted less regressively and departed more from buy-low-sell-high trading patterns than those taught to perceive changes as caused by unstable forces. Results inform a social cognitive and decision theoretic understanding of rumor by integrating it with causal attribution, covariation detection, and prediction theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
The characteristics of sharkskin surface instability for linear low density polyethylene are studied as a function of film blowing processing conditions. By means of scanning electron microscopy and surface profilometry, is it found that for the standard industrial die geometry studied, sharkskin only occurs on the inside of the film bubble. Previous work suggests that this instability may be due to critical extensional stress levels at the exit of the die. Isothermal integral viscoelastic simulations of the annular extrusion process are reported, and confirm that the extensional stress at the die exit is large enough to cause local melt rupture. However the extensional stress level at the outer die wall predicts melt rupture of the outside bubble surface also, which contradicts the experimental findings. A significant temperature gradient is expected to exist across the die gap at the exit of the die, due to the external heating of the die and the low conductivity, of the polymer melt. It is shown that a gradient of 20 degreesC is required to cause sharkskin to only appear on the inner bubble surface.
Introduction Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a useful field measure to estimate total body water (TBW). No prediction formulae have been developed or validated against a reference method in patients with pancreatic cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the agreement between three prediction equations for the estimation of TBW in cachectic patients with pancreatic cancer. Methods Resistance was measured at frequencies of 50 and 200 kHz in 18 outpatients (10 males and eight females, age 70.2 +/- 11.8 years) with pancreatic cancer from two tertiary Australian hospitals. Three published prediction formulae were used to calculate TBW - TBWs developed in surgical patients, TBWca-uw and TBWca-nw developed in underweight and normal weight patients with end-stage cancer. Results There was no significant difference in the TBW estimated by the three prediction equations - TBWs 32.9 +/- 8.3 L, TBWca-nw 36.3 +/- 7.4 L, TBWca-uw 34.6 +/- 7.6 L. At a population level, there is agreement between prediction of TBW in patients with pancreatic cancer estimated from the three equations. The best combination of low bias and narrow limits of agreement was observed when TBW was estimated from the equation developed in the underweight cancer patients relative to the normal weight cancer patients. When no established BIA prediction equation exists, practitioners should utilize an equation developed in a population with similar critical characteristics such as diagnosis, weight loss, body mass index and/or age. Conclusions Further research is required to determine the accuracy of the BIA prediction technique against a reference method in patients with pancreatic cancer.
We report the first steps of a collaborative project between the University of Queensland, Polyflow, Michelin, SK Chemicals, and RMIT University; on simulation, validation and application of a recently introduced constitutive model designed to describe branched polymers. Whereas much progress has been made on predicting the complex flow behaviour of many - in particular linear - polymers, it sometimes appears difficult to predict simultaneously shear thinning and extensional strain hardening behaviour using traditional constitutive models. Recently a new viscoelastic model based on molecular topology, was proposed by McLeish and Larson (1998). We explore the predictive power of a differential multi-mode version of the pom-pom model for the flow behaviour of two commercial polymer melts: a (long-chain branched) low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and a (linear) high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The model responses are compared to elongational recovery experiments published by Langouche and Debbaut (1999), and start-up of simple shear flow, stress relaxation after simple and reverse step strain experiments carried out in our laboratory.
It has been argued that power-law time-to-failure fits for cumulative Benioff strain and an evolution in size-frequency statistics in the lead-up to large earthquakes are evidence that the crust behaves as a Critical Point (CP) system. If so, intermediate-term earthquake prediction is possible. However, this hypothesis has not been proven. If the crust does behave as a CP system, stress correlation lengths should grow in the lead-up to large events through the action of small to moderate ruptures and drop sharply once a large event occurs. However this evolution in stress correlation lengths cannot be observed directly. Here we show, using the lattice solid model to describe discontinuous elasto-dynamic systems subjected to shear and compression, that it is for possible correlation lengths to exhibit CP-type evolution. In the case of a granular system subjected to shear, this evolution occurs in the lead-up to the largest event and is accompanied by an increasing rate of moderate-sized events and power-law acceleration of Benioff strain release. In the case of an intact sample system subjected to compression, the evolution occurs only after a mature fracture system has developed. The results support the existence of a physical mechanism for intermediate-term earthquake forecasting and suggest this mechanism is fault-system dependent. This offers an explanation of why accelerating Benioff strain release is not observed prior to all large earthquakes. The results prove the existence of an underlying evolution in discontinuous elasto-dynamic, systems which is capable of providing a basis for forecasting catastrophic failure and earthquakes.
The main idea of the Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) is that when a system is stable, its response to loading corresponds to its response to unloading, whereas when the system is approaching an unstable state, the response to loading and unloading becomes quite different. High LURR values and observations of Accelerating Moment/Energy Release (AMR/AER) prior to large earthquakes have led different research groups to suggest intermediate-term earthquake prediction is possible and imply that the LURR and AMR/AER observations may have a similar physical origin. To study this possibility, we conducted a retrospective examination of several Australian and Chinese earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 7.9, including Australia's deadly Newcastle earthquake and the devastating Tangshan earthquake. Both LURR values and best-fit power-law time-to-failure functions were computed using data within a range of distances from the epicenter. Like the best-fit power-law fits in AMR/AER, the LURR value was optimal using data within a certain epicentral distance implying a critical region for LURR. Furthermore, LURR critical region size scales with mainshock magnitude and is similar to the AMR/AER critical region size. These results suggest a common physical origin for both the AMR/AER and LURR observations. Further research may provide clues that yield an understanding of this mechanism and help lead to a solid foundation for intermediate-term earthquake prediction.
Motivation: A major issue in cell biology today is how distinct intracellular regions of the cell, like the Golgi Apparatus, maintain their unique composition of proteins and lipids. The cell differentially separates Golgi resident proteins from proteins that move through the organelle to other subcellular destinations. We set out to determine if we could distinguish these two types of transmembrane proteins using computational approaches. Results: A new method has been developed to predict Golgi membrane proteins based on their transmembrane domains. To establish the prediction procedure, we took the hydrophobicity values and frequencies of different residues within the transmembrane domains into consideration. A simple linear discriminant function was developed with a small number of parameters derived from a dataset of Type II transmembrane proteins of known localization. This can discriminate between proteins destined for Golgi apparatus or other locations (post-Golgi) with a success rate of 89.3% or 85.2%, respectively on our redundancy-reduced data sets.
The aim of this study was to compare the measurement of total body water (TBW) by deuterium ((H2O)-H-2) dilution and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy controls. Thirty-six clinically stable patients with CF (age 25.4 +/- 5.6 yrs) and 42 healthy controls (age 25.4 +/- 4.8) were recruited into this study. TBW was measured by (H2O)-H-2 dilution and predicted by BIA in patients and controls. The TBW predicted from BIA was significantly different from TBW as measured using (H2O)-H-2 in patients (P
Background Exercise testing has limited efficacy for identifying coronary artery disease (CAD) in the absence of anginal. symptoms. Exercise echocardiography is more accurate than standard exercise testing, but its efficacy in this situation has not been defined. We sought to identify whether the Duke treadmill. score or exercise echocardiography (ExE) could be used to identify risk in patients without anginal symptoms. Methods We studied 1859 patients without typical or atypical angina, heart failure, or a history or ECG evidence of infarction or CAD, who were referred for ExE, of whom 1832 (age 51 15 years, 944 men) were followed for up to 10 years. The presence and extent of ischaemia and scar were interpreted by expert reviewers at the time of the original study. Results Exercise provoked significant (>0.1 mV) ST segment depression in 215 patients (12%), and wall motion abnormalities in 137 (8%). Seventy-eight patients (4%) died before revascularization, only 17 from known cardiac causes. The independent predictors of death were age (RR 1.1, p
MCM-41 periodic mesoporous silicates with a high degree of structural ordering are synthesized and used as model adsorbents to study the isotherm prediction of nitrogen adsorption. The nitrogen adsorption isotherm at 77 K for a macroporous silica is measured and used in high-resolution alpha(s)-plot comparative analysis to determine the external surface area, total surface area and primary mesopore volume of the MCM-41 materials. Adsorption equilibrium data of nitrogen on the different pore size MCM-41 samples (pore diameters from 2.40 to 4.92 nm) are also obtained. Based on the Broekhoff and de Boer' thermodynamic analysis, the nitrogen adsorption isotherms for the different pore size MCM-41 samples are interpreted using a novel strategy, in which the parameters of an empirical expression, used to represent the potential of interaction between the adsorbate and adsorbent, are obtained by fitting only the multilayer region prior to capillary condensation for C-16 MCM-41. Subsequently the entire isotherm, including the phase transition, is predicted for all the different pore size MCM-41 samples without any fitting. The results show that the prediction of multilayer adsorption and total adsorbed amount are in good agreement with the experimental isotherms. The predictions of the relative pressure corresponding to capillary equilibrium (coexistence) transition agree remarkably with experimental data on the adsorption branch even for hysteretic isotherms, confirming that this is the branch appropriate for pore size distribution analysis. The impact of pore radius on the adsorption film thickness and capillary coexistence pressure is also investigated, and found to agree with the experimental data. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Tissue engineering applications rely on scaffolds that during its service life, either for in-vivo or in vitro applications, are under mechanical solicitations. The variation of the mechanical condition of the scaffold is strongly relevant for cell culture and has been scarcely addressed. Fatigue life cycle of poly-ε-caprolactone, PCL, scaffolds with and without fibrin as filler of the pore structure were characterized both dry and immersed in liquid water. It is observed that the there is a strong increase from 100 to 500 in the number of loading cycles before collapse in the samples tested in immersed conditions due to the more uniform stress distributions within the samples, the fibrin loading playing a minor role in the mechanical performance of the scaffolds