966 resultados para Mudança de paradigma
Incluye bibliografia
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pretende-se analisar o descumprimento da função social da propriedade rural vinculada à redução de trabalhadores à condição análoga a de escravos, tendo em vista que a Constituição Federal de 1988 elegeu a dignidade da pessoa humana como fundamento do Estado Democrático de Direito, bem como trouxe no rol dos requisitos para o cumprimento da função social da propriedade rural, art. 186, a observância das disposições que regulam as relações de trabalho e a exploração que favoreça o bem estar dos proprietários e dos trabalhadores. A função social da propriedade rural é vista neste estudo como elemento inerente ao atual conceito de direito de propriedade. Ao considerarmos a função social da propriedade como estrutural ao direito de propriedade, isto é, o direito de propriedade agrária existe para cumprir uma função necessária à sociedade, a inobservância desta sócio-funcionalidade leva à própria extinção do direito em questão, fato este que na prática retira do Estado a obrigação de proteger a condição de proprietário do descumpridor. Neste sentido, a desconstituição do direito de propriedade sobre as terras onde ocorra o trabalho escravo contemporâneo, seria uma proposta à reconstrução da dogmática do direito de propriedade rural. Nestes termos, a abordagem tem por objetivo, a partir da Carta Republicana de 1988, a releitura de valores, conformadores do conteúdo do direito de propriedade e da dignidade da pessoa humana. O capítulo I retrata o trabalho escravo contemporâneo e sua relação com as atividades produtivas na região amazônica. O Capítulo II analisa o Trabalho Escravo Contemporâneo como prática criminalizada no Art. 149 do CPB, bem como a mudança de paradigma com a alteração da redação da legislação ocorrida em 2003. O capítulo III aborda o método sistemático de interpretação constitucional sob o enfoque axiológico teleológico. O capítulo IV evidencia a dignidade humana como diretriz e norma constitucional, principal valor violado na prática do trabalho escravo contemporâneo. Por fim, o capítulo V revela os fundamentos do direito de propriedade a partir da atual hermenêutica constitucional, diferenciando-o de seu padrão individualista, o que leva a breve exposição sobre a diferença entre desapropriação e desconstituição do direito de propriedade rural pela prática do trabalho escravo contemporâneo.
Ergonomics, the science of working rationalization, seeks the best relationship between man and his working tools. In Dentistry, ergonomics is present as for the professional working correctly seated, in functional comfort, intervening of supine position patient, by means of suitable equipment and instrument. Nowadays, dental equipment is justly rationalized; however, some instruments should take shape, in order to adapt those requirements. The hand tool design should permit a comfortable, non-slip and safe handling. Thus, anatomical details, the correct position of the operator for its use and specific characteristics of application should be taken into account. The instrument under analysis - forceps - was conceived according to these requirements along with a new alveolar tooth extraction technique, based on electromyographic and biomechanical studies. The morphology of the instrument, which makes possible a simple and natural kinetics of the operator, was obtained by changing the paradigm of the conventional cross-action instruments (whose grip is always on the arms of the tool), divesting the handle from the tool arm. This induced on anatomical conceiving of perpendicular handles to the extremity of the tool arm, resulting an efficient and effective instrument, according to indicated on its experimental phase
Introduction: Innovation and its processes, especially in the field of technology, are a focus of Information Science as a science of Human, as they determine the establishment of new habits, relevant socio-cultural indicators to understanding the history of cultures. Objective: This article reflects on the problematic: whether and how Information and Communication Technologies have impacted the lives of digital natives, whether the average individual is prepared to conscientiously experience the technological environment, how the current system can prepare future generations of professionals, and how the adults who grew up in the twentieth century, in an analogue society can prepare young people for a twenty-first century digital reality, widely different from theirs. Methodology: This paper was based on Literature Review. Results: As the sophistication of technology advances, society has to continually review the way it appropriates information to adjust to these changes. Conclusions: As for relevance of the methodologies that lead to innovative disruptive actions in hybrid realities such as the Brazilian one, with niches of poverty and prosperity, it is believed that it is in poor countries or countries with significant social differences such as Brazil where the need for a change of socio technocultural paradigm and innovative action urge to take place.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
The purpose of this research project is to analyze the Convergence Culture, a term coined by Henry Jenkins, to refer to the cultural transformation we are experiencing - people want to produce their own content, share their stories, expand their experiences and make connections to different platforms media. That is, individuals have changed their position once considered passive and accommodating to sustain an environment of intense involvement, construction and collective pursuit of new experiences. So that we could reach that culture converged, there was a paradigm shift from an asymmetric communication for communication increasingly bilateral. In this new scenario, communication to different audiences is based on a participatory and collaborative model in which organizations do not have absolute control over the media message. Therefore, this study tried to demonstrate what steps to be followed by public relations in convergence culture
This paper aims to discuss the influence of new technologies in the field of media, more specifically, within the press. The discussion will contribute on concepts that emerge from new technologies in the environment of cyberspace, acceleration time; cyberculture, besides raising discussions on the social sphere in relation to the democratization of information via the Internet and the interests of political and marketing, which permeates the universe of the press professional. The intention of this work is to create an agenda for discussion around new technologies and their influence in changing the paradigm of communication and its impact cibersocial. Finally, the discussion of new technologies as an auxiliary tool in the work of the communicator in contemporary times
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
The discussions on the future of cataloging has received increased attention in the last ten years, mainly due to the impact of rapid development of information and communication technologies in the same period, which has provided access to the Web anytime, anywhere. These discussions revolve around the need for a new bibliographic framework to meet the demand of this new reality in the digital environment, ie how libraries can process, store, deliver, share and integrate their collections (physical, digital or scanned), in current post-PC era? Faced with this question, Open Access, Open Source and Open Standards are three concepts that need to receive greater attention in the field of Library and Information Science, as it is believed to be fundamental elements for the change of paradigm of descriptive representation, currently based conceptually on physical item rather than intellectual work. This paper aims to raise and discuss such issues and instigate information professionals, especially librarians, to think, discuss and propose initiatives for such problems, contributing and sharing ideas and possible solutions, in multidisciplinary teams. At the end is suggested the effective creation of multidisciplinary and inter-institutional study groups on the future of cataloging and its impact on national collections, in order to contribute to the area of descriptive representation in national and international level
O objetivo deste trabalho foi explorar as experiências de famílias no processo de inclusão escolar de crianças com síndrome de Down, com vistas à promoção de saúde dessas famílias. Trata-se de um estudo de casos múltiplos, de abordagem qualitativa, em que participaram onze famílias de crianças com síndrome de Down. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstraram que, na perspectiva dos participantes, os professores não estão preparados para a inclusão, porém, ainda assim, esse processo vem se demonstrando benéfico na educação infantil. Ficou evidente a necessidade de articulação entre os setores da educação e saúde e de uma mudança de paradigma no modelo educacional. A pesquisa aponta aspectos que merecem atenção por parte dos profissionais envolvidos, de modo a tornar a inclusão um processo a ser vivido da melhor forma possível.