962 resultados para Mucous membrane enzymes
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Com base no histórico e em dados clínico-patológicos, bem como a inspeção das pastagens, foi estabelecido o diagnóstico de intoxicação por Cestrum laevigatum Schlecht. em uma mortandade de búfalos no município de Itaguaí, RJ. A intoxicação foi reproduzida em dois búfalos. Amostras de folhas dessecadas de C. laevigatum foram administradas manualmente por via oral a quatro bubalinos da raça Murrah, em doses únicas correspondentes a 20g/kg e 40g/kg da planta fresca. A dose correspondente a 40g/kg provocou o aparecimento dos sinais clínicos que consistiram principalmente em apatia, anorexia, ausência dos movimentos ruminais, dismetria, excitação e agressividade, e levaram à morte os dois animais em até 65 horas após a administração da planta. Dos outros dois bufalos que receberam a dose correspondente a de 20g/kg da planta fresca, um apresentou sinais clínicos, caracterizados principalmente por diminuição dos movimentos ruminais, e recuperou-se em 97h22min após a administração da planta; o outro não apresentou sinais clínicos. Os exames laboratoriais para avaliação bioquímica indicaram lesão hepática. Em um búfalo que morreu, as principais alterações macroscópicas foram fígado de cor alaranjada, com superfície externa e de corte com nítido aspecto de noz moscada; no outro, o fígado tinha a superfície externa e de corte de cor alaranjada, sem aspecto de noz moscada. Outras alterações encontradas nos dois búfalos foram leve edema da parede da vesícula biliar, endocárdio do ventrículo esquerdo com equimoses extensas e endocárdio do ventrículo direito com algumas petéquias; mucosa do abomaso levemente avermelhada e conteúdo levemente ressecado; intestino grosso com pouco conteúdo, levemente ressecado e envolto por muco. Os exames histopatológicos revelaram no fígado, acentuada necrose de coagulação dos hepatócitos nas zonas centrais e intermediárias dos lóbulos. Na periferia dessas regiões necrosadas observou-se um halo de hepatócitos com vacuolização.
A leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA) é doença infecciosa, não contagiosa de evolução crônica, com altos índices de morbi-mortalidade, sendo o Brasil detentor de 90% dos casos notificados no continente Americano. No entanto, ainda não estão esclarecidos de forma objetiva os sinais e sintomas da forma subclínica da doença, ocasionando retardo ou confusão no diagnóstico da infecção. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho propôs-se a acompanhar clínica e sorologicamente a população previamente definida, a fim de caracterizar a forma oligossistomática da LVA e estudar a prevalência e incidência da infecção. Foram acompanhados 307 indivíduos infectados ou não pela Leishmania chagasi, crianças e adultos, pertencentes a 61 famílias, moradores da localidade Cabresto, Barcarena-Pará, triados através de exame clínico e laboratorial, com base na sorologia para LVA por técnica de imunofluorescência indireta, no período de janeiro/2000 a janeiro/2001. Para o cálculo da incidência da infecção e determinantes clínicos foram excluídos da amostra 06 pacientes que já haviam desenvolvido a forma clássica da doença em período anterior. A análise estatística foi realizada com auxílio do programa EPIINFO 6.04 e BioEstat 2.0 e os testes aplicados foram o Qui-quadrado, Teste Exato de Fisher e Teste G. No momento do primeiro exame (triagem sorológica), 34 (11%) pacientes tiveram sorologia positiva para a infecção, entretanto 06 desses pacientes já haviam desenvolvido as manifestações clássicas da LVA, transcorridos os 12 meses da pesquisa surgiram mais 09 indivíduos com sorologia positiva de títulos maiores ou iguais a 1/320, perfazendo um total de 43 (14%) pacientes infectados pelo parasito. Entre os pacientes infectados: as faixas etárias de maior predominância foi o sexo masculino com 28 (65,1 %); os sinais e sintomas manifestos ou percebidos pelos indivíduos oligossintomáticos (5,5%), foram: palidez cutâneo-mucosa, adenite, sopro cardíaco, perda de peso, hepatomegalia, distensão abdominal e tosse. A taxa de incidência da infecção foi de 2,9%. Nenhum dos pacientes infectados apresentou exacerbação dos sintomas ou manifestou semelhança com a forma aguda da doença, durante os doze meses de estudo, mesmo quando apresentavam títulos mais elevados da sorologia, compatíveis com àqueles de pacientes da forma clássica da LVA.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Zidovudine (AZT) is the drug most commonly used in AIDS treatment, isolated or in combination with other antiretroviral agents, but it has certain limitations due to its therapeutic dose-dependent haematological toxicity. In addition, it has low oral bioavailability, since it undergoes pre-systemic metabolism. The nasal route has been used as an alternative route for drug administration, because it can promote its direct absorption to blood circulation, avoiding hepatic metabolism. However, this route presents as a factor limiting the mucociliary clearance mechanisms that remove quickly the formulation of the nasal cavity. To prolong the residence time of formulations, in this direction, has been proposed the development of mucoadhesive systems. Among the various existing systems, the use of chitosan (QS), as mucoadhesive polymer, has been widely exploited in the preparation of nanoparticles (NPs). The objective of this study was to develop and characterize QS’s NPs for intranasal administration of AZT. For both NPs have been developed by ionic crosslinking of QS with sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP). These NPs were characterized by studies of particle size distribution, zeta potential, morphology, mucoadhesion tests, assessing the ability of encapsulation of the drug and permeation profile of AZT. The evaluation of AZT in the NPs was determined by UV-Vis spectroscopy. Mucoadhesion measures were made using a texture analyzer, using a mucin disk and porcine mucous membrane , and permeation assay were conducted using porcine nasal mucous membrane adapted to the Franz cell. These results suggest that the systems in hand have great potential for nasal AZT administration
Pós-graduação em Genética - IBILCE
Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of adding glutamine, fish oil or yeast cellular wall to the diet of weaned piglets on the expression of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the protein content and DNA in small intestine samples and on performance. In the first experiment, 24 weaned piglets were used to measure the performance at the phases prestarter, starter 1 and starter 2. Four diets were tested (T1 -basal diet (BD); T2 -BD + 1% of glutamine; T3 -BD + 0,2% of yeast cellular wall; T4 -BD + 5% of fish oil). At the second experiment 45 weaned piglets were used and distributed in a randomized block design, in factorial outline with four diets and three slaughter ages (on the day of weaning, on the seventh and fourteenth days postweaning). The tested diets did not alter the piglets' performance in none of the phases. There was reduction of the expression of the ODC enzyme, of the protein concentration and of the relationship protein/DNA to the seven days postweaning, with increase of the values on the 14th day, evidencing a state of hypotrophy of the mucous membrane, suggesting that the process of protein synthesis in the small intestine was diminished in the first week after weaning, but it presented recovery signs in the second week.
Two experiments (E) were carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of fumaric acid and carbo-amino-fosfo-quelato of calcium diets of weaned pigs on performance (E1) and intestinal morphology (E2). A total of 96 and 32 pigs with initial mean weights of 5,66 kg ± 0,44kg and 5,34 ± 0,45kg , in E1 and in E2, were used respectively. Randomized block designs were used in both experiments, with a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement in E1 and a 2 X 2 X 2 factorial arrangement in E2. No interaction between acidifier, source of calcium and phosphorus were found for the variables studied in the two experiments. No treatment effects were found on daily feed intake in evaluating periods. Feed conversion from 0 to 17 days was better (P<0.05) when inorganic sources of Ca and P were fed; however, no difference was observed in other periods. The averages of villus height (AV), crypt depth (PC), AV: PC relationship and mucous membrane of the duodenum and of the jejunum didn’t differ among treatments. Considering the total nursery period, no benefit was found in using an acidifier, however the carbo-amino-fosfo-quelato of calcium studied may replace the inorganic sources in the diets of piglets, with no damage to performance and to intestinal morphology.
Background: Vulvo-cervico-vaginal involvement has rarely been reported in pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and has not been reported in pemphigus foliaceus (PF). Objectives: We sought to evaluate genital lesions and Papanicolaou (Pap) smears in female patients with PV and PF. Methods: This prospective study includes all consecutive cases of female patients with PV and PF seen from May 2009 to February 2010. Gynecologic examination was performed and Pap smears were collected for cytologic analysis from each patient. Results: A total of 56 patients were given a diagnosis of pemphigus (41 PV and 15 PF). Genital involvement was observed in 9 patients with PV (22%) and the vulva was the most common genital site of involvement. Of these 9 patients, 8 presented with active skin/mucous lesions. Four of 15 patients with PF had genital lesions and vulva was the exclusive site of involvement. Three of 4 patients with PF and genital involvement also showed active cutaneous lesions. Six of 56 patients (5 PV and 1 PF) presented with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance in Pap smear analysis. Upon further pathologic review, acantholytic cells were seen, confirming the diagnosis of pemphigus. Limitations: A small number of PF cases were studied. Conclusions: Vulvar lesions were the second most frequent site of mucous membrane PV. Herein we report the first case to our knowledge of symptomatic genital lesions in a patient with PF. Moreover, acantholytic cells in Pap smears were found in a patient with PF who was in complete remission off therapy with no clinical genital lesions and no circulating anti-desmoglein-1 and anti-desmoglein-3 autoantibodies. Gynecologic evaluation in patients with pemphigus, including a careful evaluation of Pap smears, should be recommended. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2012;67:409-16.)
BACKGROUND Heritable forms of epidermolysis bullosa (EB) constitute a heterogeneous group of skin disorders of genetic aetiology that are characterised by skin and mucous membrane blistering and ulceration in response to even minor trauma. Here we report the occurrence of EB in three Danish Hereford cattle from one herd. RESULTS Two of the animals were necropsied and showed oral mucosal blistering, skin ulcerations and partly loss of horn on the claws. Lesions were histologically characterized by subepidermal blisters and ulcers. Analysis of the family tree indicated that inbreeding and the transmission of a single recessive mutation from a common ancestor could be causative. We performed whole genome sequencing of one affected calf and searched all coding DNA variants. Thereby, we detected a homozygous 2.4 kb deletion encompassing the first exon of the LAMC2 gene, encoding for laminin gamma 2 protein. This loss of function mutation completely removes the start codon of this gene and is therefore predicted to be completely disruptive. The deletion co-segregates with the EB phenotype in the family and absent in normal cattle of various breeds. Verifying the homozygous private variants present in candidate genes allowed us to quickly identify the causative mutation and contribute to the final diagnosis of junctional EB in Hereford cattle. CONCLUSIONS Our investigation confirms the known role of laminin gamma 2 in EB aetiology and shows the importance of whole genome sequencing in the analysis of rare diseases in livestock.
Acute hemorrhagic edema of young children is a rare leukocytoclastic vasculitis that has been reported exclusively in small retrospective cases series, case reports, or quizzes. Considering that retrospective experience deserves confirmation in at least one observational prospective study, we present our experience with 16 children (12 boys and 4 girls, 5-28 months of age) affected by acute hemorrhagic edema. The patients were in good general conditions and with a low-grade or even absent fever. They presented with non-itching red to purpuric targetoid lesions not changing location within hours, with non-pitting and sometimes tender indurative swelling, and without mucous membrane involvement or scratch marks. Signs for articular, abdominal, or kidney involvement were absent. Antinuclear or antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies were never detected. The cases were managed symptomatically as outpatients and fully resolved within 4 weeks or less. No recurrence or familiarity was noted. CONCLUSION This is the first prospective evaluation of hemorrhagic edema. Our findings emphasize its distinctive tetrad: a well-appearing child; targetoid lesions that do not change location within hours; non-pitting, sometimes tender edema; complete resolution without recurrence. What is known • Acute hemorrhagic edema of young children is considered a benign vasculitis. • There have been ≈100 cases reported in small retrospective case series. What is new • The first prospective evaluation of this condition emphasizes its features: febrile prodrome; well-appearing child; targetoid lesions not changing location within hours; non-pitting, sometimes tender indurative edema; absent extracutaneous involvement; resolution within 3 weeks. • Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies do not play a pathogenic role.
Glycerophospholipids are the principal fabric of cellular membranes. The pathways by which these lipids are synthesized were elucidated mainly through the work of Kennedy and colleagues in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Subsequently, attention turned to cell biological aspects of lipids: Where in the cell are lipids synthesized? How are lipids integrated into membranes to form a bilayer? How are they sorted and transported from their site of synthesis to other cellular destinations? These topics, collectively termed 'lipid topogenesis', were the subject of a review article in 1981 by Bell, Ballas and Coleman. We now assess what has been learned about early events of lipid topogenesis, i.e. "lipid synthesis, the integration of lipids into membranes, and lipid translocation across membranes", in the 35years since the publication of this important review. We highlight the recent elucidation of the X-ray structures of key membrane enzymes of glycerophospholipid synthesis, progress on identifying lipid scramblase proteins needed to equilibrate lipids across membranes, and new complexities in the subcellular location and membrane topology of phosphatidylinositol synthesis revealed through a comparison of two unicellular model eukaryotes.
Objective The aim of this study was to investigate Pluronic F127-modified liposome-containing cyclodextrin (CD) inclusion complex (FLIC) for improving the solubility, cellular uptake and intestinal penetration of tacrolimus (FK 506) in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Methods Molecular modelling was performed to screen the optimal CD for the solubilization of FK 506. FLIC was prepared by thin-lipid film hydration with the inclusion complex solutions followed by membrane extrusion. Dilution tests were conducted in simulated gastric fluids and phosphate-buffered solution of sodium taurocholate to investigate the solubility improvement of FK506. The cellular uptake of nanocarriers was studied in Caco-2 cells, and intestinal mucous membrane penetration in the GI tract was evaluated in Sprague-Dawley rats. Key findings The results showed that β-CD had the strongest binding energy with the guest molecule among the CDs. The prepared FLIC has an average diameter of 180.8 ± 8.1 nm with a spherical shape. The solubility and cellular uptake of FK 506 was greatly improved by the incorporation of CD complexes in the Pluronic F127-modified liposomes. Intestinal mucous membrane penetration was also significantly improved by the preparation of FLIC. Conclusion With improved drug solubility and intestinal mucous membrane penetration, FLIC shows a promising oral delivery system for FK 506. © 2013 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.