904 resultados para Motor skill level
El sueño, es indispensable para la recuperación, física, mental y de procesos como la consolidación de memoria, atención y lenguaje. La privación de sueño (PS) incide en la atención y concentración. La PS es inherente a la formación médica, pero no es claro el papel de los turnos nocturnos en estudiantes, porque no cumplen con un objetivo académico, pero hay relación con disminución de la salud, productividad, accidentes, y alteraciones en diversas actividades. Está descrito el impacto de la PS sobre la capacidad de aprendizaje y aspectos como el ánimo y las relaciones interpersonales. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio analítico observacional de cohorte longitudinal, con tres etapas de medición a 180 estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad del Rosario, que evaluó atención selectiva y concentración mediante la aplicación de la prueba d2, validada internacionalmente para tal fin. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 180 estudiantes, 115 mujeres, 65 hombres, entre los 18 y 26 años (promedio 21). Al inicio del estudio dormían en promedio 7,9 horas, cifra que se redujo a 5,8 y 6,3 en la segunda y tercera etapa respectivamente. El promedio de horas de sueño nocturno, disminuyó en el segundo y tercer momento (p<0,001); Además se encontró mediante la aplicación de la prueba d2, que hubo correlación significativa directa débil, entre el promedio de horas de sueño, y el promedio del desempeño en la prueba (r=0.168, p=0.029) CONCLUSIONES: La PS, con períodos de sueño menores a 7,2 horas, impactan de manera importante la atención selectiva, la concentración
Existen importantes pruebas de valoración que miden habilidades o competencias motoras en el niño; a pesar de ello Colombia carece de estudios que demuestren la validez y la confiabilidad de un test de medición que permita emitir un juicio valorativo relacionado con las competencias motoras infantiles, teniendo presente que la intervención debe basarse en la rigurosidad que exigen los procesos de valoración y evaluación del movimiento corporal. Objetivo. El presente estudio se centró en determinar las propiedades psicométricas del test de competencias motoras Bruininiks Oseretsky –BOT 2- segunda edición. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas con 24 niños aparentemente sanos de ambos géneros, entre 4 y 7 años, residentes en las ciudades de Chía y Bogotá. La evaluación fue realizada por 3 evaluadores expertos; el análisis para consistencia interna se realizó utilizando el Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, el análisis de reproducibilidad se estableció a través del Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase –CCI- y para el análisis de la validez concurrente se utilizó el Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson, considerando un alfa=0.05. Resultados. Para la totalidad de las pruebas, se encontraron altos índices de confiabilidad y validez. Conclusiones. El BOT 2 es un instrumento válido y confiable, que puede ser utilizado para la evaluación e identificación del nivel de desarrollo en que se encuentran las competencias motoras en el niño.
Apesar dos evidentes progressos nesta área, a força tem sido uma das capacidades motoras mais controversas e questionadas, no que diz respeito ao seu desenvolvimento em contexto escolar. O objectivo principal deste estudo consistiu em verificar as probabilidades de aumentar o rendimento na força em crianças e jovens, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 14 anos, através da aplicação de um programa de treino específico de força nas condições particulares da aula de Educação Física. Para atingir este objectivo foi analisada uma amostra populacional de 181 alunos da Escola Secundária Braamcamp Freire, em Lisboa, sendo dividida em 2 grupos de trabalho: um grupo foi submetido ao programa específico de força, enquanto o outro realizou, em simultâneo, uma tarefa de corrida contínua à volta do espaço de aula. O protocolo dos programas específicos de treino teve a duração de 26 semanas, com uma unidade semanal de treino, utilizando apenas meios existentes na escola. A recolha dos dados foi realizada em 3 momentos de avaliação e todos os alunos foram sujeitos aos mesmos testes („Extensão de Braços‟, „Abdominais‟, „Extensão do Tronco‟, „Impulsão Horizontal‟ e „Vaivém‟). Os dados foram tratados utilizando a ferramenta estatísitca Software SPSS. A análise estatística demonstrou pelo estudo da percentagem de evolução e pelo teste t de Student que o programa específico de força aplicado permitiu uma maior evolução no desenvolvimento das diferentes expressões de força, comparativamente com os alunos que não foram submetidos a este programa. No que diz respeito à evolução da força em função do género, através da análise comparada das médias de testes, verificou-se que o sexo masculino apresentou melhores resultados. Desta forma, podemos concluir que o programa específico de força foi eficaz, na medida em que os alunos de ambos os sexos pertencentes a este grupo de trabalho apresentaram ganhos significativos em todos os testes.
Durante 15 anos, observando requerentes nas provas de acesso à licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto, chegamos á conclusão de que maioria deles tem preparação gímnica básica muito fraca. Eles apresentam grandes lacunas tanto no conhecimento da técnica como na execução prática dos elementos gímnicos, constantes do Programa Escolar. Naturalmente, o nosso desejo foi descobrir as razões para esta deficiente preparação gímnica e contribuir para melhorar o processo ensino-aprendizagem nas escolas. Mais especificamente, neste estudo procurou-se, junto aos professores que leccionam nas escolas, averiguar alguns aspectos relacionados com a aplicação dos programas nacionais de Educação Física de Ginástica no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário. Para isso elaboramos um questionário ao qual responderam 88 professores em 14 escolas de Lisboa e Almada. Conclusões. A maioria dos professores, participantes no nosso estudo, não aborda mais que metade dos elementos constantes dos Programas de ginástica, especialmente os elementos nos aparelhos (barra fixa, paralelas simétricas, argolas, cavalo com arções), saltos no plinto longitudinal, mortais no mini-trampolim, elementos do nível avançado no solo e trave. A maior dificuldade na aplicação do Programa de Educação Física é o facto de a grande maioria dos alunos não possuir os pré-requisitos na ginástica, que deveriam ser adquiridos no 1º e 2º ciclos de Escola Básica, tanto no desenvolvimento das habilidades e hábitos motores de base, como ao nível de preparação física. Uma percentagem considerável dos professores tem dificuldades relacionadas com os conhecimentos técnico-didácticos, especialmente na intervenção manual (48%). Por isso, é muito importante existência mais acções de formação especificas da ginástica. Através da análise dos dados recolhidos referenciamos os elementos gímnicos que apresentam maiores dificuldades na leccionação e elaboramos as fichas com descrição completa da técnica da execução destes elementos, progressões metodológicas, indicamos os erros típicos e recomendamos a forma de intervenção manual do professores. Com este trabalho pretendemos poder ajudar os estudantes e professores, que iniciam a sua carreira profissional, a encontrar uma forma mais eficaz no ensino dos elementos gímnicos, constantes do Programa Escolar.
iLearn is a Web 2.0 tool developed in Blackboard to help students with Personal Development Planning (PDP). This paper describes a case study on how the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP benefits the students. The e-Portfolio tool benefits students as it enables them to create and share portfolios, record achievements and reflections that support future job applications and promotion. Students find it beneficial because they can make use of iLearn e-Portfolio to keep academic records and achievements, activities and interests, work experience, reflective practice, employer information and some other useful resources, and also to tailor their CV and covering letters including evidence to support their CV, transferable skills and selling points. Useful information for preparing for an interview, reflecting after an event and any thoughts and evaluation can be kept in iLearn e-Portfolio. Keeping assessment and feedback records in iLearn e-Portfolio enables students to know their progress, to identify any gaps they need to fill to develop their study practices and areas for development. The key points from the feedback on the assignments and assessments are beneficial for future improvement. The reflections on the assignments and how students make use of the advice are particularly useful to improve their overall performance. In terms of pedagogical benefits, the “Individual Learner Profile” records and reviews evidence in verbal communication, basic and higher academic skills, time management, numeracy skill and IT skills, students become increasingly aware of their own strengths and any weaker areas that may require development. The e-Portfolio also provides opportunity for students to reflect on the experience and skills they have gained whilst participating in activities outside their studies. As the iLearn e-Portfolio is a reflective practice tool, it is consistent with the principle of Schon's reflective practitioner to reframe problems and to explore the consequences of actions. From the students’ feedback, for those who engage regularly in iLearn, they are better able to set agendas for their Personal Tutorial meetings and provide their Personal Tutor with a unique record of their achievements, skills and attributes which help them writing effective references for them. They make the most of their student experience in general. They also enhance their transferable skills and employability overall. The iLearn e-Portfolio prepares for the workplace and life beyond University including continuing professional development. Students are aware of their transferable skills, evidence of the skills and skill level, including award or accreditation, and their personal reflection on their transferable skills. It is beneficial for students to be aware of their transferable skills, to produce evidence of the skills and skills level such as award and accreditation, and to record their personal reflection on their transferable skills. Finally, the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP will improve their employability.
iLearn is a quasi-Web 2.0 tool developed in Blackboard to help users with Personal Development Planning (PDP). This paper describes a case study on how the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP benefits the users, who are training to be professionals in construction management and surveying, The e-Portfolio tool benefits users as it enables them to create and share portfolios, record achievements and reflections that support future job applications and promotion. Users find it beneficial because they can make use of iLearn e-Portfolio to keep academic records and achievements, activities and interests, work experience, reflective practice, employer information and some other useful resources, and also to tailor their CV and covering letters including evidence to support their CV, transferable skills and selling points. Useful information for preparing for an interview, reflecting after an event and any thoughts and evaluation can be kept in iLearn e-Portfolio. Keeping assessment and feedback records in iLearn e-Portfolio enables learners to know their progress, to identify any gaps they need to fill to develop their study practices and areas for development. The key points from the feedback on the assignments and assessments are beneficial for future improvement. The reflections on the tasks and how they make use of the advice are particularly useful to improve their overall performance. In terms of pedagogical benefits, the “Individual Learner Profile” records and reviews evidence in verbal communication, basic and higher academic skills, time management, numeracy skill and IT skills, learners become increasingly aware of their own strengths and any weaker areas that may require development. The e-Portfolio also provides opportunity for them to reflect on the experience and skills they have gained whilst participating in activities outside their studies. As the iLearn e-Portfolio is a reflective practice tool, it is consistent with the principle of Schon's reflective practitioner to reframe problems and to explore the consequences of actions. From the users’ feedback, for those who engage regularly in iLearn, they are better able to set agendas for their supervision meetings and provide their supervisor with a unique record of their achievements, skills and attributes which help them writing effective references for them. They make the most of their learning experience in general. They also enhance their transferable skills and employability overall. The iLearn e-Portfolio prepares them for the workplace including continuing professional development. Users are aware of their transferable skills, evidence of the skills and skill level, including award or accreditation, and their personal reflection on their transferable skills. It is beneficial for them to be aware of their transferable skills, to produce evidence of the skills and skills level such as award and accreditation, and to record their personal reflection on their transferable skills. Finally, the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP will improve their employability.
Even though English is a subject where Swedish pupils do well compared to pupils in other countries, research indicates that pupils are not always motivated to learn in the English classroom. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find research relating to the use of the target language in classrooms for pupils at the upper elementary level, particularly language learners in Sweden. The focus of this thesis is to find out what benefits and challenges accompany the use of the target language during English lessons, as well as what pupils’ opinions are on the consistent use of the target language in the classroom. This literature review of five research articles shows that it is beneficial for pupils’ language development to have lessons where mainly the target language is used. It is for example beneficial for pupils’ ability to speak, their pronunciation, vocabulary and ability to use language strategies. The results show that there are challenges as well, especially for the teachers, since use of the target language presumes that the teacher has good language skills and is capable of scaffolding each pupil at their individual level and in their zone of proximal development. Furthermore, there are challenges like differences in pupils’ skill level, creating tasks that both motivate and stimulate, and creating a safe learning environment. Even though the results in this thesis are limited, it is still obvious that it is an important area, where more research is necessary in order to assist teachers in how to teach English as effectively as possible.
To mesure the human performance is a challenge, mainly due to the multidimensional factor movement. Instruments, mostly only assess one dimension of it. Objective: To develop a prototype capable of measuring the skills of human performance and check its validity using method comparison approach. Methods: The study was divided into two stages. The first Prototype was developed and tested simultaneously with an instrument to study the Rectilinear Uniform Motion and Uniformly Miscellaneous. In the second phase the sample consisted of Paralympic basketball athletes (n=09) and karate athletes (n=31) and all agreed to the terms of participation in the research. The evaluation of performance measures was performed with the prototype, the results obtained were compared with the data calculated by a statistical package is used as a reference. Results: All variables calculated by the prototype showed no significant differences when compared with the results calculated by the reference instrument and statistical package. Conclusion: The prototype has been developed and the results obtained in laboratory and field indicate that the prototype can be used for measuring human performance measures, with immediate results without the need for a conventional computer return, provided they fulfill the criteria described
Introduction and objective: This study investigated the contribution of physical education (PE) classes in elementary school I for the development of basic motor skills of children from two public schools in the same neighborhood of São Paulo city, and if the practice of extreme sports besides the PE classes could differently contribute to the development of those skills. Methods: Nineteen children (9.5 +/- 0.3 years) who had two weekly PE classes composed the control group (CG) and 22 children (9.6 +/- 0.5 years) who had two weekly PE classes and three extreme sports classes composed the experimental group (EG). All children were videotaped while performing locomotor and object control motor skill subtests from the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2). The videos were analyzed and raw scores were obtained according to the quality of the observed movement, and equivalent motor age was also estimated for both subtests. Results: The results indicated that the EG presented higher raw scores compared to CG in the locomotor subtest and both groups presented similar scores in the object control subtest. Moreover, EG presented higher equivalent motor age in the locomotor subtest compared to CG and neither group presented differences between equivalent motor age and chronological age in the object control subtest. Conclusion: Based on these results we conclude that PE classes in elementary school appropriately contributed to the development of basic motor skills, since neither group presented difference between equivalent motor age and chronological age, and that extreme sports classes contributed even more for the development of locomotor skills.
Having as reference the curricular proposals that composed the new directives for Formation of Professors for the Basic Education, Full Licence in Brazil, it was aimed to analyze in the pedagogic project of a Physical Education Licence course, the professional profile proposed, the conceptual orientation adopted (curriculum model) as well the evaluation proposed in the curriculum. These results obtained from the descriptive study have contemplated documental source and content analysis approach, utilizing as basis for discussion of the results the formation theory. Among the most significant data it was established that, the presented professor profile must consider an Academic, Technological, Practical and Socio-Reconstructionist orientation, detaching during the evaluation process a high skill level in Academic Orientation, as well remarking that the evaluation is presented as a great gap in the pedagogic project.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Dados da literatura sugerem que a clonidina, um agonista alfa2-adrenérgico, em associação com a bupivacaína, na anestesia subaracnóidea alta pode aumentar a incidência de hipotensão e bradicardia. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar o potencial sinergismo entre diferentes doses de clonidina, de 45 e 75 µg, e bupivacaína hiperbárica nas características e nos efeitos hemodinâmicos do bloqueio subaracnóideo alto (T4). MÉTODO: em estudo aleatório e duplamente encoberto, foram avaliados 60 pacientes estado físico ASA I, submetidos à cirurgia do abdômen inferior e membros inferiores. Os pacientes foram submetidos à anestesia subaracnóidea, com bupivacaína hiperbárica a 0,5% (17,5 mg - 3,5 ml) mais a associação das seguintes drogas: grupo Controle (n = 20) - solução fisiológica (0,5 ml); grupo Clon 45 (n = 20) - clonidina, na dose de 45 µg (0,3 ml), associada à solução fisiológica (0,2 ml); grupo Clon 75 (n = 20) - clonidina, na dose de 75 µg (0,5 ml). A cirurgia somente foi realizada quando o nível do dermátomo atingido pelo bloqueio analgésico foi de T4. RESULTADOS: A latência dos bloqueios analgésico e motor da anestesia subaracnóidea não diferiu significativamente entre os grupos (p > 0,05). Ambas as doses de clonidina prolongaram, de maneira significativa, a duração do bloqueio analgésico em T8 e do bloqueio motor grau 3 (determinado pela escala modificada de Bromage) (p < 0,05). A incidência de hipotensão arterial no per-operatório foi evidente somente no grupo Clon 75, em relação ao grupo Controle (p < 0,05), com o Clon 45 apresentando incidência intermediária entre os demais grupos. Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos em relação à bradicardia (p > 0,05). Ambas as doses de clonidina prolongaram a analgesia pós-operatória (intervalo de tempo decorrido entre o bloqueio subaracnóideo e a primeira solicitação de analgésico pelo paciente no pós-operatório) (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A clonidina na maior dose (75 µg) em associação com a bupivacaína durante anestesia subaracnóidea alta (T4) determina maior incidência de hipotensão arterial, mas prolonga o bloqueio analgésico e a analgesia pós-operatória igualmente como a menor dose (45 µg).
Background and Objectives - Ropivacaine - a local amino amide anesthetic agent - is a plain S enantiomer which makes it a potent and low toxicity drug. The aim of our study was to evaluate 1% ropivacaine for epidural block in lower doses than those described in the literature. Methods - Thirty-eight patients, physical status ASA I and II, aged 15 to 70 years, weighing 50 to 100 kg were selected. Premedication consisted of 15 mg oral midazolam given 60 min before anesthesia induction. In the OR, after standard monitoring a catheter was inserted intravenously to administer 10 ml.kg-1 Ringers lactate solution. Epidural puncture was performed with the patient in the sitting position and 1% ropivacaine was administered in a volume corresponding to 10% of patient's height in centimeters. With the patient in the supine position, motor blockade intensity, temperature sensitivity and sensory block extension at 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes after drug injection were evaluated. Blood pressure, heart rate and adverse side effects during the course of anesthesia and in the post-anesthetic period were also observed. In the recovery room patients were followed-up until motor blockade intensity temperature sensitivity and sensory block had returned to level L2. Results - Mean values were 41.4 years of age, 68.8 kg of body weight and 165 cm height. Upper thermal blockade level was T4 and upper sensory block level was T6. Most patients showed motor block level 1 (Bromage scale) after 30 minutes of observation. Motor block mean duration was 254 minutes and temperature sensitivity 426 minutes. Only three patients had complications: two cases of hypotension and one of bradycardia. Conclusions - In the volumes used in this study, ropivacaine produced adequate analgesia and a less intense lower limb motor block which, however, was sufficient to allow for surgical procedures with low incidence of side-effects.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Handwriting is a tool for communication often untaught that has effects on learning and long-term development for students of the future. Handwriting used to be needed in order to function in society, however, today that skill is no longer needed. New technology, current teaching methods and societal needs have caused handwriting to be overlooked in many school districts. Classrooms are overwhelmed with information and many schools are simply running out of time to teach cursive, therefore no longer making it a priority. Handwriting is a perceptual motor skill requiring higher cognitive thinking, something that most primary school children find difficult, yet it is still needed in the school curriculum and provides a stable foundation for students of the future. The questions to be addressed by my research are to examine the factors that have led to the demise of cursive writing in elementary schools. I will research the complex issues that have contributed to the decline of cursive handwriting. This will include my investigation into the factors that technology has played, along with societal needs. I will interview preservice teachers, those students in college preparing to become teachers, and try to understand where the importance for teaching handwriting started and ended. By the end of my research I want to have constructed a timeline of events to explain the demise of this needed skill. My methodology for this research will be to gather information from various primary and secondary literature review sources. I want to understand when cursive started to disappear from the curriculum and why.