955 resultados para Motor performance


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The hypothesis that age-associated impairment of cognitive and motor functions is due to oxidative molecular damage was tested in the mouse. In a blind study, senescent mice (aged 22 months) were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests for motor and cognitive functions and subsequently assayed for oxidative molecular damage as assessed by protein carbonyl concentration in different regions of the brain. The degree of age-related impairment in each mouse was determined by comparison to a reference group of young mice (aged 4 months) tested concurrently on the behavioral battery. The age-related loss of ability to perform a spatial swim maze task was found to be positively correlated with oxidative molecular damage in the cerebral cortex, whereas age-related loss of motor coordination was correlated with oxidative molecular damage within the cerebellum. These results support the view that oxidative stress is a causal factor in brain senescence. Furthermore, the findings suggest that age-related declines of cognitive and motor performance progress independently, and involve oxidative molecular damage within different regions of the brain.


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There has been a tremendous increase in our knowledge of hum motor performance over the last few decades. Our theoretical understanding of how an individual learns to move is sophisticated and complex. It is difficult however to relate much of this information in practical terms to physical educators, coaches, and therapists concerned with the learning of motor skills (Shumway-Cook & Woolcott, 1995). Much of our knowledge stems from lab testing which often appears to bear little relation to real-life situations. This lack of ecological validity has slowed the flow of information from the theorists and researchers to the practitioners. This paper is concerned with taking some small aspects of motor learning theory, unifying them, and presenting them in a usable fashion. The intention is not to present a recipe for teaching motor skills, but to present a framework from which solutions can be found. If motor performance research has taught us anything, it is that every individual and situation presents unique challenges. By increasing our ability to conceptualize the learning situation we should be able to develop more flexible and adaptive responses to the challege of teaching motor skills. The model presented here allows a teacher, coach, or therapist to use readily available observations and known characteristics about a motor task and to conceptualize them in a manner which allows them to make appropriate teaching/learning decisions.


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There has been a tremendous increase in our knowledge of hum motor performance over the last few decades. Our theoretical understanding of how an individual learns to move is sophisticated and complex. It is difficult however to relate much of this information in practical terms to physical educators, coaches, and therapists concerned with the learning of motor skills (Shumway-Cook & Woolcott, 1995). Much of our knowledge stems from lab testing which often appears to bear little relation to real-life situations. This lack of ecological validity has slowed the flow of information from the theorists and researchers to the practitioners. This paper is concerned with taking some small aspects of motor learning theory, unifying them, and presenting them in a usable fashion. The intention is not to present a recipe for teaching motor skills, but to present a framework from which solutions can be found. If motor performance research has taught us anything, it is that every individual and situation presents unique challenges. By increasing our ability to conceptualize the learning situation we should be able to develop more flexible and adaptive responses to the challege of teaching motor skills. The model presented here allows a teacher, coach, or therapist to use readily available observations and known characteristics about a motor task and to conceptualize them in a manner which allows them to make appropriate teaching/learning decisions.


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O objetivo principal desta revisão é fornecer uma visão geral dos principais estudos longitudinais e longitudinais-mistos que se centraram sobre o crescimento somático, maturação biológica e, mais recentemente, também no desempenho físico. Somente foram considerados os estudos realizados na América do Norte, Europa e países de língua portuguesa. Em primeiro lugar, são apresentadas as principais considerações teóricas, características gerais, o delineamento do estudo e análise estatística multivariada dos dados. Na segunda parte, é edificado o panorama geral sobre os estudos emblemáticos de natureza longitudinal e longitudinal-mista. Finalmente, foram considerados alguns dos principais desafios que se colocam à pesquisa longitudinal.


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Previous research has suggested that dehydration may have a negative effect on some aspects of mood, cognitive performance and motor skills (Benton, 2011). Furthermore, a large proportion of children arrive at school in a dehydrated state (Baron, Courbebaisse, Lepicard, & Friedlander, 2015). The present work investigated whether supplementing children with water may, as a consequence of reducing dehydration, improve their cognitive performance and motor skills. In studies 1, 2, 3 and 5, it was found that tasks that predominantly tested motor skills, were improved in children who had a drink, compared to those who did not. Furthermore, study 3 showed that this effect was moderated by hydration status. One theoretical explanation for the poorer performance of dehydrated children is that they may lack the neurological resources to sustain their effort and thus performance does not improve over time. In support of this, these studies showed that, when re-hydrated, performance on these tasks improves to the level of non-dehydrated children. Study 2 showed that the number of errors increased in a StopSignal task in children that had high self-rated levels of thirst, compared to low levels: and hydration status did not moderate this effect. A possible explanation for the increased number of errors in children with high self-rated thirst is that the thirst sensation diverts attention away from the task, causing task performance to deteriorate. In study 4, it was observed that there was a large variation in intra-individual and inter-individual hydration scores throughout the day, which was not related to volume drank or levels of thirst. Further studies should use imaging techniques to study brain activity during dehydration and rehydration, and during periods of high thirst, to help to further elucidate the mechanism underlying the negative effect of dehydration on motor performance, and the effect of self-rated thirst on attention.


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O objetivo principal desta revisão é fornecer uma visão geral dos principais estudos longitudinais e longitudinais-mistos que se centraram sobre o crescimento somático, maturação biológica e, mais recentemente, também no desempenho físico. Somente foram considerados os estudos realizados na América do Norte, Europa e países de língua portuguesa. Em primeiro lugar, são apresentadas as principais considerações teóricas, características gerais, o delineamento do estudo e análise estatística multivariada dos dados. Na segunda parte, é edificado o panorama geral sobre os estudos emblemáticos de natureza longitudinal e longitudinal-mista. Finalmente, foram considerados alguns dos principais desafios que se colocam à pesquisa longitudinal.


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An economy of effort is a core characteristic of highly skilled motor performance often described as being effortless or automatic. Electroencephalographic (EEG) evaluation of cortical activity in elite performers has consistently revealed a reduction in extraneous associative cortical activity and an enhancement of task-relevant cortical processes. However, this has only been demonstrated under what are essentially practice-like conditions. Recently it has been shown that cerebral cortical activity becomes less efficient when performance occurs in a stressful, complex social environment. This dissertation examines the impact of motor skill training or practice on the EEG cortical dynamics that underlie performance in a stressful, complex social environment. Sixteen ROTC cadets participated in head-to-head pistol shooting competitions before and after completing nine sessions of skill training over three weeks. Spectral power increased in the theta frequency band and decreased in the low alpha frequency band after skill training. EEG Coherence increased in the left frontal region and decreased in the left temporal region after the practice intervention. These suggest a refinement of cerebral cortical dynamics with a reduction of task extraneous processing in the left frontal region and an enhancement of task related processing in the left temporal region consistent with the skill level reached by participants. Partitioning performance into ‘best’ and ‘worst’ based on shot score revealed that deliberate practice appears to optimize cerebral cortical activity of ‘best’ performances which are accompanied by a reduction in task-specific processes reflected by increased high-alpha power, while ‘worst’ performances are characterized by an inappropriate reduction in task-specific processing resulting in a loss of focus reflected by higher high-alpha power after training when compared to ‘best’ performances. Together, these studies demonstrate the power of experience afforded by practice, as a controllable factor, to promote resilience of cerebral cortical efficiency in complex environments.


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INTRODUCTION: We examined the cumulative effect of 4 consecutive bouts of non-invasive brain stimulation on corticospinal plasticity and motor performance, and whether these responses were influenced by the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphism.

METHODS: In a randomized double-blinded cross-over design, changes in strength and indices of corticospinal plasticity were analyzed in 14 adults who were exposed to 4 consecutive sessions of anodal and sham transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Participants also undertook a blood sample for BDNF genotyping (N=13).

RESULTS: We observed a significant increase in isometric wrist flexor strength with transcranial magnetic stimulation revealing increased corticospinal excitability, decreased silent period duration, and increased cortical voluntary activation compared to sham tDCS.

DISCUSSION: The results show that 4 consecutive sessions of anodal tDCS increased cortical voluntary activation manifested as an improvement in strength. Induction of corticospinal plasticity appears to be influenced by the BDNF polymorphism.


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OBJECTIVE: We explored the relationship between accidental injuries, motor impairment, and co-occurring autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms in children with ADHD-combined type (ADHD-CT).

METHOD: Participants were 32 male children diagnosed with ADHD-CT and 23 typically developing male children (7-12 years, full scale IQ [FSIQ] > 80). Parents completed a customized questionnaire on the occurrence of accidental injuries (e.g., bruises, cuts) their child experienced in the past 12 months. Motor proficiency was assessed using the Movement ABC-2 (MABC-2). Parents rated motor, ADHD-CT, ASD, and anxiety symptoms.

RESULTS: Children with ADHD-CT had significantly increased parent-reported accidental injuries compared with typically developing children. Among children with ADHD-CT, Spearman's rho rank correlations revealed no association between increased accidental injuries and MABC-2 score, but significant associations with increased hyperactivity/impulsivity, ASD, and anxiety symptoms.

CONCLUSION: Although these findings require validation, they suggest a need for further research investigating the contribution of co-occurring ASD and anxiety symptoms to accidental injuries in children with ADHD-CT.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia


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The relationship between neuronal acuity and behavioral performance was assessed in the barn owl (Tyto alba), a nocturnal raptor renowned for its ability to localize sounds and for the topographic representation of auditory space found in the midbrain. We measured discrimination of sound-source separation using a newly developed procedure involving the habituation and recovery of the pupillary dilation response. The smallest discriminable change of source location was found to be about two times finer in azimuth than in elevation. Recordings from neurons in its midbrain space map revealed that their spatial tuning, like the spatial discrimination behavior, was also better in azimuth than in elevation by a factor of about two. Because the PDR behavioral assay is mediated by the same circuitry whether discrimination is assessed in azimuth or in elevation, this difference in vertical and horizontal acuity is likely to reflect a true difference in sensory resolution, without additional confounding effects of differences in motor performance in the two dimensions. Our results, therefore, are consistent with the hypothesis that the acuity of the midbrain space map determines auditory spatial discrimination.


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Objective. This study investigated cognitive functioning among older adults with physical debility not attributable to an acute injury or neurological condition who were receiving subacute inpatient physical rehabilitation. Design. A cohort investigation with assessments at admission and discharge. Setting. Three geriatric rehabilitation hospital wards. Participants. Consecutive rehabilitation admissions () following acute hospitalization (study criteria excluded orthopaedic, neurological, or amputation admissions). Intervention. Usual rehabilitation care. Measurements. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) Cognitive and Motor items. Results. A total of 704 (86.5%) participants (mean age = 76.5 years) completed both assessments. Significant improvement in FIM Cognitive items (-score range 3.93–8.74, all ) and FIM Cognitive total score (-score = 9.12, ) occurred, in addition to improvement in FIM Motor performance. A moderate positive correlation existed between change in Motor and Cognitive scores (Spearman’s rho = 0.41). Generalized linear modelling indicated that better cognition at admission (coefficient = 0.398, ) and younger age (coefficient = −0.280, ) were predictive of improvement in Motor performance. Younger age (coefficient = −0.049, ) was predictive of improvement in FIM Cognitive score. Conclusions. Improvement in cognitive functioning was observed in addition to motor function improvement among this population. Causal links cannot be drawn without further research.


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Children with developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) face evident motor difficulties in activities of daily living (ADL). Assessment of their capacity in ADL is essential for diagnosis and intervention, in order to limit the daily consequences of the disorder. The aim of this study is to systematically review potential instruments for standardized and objective assessment of children's capacity in ADL, suited for children with DCD. As a first step, databases of MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and PsycINFO were searched to identify studies that described instruments with potential for assessment of capacity in ADL. Second, instruments were included for review when two independent reviewers agreed that the instruments: (1) are standardized and objective; (2) assess at activity level and comprise items that reflect ADL, and; (3) are applicable to school-aged children that can move independently. Out of 1507 publications, 66 publications were selected, describing 39 instruments. Seven of these instruments were found to fulfil the criteria and were included for review: the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Performance-2 (BOT2); the Do-Eat (Do-Eat); the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC2); the school-Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (schoolAMPS); the Tuffts Assessment of Motor Performance (TAMP); the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD); and the Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM). As a third step, for the included instruments, suitability for children with DCD was discussed based on the ADL comprised, ecological validity and other psychometric properties. We concluded that current instruments do not provide comprehensive and ecologically valid assessment of capacity in ADL as required for children with DCD.


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Em humanos, uma série de estudos vem sugerindo que o hemisfério esquerdo é particularmente importante no controle e execução de movimentos. De modo geral, lesões no hemisfério esquerdo promovem déficits motores mais pronunciados que lesões semelhantes no hemisfério direito. Neste trabalho utilizamos a hemisferectomia unilateral para avaliar a contribuição de cada hemisfério na função motora em camundongos. Camundongos Suíços adultos foram submetidos a hemisferectomia unilateral direita (HD) ou esquerda (HE) ou aos procedimentos de controle. Quinze dias após cirurgia, a coordenação motora de cada animal foi avaliada no teste da locomoção forçada em cilindro giratório (Rotarod). A latência para a queda do grupo controle foi significativamente maior que a do grupo HD e não diferiu da do grupo HE. Para auxiliar a interpretação dos resultados obtidos no ROTAROD, uma parte dos animais foi submetida a uma bateria adicional de testes comportamentais na seguinte seqüência: teste de campo aberto, avaliação qualitativa da assimetria sensório-motora, teste da grade elevada e teste de suspensão pela cauda. De modo interessante, no teste da grade elevada, enquanto o grupo HD apresentou o desempenho da pata traseira esquerda (contralateral à lesão) significativamente pior que o da direita, os grupos Controle e HE não apresentaram diferenças entre as duas patas traseiras. De modo análogo ao observado em humanos, nossos resultados sugerem uma ação assimétrica dos hemisférios cerebrais no controle da função motora em camundongos.


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Lesões sistêmicas peri e pré-natais alteram o desenvolvimento do SNC, levando a problemas cognitivos e motores em crianças que podem perdurar por toda a vida. Um tipo particular de lesão é a hipóxia-isquemia (HI), caracterizada pela interrupção momentânea ou permanente do fluxo sanguíneo. Um dos mecanismos propostos para as lesões decorrentes da HI é a excitotoxicidade glutamatérgica. O uso de inibidores da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica tem sido estudados em diversos modelos de HI. Neste trabalho, avaliamos os efeitos morfofuncionais da administração de um antagonista não-competitivo do receptor de glutamato NMDA sobre o desenvolvimento do cerebelo. Ratas no 18 dia de gestação foram anestesiadas, os cornos uterinos expostos e as 4 artérias uterinas obstruídas por 45 minutos (Grupo H). Animais controle tiveram os úteros expostos, sem a obstrução (Grupo S). Após a cirurgia a gestação prosseguiu. Somente animais nascidos a termo foram utilizados. Um dia após o nascimento, metade de cada ninhada foi designada para receber MK801, 0,3mg/kg/dia, (grupos SM e HM) e a outra metade recebeu solução salina (grupos SS e HS), por 5 dias. Após anestesia e perfusão-fixação com paraformaldeído 4% aos 9, 23, 30 e 60 dias pós-natais, cortes parassagitais do cerebelo foram obtidos em criótomo e submetidos à imunohistoquímica para calbindina, GFAP, GLAST, PDGFRα e MBP. A partir de 45 dias de vida, os animais foram testados em vários de testes comportamentais: labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE), campo vazado (CV), ROTAROD, teste de caminhada sobre barras (ladder test) e teste do comprimento da passada (stride length). Aos 9 dias, a espessura da árvore dendrítica era menor nos animais SM, HS/HM, demonstrando efeitos deletérios tanto do MK801 quanto da HI. Menor número de células PDGFRα+ foi observado nos animais HS/HM, sem efeitos da administração de MK801. Aos 23 dias, maior número de células PDGFRα+ foi observado nos animais HM comparado aos outros 3 grupos, indicando efeito neuroprotetor do MK801. Nessa idade, menor número de fibras mielinizadas (MBP+) foi observada nos animais HS, e a administração de MK801 parece reverter estes efeitos. Aos 9 dias a distribuição de GLAST estava alterada nos animais HS, com os efeitos da HI parcialmente revertidos pelo MK801. Não foram observados efeitos da HI ou do MK801 sobre comportamentos relacionados a ansiedade pelo LCE, assim como na latência de queda no ROTAROD. HI piora a performance motora no ladder test. No teste do CV, não observamos efeitos da HI sobre a busca por novidade assim como sobre a atividade locomotora espontânea. No entanto, MK801 diminui comportamentos de autolimpeza e a atividade locomotora espontânea. Menor variação das passadas foi observada em decorrência da administração de MK801 no stride length, com nenhum efeito da HI. Nossos resultados demonstram que a inibição do receptor NMDA tem um efeito neuroprotetor sobre os progenitores de oligodendrócitos e mielinização, provavelmente pela manutenção da capacidade proliferativa por um período maior. A atividade do receptor NMDA exerce importante papel na diferenciação das células de Purkinje, assim como na distribuição do transportador GLAST, corroborando a importância deste receptor na gênese das lesões causadas pela HI.