975 resultados para Motifs de conception
The inability to characterize more precisely the extent of occupational diseases limits the implementation of an effective preventive policy. Furthermore, not all work-related conditions are reported by the Swiss workers' compensation system. A seven-year (1986 to 1992) retrospective study of medical visits in an Institute of Occupational Health Sciences is presented. The objective of this study is to expand data on occupational diseases for clinical and public health intervention. 298 patients have been examined for a possible work-related condition. In 140 cases (47%), an occupational disease according to the Swiss Law was found. Respiratory tract was the main target of industrial pollutants. Respiratory irritation , solvent intoxications, contact dermatitis and asthma were the most frequent conditions seen. 97 workplace visits (32% of all medical visits) were necessary for diagnostic purposes. Painters (construction, cars) and other solvent exposed workers were at particular risk. Rare alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotypes were found several times in workers with respiratory diseases confirming the value of this test in occupational medicine. Despite many referral biases, direct clinical and public health applications of the data are possible. This study confirms the hypothesis that occupational respiratory diseases and intoxications are probably underreported in the workers' compensation statistics. Activities with an increased risk of work-related diseases have been identified so workplace intervention could be highly targeted. This study shows also that a more intense collaboration between primary care physicians, hospital services and occupational medical specialists is necessary to improve clinical and epidemiological surveillance of work-related health conditions.
Des techniques de visualisation sont exploitées dans les enquêtes judiciaires afin de faciliter le traitement d'affaires d'envergure. Les éléments pertinents de l'enquête sont représentés par des schémas décrivant les relations entre les évènements et les entités d'intérêt. Les exploitations classiques de ces techniques qui s'apparentent à la construction de graphes sont par exemple : la représentation de réseaux criminels, de trafics de marchandises, de chronologies d'évènements, ainsi que la visualisation de relations téléphoniques et financières. Dans ce contexte, la visualisation soutient un nombre important d'objectifs, tels qu'analyser les traces et les informations collectées, évaluer à posteriori une investigation, aider à qualifier les infractions, faciliter l'appréhension d'un dossier et la prise de décisions au cours d'une enquête, voire soutenir une argumentation lors du procès. La pratique intègre des outils logiciels simples qui produisent des graphiques élégants et souvent percutants. Cette recherche tend à montrer qu'il existe des disparités étonnantes lors de l'exploitation de ces techniques. Des biais de raisonnement et de perception peuvent être induits, allant jusqu'à provoquer des décisions aux conséquences parfois désastreuses. Pour mettre en évidence ces difficultés, des évaluations ont été effectuées avec des praticiens et des étudiants. Elles ont permis d'établir une image empirique de l'étendue des variations de conception et d'interprétation des représentations, ainsi que de leurs impacts sur la prise de décision. La nature et la diversité des concepts à représenter, l'absence de consensus sur la manière de représenter les données, la diversité des solutions visuelles envisageables, les contraintes imposées par les outils exploités et l'absence d'une formalisation claire du langage, sont autant de causes supposées des difficultés. Ce constat révèle la nécessiter de consolider les méthodes pratiquées.
Detection of viral nucleic acids is central to antiviral immunity. Recently, DAI/ZBP1 (DNA-dependent activator of IRFs/Z-DNA binding protein 1) was identified as a cytoplasmic DNA sensor and shown to activate the interferon regulatory factor (IRF) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) transcription factors, leading to type-I interferon production. DAI-induced IRF activation depends on TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1), whereas signalling pathways and molecular components involved in NF-kappaB activation remain elusive. Here, we report the identification of two receptor-interacting protein (RIP) homotypic interaction motifs (RHIMs) in the DAI protein sequence, and show that these domains relay DAI-induced NF-kappaB signals through the recruitment of the RHIM-containing kinases RIP1 and RIP3. We show that knockdown of not only RIP1, but also RIP3 affects DAI-induced NF-kappaB activation. Importantly, RIP recruitment to DAI is inhibited by the RHIM-containing murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) protein M45. These findings delineate the DAI signalling pathway to NF-kappaB and suggest a possible new immune modulation strategy of the MCMV.
Odorant receptor (OR) genes constitute with 1200 members the largest gene family in the mouse genome. A mature olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) is thought to express just one OR gene, and from one allele. The cell bodies of OSNs that express a given OR gene display a mosaic pattern within a particular region of the main olfactory epithelium. The mechanisms and cis-acting DNA elements that regulate the expression of one OR gene per OSN - OR gene choice - remain poorly understood. Here, we describe a reporter assay to identify minimal promoters for OR genes in transgenic mice, which are produced by the conventional method of pronuclear injection of DNA. The promoter transgenes are devoid of an OR coding sequence, and instead drive expression of the axonal marker tau-β-galactosidase. For four mouse OR genes (M71, M72, MOR23, and P3) and one human OR gene (hM72), a mosaic, OSN-specific pattern of reporter expression can be obtained in transgenic mice with contiguous DNA segments of only ~300 bp that are centered around the transcription start site (TSS). The ~150bp region upstream of the TSS contains three conserved sequence motifs, including homeodomain (HD) binding sites. Such HD binding sites are also present in the H and P elements, DNA sequences that are known to strongly influence OR gene expression. When a 19mer encompassing a HD binding site from the P element is multimerized nine times and added upstream of a MOR23 minigene that contains the MOR23 coding region, we observe a dramatic increase in the number of transgene-expressing founders and lines and in the number of labeled OSNs. By contrast, a nine times multimerized 19mer with a mutant HD binding site does not have these effects. We hypothesize that HD binding sites in the H and P elements and in OR promoters modulate the probability of OR gene choice.
Constatant que la formation des enseignants aux technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) pose des problèmes spécifiques, cet article a pour but d'engager une réflexion sur ce thème. Nos réflexions s'appuient sur une expérience de formation réalisée dans 23 écoles professionnelles suisses engagées dans un programme national de soutien à l'utilisation pédagogique des TIC. L'article décrit la manière dont le dispositif de formation prévu a été mis en pratique, les difficultés auxquelles il a donné lieu et les réponses que les acteurs ont élaborées pour faire face à ces difficultés. Nous montrons qu'une analyse du déroulement effectif d'un dispositif de formation et des transformations qu'il subit constitue un élément essentiel pour orienter les futures actions de formation et penser la place des apprenants dans un dispositif de formation.
BACKGROUND: Today, recognition and classification of sequence motifs and protein folds is a mature field, thanks to the availability of numerous comprehensive and easy to use software packages and web-based services. Recognition of structural motifs, by comparison, is less well developed and much less frequently used, possibly due to a lack of easily accessible and easy to use software. RESULTS: In this paper, we describe an extension of DeepView/Swiss-PdbViewer through which structural motifs may be defined and searched for in large protein structure databases, and we show that common structural motifs involved in stabilizing protein folds are present in evolutionarily and structurally unrelated proteins, also in deeply buried locations which are not obviously related to protein function. CONCLUSIONS: The possibility to define custom motifs and search for their occurrence in other proteins permits the identification of recurrent arrangements of residues that could have structural implications. The possibility to do so without having to maintain a complex software/hardware installation on site brings this technology to experts and non-experts alike.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 159
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 156
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 158