999 resultados para Morphological alteration


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Recent observation of n-type conduction in amorphous Ge20Ss_xBix at large bismuth concentrations (x = 11), which otherwise shows p-type conduction, has aroused considerable interest in the international scientific community [1]. The mechanism of such impurity incorporation in a germanium chalcogenide glass is not understood and is a topic of current interest. In our recent publications [2-10] we have brought to light some hitherto unknown and interesting features of bismuth dopants in chalcogen-rich Ge-X (X -- S, Se) glassy compositions. In this communication we present our new results of investigations on vitreous semiconductors Ge20S80 Bi using electron microscopy, electron diffraction of as-prepared and annealed/pressure quenched compositions. Our results provide conclusive support to the formation of composite clusters containing all the three elements, germanium, sulphur and bismuth, which crystallize in simpler stoichiometric compounds Bi2S3 and GeS2.


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The influence of the architecture of the Byzantine capital spread to the Mediterranean provinces with travelling masters and architects. In this study the architecture of the Constantinopolitan School has been detected on the basis of the typology of churches, completed by certain morphological aspects when necessary. The impact of the Constantinopolitan workshops appears to have been more important than previously realized. This research revealed that the Constantinopolitan composite domed inscribed-cross type or cross-in-square spread everywhere to the Balkans and it was assumed soon by the local schools of architecture. In addition, two novel variants were invented on the basis of this model: the semi-composite type and the so-called Athonite type. In the latter variant lateral conches, choroi, were added for liturgical reasons. Instead, the origin of the domed ambulatory church was partly provincial. One result of this study is that the origin of the Middle Byzantine domed octagonal types was traced to Constantinople. This is attested on the basis of the archaeological evidence. Also some other architectural elements that have not been preserved in the destroyed capital have survived at the provincial level: the domed hexagonal type, the multi-domed superstructure, the pseudo-octagon and the narthex known as the lite. The Constantinopolitan architecture during the period in question was based on the Early Christian and Late Antique forms, practices and innovations and this also emerges at the provincial level.


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Genetic engineering is an attractive method for changing a single characteristic of ‘Smooth Cayenne’ pineapple, without altering its other desirable attributes. Techniques used in pineapple transformation, however, such as tissue culture and biolistic-mediated or Agrobacterium-mediated gene insertion are prone to somaclonal variation, resulting in the production of several morphological mutations (Smith et al., 2002). Fruit mutations can include distortion in fruit shape (round ball, conical, fan-shaped), reduced fruit size, multiple crowns, crownless fruit, fruitless crowns, and spiny crown leaves (Dalldorf, 1975; Sanewski et al., 1992). The present paper describes the variability in fruit-shape mutations between transgenic and non-transgenic fruit, and its subsequent impact on organoleptic characteristics.


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We present a systematic investigation of morphological transitions in poly vinylacetate Langmuir monolayers. On compression, the polymer monolayer is converted to a continuous membrane with a thickness of similar to 2-3 nm. Above a certain surface concentration the monolayer, on water, undergoes a morphological transition-buckling, leading to formation of striped patterns of period of lambda(b)similar to 160 nm, as determined from in situ grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering measurements. The obtained value is much smaller than what has been typically observed for Langmuir monolayers on water or thin films on soft substrates. Using existing theories for buckling of fluidlike films on fluid substrates, we obtain very low values of bending rigidity and Young's modulus of the polymer monolayer compared to that observed earlier for lipid or polymeric monolayers. Since buckling in these monolayers occurs only above a certain surface concentration, we have looked at the possibility that the buckling in these films occurs due to changes in their mechanical properties under compression. Using the model of Huang and Suo of buckling of solidlike films on viscoelastic substrates, we find values of the mechanical properties, which are much closer to the bulk values but still significantly lower. Although the reduction could be along the lines of what has been observed earlier for ultrathin polymer film or surface layers of polymers, the possibility of micromechanical effects also determining the buckling in such polymer monolayers cannot be ruled out. We have provided possible explanation of the buckling of the poly vinylacetate monolayers in terms of the change in isothermal compression modulus with surface concentration.


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Objective: To provide a visual guide for oesophagogastric ulcer scoring and recognition of different morphological changes in the pars oesophagea. Design: Pig stomachs were collected at slaughter and visually evaluated and scored for parakeratosis, erosion and ulceration in the pars oesophagea. Results: A visual and descriptive guide is presented that will aid in the objective assessment and scoring of oesophagogastric ulceration in pigs within the pig health monitoring system (PHMS), namely to the four categories of 0 = normal stomach, 1 = parakeratosis and thickened epithelium, 2 = erosions and 3 = developed ulcers with and without stenosis. Conclusion: A visual guide has been developed that illustrates the full range of morphological changes that can occur in the pars oesophagea of the stomach within the few currently recognised stages of the disease.


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As part of a feasibility study of the commercialization potential of C. indicum nuts as Agroforestry Tree Products in Papua New Guinea, preliminary characterization studies have examined the tree-to-tree variation in morphological traits (nut and kernel mass and kernel:nut ratio), as well as nutritional (carbohydrate, fat, protein, sodium, vitamin E) and medicinal traits (anti-oxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity and phenolic content) of kernels from 18 to 72 trees in a small number of different villages of Papua New Guinea (East New Britain Province). There was continuous variation in these traits indicating opportunities for multiple trait cultivar development targeted at food and pharmaceutical markets. Certain traits, for example anti-inflammatory activity, in which tree-to-tree variation was highly significant, present greater opportunities than others, such as saturated:unsaturated fatty acid ratio. This intraspecific variation was greater within populations than between populations. The data presented has allowed the development of a strategy to domesticate C. indicum for cultivation in homegardens and cocoa-coconut agroforests, using a participatory approach aimed at the production of agroforestry tree products (AFTPs) to empower small-holders and enhance their livelihoods and income.


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This paper reports on several studies conducted to better understand the variability between lucerne cultivars and lines, and use this to predict persistence in dryland grazing pastures in eastern Australia. Morphological traits of 20 cultivars/lines were measured in irrigated and dryland spaced plant experiments. Studies were also conducted to describe variation among lucernes in their utilisation of starch and responses to water deficit, pests and diseases. Multiple regression analyses were used to develop simple models where the measured traits could be used to predict persistence of lucerne lines in dryland evaluation experiments. Although there was significant variation among cultivars/lines in most measured traits, no single trait reliably predicted persistence of cultivars/lines in dryland evaluation experiments. However, variation in persistence at both sites could be explained by models developed by multiple regression using differences in the mean lengths of the longest stems at 10% flower in summer and winter. Persistent lucernes were those that had relatively long stems in summer and short stems in winter. Water use efficiencies, starch utilisation patterns and resistances to pests and diseases of different lucernes provided some improvement to this simple model, but these improvements were not consistent.


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We have mapped and identified DNA markers linked to morphology, yield, and yield components of lucerne, using a backcross population derived from winter-active parents. The high-yielding and recurrent parent, D, produced individual markers that accounted for up to 18% of total yield over 6 harvests, at Gatton, south-eastern Queensland. The same marker, AC/TT8, was consistently identified at each individual harvest, and in individual harvests accounted for up to 26% of the phenotypic variation for yield. This marker was located in linkage group 2 of the D map, and several other markers positively associated with yield were consistently identified in this linkage group. Similarly, markers negatively associated with yield were consistently identified in the W116 map, W116 being the low-yielding parent. Highly significant positive correlations were observed between total yield and yield for harvests 1-6, and between total yield and stem length, tiller number, leaf yield/plant, leaf yield/5 stems, stem yield/plant, and stem yield/5 stems. Highly significant QTL were located for all these characters as well as for leaf shape and pubescence.


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Fine-textured hybrid bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy] cultivars have been widely used for golf putting greens and lawn bowls greens in warm-climate areas for more than 40 years. During the past decade, the choice of cultivar for professional turfgrass managers has been expanded by a range of secondgeneration hybrid bermudagrasses, which differ from the first-generation cultivars ‘Tifgreen’ and ‘Tifdwarf ’ in their management requirements. In this paper, we present comparative morphological and developmental data for seven cultivars (Champion Dwarf, FloraDwarf, MS-Supreme, Novotek, Tifdwarf, TifEagle, Tifgreen) grown in spaced plant and sward experiments at Cleveland, Australia (27º32’S lat, 153º15’E long, 25 masl). The four ‘ultradwarf ’ cultivars (Champion Dwarf, MS-Supreme, FloraDwarf, TifEagle) showed slower vertical extension and produced fewer inflorescences than Tifdwarf, Tifgreen, and Novotek. However, in terms of the length of stolon internodes and their overall rate of lateral spread, Champion Dwarf, FloraDwarf, and TifEagle were comparable to Tifdwarf; MS-Supreme (with longer internodes) spread faster laterally, though slower than Tifgreen (which had the longest stolon internodes). In unmown swards, the four ultradwarfs produced shorter leaves than Tifgreen, Tifdwarf, and Novotek, but only Champion Dwarf produced significantly narrower leaves than Tifgreen, Tifdwarf, and Novotek, with TifEagle leaves also significantly narrower than those of Tifgreen and Novotek. Minimum threshold temperatures for growth were approximately 9° to 10°C (air temperature) and 15° to 16°C at 10 cm soil depth.


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Poikkijuovaisen luuranko- ja sydänlihaksen supistumisyksikkö, sarkomeeri, koostuu tarkoin järjestyneistä aktiini- ja myosiinisäikeistä. Rakenne eroaa muista solutyypeistä, joissa aktiinisäikeistö muovautuu jatkuvasti ja sen järjestyminen säätelee solun muotoa, solujakautumista, soluliikettä ja solunsisäisten organellien kuljetusta. Myotilin, palladin ja myopalladin kuuluvat proteiiniperheeseen, jonka yhteispiirteenä ovat immunoglobuliinin kaltaiset (Igl) domeenit. Proteiinit liittyvät aktiinitukirankaan ja niiden arvellaan toimivan solutukirangan rakenne-elementteinä ja säätelijöinä. Myotilinia ja myopalladinia ilmennetään poikkijuovaisessa lihaksessa. Sen sijaan palladinin eri silmukointimuotoja tavataan monissa kudostyypeissä kuten hermostossa, ja eri muodoilla saattaa olla solutyypistä riippuvia tehtäviä. Poikkijuovaisessa lihaksessa kaikki perheen jäsenet sijaitsevat aktiinisäikeitä yhdistävässä Z-levyssä ja ne sitovat Z-levyn rakenneproteiinia, -aktiniinia. Myotilingeenin pistemutaatiot johtavat periytyviin lihastauteihin, kun taas palladinin mutaatioiden on kuvattu liittyvän periytyvään haimasyöpään ja lisääntyneeseen sydäninfarktin riskiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettin myotilinin ja pallainin toimintaa. Kokeissa löydettiin uusia palladinin 90-92kDa alatyyppiin sitoutuvia proteiineja. Yksi niistä on aktiinidynamiikkaa säätelevä profilin. Profilinilla on kahdenlaisia tehtäviä; se edesauttaa aktiinisäikeiden muodostumista, mutta se voi myös eristää yksittäisiä aktiinimolekyylejä ja edistää säikeiden hajoamista. Solutasolla palladinin ja profilinin sijainti on yhtenevä runsaasti aktiinia sisältävillä solujen reuna-alueilla. Palladinin ja profilinin sidos on heikko ja hyvin dynaaminen, joka sopii palladinin tehtävään aktiinisäideiden muodostumisen koordinoijana. Toinen palladinin sitoutumiskumppani on aktiinisäikeitä yhteensitova -aktiniini. -Aktiniini liittää solutukirangan solukalvon proteiineihin ja ankkuroi solunsisäisiä viestintämolekyylejä. Sitoutumista välittävä alue on hyvin samankaltainen palladinissa ja myotilinissa. Luurankolihaksen liiallinen toistuva venytys muuttaa Z-levyjen rakennetta ja muotoa. Prosessin aikana syntyy uusia aktiinifilamenttejä sisältäviä tiivistymiä ja lopulta uusia sarkomeereja. Löydöstemme perusteella myotilinin uudelleenjärjestyminen noudattaa aktiinin muutoksia. Tämä viittaa siihen, että myotilin liittää yhteen uudismuodostuvia aktiinisäikeitä ja vakauttaa niitä. Myotilin saattaa myös ankkuroida viesti- tai rakennemolekyylejä, joiden tehtävänä on edesauttaa Z-levyjen uudismuodostusta. Tulostemme perusteella arvelemme, että myotilin toimii Z-levyjen rakenteen vakaajana ja aktiinisäikeiden säätelijänä. Palladinin puute johtaa sikiöaikaiseen kuolemaan hiirillä, mutta myotilinin puutoksella ei ole samanlaisia vaikutuksia. Tuotettujen myotilin poistogeenisten hiirten todetiin syntyvän ja kehittyvän normaalisti eikä niillä esiintynyt rakenteellisia tai toiminnallisia häiriöitä. Toisaalta aiemmissa kokeissa, joissa hiirille on siirretty ihmisen lihastautia aikaansaava myotilingeeni, nähdään samankaltaisia kuin sairailla ihmisillä. Näin ollen muuntunut myotilin näyttä olevan lihaksen toiminnalle haitallisempi kuin myotilinin puute. Myotilinin ja palladinin yhteisvaikutusta selvittääksemme risteytimme myotilin poistegeenisen hiiren ja hiirilinjan, joka ilmentää puutteellisesti palladinin 200 kDa muotoa. Puutteellisesti 200 kDa palladinia ilmentävien hiirten sydänlihaksessa todettiin vähäisiä hienorakenteen muutoksia, mutta risteytetyillä hiirillä tavattiin rakenteellisia ja toiminnallisia muutoksia myös luurankolihaksessa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että palladinin 200 kDa muoto säätelee sydänlihassolujen rakennetta. Luurankolihaksessa sen sijaan myotilinilla ja palladinilla näyttäisi olevan päällekkäisiä tehtäviä.


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Large numbers of bacteriophages (2 x 10(7) to 1 x 10(8)/ml) were present in ruminal fluid from sheep and cattle. Twenty-six distinct types were identified and placed in three morphological groups; several phages possessed unusual structural features. The large numbers and diversity of phages observed indicates a possible role in bacterial lysis and hence in the population dynamics of the ruminal bacteria.


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Purpose The aim of this study was to determine alterations to the corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) over four years using in vivo corneal confocal microscopy (IVCM) in participants with type 1 diabetes and to identify significant risk factors associated with these alterations. Methods A cohort of 108 individuals with type 1 diabetes and no evidence of peripheral neuropathy at enrollment underwent laser-scanning IVCM, ocular screening, and health and metabolic assessment at baseline and the examinations continued for four subsequent annual visits. At each annual visit, eight central corneal images of the SNP were selected and analyzed to quantify corneal nerve fiber density (CNFD), branch density (CNBD) and fiber length (CNFL). Linear mixed model approaches were fitted to examine the relationship between risk factors and corneal nerve parameters. Results A total of 96 participants completed the final visit and 91 participants completed all visits. No significant relationships were found between corneal nerve parameters and time, sex, duration of diabetes, smoking, alcohol consumption, blood pressure or BMI. However, CNFD was negatively associated with HbA1c (β=-0.76, P<0.01) and age (β=-0.13, P<0.01) and positively related to high density lipids (HDL) (β=2.01, P=0.03). Higher HbA1c (β=-1.58, P=0.04) and age (β=-0.23, P<0.01) also negatively impacted CNBD. CNFL was only affected by higher age (β=-0.06, P<0.01). Conclusions Glycemic control, HDL and age have significant effects on SNP structure. These findings highlight the importance of diabetic management to prevent corneal nerve damage as well as the capability of IVCM for monitoring subclinical alterations in the corneal SNP in diabetes.


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Since the 1980s a new disease has been affecting Australian lychee. Pepper spot appears as small, black superficial lesions on fruit, leaves, petioles and pedicels and is caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the same fungus that causes postharvest anthracnose of lychee fruit. The aim of this study was to determine if a new genotype of C.gloeosporioides is responsible for the pepper spot symptom. Morphological assessments, arbitrarily-primed PCR (ap-PCR) and DNA sequencing studies did not differentiate isolates of C.gloeosporioides from anthracnose and pepper spot lesions. The ap-PCR identified 21 different genotypes of C.gloeosporioides, three of which were predominant. A specific genotype identified using ap-PCR was associated with the production of the teleomorph in culture. Analysis of sequence data of ITS and -tubulin regions of representative isolates did not group the lychee isolates into a monophyletic clade; however, given the majority of the isolates were from one of three genotypes found using ap-PCR, the possibility of a lychee specific group of C.gloeosporioides is discussed.


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PURPOSE To quantify the influence of short-term wear of miniscleral contact lenses on the morphology of the corneo-scleral limbus, the conjunctiva, episclera and sclera. METHODS OCT images of the anterior eye were captured before, immediately following 3h of wear and then 3h after removal of a miniscleral contact lens for 10 young (27±5 years) healthy participants (neophyte rigid lens wearers). The region of analysis encompassed 1mm anterior, to 3.5mm posterior to the scleral spur. Natural diurnal variations in thickness were measured on a separate day and compensated for in subsequent analyses. RESULTS Following 3h of lens wear, statistically significant tissue thinning was observed across all quadrants, with a mean decrease in thickness of -24.1±3.6μm (p<0.001), which diminished, but did not return to baseline 3h after lens removal (-16.9±1.9μm, p<0.001). The largest tissue compression was observed in the superior quadrant (-49.9±8.5μm, p<0.01) and in the annular zone 1.5mm from the scleral spur (-48.2±5.7μm), corresponding to the approximate edge of the lens landing zone. Compression of the conjunctiva/episclera accounted for about 70% of the changes. CONCLUSIONS Optimal fitting miniscleral contact lenses worn for three hours resulted in significant tissue compression in young healthy eyes, with the greatest thinning observed superiorly, potentially due to the additional force of the eyelid, with a partial recovery of compression 3h after lens removal. Most of the morphological changes occur in the conjunctiva/episclera layers.


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The rapid uptake of transcriptomic approaches in freshwater ecology has seen a wealth of data produced concerning the ways in which organisms interact with their environment on a molecular level. Typically, such studies focus either at the community level and so don’t require species identifications, or on laboratory strains of known species identity or natural populations of large, easily identifiable taxa. For chironomids, impediments still exist for applying these technologies to natural populations because they are small-bodied and often require time-consuming secondary sorting of stream material and morphological voucher preparation to confirm species diagnosis. These procedures limit the ability to maintain RNA quantity and quality in such organisms because RNA degrades rapidly and gene expression can be altered rapidly in organisms; thereby limiting the inclusion of such taxa in transcriptomic studies. Here, we demonstrate that these limitations can be overcome and outline an optimised protocol for collecting, sorting and preserving chironomid larvae that enables retention of both morphological vouchers and RNA for subsequent transcriptomics purposes. By ensuring that sorting and voucher preparation are completed within <4 hours after collection and that samples are kept cold at all times, we successfully retained both RNA and morphological vouchers from all specimens. Although not prescriptive in specific methodology, we anticipate that this paper will assist in promoting transcriptomic investigations of the sublethal impact on chironomid gene expression of changes to aquatic environments.