934 resultados para Morfologia Urbana. Sintaxe Espacial. Acessibilidade


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João Pessoa, the capital city of the state of Paraíba (Northeast Brazil), is reputed throughout the country as a quiet place, although it has been acquiring, over the past years, an urban character with social implications similar to those of major metropolitan Brazilian areas. The new situation is evident by the social inequalities, with the creation of confined spaces, which segregate and cause enclosure of the inhabitants, leading to death the public space. This study correlates accessibility in spatial structure with two types of crime data, burglary and robbery, recorded in 2008 and 2009, by the Secretaria de Segurança da Paraíba (The government agency public in charge of safety), in the district of Manaíra, an upper middle class neighborhood, which has, in recent times, been considered one of the most violent areas in João Pessoa. Sought to understand connections between these events and morpho-social aspects of the built environment, where examined the spatial properties, such as accessibility of the urban net, the presence of control measures, the safety of buildings and their uses. Spatial properties were also validated by the observation of pedestrian flows at strategic points of the study area. It was concluded that the presence of intense flows helps to attract potential thieves, physical security and control offers little protection


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La investigación parte de la hipótesis de que la dispersión urbana que ha afectado a las sociedades avanzadas durante las últimas décadas, también ha cobrado fuerza y se ha impuesto en el País Vasco, transformando en pocos años el panorama urbanístico. La población vasca se ha desconcentrado espacialmente y al mismo tiempo la actividad inmobiliaria se ha intensificado y propagado por todo el territorio, afectando tanto a las periferias urbanas como a entornos más excéntricos con escaso dinamismo anterior. De este modo, en un contexto caracterizado por la globalización y los avances tecnológicos, se han generalizado realidades urbanas más dispersas, laxas y discontinuas que han ido desdibujando el anterior modelo urbano de mayor centralidad. Estos procesos territoriales se han afianzado durante las dos últimas décadas en el País Vasco, impulsados por el ciclo económico expansivo. Pero también han estado respaldados por los instrumentos de ordenación territorial, que en su propósito de reequilibrar la red de asentamientos han favorecido la reclasificación de abundante suelo en entornos alternativos a los tradicionales. Como consecuencia, ha tenido lugar un importante desarrollo residencial de asentamientos más periféricos, lo que ha propiciado la dispersión urbana. El emplazamiento y las características de los diferentes ámbitos receptores han canalizado la llegada de distintas clases sociales y se ha traducido en entornos residenciales diferentes. Mientras los espacios aledaños a los grandes centros y ejes urbanos se han desarrollado bajo formas más estandarizadas, en los ámbitos excéntricos pero dotados de amenidades ambientales y residenciales, los nuevos residentes presentan un nivel socioeconómico más elevado y la colonización ha sido más selecta.


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Se trata de un cuaderno destinado a los educadores como un recurso para el conocimiento de la ciudad. Contiene un resumen de los cambios urbanísticos experimentados en el espacio urbano de Palma de Mallorca a lo largo de estos siglos,los barrios, las actividades económicas y administrativas, la ciudad monumental. Al final del volumen se proponen posibles itinerarios complementarios para ahondar en el conocimiento de la ciudad y se ofrece una bibliografía básica.


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La formulación de un índice que cuantifique los diferenciales de precios de vivienda entre regioneses relevante para aspectos económicos tales como la asignación del gasto social habitacional.Desafortunadamente, en el contexto colombiano son escasos los estudios que se trazantal objetivo. Este documento se propone llenar vacíos en ese sentido. Para este efecto se empleael método de emparejamiento PSM (Propensity Score Matching), con el que se busca establecercomparaciones más homogéneas entre los inmuebles de cada ciudad al evaluar el diferencial deprecios. Se realizan dos ejercicios adicionales, que consisten en: (i) comparar las viviendas segúnrangos de precios (bajo, medio y alto) entre las ciudades, empleando regresiones hedónicas porcuantiles, y (ii) examinar cómo cambia la diferencia promedio de precios cuando varia la canastade características de la unidad habitacional. Entre los principales resultados se encuentra queBogotá tiene el precio más alto de vivienda estándar, seguida de Cartagena y Villavicencio. Entérminos prácticos, las brechas de precios halladas son importantes y alcanzan cifras cercanas al30%. Dichas brechas no son homogéneas entre diferentes clases de vivienda estándar, ni entrerangos del precio.


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In the present paper different representations of urban character that influence environmental cognition are tested. Two main features involved in urban identity are the functional and social aspects of urban environment. Land use of lots is aggregated into different intensity measures that explore functional characterization of urban spaces. Social presence related to residential use and movement in urban space are also evaluated by intensity and social-economic characteristics. All selected attributes come from normal governmental data bases. Thus, one of the challenges is to transpose/interchange data from different scale units into a unique spatial representation unit, creating a common spatial base in a GIS environment.


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An analysis of housing issues in the city of Canela (RS, Brazil) has been made in 2008 as part of the development of the Master Plan for Housing. The present paper deals with one component of this analysis, which is the assessment of urban accessibility for low-income population, and its consequences on the treatment of the problem of current shortage of low-income housing and the future demand from population growth until 2020. A three steps method is applied: (i) urban mobility is assessed and mapped on the basis of the road system and the routes of public transport; (ii) accessibility to different urban services, such as public education and health, recreation, consumption and jobs are measured and mapped considering the location of urban facilities, population distribution divided by income and age, and urban mobility; (iii) one map for urban accessibility is produced as a result of the weighted combination of accessibility to different urban facilities. This final urban accessibility map is then overlayed to empty urban lots with size and land value appropriate to low-income housing, and a simulation of their development over the future has been made. The lots with higher accessibility were selected, and the impact of urban development was assessed on the capacity of education facilities. Based on this study, we made some preliminary suggestions for widening places in some schools, the need for a new education facility (location and size) and the extension of public transport for an area with low accessibility.


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O presente trabalho analisa o processo de produção do espaço urbano do ponto de vista configuracional, fundamentado na técnica da modelagem urbana. Enfoca a correspondência entre espacialidade real, produzida pela dinâmica das inter-relações urbanas e espacialidade normativa, prescrita nos planos diretores. O modelo de análise utilizado simula o crescimento espacial interno de determinado setor da cidade de Porto Alegre, produzindo possíveis cenários de distribuição dos espaços construídos, capazes de orientar ações de planejamento e monitoramento do desenvolvimento urbano.


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Esta tese apresenta novas possibilidades metodológicas no campo do urbanismo através da aplicação de técnicas derivadas da ciência da geoinformação a luz das teorias de economia urbana. O trabalho está organizado em torno de três ensaios. Cada ensaio se dedica a apresentação e análise de uma questão específica identificada como relevante dentro das teorias da economia urbana no contexto de cidades brasileiras. O primeiro ensaio tem como objetivo investigar as relações que possam existir entre os processos de expansão urbana e a segregação socioespacial na cidade de São Paulo. Situando a discussão dentro de uma perspectiva de economia urbana, o ensaio parte do pressuposto de que ambos os processos estão relacionados às forças de mercado habitacional, incluindo suas falhas inerentes, que acabam por definir a distribuição dos grupos populacionais de acordo com suas características socioeconômicas. O estudo se debruça sobre uma questão central ao debate urbanístico atual que é a ocupação contínua das áreas de fronteira urbana e na forma como este processo impacta a estrutura urbana. O segundo capítulo traz o ensaio onde tratamos de analisar as questões relativas à distribuição dos empregos na cidade de São Paulo e suas consequências para os modelos de economia urbana baseados em gradientes de renda e valor da terra. O terceiro capítulo traz o ensaio no qual retomamos a discussão sobre os processos de expansão urbana, porém situando a discussão a partir de uma perspectiva dinâmica em cidades médias em rápido crescimento demográfico. Neste contexto, há o reconhecimento de que a composição dos preços da terra nas áreas limítrofes da mancha urbana sofre uma forte influência de expectativas de retornos levando a uma sobrevalorização do preço gerada por processos de retenção de terras. Em uma análise aplicada às cidades amazônicas de Marabá e Santarém, buscamos caracterizar em uma perspectiva comparativa os processos de conversão da terra em usos urbanos nas últimas três décadas. Incorporando a informação sobre os usos do solo anteriores a conversão para uso urbano, criamos uma escala de potencial de conversão relativo a cada uso. Partindo do pressuposto de que é possível estabelecer representações matemático-computacionais da estrutura urbana em sistemas de informação geográfica, o trabalho espera contribuir para a constituição dos territórios digitais como expressões quantitativas de conceitos sobre os diferentes processos ambientais e socioeconômicos que acabam por definir o ambiente urbano. Através destas representações, buscar inserir o território no centro das decisões políticas e econômicas que seguem continuamente conformando essas cidades e as condições objetivas de vida que elas propiciam.


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A escolha da cidade do Rio de Janeiro como sede de grandes eventos esportivos mundiais, a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, colocou-a no centro de investimentos em infraestrutura, mobilidade urbana e segurança pública, com consequente impacto no mercado imobiliário, tanto de novos lançamentos de empreendimentos, quanto na revenda de imóveis usados. Acredita-se que o preço de um imóvel dependa de uma relação entre suas características estruturais como quantidade de quartos, suítes, vagas de garagem, presença de varanda, tal como sua localização, proximidade com centros de trabalho, entretenimento e áreas valorizadas ou degradadas. Uma das técnicas para avaliar a contribuição dessas características para a formação do preço do imóvel, conhecido na Econométrica como Modelagem Hedônica de Preços, é uma aplicação de regressão linear multivariada onde a variável dependente é o preço e as variáveis independentes, as respectivas características que deseja-se modelar. A utilização da regressão linear implica em observar premissas que devem ser atendidas para a confiabilidade dos resultados a serem analisados, tais como independência e homoscedasticidade dos resíduos e não colinearidade entre as variáveis independentes. O presente trabalho objetiva aplicar a modelagem hedônica de preços para imóveis localizados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro em um modelo de regressão linear multivariada, em conjunto com outras fontes de dados para a construção de variáveis de acessibilidade e socioambiental a fim de verificar a relação de importância entre elas para a formação do preço e, em particular, exploramos brevemente a tendência de preços em função da distância a favelas. Em atenção aos pré-requisitos observados para a aplicação de regressão linear, verificamos que a premissa de independência dos preços não pode ser atestada devido a constatação da autocorrelação espacial entre os imóveis, onde não apenas as características estruturais e de acessibilidade são levadas em consideração para a precificação do bem, mas principalmente a influência mútua que os imóveis vizinhos exercem um ao outro.


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This work aims to understand the spatial organization in the Town of Macau, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This approach focus on bringing back the history of the town, the main personages responsible for the construction of this place, denominated "social agents", as well as its social processes and the spatial forms derived from them. As the personages and their practices were identified, it was found out the existence of a driving force for structuring, interlocking, and maintaining the actions carried out by the social agents during the time. Such actions were materialized in the urban space: "the social segregation". The social segregation takes place as a specific geography of domination. The outcome of those owning the best areas" and ways of accessibility in the urban space, varies from the enrichment by property valorization, because of the concentration of public investments of infrastructure, to the comfort of easily reaching all the daily needs related to the displacements in the urban space. In the latter case, such facility has contributed to improve life quality. While one takes advantage of the location in the urban space, others are negatively affected by the same process. This research identified the salina worker as the weakest element of this social structure, occupying the urban periphery of the town of Macau. Such area is characterized by the lack of services and urban equipment in opposition to the center of the town, the locus of elite. This way, it is established the most known segregation pattern: center x periphery, in which the space acts as a mechanism of segregation


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This work was originated through the results of the analysis of the services for the needs of people with disabilities that were permitted by the physical space of two schools of the municipality of Natal/RN. The general objective/goal was to subsidize the elaboration of alternatives for the planning of environments that could be used by any person. The study used the empirical research through the adoption of a multimethod approach including: (i) technical visits oriented by the NBR 9050, (ii) contact with users that have reduced mobility (visually impaired and wheelchair or crutch users) through escorted travels and interviews, and (iii) interview with school managers. The evidence from the research, even though with significant development of laws that guarantee people with disabilities their right to citizenship, the physical environment of our schools still present with many obstacles that prevent the mobility of people with disabilities which proves their lack of readiness to accommodate them. Therefore, the actions taken to address the accessibility has been the adoption of temporary solutions that makes the adaptation more difficult, adds obstacles and reinforces the undesirable segregation, however still very present in our society. Finally, there is the indication that in order to achieve the spatial configuration that promotes social contact and integration in between the persons with different physical status, it is necessary to completely comprehend the activities developed in each space, from the conception of the equipment to the individual learning needs, having in mind creating environments that stimulates the execution of the tasks in an independent manner without the assistance of others. The inclusion regarding attention to accessibility in the decision making process, directed to the arquitectural and urban project, would decrease the constant need to redevelop and adapt spaces, and should be definitely incorporated as an important component in the production of space


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The spatial resolution improvement of orbital sensors has broadened considerably the applicability of their images in solving urban areas problems. But as the spatial resolution improves, the shadows become even a more serious problem especially when detailed information (under the shadows) is required. Besides those shadows caused by buildings and houses, clouds projected shadows are likely to occur. In this case there is information occlusion by the cloud in association with low illumination and contrast areas caused by the cloud shadow on the ground. Thus, it's important to use efficient methods to detect shadows and clouds areas in digital images taking in count that these areas care for especial processing. This paper proposes the application of Mathematical Morphology (MM) in shadow and clouds detection. Two parts of a panchromatic QuickBird image of Cuiab-MT urban area were used. The proposed method takes advantage of the fact that shadows (low intensity - dark areas) and clouds (high intensity - bright areas) represent the bottom and top, respectively, of the image as it is thought to be a topographic surface. This characteristic allowed MM area opening and closing operations to be applied to reduce or eliminate the bottom and top of the topographic surface.


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Mira and R Coronae Borealis (R CrB) variable stars are evolved objects surrounded by circumstellar envelopes (CSE) composed of the ejected stellar material. We present a detailed high-spatial resolution morfological study of the CSE of three stars: IRC+10216, the closest and more studied Carbon-Rich Mira; o Ceti, the prototype of the Mira class; and RY Sagitarii (RY Sgr), the brightest R CrB variable of the south hemisphere. JHKL near-infrared adaptive optics images of IRC+10216 with high dynamic range and Vband images with high angular resolution and high depth, collected with the VLT/NACO and VLT/FORS1 instruments, were analyzed. NACO images of o Ceti were also analyzed. Interferometric observations of RY Sgr collected with the VLTI/MIDI instrument allowed us to explore its CSE innermost regions (»20 40 mas). The CSE of IRC+10216 exhibit, in near-infrared, clumps with more complex relative displacements than proposed in previous studies. In V-band, the majority of the non-concentric shells, located in the outer CSE layers, seem to be composed of thinner elongated shells. In a global view, the morphological connection between the shells and the bipolar core of the nebulae, located in the outer layers, together with the clumps, located in the innermost regions, has a difficult interpretation. In the CSE of o Ceti, preliminar results would be indicating the presence of possible clumps. In the innermost regions (.110 UA) of the CSE of RY Sgr, two clouds were detected in different epochs, embedded in a variable gaussian envelope. Based on a rigorous verification, the first cloud was located at »100 R¤ (or »30 AU) from the centre, toward the east-north-east direction (modulo 180o) and the second one was almost at a perpendicular direction, having aproximately 2£ the distance of the first cloud. This study introduces new constraints to the mass-loss history of these kind of variables and to the morphology of their innermost CSE regions


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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We aimed to evaluate the risk factor of serum reactive dogs to antileptospire agglutinin and their spatial distribution in an urban area. We collected 1,000 blood samples from dogs at 20 immunization centers, homogeneously distributed in the urban area (32 km2) of Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Diagnosis was made by microscopic serum agglutination using 24 serovars of Leptospira spp. Statistical analysis was performed by Goodman's test with 5% of significance. Spatial clusters were tested by spatial scan statistic using SaTScan. We found that 17.9% dogs reacted to Leptospira spp. (p<0.0001). Dogs with street access (22.14%) were more reactive (p<0.05) than those without (14.83%). The scan test indicated only one significant cluster influenced by age. Incorporating each one of the co-variables gender, breed, and street access to age, we found that street access was the most important. Street access and age were the most important risk factors in the large number of reactive animals in the cluster, with the castellonis serovar being the most reactive in urban dogs. The identification of a cluster with more reactive dogs than expected allows local preventive measures to be taken.