895 resultados para Mordern hindi poetry.


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Adipose tissue is not an inert cell mass contributing only to the storage of fat, but a sophisticated ensemble of cellular components with highly specialized and complex functions. In addition to managing the most important energy reserve of the body, it secretes a multitude of soluble proteins called adipokines, which have beneficial or, alternatively, deleterious effects on the homeostasis of the whole body. The expression of these adipokines is an integrated response to various signals received from many organs, which depends heavily on the integrity and physiological status of the adipose tissue. One of the main regulators of gene expression in fat is the transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), which is a fatty acid- and eicosanoid-dependent nuclear receptor that plays key roles in the development and maintenance of the adipose tissue. Furthermore, synthetic PPARgamma agonists are therapeutic agents used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.This review discusses recent knowledge on the link between fat physiology and metabolic diseases, and the roles of PPARgamma in this interplay via the regulation of lipid and glucose metabolism. Finally, we assess the putative benefits of targeting this nuclear receptor with still-to-be-identified highly selective PPARgamma modulators.


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The aim of this article is to show how, throughout M. A. Riera's poetry, an evident anti-metaphysical sensibility can be easily detected, which in its turn makes the poet to praise concrete person's skin, flesh and bodies, thus avoiding any personal Platonic or idealistic experience of human love. In the author's opinion, an accurate reading of his poems makes us discover Plato and Platonism as one of the great responsible thinkers for the contempt of carnal love, which has been undoubtedly the origin of a real human pain as a result of denying the somatic side of eros.


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The aim of this article is to show a wide range of lights and shadows in Luis Cernuda's poetry as images which have a specific reference -in spite of not being mentioned-, that is, the Platonic image of the cave. It is thanks to the images that the poet shows us his ideal world, in which shadows symbolize the beautiful, perfect and everlasting world in which Luis Cenuda needs to believe. Once more, it deals with that well-known tension between reality and desire which defines the essence of his poetry.


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A statement presented at the oral defence of a Dr. Phil. dissertation on Saturday 26th October 2002, University of Helsinki


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Le premier volume de cette nouvelle série a pour ambition de faire découvrir au lecteur la littérature hindi, véritable trésor peu connu du public francophone. Ces dix nouvelles inédites ont pour auteurs des écrivains emblématiques des courants de sensibilité qui ont jalonné l'histoire de l'Inde moderne. Elles donnent un aperçu de l'évolution et de la complexité de la littérature hindi. Une introduction substantielle les situe, et situe leurs auteurs, dans l'histoire politique, sociale et culturelle du siècle écoulé, de l'époque coloniale à l'indépendance et aux défis de la modernité. Une plongée dans un univers poétique et humain à la fois exotique et familier. Ce titre ouvre une nouvelle collection consacrée aux littératures du sous-continent indien.


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After 21 years of hosting the Creative Writing Seminar for Helping Professionals, in 2012 the School expanded its efforts to reach social workers and showcase their creativity through a national poetry competition. For more information about creative writing at Iowa, please go to page 42.


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Le premier volume de cette nouvelle série a pour ambition de faire découvrir au lecteur la littérature hindi, véritable trésor peu connu du public francophone. Ces dix nouvelles inédites ont pour auteurs des écrivains emblématiques des courants de sensibilité qui ont jalonné l'histoire de l'Inde moderne. Elles donnent un aperçu de l'évolution et de la complexité de la littérature hindi. Une introduction substantielle les situe, et situe leurs auteurs, dans l'histoire politique, sociale et culturelle du siècle écoulé, de l'époque coloniale à l'indépendance et aux défis de la modernité. - Introduction : Nicola Pozza, maître d''enseignement et de recherche en histoire des religions à l'Université de Lausanne - Écrivains hindi: Mumsi Premcand, Jay Shankar Prasâd, Yashpal, Agyeya, Muktibodh, Mohan Râkesh, Manu Bandhari, Usha Priyamvada, Harishankar Parsai, Nirmal Verma.


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This project is intended to prove the prevalent importance of myth in contemporary art and, more specifically, to highlight how myth and poetry have shaped and reflected ideas of womanhood over time. A selection of significant literary periods, authors and works from the Renaissance to our days have been chosen in order to provide a wide scope of the evolution that the portrayal of women has undergone. Special attention has been paid to the way in which a group of selected poets have contributed to the construction and deconstruction of traditional Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman myths strongly attached to patterns of male dominance.


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Le premier volume de cette nouvelle série a pour ambition de faire découvrir au lecteur la littérature hindi, véritable trésor peu connu du public francophone. Ces dix nouvelles inédites ont pour auteurs des écrivains emblématiques des courants de sensibilité qui ont jalonné l'histoire de l'Inde moderne. Elles donnent un aperçu de l'évolution et de la complexité de la littérature hindi. Une introduction substantielle les situe, et situe leurs auteurs, dans l'histoire politique, sociale et culturelle du siècle écoulé, de l'époque coloniale à l'indépendance et aux défis de la modernité. Une plongée dans un univers poétique et humain à la fois exotique et familier. Ce titre ouvre une nouvelle collection consacrée aux littératures du sous-continent indien.


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What role have translations from Hindi literary works played in shaping and transforming our knowledge about India? In this book, renowned scholars, translators and Hindi writers from India, Europe, and the United States offer their approaches to this question. Their articles deal with the political, cultural, and linguistic criteria germane to the selection and translation of Hindi works, the nature of the enduring links between India and Europe, and the reception of translated texts, particularly through the perspective of book history. More personal essays, both on the writing process itself or on the practice of translation, complete the volume and highlight the plurality of voices that are inherent to any translation. As the outcome of an international symposium held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2008, India in Translation through Hindi Literature engages in the building of critical histories of the encounter between India and the «West», the use and impact of translations in this context, and Hindi literature and culture in connection to English (post)colonial power, literature and culture.