992 resultados para Molecular-cloning


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The discovery that the hypotensive sequela of envenomation by the South American viper, Bothrops jararaca, was mediated by peptides, represented a milestone in drug discovery research that led to the introduction of ACE inhibitors. These bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs) have been found in the venoms of many species of viper and molecular cloning of biosynthetic precursors has revealed that each encodes several different BPPs in tandem with a single copy of a C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) located at the C-terminus. Venoms of the African forest vipers (Atheris) have been poorly studied possibly because they do not represent a major danger to humans. However, initial studies have indicated that they contain some of the “classical” protein toxins of viper venoms and a novel class of peptide, the polyglycine/polyhistidine (pGpH) peptides. These peptides occur in several molecular forms with different numbers of repetitive glycine and histidine repeats. We have cloned the biosynthetic precursor of A. squamigera pGpH peptides from a venom-derived cDNA library and have confirmed that a single copy of CNP is located at the C-terminus and additionally that, like BPPs in other vipers, pGpH peptides are encoded in tandem within this single precursor. Solid phase peptide synthesis of pGpH peptides has proven to be extremely difficult but is progressing and acquisition of synthetic replicates of each peptide is a necessary prerequisite for systematic pharmacological characterisation as establishment of a biological function for these peptides remains elusive. pGpH peptides may prove to play a role as fundamental as that of the BPPs.


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Amphibian skin secretions are renowned as complex mixtures of bioactive peptides many of which are analogues of endogenous regulatory peptides. While skin secretions can be obtained non-invasively for peptidome analysis, parallel studies on the granular gland transcriptome required specimen sacrifice. The aim of the present study was to analyse archived skin secretions to determine the robustness of bioactive peptide precursor-encoding polyadenylated mRNAs in an attempt to extract maximum molecular information from rare samples. A range of solvated skin secretion samples were examined after lyophilisation for their potential to generate viable and comprehensive cDNA libraries based upon polyadenylated mRNA capture and amplification/cloning using appropriate commercial kits. Here we present unequivocal data that the granular gland transcriptome persists in a PCR amenable format even after storage for as long as 12 years in 0.1%(v/v) aqueous trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). We used a pooled skin secretion sample (2 ml) from the yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata (n = 14), containing the equivalent of 5 mg/ml of lyophilised skin secretion, that had been used in part for peptide isolation purposes in 1998 and had been stored at - 20 °C since that time. In the first cloning experiment, 12 different bombinin-like peptide precursor cDNAs were cloned encoding 17 different bombinins, the majority of which were novel. Subsequently, bombesin and bradykinin-related peptide precursor transcripts have been cloned successfully. These data illustrate the unexpected stability/longevity of the transcriptome in these secretions — a finding with implications for both this field of research and for the wider field of molecular biology.


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Extensive studies on bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs) generated from plasma kininogens in representative species of various vertebrate taxa, have confirmed that many amphibian skin BRPs reflect those present in putative vertebrate predators. For example, the (Val1, Thr6)-bradykinin, present in the defensive skin secretions of many ranids and phyllomedusines, can be generated from plasma kininogens in colubrid snakes - common predators of these frogs. Here, we report the presence of (Arg0, Trp5, Leu8)-bradykinin in the skin secretion of the European edible frog, Pelophylax kl. esculentus, and have found it to be encoded in single copy by a kininogen with an open-reading frame of 68 amino acid residues. This peptide is the archetypal bony fish bradykinin that has been generated from plasma kininogens of the bowfin (Amia calva), the long-nosed gar (Lepisosteus oseus) and the rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss). More recently, this peptide has been shown to be encoded within cloned kininogens of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) spotted wolf-fish (Anarichas minor), zebrafish (Danio rerio), pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis) and Northern pike (Esox lucius). The latter species is regarded as a major predator of P. kl. esculentus. Synthetic (Arg0, Trp5, Leu8)-bradykinin was previously reported as having multiphasic effects on arterial blood pressure in conscious trout and here we have demonstrated that it can antagonize the relaxation in rat arterial smooth muscle induced by canonical mammalian bradykinin. The discovery of (Arg0, Trp5, Leu8)-bradykinin in the defensive skin secretion of this amphibian completes the spectrum of vertebrate taxon-specific BRPs identified from this source.


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In this study, an amphibian (Odorrana hejiangensis) skin extract was fractionated by reverse phase HPLC and fractions were screened for trypsin inhibitory activity. Using this initial approach, a novel trypsin inhibitory peptide was detected with an apparent protonated molecular mass of 1804.83Da, as determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. It was named Hejiang trypsin inhibitor (HJTI) in accordance. The primary structure of the biosynthetic precursor of HJTI was deduced from a cDNA sequence cloned from a skin-derived cDNA library. The primary structure of the encoded predicted mature active peptide was established as: GAPKGCWTKSYPPQPCS (non-protonated monoisotopic molecular mass - 1802.81Da). On the basis of this unequivocal amino acid sequence, a synthetic replicate was synthesized by solid phase Fmoc chemistry. This replicate displayed a moderately potent trypsin inhibition with a K(i) of 388nM. Bioinformatic analysis of the primary structure of this peptide indicated that it was a member of the Bowman-Birk family of protease inhibitors. The substitutions of Gln-14 and Ser-17 by Lys, resulted in an increase in cationicity and a small increase in potency to a K(i) value of 218nM. Neither HJTI nor its synthetic analog, possessed any significant antimicrobial activity.


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We have determined that gene HI#1181 of Haemophilus influenzae is a homolog of Escherichia coli gmhA (previously designated lpcA) (J. S. Brooke and M. A. Valvano, J. Biol. Chem. 271:3608-3614, 1996), which encodes a phosphoheptose isomerase catalyzing the first step of the biosynthesis of ADP-L-glycero-D-manno heptose. Mutations in this gene are associated with a heptoseless core lipopolysaccharide which determines an increased outer membrane permeability to hydrophobic compounds. The cloned H. influenzae gmhA restored the synthesis of a complete core in the gmhA-deleted E. coli strain chi711. Amino acid sequence comparisons of the GmhA proteins of E. coli and H. influenzae with other proteins in the databases revealed the existence of a novel family of phosphosugar a1do-keto isomerases.


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We have cloned and studied the expression in Escherichia coli K-12 of chromosomal rfb genes determining the biosynthesis of the O7 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigen from E. coli K1 strain VW187. Two E. coli K-12 strains carrying recombinant cosmids gave positive coagglutination reactions with protein A-rich staphylococcal particles bearing an O7-specific rabbit polyclonal antiserum. Silver-stained polyacrylamide gels of total membranes extracted with hot phenol showed O side chain material which had O7 specificity as determined by immunoblotting experiments. However, the amount of O7 LPS expressed in E. coli K-12 was considerably lower than that produced by the wild-type strain VW187. Deletion and transposition experiments identified a region of about 17 kilobase pairs which is essential for the expression of O7 LPS. The existence of homologies between the O7 LPS genes and other E. coli O side chain genes was investigated by Southern blot hybridization experiments. An O7-specific probe fragment of 15 kilobase pairs did not hybridize to genomic DNA digests of E. coli strains belonging to several different O types, demonstrating that the O7 LPS genes are unique.


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We have cloned chromosomal genes determining the aerobactin iron transport system from the Escherichia coli K1 strain VW187. Mapping and hybridization experiments showed that the VW187 aerobactin region was identical to that of the plasmid ColV-K30. However, in the E. coli K-12 background, the biosynthesis of both siderophore and ferric aerobactin receptor encoded by the VW187-derived recombinant plasmids was not repressed by iron to the same extent found when a recombinant plasmid derived from pColV-K30 was used. RNA-DNA dot-blot hybridization experiments demonstrated that the aerobactin-specific mRNA synthesized by the VW187-derived clones was not iron regulated in E. coli K-12. In contrast, the synthesis of aerobactin and its receptor in strain VW187 was completely repressed by iron regardless of whether the recombinant plasmids originated from VW187 or pColV-K30. Similar results were obtained with gene fusions in which a promoterless lac operon was placed under the control of aerobactin promoter regions of either chromosome- or plasmid-mediated aerobactin systems. DNA sequencing of the chromosomal aerobactin promoter region showed changes in bases located immediately upstream to the -35 region compared with the corresponding region in pColV-K30, which is known to be part of the binding site for the Fur repressor protein.


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In this study, we investigate the skin secretion of the Madagascan Tomato Frog, Dyscophus guineti, which is characterized by its peculiarly adhesive and viscous nature, with a view toward the function of the member of the Kunitz/bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor family (BPTI) it is known to contain. Using “shotgun” cloning of a skin secretion-derived cDNA library, we obtained the full-length sequence of the respective precursor that encodes this trypsin inhibitor. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this enzyme has inhibitory activity against trypsin, but not against thrombin, and also has no antimicrobial activity. Moreover, we confirm that it appears to be the only bioactive peptide in the skin secretion of this species. Using these observations, we attempt to posit a role for this inhibitor. In particular, we hypothesize that the trypsin inhibitor in D. guineti (and possibly other microhylid frogs) maintains the soluble state of the skin secretion during storage in the glands. Upon discharge of the secretion, the trypsin inhibitor, which occurs in low concentrations, can no longer prevent the polymerisation process of other yet unidentified skin proteins, thereby resulting in the conversion of the secretion to its final glue-like state. Thus, the major defensive value of the skin secretion appears to be mechanical, impeding ingestion through a combination of adhesion and the body inflation typical for some microhylid frogs rather than chemical through antimicrobial activity or toxicity.


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One novel Kunitz BPTI-like peptide designated as BBPTI-1, with chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was identified from the venom of Burmese Daboia russelii siamensis. It was purified by three steps of chromatography including gel filtration, cation exchange and reversed phase. A partial N-terminal sequence of BBPTI-1, HDRPKFCYLPADPGECLAHMRSF was obtained by automated Edman degradation and a Ki value of 4.77. nM determined. Cloning of BBPTI-1 including the open reading frame and 3' untranslated region was achieved from cDNA libraries derived from lyophilized venom using a 3' RACE strategy. In addition a cDNA sequence, designated as BBPTI-5, was also obtained. Alignment of cDNA sequences showed that BBPTI-5 exhibited an identical sequence to BBPTI-1 cDNA except for an eight nucleotide deletion in the open reading frame. Gene variations that represented deletions in the BBPTI-5 cDNA resulted in a novel protease inhibitor analog. Amino acid sequence alignment revealed that deduced peptides derived from cloning of their respective precursor cDNAs from libraries showed high similarity and homology with other Kunitz BPTI proteinase inhibitors. BBPTI-1 and BBPTI-5 consist of 60 and 66 amino acid residues respectively, including six conserved cysteine residues. As these peptides have been reported to have influence on the processes of coagulation, fibrinolysis and inflammation, their potential application in biomedical contexts warrants further investigation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Tryptophyllins are a group of small (4–14 amino acids), heterogenous peptides, mostly from the skins of hylid frogs from the genera, Phyllomedusa and Litoria. To date, more than forty TPHs have been discovered in species from these two genera. Here, we describe the identification of a novel tryptophyllin type 3 peptide, PhT-3, from the extracts of skin of the orange-legged monkey frog, Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis, and molecular cloning of its precursor-encoding cDNA from a cDNA library constructed from the same skin sample. Full primary structural characterization was achieved using a combination of direct Edman degradation, mass spectrometry and deduction from cloned skin-derived cDNA. The open-reading frame of the precursor cDNA was found to consist of 63 amino acid residues. The mature peptide arising from this precursor contains a post-translationally modified N-terminal pyroglutamate (pGlu) residue, formed from acid-mediated cyclization of an N-terminal Gln (Q) residue, and with the structure: pGlu-Asp-Lys-Pro-Phe-Trp-Pro-Pro-Pro-Ile-Tyr-Pro-Met. Pharmacological assessment of a synthetic replicate of this peptide on phenylephrine preconstricted rat tail artery segments, revealed a reduction in relaxation induced by bradykinin. PhT-3 was also found to mediate antiproliferative effects on human prostate cancer cell lines.


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The main functions of the abundant polypeptide toxins present in scorpion venoms are the debilitation of arthropod prey or defence against predators. These effects are achieved mainly through the blocking of an array of ion channel types within the membranes of excitable cells. However, while these ion channel-blocking toxins are tightly-folded by multiple disulphide bridges between cysteine residues, there are additional groups of peptides in the venoms that are devoid of cysteine residues. These non-disulphide bridged peptides are the subject of much research interest, and among these are peptides that exhibit antimicrobial activity. Here, we describe two novel non-disulphide-bridged antimicrobial peptides that are present in the venom of the North African scorpion, Androctonus aeneas. The cDNAs encoding the biosynthetic precursors of both peptides were cloned from a venom-derived cDNA library using 3'- and 5'-RACE strategies. Both translated precursors contained open-reading frames of 74 amino acid residues, each encoding one copy of a putative novel nonadecapeptide, whose primary structures were FLFSLIPSVIAGLVSAIRN and FLFSLIPSAIAGLVSAIRN, respectively. Both peptides were C-terminally amidated. Synthetic versions of each natural peptide displayed broad-spectrum antimicrobial activities, but were devoid of antiproliferative activity against human cancer cell lines. However, synthetic analogues of each peptide, engineered for enhanced cationicity and amphipathicity, exhibited increases in antimicrobial potency and acquired antiproliferative activity against a range of human cancer cell lines. These data clearly illustrate the potential that natural peptide templates provide towards the design of synthetic analogues for therapeutic exploitation.


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Dissertação de mest., Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Among the various proteins which are induced when human cells are are treatened with interferon, a predominant protein of unknown function, with molecular mass 56 kDa, has been observed. With the aim of exploring the molecular basis of the regulation of this protein and of its mRNA, in order to understand its biological functionand its possible contribution to the various antiviral and non-antiviral actions exerted by interferons.


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Bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAV3) is a medium size DNA virus that causes respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders in cattle. The viral genome consists of a 35,000 base pair, linear, double-stranded DNA molecule with inverted terminal repeats and a 55 kilodalton protein covalently linked to each of the 5' ends. In this study, the viral genome was cloned in the form of subgenomic restriction fragments. Five EcoRI internal fragments spanning 3.4 to 89.0 % and two Xb a I internal fragments spanning 35.7 to 82.9 % of the viral genome were cloned into the EcoRI and Xbal sites of the bacterial vector pUC19. To generate overlap between cloned fragments, ten Hi n dIll internal fragments spanning 3.9 to 84.9 and 85.5 to 96% and two BAV3 BamHI internal fragments spanning 59.8 to 84.9% of the viral genome were cloned into the HindllI and BamHI sites of pUC19. The HindlII cloning strategy also resulted in six recombinant plasmids carrying two or more Hi ndII I fragments. These fragments provided valuable information on the linear orientation of the cloned fragments within the viral genome. Cloning of the terminal fragments required the removal of the residual peptides that remain attached to the 5' ends of the genome. This was accomplished by alkaline hydrolysis of the DNA-peptide bond. BamH I restriction fragments of the peptide-free DNA were cloned into pUC19 and resulted in two plasmids carrying the BAV3 Bam HI terminal fragments spanning 0 to 53.9% and 84.9 to 100% of the viral genome.