994 resultados para Molecular Chaperone


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Molecular chaperones are central to cellular protein homeostasis. In mammals, protein misfolding diseases and aging cause inflammation and progressive tissue loss, in correlation with the accumulation of toxic protein aggregates and the defective expression of chaperone genes. Bacteria and non-diseased, non-aged eukaryotic cells effectively respond to heat shock by inducing the accumulation of heat-shock proteins (HSPs), many of which molecular chaperones involved in protein homeostasis, in reducing stress damages and promoting cellular recovery and thermotolerance. We performed a meta-analysis of published microarray data and compared expression profiles of HSP genes from mammalian and plant cells in response to heat or isothermal treatments with drugs. The differences and overlaps between HSP and chaperone genes were analyzed, and expression patterns were clustered and organized in a network. HSPs and chaperones only partly overlapped. Heat-shock induced a subset of chaperones primarily targeted to the cytoplasm and organelles but not to the endoplasmic reticulum, which organized into a network with a central core of Hsp90s, Hsp70s, and sHSPs. Heat was best mimicked by isothermal treatments with Hsp90 inhibitors, whereas less toxic drugs, some of which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, weakly expressed different subsets of Hsp chaperones. This type of analysis may uncover new HSP-inducing drugs to improve protein homeostasis in misfolding and aging diseases.


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In the crowded environment of human cells, folding of nascent polypeptides and refolding of stress-unfolded proteins is error prone. Accumulation of cytotoxic misfolded and aggregated species may cause cell death, tissue loss, degenerative conformational diseases, and aging. Nevertheless, young cells effectively express a network of molecular chaperones and folding enzymes, termed here "the chaperome," which can prevent formation of potentially harmful misfolded protein conformers and use the energy of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to rehabilitate already formed toxic aggregates into native functional proteins. In an attempt to extend knowledge of chaperome mechanisms in cellular proteostasis, we performed a meta-analysis of human chaperome using high-throughput proteomic data from 11 immortalized human cell lines. Chaperome polypeptides were about 10 % of total protein mass of human cells, half of which were Hsp90s and Hsp70s. Knowledge of cellular concentrations and ratios among chaperome polypeptides provided a novel basis to understand mechanisms by which the Hsp60, Hsp70, Hsp90, and small heat shock proteins (HSPs), in collaboration with cochaperones and folding enzymes, assist de novo protein folding, import polypeptides into organelles, unfold stress-destabilized toxic conformers, and control the conformal activity of native proteins in the crowded environment of the cell. Proteomic data also provided means to distinguish between stable components of chaperone core machineries and dynamic regulatory cochaperones.


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Misfolded polypeptide monomers may be regarded as the initial species of many protein aggregation pathways, which could accordingly serve as primary targets for molecular chaperones. It is therefore of paramount importance to study the cellular mechanisms that can prevent misfolded monomers from entering the toxic aggregation pathway and moreover rehabilitate them into active proteins. Here, we produced two stable misfolded monomers of luciferase and rhodanese, which we found to be differently processed by the Hsp70 chaperone machinery and whose conformational properties were investigated by biophysical approaches. In spite of their monomeric nature, they displayed enhanced thioflavin T fluorescence, non-native β-sheets, and tertiary structures with surface-accessible hydrophobic patches, but differed in their conformational stability and aggregation propensity. Interestingly, minor structural differences between the two misfolded species could account for their markedly different behavior in chaperone-mediated unfolding/refolding assays. Indeed, only a single DnaK molecule was sufficient to unfold by direct clamping a misfolded luciferase monomer, while, by contrast, several DnaK molecules were necessary to unfold the more resistant misfolded rhodanese monomer by a combination of direct clamping and cooperative entropic pulling.


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Stress-denatured or de novo synthesized and translocated unfolded polypeptides can spontaneously reach their native state without assistance of other proteins. Yet, the pathway to native folding is complex, stress-sensitive and prone to errors. Toxic misfolded and aggregated conformers may accumulate in cells and lead to degenerative diseases. Members of the canonical conserved families of molecular chaperones, Hsp100s, Hsp70/110/40s, Hsp60/CCTs, the small Hsps and probably also Hsp90s, can recognize and bind with high affinity, abnormally exposed hydrophobic surfaces on misfolded and aggregated polypeptides. Binding to Hsp100, Hsp70, Hsp110, Hsp40, Hsp60, CCTs and Trigger factor may cause partial unfolding of the misfolded polypeptide substrates, and ATP hydrolysis can induce further unfolding and release from the chaperone, leading to spontaneous refolding into native proteins with low-affinity for the chaperones. Hence, specific chaperones act as catalytic polypeptide unfolding isomerases, rerouting cytotoxic misfolded and aggregated polypeptides back onto their physiological native refolding pathway, thus averting the onset of protein conformational diseases.


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By virtue of their general ability to bind (hold) translocating or unfolding polypeptides otherwise doomed to aggregate, molecular chaperones are commonly dubbed "holdases". Yet, chaperones also carry physiological functions that do not necessitate prevention of aggregation, such as altering the native states of proteins, as in the disassembly of SNARE complexes and clathrin coats. To carry such physiological functions, major members of the Hsp70, Hsp110, Hsp100, and Hsp60/CCT chaperone families act as catalytic unfolding enzymes or unfoldases that drive iterative cycles of protein binding, unfolding/pulling, and release. One unfoldase chaperone may thus successively convert many misfolded or alternatively folded polypeptide substrates into transiently unfolded intermediates, which, once released, can spontaneously refold into low-affinity native products. Whereas during stress, a large excess of non-catalytic chaperones in holding mode may optimally prevent protein aggregation, after the stress, catalytic disaggregases and unfoldases may act as nanomachines that use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to repair proteins with compromised conformations. Thus, holding and catalytic unfolding chaperones can act as primary cellular defenses against the formation of early misfolded and aggregated proteotoxic conformers in order to avert or retard the onset of degenerative protein conformational diseases.


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Under optimal non-physiological conditions of low concentrations and low temperatures, proteins may spontaneously fold to the native state, as all the information for folding lies in the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide. However, under conditions of stress or high protein crowding as inside cells, a polypeptide may misfold and enter an aggregation pathway resulting in the formation of misfolded conformers and fibrils, which can be toxic and lead to neurodegenerative illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Huntington's diseases and aging in general. To avert and revert protein misfolding and aggregation, cells have evolved a set of proteins called molecular chaperones. Here, I focussed on the human cytosolic chaperones Hsp70 (DnaK) and HspllO, and co-chaperone Hsp40 (DnaJ), and the chaperonin CCT (GroEL). The cytosolic molecular chaperones Hsp70s/Hspll0s and the chaperonins are highly upregulated in bacterial and human cells under different stresses and are involved both in the prevention and the reversion of protein misfolding and aggregation. Hsp70 works in collaboration with Hsp40 to reactivate misfolded or aggregated proteins in a strict ATP dependent manner. Chaperonins (CCT and GroEL) also unfold and reactivate stably misfolded proteins but we found that it needed to use the energy of ATP hydrolysis in order to evict over- sticky misfolded intermediates that inhibited the unfoldase catalytic sites. Ill In this study, we initially characterized a particular type of inactive misfolded monomeric luciferase and rhodanese species that were obtained by repeated cycles of freeze-thawing (FT). These stable misfolded monomeric conformers (FT-luciferase and FT-rhodanese) had exposed hydrophobic residues and were enriched with wrong ß-sheet structures (Chapter 2). Using FT-luciferase as substrate, we found that the Hsp70 orthologs, called HspllO (Sse in yeast), acted similarly to Hsp70 as were bona fide ATP- fuelled polypeptide unfoldases and was much more than a mere nucleotide exchange factor, as generally thought. Moreover, we found that HspllO collaborated with Hsp70 in the disaggregation of stable protein aggregates in which Hsp70 and HspllO acted as equal partners that synergistically combined their individual ATP-consuming polypeptide unfoldase activities to reactivate the misfolded/aggregated proteins (Chapter 3). Using FT-rhodanese as substrate, we found that chaperonins (GroEL and CCT) could catalytically reactivate misfolded rhodanese monomers in the absence of ATP. Also, our results suggested that encaging of an unfolding polypeptide inside the GroEL cavity under a GroES cap was not an obligatory step as generally thought (Chapter 4). Further, we investigated the role of Hsp40, a J-protein co-chaperone of Hsp70, in targeting misfolded polypeptides substrates onto Hsp70 for unfolding. We found that even a large excess of monomeric unfolded a-synuclein did not inhibit DnaJ, whereas, in contrast, stable misfolded a-synuclein oligomers strongly inhibited the DnaK-mediated chaperone reaction by way of sequestering the DnaJ co-chaperone. This work revealed that DnaJ could specifically distinguish, and bind potentially toxic stably aggregated species, such as soluble a-synuclein oligomers involved in Parkinson's disease, and with the help of DnaK and ATP convert them into from harmless natively unfolded a-synuclein monomers (chapter 5). Finally, our meta-analysis of microarray data of plant and animal tissues treated with various chemicals and abiotic stresses, revealed possible co-expressions between core chaperone machineries and their co-chaperone regulators. It clearly showed that protein misfolding in the cytosol elicits a different response, consisting of upregulating the synthesis mainly of cytosolic chaperones, from protein misfolding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that elicited a typical unfolded protein response (UPR), consisting of upregulating the synthesis mainly of ER chaperones. We proposed that drugs that best mimicked heat or UPR stress at increasing the chaperone load in the cytoplasm or ER respectively, may prove effective at combating protein misfolding diseases and aging (Chapter 6).  - Dans les conditions optimales de basse concentration et de basse température, les protéines vont spontanément adopter un repliement natif car toutes les informations nécessaires se trouvent dans la séquence des acides aminés du polypeptide. En revanche, dans des conditions de stress ou de forte concentration des protéines comme à l'intérieur d'une cellule, un polypeptide peu mal se replier et entrer dans un processus d'agrégation conduisant à la formation de conformères et de fibrilles qui peuvent être toxiques et causer des maladies neurodégénératives comme la maladie d'Alzheimer, la maladie de Parkinson ou la chorée de Huntington. Afin d'empêcher ou de rectifier le mauvais repliement des protéines, les cellules ont développé des protéines appelées chaperonnes. Dans ce travail, je me suis intéressé aux chaperonnes cytosoliques Hsp70 (DnaK) et HspllO, la co-chaperones Hsp40 (DnaJ), le complexe CCT/TRiC et GroEL. Chez les bactéries et les humains, les chaperonnes cytosoliques Hsp70s/Hspl 10s et les « chaperonines» sont fortement activées par différentes conditions de stress et sont toutes impliquées dans la prévention et la correction du mauvais repliement des protéines et de leur agrégation. Hsp70 collabore avec Hsp40 pour réactiver les protéines agrégées ou mal repliées et leur action nécessite de 1ATP. Les chaperonines (GroEL) déplient et réactivent aussi les protéines mal repliées de façon stable mais nous avons trouvé qu'elles utilisent l'ATP pour libérer les intermédiaires collant et mal repliés du site catalytique de dépliage. Nous avons initialement caractérisé un type particulier de formes stables de luciférase et de rhodanese monomériques mal repliées obtenues après plusieurs cycles de congélation / décongélation répétés (FT). Ces monomères exposaient des résidus hydrophobiques et étaient plus riches en feuillets ß anormaux. Ils pouvaient cependant être réactivés par les chaperonnes Hsp70+Hsp40 (DnaK+DnaJ) et de l'ATP, ou par Hsp60 (GroEL) sans ATP (Chapitre 2). En utilisant la FT-Luciferase comme substrat nous avons trouvé que HspllO (un orthologue de Hsp70) était une authentique dépliase, dépendante strictement de l'ATP. De plus, nous avons trouvé que HspllO collaborait avec Hsp70 dans la désagrégation d'agrégats stables de protéines en combinant leurs activités dépliase consommatrice d'ATP (Chapitre 3). En utilisant la FT-rhodanese, nous avons trouvé que les chaperonines (GroEL et CCT) pouvaient réactiver catalytiquement des monomères mal repliés en absence d'ATP. Nos résultats suggérèrent également que la capture d'un polypeptide en cours de dépliement dans la cavité de GroEL et sous un couvercle du complexe GroES ne serait pas une étape obligatoire du mécanisme, comme il est communément accepté dans la littérature (Chapitre 4). De plus, nous avons étudié le rôle de Hsp40, une co-chaperones de Hsp70, dans l'adressage de substrats polypeptidiques mal repliés vers Hsp70. Ce travail a révélé que DnaJ pouvait différencier et lier des polypeptide mal repliés (toxiques), comme des oligomères d'a-synucléine dans la maladie de Parkinson, et clairement les différencier des monomères inoffensifs d'a-synucléine (Chapitre 5). Finalement une méta-analyse de données de microarrays de tissus végétaux et animaux traités avec différents stress chimiques et abiotiques a révélé une possible co-expression de la machinerie des chaperonnes et des régulateurs de co- chaperonne. Cette meta-analyse montre aussi clairement que le mauvais repliement des protéines dans le cytosol entraîne la synthèse de chaperonnes principalement cytosoliques alors que le mauvais repliement de protéines dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER) entraine une réponse typique de dépliement (UPR) qui consiste principalement en la synthèse de chaperonnes localisées dans l'ER. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que les drogues qui reproduisent le mieux les stress de chaleur ou les stress UPR pourraient se montrer efficaces dans la lutte contre le mauvais repliement des protéines et le vieillissement (Chapitre 6).


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Hsp70-Hsp40-NEF and possibly Hsp100 are the only known molecular chaperones that can use the energy of ATP to convert stably pre-aggregated polypeptides into natively refolded proteins. However, the kinetic parameters and ATP costs have remained elusive because refolding reactions have only been successful with a molar excess of chaperones over their polypeptide substrates. Here we describe a stable, misfolded luciferase species that can be efficiently renatured by substoichiometric amounts of bacterial Hsp70-Hsp40-NEF. The reactivation rates increased with substrate concentration and followed saturation kinetics, thus allowing the determination of apparent V(max)' and K(m)' values for a chaperone-mediated renaturation reaction for the first time. Under the in vitro conditions used, one Hsp70 molecule consumed five ATPs to effectively unfold a single misfolded protein into an intermediate that, upon chaperone dissociation, spontaneously refolded to the native state, a process with an ATP cost a thousand times lower than expected for protein degradation and resynthesis.


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Salt and heat stresses, which are often combined in nature, induce complementing defense mechanisms. Organisms adapt to high external salinity by accumulating small organic compounds known as osmolytes, which equilibrate cellular osmotic pressure. Osmolytes can also act as "chemical chaperones" by increasing the stability of native proteins and assisting refolding of unfolded polypeptides. Adaptation to heat stress depends on the expression of heat-shock proteins, many of which are molecular chaperones, that prevent protein aggregation, disassemble protein aggregates, and assist protein refolding. We show here that Escherichia coli cells preadapted to high salinity contain increased levels of glycine betaine that prevent protein aggregation under thermal stress. After heat shock, the aggregated proteins, which escaped protection, were disaggregated in salt-adapted cells as efficiently as in low salt. Here we address the effects of four common osmolytes on chaperone activity in vitro. Systematic dose responses of glycine betaine, glycerol, proline, and trehalose revealed a regulatory effect on the folding activities of individual and combinations of chaperones GroEL, DnaK, and ClpB. With the exception of trehalose, low physiological concentrations of proline, glycerol, and especially glycine betaine activated the molecular chaperones, likely by assisting local folding in chaperone-bound polypeptides and stabilizing the native end product of the reaction. High osmolyte concentrations, especially trehalose, strongly inhibited DnaK-dependent chaperone networks, such as DnaK+GroEL and DnaK+ClpB, likely because high viscosity affects dynamic interactions between chaperones and folding substrates and stabilizes protein aggregates. Thus, during combined salt and heat stresses, cells can specifically control protein stability and chaperone-mediated disaggregation and refolding by modulating the intracellular levels of different osmolytes.


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Desmin is the intermediate filament (IF) protein occurring exclusively in muscle and endothelial cells. There are other IF proteins in muscle such as nestin, peripherin, and vimentin, besides the ubiquitous lamins, but they are not unique to muscle. Desmin was purified in 1977, the desmin gene was characterized in 1989, and knock-out animals were generated in 1996. Several isoforms have been described. Desmin IFs are present throughout smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, but can be more concentrated in some particular structures, such as dense bodies, around the nuclei, around the Z-line or in costameres. Desmin is up-regulated in muscle-derived cellular adaptations, including conductive fibers in the heart, electric organs, some myopathies, and experimental treatments with drugs that induce muscle degeneration, like phorbol esters. Many molecules have been reported to associate with desmin, such as other IF proteins (including members of the membrane dystroglycan complex), nebulin, the actin and tubulin binding protein plectin, the molecular motor dynein, the gene regulatory protein MyoD, DNA, the chaperone alphaB-crystallin, and proteases such as calpain and caspase. Desmin has an important medical role, since it is used as a marker of tumors' origin. More recently, several myopathies have been described, with accumulation of desmin deposits. Yet, after almost 30 years since its identification, the function of desmin is still unclear. Suggested functions include myofibrillogenesis, mechanical support for the muscle, mitochondrial localization, gene expression regulation, and intracellular signaling. This review focuses on the biochemical interactions of desmin, with a discussion of its putative functions.


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alpha B-Crystallin is a ubiquitous small heat-shock protein (sHsp) renowned for its chaperone ability to prevent target protein aggregation. It is stress-inducible and its up-regulation is associated with a number of disorders, including those linked to the deposition of misfolded proteins, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. We have characterised the formation of amyloid fibrils by human alpha B-crystallin in detail, and also that of alpha A-crystallin and the disease-related mutant R120G (alpha B-crystallin. We find that the last 12 amino acid residues of the C-terminal region of alpha B-crystallin are predicted from their physico-chemical properties to have a very low propensity to aggregate. H-1 NMR spectroscopy reveals that this hydrophilic C-terminal region is flexible both in its solution state and in amyloid fibrils, where it protrudes from the fibrillar core. We demonstrate, in addition, that the equilibrium between different protofilament assemblies can be manipulated and controlled in vitro to select for particular alpha B-crystallin amyloid morphologies. Overall, this study suggests that there could be a fine balance in vivo between the native functional sHsp state and the formation of amyloid fibrils. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The chaperone/usher pathway assembles surface virulence organelles of Gram-negative bacteria, consisting of fibers of linearly polymerized protein subunits. Fiber subunits are connected through 'donor strand complementation': each subunit completes the immunoglobulin (Ig)-like fold of the neighboring subunit by donating the seventh β-strand in trans. Whereas the folding of Ig domains is a fast first-order process, folding of Ig modules into the fiber conformation is a slow second-order process. Periplasmic chaperones separate this process in two parts by forming transient complexes with subunits. Interactions between chaperones and subunits are also based on the principle of donor strand complementation. In this study, we have performed mutagenesis of the binding motifs of the Caf1M chaperone and Caf1 capsular subunit from Yersinia pestis and analyzed the effect of the mutations on the structure, stability, and kinetics of Caf1M-Caf1 and Caf1-Caf1 interactions. The results suggest that a large hydrophobic effect combined with extensive main-chain hydrogen bonding enables Caf1M to rapidly bind an early folding intermediate of Caf1 and direct its partial folding. The switch from the Caf1M-Caf1 contact to the less hydrophobic, but considerably tighter and less dynamic Caf1-Caf1 contact occurs via the zip-out-zip-in donor strand exchange pathway with pocket 5 acting as the initiation site. Based on these findings, Caf1M was engineered to bind Caf1 faster, tighter, or both faster and tighter. To our knowledge, this is the first successful attempt to rationally design an assembly chaperone with improved chaperone function.


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ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 mediates the export of excess cholesterol from macrophages, contributing to the prevention of atherosclerosis. Advanced glycated albumin (AGE-alb) is prevalent in diabetes mellitus and is associated with the development of atherosclerosis. Independently of changes in ABCA-1 mRNA levels, AGE-alb induces oxidative stress and reduces ABCA-1 protein levels, which leads to macrophage lipid accumulation. These metabolic conditions are known to elicit endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. We sought to determine if AGE-alb induces ER stress and unfolded protein response (UPR) in macrophages and how disturbances to the ER could affect ABCA-1 content and cholesterol efflux in macrophages. AGE-alb induced a time-dependent increase in ER stress and UPR markers. ABCA-1 content and cellular cholesterol efflux were reduced by 33% and 47%, respectively, in macrophages treated with AGE-alb, and both were restored by treatment with 4-phenyl butyric acid (a chemical chaperone that alleviates ER stress), but not MG132 (a proteasome inhibitor). Tunicamycin, a classical ER stress inductor, also impaired ABCA-1 expression and cholesterol efflux (showing a decrease of 61% and 82%, respectively), confirming the deleterious effect of ER stress in macrophage cholesterol accumulation. Glycoxidation induces macrophage ER stress, which relates to the reduction in ABCA-1 and in reverse cholesterol transport, endorsing the adverse effect of macrophage ER stress in atherosclerosis. Thus, chemical chaperones that alleviate ER stress may represent a useful tool for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis in diabetes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although nickel is a toxic metal for living organisms in its soluble form, its importance in many biological processes recently emerged. In this view, the investigation of the nickel-dependent enzymes urease and [NiFe]-hydrogenase, especially the mechanism of nickel insertion into their active sites, represent two intriguing case studies to understand other analogous systems and therefore to lead to a comprehension of the nickel trafficking inside the cell. Moreover, these two enzymes have been demonstrated to ensure survival and colonization of the human pathogen H. pylori, the only known microorganism able to proliferate in the gastric niche. The right nickel delivering into the urease active site requires the presence of at least four accessory proteins, UreD, UreE, UreF and UreG. Similarly, analogous process is principally mediated by HypA and HypB proteins in the [NiFe]-hydrogenase system. Indeed, HpHypA and HpHypB also have been proposed to act in the activation of the urease enzyme from H. pylori, probably mobilizing nickel ions from HpHypA to the HpUreE-HpUreG complex. A complete comprehension of the interaction mechanism between the accessory proteins and the crosstalk between urease and hydrogenase accessory systems requires the determination of the role of each protein chaperone that strictly depends on their structural and biochemical properties. The availability of HpUreE, HpUreG and HpHypA proteins in a pure form is a pre-requisite to perform all the subsequent protein characterizations, thus their purification was the first aim of this work. Subsequently, the structural and biochemical properties of HpUreE were investigated using multi-angle and quasi-elastic light scattering, as well as NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters of Ni2+ and Zn2+ binding to HpUreE were principally established using isothermal titration calorimetry and the importance of key histidine residues in the process of binding metal ions was studied using site-directed mutagenesis. The molecular details of the HpUreE-HpUreG and HpUreE-HpHypA protein-protein assemblies were also elucidated. The interaction between HpUreE and HpUreG was investigated using ITC and NMR spectroscopy, and the influence of Ni2+ and Zn2+ metal ions on the stabilization of this association was established using native gel electrophoresis, light scattering and thermal denaturation scanning followed by CD spectroscopy. Preliminary HpUreE-HpHypA interaction studies were conducted using ITC. Finally, the possible structural architectures of the two protein-protein assemblies were rationalized using homology modeling and docking computational approaches. All the obtained data were interpreted in order to achieve a more exhaustive picture of the urease activation process, and the correlation with the accessory system of the hydrogenase enzyme, considering the specific role and activity of the involved protein players. A possible function for Zn2+ in the chaperone network involved in Ni2+ trafficking and urease activation is also envisaged.


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Urease is a nickel-dependent enzyme that catalyzes hydrolysis of urea in the last step of organic nitrogen mineralization. Its active site contains a dinuclear center for Ni(II) ions that must be inserted into the apo-enzyme through the action of four accessory proteins (UreD, UreE, UreF, UreG) leading to activation of urease. UreE, acting as a metallo-chaperone, delivers Ni(II) to the preformed complex of apo-urease-UreDFG and has the capability to enhance the GTPase activity of UreG. This study, focused on characterization of UreE from Sporosarcina pasteurii (SpUreE), represents a piece of information on the structure/mobility-function relationships that control nickel binding by SpUreE and its interaction with SpUreG. A calorimetric analysis revealed the occurrence of a binding event between these proteins with positive cooperativity and a stoichiometry consistent with the formation of the (UreE)2-(UreG)2 hetero-oligomer complex. Chemical Shift Perturbations induced by the protein-protein interaction were analyzed using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, which allowed to characterize the molecular details of the protein surface of SpUreE involved in the complex formation with SpUreG. Moreover, backbone dynamic properties of SpUreE, determined using 15N relaxation analysis, revealed a general mobility in the nanoseconds time-scale, with the fastest motions observed at the C-termini. The latter analysis made it possible for the first time to characterize of the C-terminal portions, known to contain key residues for metal ion binding, that were not observed in the crystal structure of UreE because of disorder. The residues belonging to this portion of SpUreE feature large CSPs upon addition of SpUreG, showing that their chemical environment is directly affected by protein-protein interaction. Metal ion selectivity and affinity of SpUreE for cognate Ni(II) and non cognate Zn(II) metal ions were determined, and the ability of the protein to select Ni(II) over Zn(II), in consistency with the proposed role in Ni(II) cations transport, was established.


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Renal excretion of citrate, an inhibitor of calcium stone formation, is controlled mainly by reabsorption via the apical Na(+)-dicarboxylate cotransporter NaDC1 (SLC13A2) in the proximal tubule. Recently, it has been shown that the protein phosphatase calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK-506 induce hypocitraturia, a risk factor for nephrolithiasis in kidney transplant patients, but apparently through urine acidification. This suggests that these agents up-regulate NaDC1 activity. Using the Xenopus lævis oocyte and HEK293 cell expression systems, we examined first the effect of both anti-calcineurins on NaDC1 activity and expression. While FK-506 had no effect, CsA reduced NaDC1-mediated citrate transport by lowering heterologous carrier expression (as well as endogenous carrier expression in HEK293 cells), indicating that calcineurin is not involved. Given that CsA also binds specifically to cyclophilins, we determined next whether such proteins could account for the observed changes by examining the effect of selected cyclophilin wild types and mutants on NaDC1 activity and cyclophilin-specific siRNA. Interestingly, our data show that the cyclophilin isoform B is likely responsible for down-regulation of carrier expression by CsA and that it does so via its chaperone activity on NaDC1 (by direct interaction) rather than its rotamase activity. We have thus identified for the first time a regulatory partner for NaDC1, and have gained novel mechanistic insight into the effect of CsA on renal citrate transport and kidney stone disease, as well as into the regulation of membrane transporters in general.