899 resultados para Model driven development


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We argue that, for certain constrained domains, elaborate model transformation technologies-implemented from scratch in general-purpose programming languages-are unnecessary for model-driven engineering; instead, lightweight configuration of commercial off-the-shelf productivity tools suffices. In particular, in the CancerGrid project, we have been developing model-driven techniques for the generation of software tools to support clinical trials. A domain metamodel captures the community's best practice in trial design. A scientist authors a trial protocol, modelling their trial by instantiating the metamodel; customized software artifacts to support trial execution are generated automatically from the scientist's model. The metamodel is expressed as an XML Schema, in such a way that it can be instantiated by completing a form to generate a conformant XML document. The same process works at a second level for trial execution: among the artifacts generated from the protocol are models of the data to be collected, and the clinician conducting the trial instantiates such models in reporting observations-again by completing a form to create a conformant XML document, representing the data gathered during that observation. Simple standard form management tools are all that is needed. Our approach is applicable to a wide variety of information-modelling domains: not just clinical trials, but also electronic public sector computing, customer relationship management, document workflow, and so on. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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The numbers of water-borne oomycete propagules in outdoor reservoirs used in horticultural nurseries within the UK are investigated in this study. Water samples were recovered from 11 different horticultural nurseries in the southern UK during Jan-May in two ‘cool’ years (2010.and 2013; winter temperatures 2.0 and 0.4oC below UK Met Office 30 year winter average respectively) and two ‘warm’ years (2008 and 2012; winter temperatures 1.2 and 0.9oC above UK Met Office 30 year winter average respectively). Samples were analysed for total number of oomycete colony forming units (CFU), predominantly members of the families Saprolegniaceae and Pythiaceae, and these were combined to give monthly mean counts. The numbers of CFU were investigated with respect to prevailing climate in the region: mean monthly air temperatures calculated by using daily observations from the nearest climatological station. The investigations show that the number of CFU during spring can be explained by a linear first-order equation and a statistically significant r2 value of 0.66 with the simple relationship: [CFU] = a(T-Tb )-b, where a is the rate of inoculum development with temperature T, and b is the baseload population at temperatures below Tb. Despite the majority of oomycete CFU detected being non-phytopathogenic members of the Saprolegniaceae, total oomycete CFU counts are still of considerable value as indicators of irrigation water treatment efficacy and cleanliness of storage tanks. The presence/absence of Pythium spp. was also determined for all samples tested, and Pythium CFU were found to be present in the majority, the exceptions all being particularly cold months (January and February 2010 and January 2008). A simple scenario study (+2 deg C) suggests that abundance of water-borne oomycetes during spring could be affected by increased temperatures due to climate change.


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Model Driven based approach for Service Evolution in Clouds will mainly focus on the reusable evolution patterns' advantage to solve evolution problems. During the process, evolution pattern will be driven by MDA models to pattern aspects. Weaving the aspects into service based process by using Aspect-Oriented extended BPEL engine at runtime will be the dynamic feature of the evolution.


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O desenvolvimento de software orientado a modelos defende a utilização dos modelos como um artefacto que participa activamente no processo de desenvolvimento. O modelo ocupa uma posição que se encontra ao mesmo nível do código. Esta é uma abordagem importante que tem sido alvo de atenção crescente nos últimos tempos. O Object Management Group (OMG) é o responsável por uma das principais especificações utilizadas na definição da arquitectura dos sistemas cujo desenvolvimento é orientado a modelos: o Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Os projectos que têm surgido no âmbito da modelação e das linguagens específicas de domínio para a plataforma Eclipse são um bom exemplo da atenção dada a estas áreas. São projectos totalmente abertos à comunidade, que procuram respeitar os standards e que constituem uma excelente oportunidade para testar e por em prática novas ideias e abordagens. Nesta dissertação foram usadas ferramentas criadas no âmbito do Amalgamation Project, desenvolvido para a plataforma Eclipse. Explorando o UML e usando a linguagem QVT, desenvolveu-se um processo automático para extrair elementos da arquitectura do sistema a partir da definição de requisitos. Os requisitos são representados por modelos UML que são transformados de forma a obter elementos para uma aproximação inicial à arquitectura do sistema. No final, obtêm-se um modelo UML que agrega os componentes, interfaces e tipos de dados extraídos a partir dos modelos dos requisitos. É uma abordagem orientada a modelos que mostrou ser exequível, capaz de oferecer resultados práticos e promissora no que concerne a trabalho futuro.


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Atualmente, verifica-se um aumento na necessidade de software feito à medida do cliente, que se consiga adaptar de forma rápida as constantes mudanças da sua área de negócio. Cada cliente tem os seus problemas concretos que precisa de resolver, não lhe sendo muitas vezes possível dispensar uma elevada quantidade de recursos para atingir os fins pretendidos. De forma a dar resposta a estes problemas surgiram várias arquiteturas e metodologias de desenvolvimento de software, que permitem o desenvolvimento ágil de aplicações altamente configuráveis, que podem ser personalizadas por qualquer utilizador das mesmas. Este dinamismo, trazido para as aplicações sobre a forma de modelos que são personalizados pelos utilizadores e interpretados por uma plataforma genérica, cria maiores desafios no momento de realizar testes, visto existir um número de variáveis consideravelmente maior que numa aplicação com uma arquitetura tradicional. É necessário, em todos os momentos, garantir a integridade de todos os modelos, bem como da plataforma responsável pela sua interpretação, sem ser necessário o desenvolvimento constante de aplicações para suportar os testes sobre os diferentes modelos. Esta tese debruça-se sobre uma aplicação, a plataforma myMIS, que permite a interpretação de modelos orientados à gestão, escritos numa linguagem específica de domínio, sendo realizada a avaliação do estado atual e definida uma proposta de práticas de testes a aplicar no desenvolvimento da mesma. A proposta resultante desta tese permitiu verificar que, apesar das dificuldades inerentes à arquitetura da aplicação, o desenvolvimento de testes de uma forma genérica é possível, podendo as mesmas lógicas ser utilizadas para o teste de diversos modelos distintos.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Informática


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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A elicitação de requisitos é uma das primeiras actividades do processo de Engenharia de Requisitos. Através desta etapa é possível capturar e estruturar os requisitos dos stakeholders e do sistema a ser implementado. Tipicamente esta estruturação é representada através de notação gráfica com o auxílio de ferramentas CASE. Estas ferramentas tornam esta actividade exclusiva, em termos de acessibilidade, a engenheiros sem deficiências físicas devido à complexidade das funcionalidades oferecidas pelas mesmas que permitem construir estes modelos. Nesta dissertação de mestrado é proposto desenvolver uma abordagem com suporte de uma ferramenta para melhorar a acessibilidade, e consequentemente,integrar um engenheiro de requisitos com limitações físicas na actividade de elicitação de requisitos. A ferramenta também possibilita uma alternativa para os stakeholders em geral para produzir modelos sem usar as mãos quando for mais conveniente. Esta abordagem propõe usar mecanismos de voz na geração de modelos de requisitos, mais concretamente modelos de requisitos orientados a objectivos, modelos de objectos e modelos de features usando técnicas de Model-Driven Development (MDD) (e.g., metamodelos). O stakeholder assim irá capturar os seus requisitos através de mecanismos de reconhecimento de voz, sendo automaticamente realizada uma transformação do seu discurso para um modelo KAOS, para um modelo conceptual ou para um modelo de features.


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Na atualidade existe a necessidade de produzir novos aviões de forma rápida, eficiente e económica com o objetivo de abrir novas rotas de voo, expansão das já existentes e substituição de aviões em fim de vida útil. Neste contexto, e sem nunca deixar de cumprir os apertados requisitos do domínio que incluem a exigência de elevada qualidade, a indústria adotou a arquitetura IMA que permite executar várias aplicações aviónicas num único sistema de computação partilhado. Com esta arquitetura, o desenvolvimento do software para as aeronaves ganhou uma elevada relevância, sendo necessário gerar código automaticamente, reutilizar código já testado proveniente de outras aplicações anteriormente desenvolvidas e garantir o mais cedo possível que o software desenvolvido se encontra de acordo com os standards. Apesar da complexidade do domínio, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta que permite produzir a estrutura do código de novas aplicações para a aviónica. Aferramenta lida com a variabilidade das diversas linhas de produto e reduz o tempo de desenvolvimento. Uma DSL poderia ser uma solução apropriada, pois permite cobrir diversos requisitos exigidos, no entanto, esta solução não é exequível porque seria necessário produzir uma linguagem para cada configuração de software aviónico diferente se pretendêssemos tirar partido da especificidade. Com esta dissertação, solucionou-se esta dificuldade com recurso à noção de família de DSLs. Trata-se de um conjunto de linguagens para um domínio específico, que apresentam um conjunto comum de conceitos chave, mas que adaptam alguns desses conceitos para cumprir a variabilidade dos requisitos. Utilizou-se a abordagem MDD para desenvolver um gerador automático de DSLs que é capaz de produzir a linguagem desejada de acordo com a configuração de software pretendida para a partição pertencente a um módulo aviónico. As linguagens geradas apresentam um nível de usabilidade adequada para o domínio, bem como têm a capacidade de validar as construções efetuadas usando a DSL e produzir os artefactos pretendidos.


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The superfluous consumption of energy is faced by the modern society as a Socio-Economical and Environmental problem of the present days. This situation is worsening given that it is becoming clear that the tendency is to increase energy price every year. It is also noticeable that people, not necessarily proficient in technology, are not able to know where savings can be achieved, due to the absence of accessible awareness mechanisms. One of the home user concerns is to balance the need of reducing energy consumption, while producing the same activity with all the comfort and work efficiency. The common techniques to reduce the consumption are to use a less wasteful equipment, altering the equipment program to a more economical one or disconnecting appliances that are not necessary at the moment. However, there is no direct feedback from this performed actions, which leads to the situation where the user is not aware of the influence that these techniques have in the electrical bill. With the intension to give some control over the home consumption, Energy Management Systems (EMS) were developed. These systems allow the access to the consumption information and help understanding the energy waste. However, some studies have proven that these systems have a clear mismatch between the information that is presented and the one the user finds useful for his daily life, leading to demotivation of use. In order to create a solution more oriented towards the user’s demands, a specially tailored language (DSL) was implemented. This solution allows the user to acquire the information he considers useful, through the construction of questions about his energy consumption. The development of this language, following the Model Driven Development (MDD) approach, took into consideration the ideas of facility managers and home users in the phases of design and validation. These opinions were gathered through meetings with experts and a survey, which was conducted to the purpose of collecting statistics about what home users want to know.


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To cope with modernity, the interesting of having a fully automated house has been increasing over the years, as technology evolves and as our lives become more stressful and overloaded. An automation system provides a way to simplify some daily tasks, allowing us to have more spare time to perform activities where we are really needed. There are some systems in this domain that try to implement these characteristics, but this kind of technology is at its early stages of evolution being that it is still far away of empowering the user with the desired control over a habitation. The reason is that the mentioned systems miss some important features such as adaptability, extension and evolution. These systems, developed from a bottom-up approach, are often tailored for programmers and domain experts, discarding most of the times the end users that remain with unfinished interfaces or products that they have difficulty to control. Moreover, complex behaviors are avoided, since they are extremely difficult to implement mostly due to the necessity of handling priorities, conflicts and device calibration. Besides, these solutions are only reachable at very high costs, yet they still have the limitation of being difficult to configure by non-technical people once in runtime operation. As a result, it is necessary to create a tool that allows the execution of several automated actions, with an interface that is easy to use but at the same time supports all the main features of this domain. It is also desirable that this tool is independent of the hardware so it can be reused, thus a Model Driven Development approach (MDD) is the ideal option, as it is a method that follows those principles. Since the automation domain has some very specific concepts, the use of models should be combined with a Domain Specific Language (DSL). With these two methods, it is possible to create a solution that is adapted to the end users, but also to domain experts and programmers due to the several levels of abstraction that can be added to diminish the complexity of use. The aim of this thesis is to design a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that uses the Model Driven Development approach (MDD), with the purpose of supporting Home Automation (HA) concepts. In this implementation, the development of simple and complex scenarios should be supported and will be one of the most important concerns. This DSL should also support other significant features in this domain, such as the ability to schedule tasks, which is something that is limited in the current existing solutions.


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The file contains the ontology created and instantiated according to a case study as well as a little explanation of the framework in which it is included.


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La recherche en génie logiciel a depuis longtemps tenté de mieux comprendre le processus de développement logiciel, minimalement, pour en reproduire les bonnes pratiques, et idéalement, pour pouvoir le mécaniser. On peut identifier deux approches majeures pour caractériser le processus. La première approche, dite transformationnelle, perçoit le processus comme une séquence de transformations préservant certaines propriétés des données à l’entrée. Cette idée a été récemment reprise par l’architecture dirigée par les modèles de l’OMG. La deuxième approche consiste à répertorier et à codifier des solutions éprouvées à des problèmes récurrents. Les recherches sur les styles architecturaux, les patrons de conception, ou les cadres d’applications s’inscrivent dans cette approche. Notre travail de recherche reconnaît la complémentarité des deux approches, notamment pour l’étape de conception: dans le cadre du développement dirigé par les modèles, nous percevons l’étape de conception comme l’application de patrons de solutions aux modèles reçus en entrée. Il est coutume de définir l’étape de conception en termes de conception architecturale, et conception détaillée. La conception architecturale se préoccupe d’organiser un logiciel en composants répondant à un ensemble d’exigences non-fonctionnelles, alors que la conception détaillée se préoccupe, en quelque sorte, du contenu de ces composants. La conception architecturale s’appuie sur des styles architecturaux qui sont des principes d’organisation permettant d’optimiser certaines qualités, alors que la conception détaillée s’appuie sur des patrons de conception pour attribuer les responsabilités aux classes. Les styles architecturaux et les patrons de conception sont des artefacts qui codifient des solutions éprouvées à des problèmes récurrents de conception. Alors que ces artefacts sont bien documentés, la décision de les appliquer reste essentiellement manuelle. De plus, les outils proposés n’offrent pas un support adéquat pour les appliquer à des modèles existants. Dans cette thèse, nous nous attaquons à la conception détaillée, et plus particulièrement, à la transformation de modèles par application de patrons de conception, en partie parce que les patrons de conception sont moins complexes, et en partie parce que l’implémentation des styles architecturaux passe souvent par les patrons de conception. Ainsi, nous proposons une approche pour représenter et appliquer les patrons de conception. Notre approche se base sur la représentation explicite des problèmes résolus par ces patrons. En effet, la représentation explicite du problème résolu par un patron permet : (1) de mieux comprendre le patron, (2) de reconnaître l’opportunité d’appliquer le patron en détectant une instance de la représentation du problème dans les modèles du système considéré, et (3) d’automatiser l’application du patron en la représentant, de façon déclarative, par une transformation d’une instance du problème en une instance de la solution. Pour vérifier et valider notre approche, nous l’avons utilisée pour représenter et appliquer différents patrons de conception et nous avons effectué des tests pratiques sur des modèles générés à partir de logiciels libres.


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Fujaba is an Open Source UML CASE tool project started at the software engineering group of Paderborn University in 1997. In 2002 Fujaba has been redesigned and became the Fujaba Tool Suite with a plug-in architecture allowing developers to add functionality easily while retaining full control over their contributions. Multiple Application Domains Fujaba followed the model-driven development philosophy right from its beginning in 1997. At the early days, Fujaba had a special focus on code generation from UML diagrams resulting in a visual programming language with a special emphasis on object structure manipulating rules. Today, at least six rather independent tool versions are under development in Paderborn, Kassel, and Darmstadt for supporting (1) reengineering, (2) embedded real-time systems, (3) education, (4) specification of distributed control systems, (5) integration with the ECLIPSE platform, and (6) MOF-based integration of system (re-) engineering tools. International Community According to our knowledge, quite a number of research groups have also chosen Fujaba as a platform for UML and MDA related research activities. In addition, quite a number of Fujaba users send requests for more functionality and extensions. Therefore, the 8th International Fujaba Days aimed at bringing together Fujaba develop- ers and Fujaba users from all over the world to present their ideas and projects and to discuss them with each other and with the Fujaba core development team.