784 resultados para Mobile Applications for Android
Mobile WiFi devices are becoming increasingly popular in non-seamless and user-controlled mobile traffic offloading alongside the standard WiFi hotspots. Unlike the operator-controlled hotspots, a mobile WiFi device relies on the capacity of the macro-cell for the data rate allocated to it. This type of devices can help offloading data traffic from the macro-cell base station and serve the end users within a closer range, but will change the pattern of resource distributions operated by the base station. We propose a resource allocation scheme that aims to optimize user quality of experience (QoE) when accessing video services in the environment where traffic offloading is taking place through interworking between a mobile communication system and low range wireless LANs. In this scheme, a rate redistribution algorithm is derived to perform scheduling which is controlled by a no-reference quality assessment metric in order to achieve the desired trade-offs between efficiency and fairness. We show the performance of this algorithm in terms of the distribution of the allocated data rates throughout the macro-cell investigated and the service coverage offered by the WiFi access point.
Adaptation is an important requirement for mobile applications due to the varying levels of resource availability that characterizes mobile environments. However without proper control, multiple applications can each adapt independently in response to a range of different adaptive stimuli, causing conflicts or sub optimal performance. In this thesis we presented a framework, which enables multiple adaptation mechanisms to coexist on one platform. The key component of this framework was the 'Policy Server', which has all the system policies and governs the rules for adaptation. We also simulated our framework and subjected it to various adaptation scenarios to demonstrate the working of the system as a whole. With the help of the simulation it was shown that our framework enables seamless adaptation of multiple applications.
Despite widespread controversy surrounding zero-rating—that is, the practice of subsidizing mobile data—the field suffers from a lack of inquiry into user understanding of and experience with zero-rated services. This paper explores how Ghanaian mobile users interact with zero-rated mobile applications Free Basics and Wikipedia Zero. Based on semi-structured interviews with users and non-users of the applications, I discuss how mobile phone users perceive Free Basics and Wikipedia Zero, what motivates them to use or not use the applications, and how the availability of the applications influences their data-buying strategies. Findings suggest that respondents, including those who did not actively use the applications, understood and experienced Free Basics and Wikipedia Zero in ways divergent from the providers’ aim of expanding access to online content and services.
Vehicular networks, also known as VANETs, are an ad-hoc network formed by vehicles and road-side units. Nowadays they have been attracting big interest both from researchers as from the automotive industry. With the upcoming of automotive specific operating systems and self-driving cars, the use of applications on vehicles and the integration with common mobile devices is becoming a big part of VANETs. Although many advances have been made on this field, there is still a big discrepancy between the communication layer services provided by VANETs and the user level services, namely those accessible through mobile applications on other networks and technologies. Users and developers are accustomed to user-to-user or user-tobusiness communication without explicit concerns related with the available communication transport layer. Such is not possible in VANETs since people may use more than one vehicle. However, to send a message to a specific user in these networks, there is a need to know the ID of the vehicle where the user is, meaning that there is a lack of services that map each individual user to VANETs endpoint (vehicle identification). This dissertation work proposes VANESS, a naming service as a resource to support user-to-user communication within a heterogeneous scenario comprising typical ISP scenario and VANETs focused on mobile devices. The proposed system is able to map the user to an end point either locally (i.e. there is not internet connection at all), online (i.e. system is not in a vehicular network but has direct internet connection) and using a gateway (i.e. the system is in a vehicular network where some of the nodes have internet access and will act as a gateway). VANESS was fully implemented on android OS with results proving his viability, and partially on iOS showing its multiplatform capabilities.
The traditional process of filling the medicine trays and dispensing the medicines to the patients in the hospitals is manually done by reading the printed paper medicine chart. This process can be very strenuous and error-prone, given the number of sub-tasks involved in the entire workflow and the dynamic nature of the work environment. Therefore, efforts are being made to digitalise the medication dispensation process by introducing a mobile application called Smart Dosing application. The introduction of the Smart Dosing application into hospital workflow raises security concerns and calls for security requirement analysis. This thesis is written as a part of the smart medication management project at Embedded Systems Laboratory, A° bo Akademi University. The project aims at digitising the medicine dispensation process by integrating information from various health systems, and making them available through the Smart Dosing application. This application is intended to be used on a tablet computer which will be incorporated on the medicine tray. The smart medication management system include the medicine tray, the tablet device, and the medicine cups with the cup holders. Introducing the Smart Dosing application should not interfere with the existing process carried out by the nurses, and it should result in minimum modifications to the tray design and the workflow. The re-designing of the tray would include integrating the device running the application into the tray in a manner that the users find it convenient and make less errors while using it. The main objective of this thesis is to enhance the security of the hospital medicine dispensation process by ensuring the security of the Smart Dosing application at various levels. The methods used for writing this thesis was to analyse how the tray design, and the application user interface design can help prevent errors and what secure technology choices have to be made before starting the development of the next prototype of the Smart Dosing application. The thesis first understands the context of the use of the application, the end-users and their needs, and the errors made in everyday medication dispensation workflow by continuous discussions with the nursing researchers. The thesis then gains insight to the vulnerabilities, threats and risks of using mobile application in hospital medication dispensation process. The resulting list of security requirements was made by analysing the previously built prototype of the Smart Dosing application, continuous interactive discussions with the nursing researchers, and an exhaustive stateof- the-art study on security risks of using mobile applications in hospital context. The thesis also uses Octave Allegro method to make the readers understand the likelihood and impact of threats, and what steps should be taken to prevent or fix them. The security requirements obtained, as a result, are a starting point for the developers of the next iteration of the prototype for the Smart Dosing application.
Smartphones are increasingly playing a role in healthcare and previous studies assessing medical applications (apps) have raised concerns about lack of expert involvement and low content accuracy. However, there are no such studies in Urology. We reviewed Urology apps with the aim of assessing the level of participation of healthcare professionals (HCP) and scientific Urology associations in their development.
The traditional process of filling the medicine trays and dispensing the medicines to the patients in the hospitals is manually done by reading the printed paper medicinechart. This process can be very strenuous and error-prone, given the number of sub-tasksinvolved in the entire workflow and the dynamic nature of the work environment.Therefore, efforts are being made to digitalise the medication dispensation process byintroducing a mobile application called Smart Dosing application. The introduction ofthe Smart Dosing application into hospital workflow raises security concerns and callsfor security requirement analysis. This thesis is written as a part of the smart medication management project at EmbeddedSystems Laboratory, A˚bo Akademi University. The project aims at digitising the medicine dispensation process by integrating information from various health systems, and making them available through the Smart Dosing application. This application is intended to be used on a tablet computer which will be incorporated on the medicine tray. The smart medication management system include the medicine tray, the tablet device, and the medicine cups with the cup holders. Introducing the Smart Dosing application should not interfere with the existing process carried out by the nurses, and it should result in minimum modifications to the tray design and the workflow. The re-designing of the tray would include integrating the device running the application into the tray in a manner that the users find it convenient and make less errors while using it. The main objective of this thesis is to enhance the security of the hospital medicine dispensation process by ensuring the security of the Smart Dosing application at various levels. The methods used for writing this thesis was to analyse how the tray design, and the application user interface design can help prevent errors and what secure technology choices have to be made before starting the development of the next prototype of the Smart Dosing application. The thesis first understands the context of the use of the application, the end-users and their needs, and the errors made in everyday medication dispensation workflow by continuous discussions with the nursing researchers. The thesis then gains insight to the vulnerabilities, threats and risks of using mobile application in hospital medication dispensation process. The resulting list of security requirements was made by analysing the previously built prototype of the Smart Dosing application, continuous interactive discussions with the nursing researchers, and an exhaustive state-of-the-art study on security risks of using mobile applications in hospital context. The thesis also uses Octave Allegro method to make the readers understand the likelihood and impact of threats, and what steps should be taken to prevent or fix them. The security requirements obtained, as a result, are a starting point for the developers of the next iteration of the prototype for the Smart Dosing application.
This paper presents how new paradigms and methodologies for software development are changing rapidly in the last two years. In the current scenario where we live on, occurs a transition that, although slight, reflects the rapid manner in which the software production paradigms are reinvented due to the change of display devices and interaction with the end user. Studies indicate that in 2013 was the turn out of the internet access domain for mobile devices over the traditional desktop device, which is currently at around 60% mobile, against 40% desktop. This field will tend to grow in the coming years and it is expected that the use of internet for a desktop terminal tends to be less each day (comScore). In this context, the software industry has been re-invented and updated with respect to technologies that promote software and mobile applications, building products capable of responding to the user market. The development of software products, such as applications, must be put into production for different user environments, such as Web, iOS and Android in a way to enhance efficiency, optimization and productivity in the software development cycle (Langer, Arthur M.).
Resumen: En el siguiente trabajo se aborda un problema para solventar la comunicación con los robots del departamento MAPIR de la Universidad de Málaga, anteriormente sólo podían ser teleoperados mediante comandos escritos en Skype, así que se procede a diseñar un cliente móvil para Android que nos permite conectarse en tiempo real a un robot, obtener la imagen de lo que su cámara capta y además permitir su teleoperación. Por su parte, el robot corre un servidor que administra esos datos al cliente para trabajar conjuntamente. Dicho trabajo se desarrolla haciendo uso de nuevas tecnologias y protocolos como es WebRTC (de Google) para el intercambio de imágenes y del lado del servidor, se ha usado NodeJS.
110 p.
En esta memoria se describe el diseño y las pautas seguidas para la construcción de una aplicación móvil que permite la creación de grupos de personas para la gestión de los gastos, facturas y deudas comunitarias. Con un soporte Front-End en Android, un Back-End desarrollado en PHP y un almacenamiento de la información en una base de datos NoSQL, concretamente en MongoDB. El proyecto se ha realizado en grupo, separando los módulos Front-End y Back-End en dos proyectos distintos. En este proyecto desarrollamos el módulo Back-End. En él encontraremos el diseño para la construcción de la arquitectura REST y dar solución a la comunicación cliente y servidor de la aplicación. Además se ha añadido la componente PaaS (Platform as a Service) para acercar el desarrollo de este proyecto a un entorno de producción más real, afrontando así problemas reales. Al tratarse de un proyecto en equipo, el uso de metodologías ágiles cobra más importancia, por ello en este proyecto se ha hecho uso de la metodología Scrum.
In the medical field images obtained from high definition cameras and other medical imaging systems are an integral part of medical diagnosis. The analysis of these images are usually performed by the physicians who sometimes need to spend long hours reviewing the images before they are able to come up with a diagnosis and then decide on the course of action. In this dissertation we present a framework for a computer-aided analysis of medical imagery via the use of an expert system. While this problem has been discussed before, we will consider a system based on mobile devices. Since the release of the iPhone on April 2003, the popularity of mobile devices has increased rapidly and our lives have become more reliant on them. This popularity and the ease of development of mobile applications has now made it possible to perform on these devices many of the image analyses that previously required a personal computer. All of this has opened the door to a whole new set of possibilities and freed the physicians from their reliance on their desktop machines. The approach proposed in this dissertation aims to capitalize on these new found opportunities by providing a framework for analysis of medical images that physicians can utilize from their mobile devices thus remove their reliance on desktop computers. We also provide an expert system to aid in the analysis and advice on the selection of medical procedure. Finally, we also allow for other mobile applications to be developed by providing a generic mobile application development framework that allows for access of other applications into the mobile domain. In this dissertation we outline our work leading towards development of the proposed methodology and the remaining work needed to find a solution to the problem. In order to make this difficult problem tractable, we divide the problem into three parts: the development user interface modeling language and tooling, the creation of a game development modeling language and tooling, and the development of a generic mobile application framework. In order to make this problem more manageable, we will narrow down the initial scope to the hair transplant, and glaucoma domains.
Colloque organisé par le Regroupement stratégique d’éthique en santé et le Regroupement stratégique de recherche sur les TIC et la santé (Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec) et par le Centre de recherche sur la communication et la santé (Université du Québec à Montréal).
Colloque organisé par le Regroupement stratégique d’éthique en santé et le Regroupement stratégique de recherche sur les TIC et la santé (Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec) et par le Centre de recherche sur la communication et la santé (Université du Québec à Montréal).
This special issue of Futures is concerned with community engagement strategies that help to inform medium and long-term futures studies in order to foster sustainable urban environments. Recent special issues of Futures, such as Human Extinction (41:10) and Utopian Thought (41:4), reflect the increasing significance of sustainability issues, which is why we present another crucial component of sustainability, community engagement. Responding to futurists’ long term concerns about climate change outlined in Futures 41(9) [1], Stevenson concluded that we can no longer support infinite growth, and that our goal should be to reshape the economy to let us live within our means. In the face of the continued and accelerated crisis in environmental, economic and social sustainability, a number of trends informed our call for papers on the possible role of community engagement in contributing to enhanced urban sustainability: • Changes in the public sphere in terms of participation, online deliberation systems, polity of urban futures; • The possible use of user-generated content for urban planning (paralleling the rise of user generated content elsewhere); • The related role of social networking, collective and civic intelligence, and crowd- sourcing in urban futures; • The rise of technologies such as wireless Internet and mobile applications, and the impact of neogeography, simulations and 3D virtual environments that reproduce and analyse complex social phenomena and city systems in urban futures, design and planning.