733 resultados para Missed appointments
This study investigates the practices involved in the production of knowledge about menopause at Caism, Unicamp, a reference center for public policies for women's health. Gynecological appointments and psychological support meetings were observed, and women and doctors were interviewed in order to identify what discourse circulates there and how different actors are brought in to ensure that the knowledge produced attains credibility and travels beyond the boundaries of the teaching hospital to become universal. The analysis is based on localized studies aligned with social studies of science and technology.
To present a case report of a metastasis from cervical cancer to the maxilla, which was misdiagnosed as periapical disease and to caution clinicians that metastases could have a disguised clinical presentation that must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of periapical disease in oncologic patients. Although metastatic tumours of the jaws are uncommon, they may mimic benign inflammatory processes and reactive lesions. The ability of metastatic lesions to mimic periapical disease is discussed and a brief review of the literature is presented, emphasizing the importance of correct diagnosis to prevent delay in diagnosing cancer. Attention should therefore be given to the patient's medical history, especially of those with a previous history of cancer, and all dental practitioners should be aware of the possibility of metastases that may be confused with periapical disease. Finally, endodontists are well placed to recognize malignant and metastatic oral lesions during the initial clinical stages, given that their treatments are usually based on frequent dental appointments and long-term follow-ups.
We evaluated children in the first grade of a elementary school using neurological examination. With no previous knowledgement of their educational performance, were invited all children attending five classes of the first grade of an elementary public school chosen randomly, in Itatiba / Sao Paulo / Brazil, whose parents assigned a Commitment Term for participation in this research. Children who missed three evaluations in different days or whose parents did not assigned the Commitment Term were excluded. The Traditional Neurological Examination (ENT) (Lefevre, 1972) was applied. It was considered for normal the measurement of the skull circumference, proposed by Diament & Rodrigues (1976), and the application of all ENT items. The data were stored in a database of the Epi6 Program (Epidemiologic Information), and analyzed by percentage calculation and by the c2 test. The significance level was 0.05. Children evaluated were 124. The ENT results were normal in 87 (70.16%) and altered in 37 (29.83%). Among the alterations, there were observed: light tremor, light muscular hypotonia, speech acquisition delay, macrocephaly, microcephaly, hyperactivity, cranial nerve syndrome, central facial paralysis. One child presented corticospinal tract impairment syndrome of the distal lower extremities.
Two clinical cases in which Portland cement (PC) was applied as a medicament after pulpotomy of mandibular primary molars in children are presented. Pulpotomy using PC was carried out in two mandibular first molars and one mandibular second molar, which were further followed-up. At the 3, 6 and 12-month follow-up appointments, clinical and radiographic examinations of the pulpotomized teeth and their periradicular area revealed that the treatments were successful in maintaining the teeth asymptomatic and preserving pulpal vitality. Additionally, the formation of a dentin bridge immediately below the PC could be observed in the three molars treated. PC may be considered as an effective alternative for primary molar pulpotomies, at least in a short-term period. Randomized clinical trials with human teeth are required in order to determine the suitability of PC before unlimited clinical use can be recommended.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the infuence of efforts applied to modify the patients' behavior towards periodontal maintenance. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients were classifed into three groups: Complete Compliance (participation in all visits), Irregular Compliance (irregular participation, one or more missing appointments), and Noncompliance (abandoned or never returned to the program). Complete compliers received usual procedures of the maintenance visit. The irregular compliers and non-compliers received usual procedures and strategies such as reminding next visit, informing patients on both periodontal disease and importance of maintenance, motivating the patient who showed an improvement in compliance. Thus, 137 patients were observed for 12 months. RESULTS: The degree of compliance has increased signifcantly during this period (p=0.001). No association was detected between age or gender and compliance degree. CONCLUSIONS: The results have shown that the intervention applied had a favorable infuence on the patients' compliance.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o programa de imunização de crianças de 12 e de 24 meses de idade, com base no registro informatizado de imunização. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo em amostra probabilística de 2.637 crianças nascidas em 2002 e residentes em Curitiba, PR. As fontes de dados foram: registro informatizado de imunização do município, Sistema de Informação de Nascidos Vivos e inquérito domiciliar para casos com registro incompleto. As coberturas foram estimadas aos 12 e aos 24 meses de vida e analisadas segundo características socioeconômicas de cada distrito sanitário e o vínculo das crianças aos serviços de saúde. Foram analisadas a abrangência, completude e duplicidades do registro informatizado de imunização. RESULTADOS: A cobertura do esquema de imunização foi de 95,3% aos 12 meses sem diferenças entre os distritos e de 90,3% aos 24 meses, tendo sido mais elevada em um distrito com piores indicadores socioeconômicos (p = 0,01). A proporção de vacinas, segundo o tipo, aplicadas antes e após a idade recomendada foi de até 0,9% e até 32,2%, respectivamente. A cobertura do registro informatizado de imunização foi de 98% na amostra estudada, o sub-registro de doses de vacinas foi de 11% e a duplicidade de registro foi de 20,6%. Os grupos que apresentaram maiores coberturas foram: crianças com cadastro definitivo, aquelas com três ou mais consultas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde e as atendidas em Unidades Básicas de Saúde que adotam plenamente a Estratégia de Saúde da Família. CONCLUSÕES: A cobertura vacinal em Curitiba mostrou-se elevada e homogênea entre os distritos, e o vínculo com os serviços de saúde foi fator importante para tais resultados. O registro informatizado de imunização mostrou-se útil no monitoramento da cobertura vacinal; no entanto, é importante a prévia avaliação do seu custo-efetividade para que seja amplamente utilizado pelo Programa Nacional de Imunização.
OBJETIVO: Identificar diferenciais intra-urbanos e fatores de risco na prevalência de baixo peso ao nascer. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas as informações das declarações de nascido vivo de mães residentes no município de São Paulo, obtidos do Sistema de Informação de Nascidos Vivos e Fundação Seade, para o período de 2002 e 2003, totalizando 368.980 nascidos vivos. Os endereços foram geo-referenciados em setores censitários e classificados em seis grupos de vulnerabilidade segundo o Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social. Para identificação dos possíveis fatores de risco empregou-se análise de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Observou-se tendência de crescimento da prevalência de baixo peso ao nascer com aumento da vulnerabilidade (de 6,8% a 8,1%). Houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos quanto às características maternas, assistência pré-natal e da proporção de nascimentos de não pré-termo de baixo peso. No grupo de baixo peso não pré-termo, proxy da presença de retardo do crescimento intra-uterino, residir em áreas vulneráveis (1,29;1,17-1,43) e características socioeconômicas maternas desaforáveis, como mães adolescentes (1,13;1,04-1,22), baixa escolaridade (1,26;1,17-1,35) e elevada paridade (1,10;1,01-1,20) foram fatores de risco, assim como mães idosas (1,38;1,30-1,47), e sem companheiro (1,15;1,11-1,20). A ausência de pré-natal apresentou o maior risco de baixo peso para nascimentos de pré-termo (3,39;2,86-4,02) e não pré-termo (2,12;1,87-2,41). Houve redução de risco de baixo peso com o aumento de consultas de pré-natal para nascimentos de pré-termo e não pré-termo. CONCLUSÕES: Há diferenças de prevalência de baixo peso ao nascer segundo grupos de vulnerabilidade. A assistência pré-natal mostrou-se desigual segundo grupos de vulnerabilidade e seu elevado risco para o baixo peso ao nascer indica a importância de ampliar o acesso e qualidade dos serviços de saúde
According to Brazilian National Data Survey diabetes is the fifth cause for hospitalization and is one of the ten major causes of mortality in this country. Aims to stratify the estimated cardiovascular risk (eCVR) in a population of type 2 diabetics (T2DM) according to the Framingham prediction equations as well as to determine the association between eCVR with metabolic and clinical control of the disease. Methods From 2000 to 2001 a cross-sectional multicenter study was conducted in 13 public out-patients diabetes/endocrinology clinics from 8 Brazilian cities. The 10-year risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) was estimated by the prediction equations described by Wilson et al (Circulation 1998). LDL equations were preferably used; when patients missed LDL data we used total cholesterol equations instead. Results Data from 1382 patients (59.0% female) were analyzed. Median and inter-quartile range (IQ) of age and duration of diabetes were 57.4 (51-65) and 8.8 (3-13) years, respectively without differences according to the gender. Forty-two percent of these patients were overweight and 35.4% were obese (the prevalence of higher BMI and obesity in this T2DM group was significantly higher in women than in men; p < 0.001). The overall estimated eCVR in T2DM patients was 21.4 (13.5-31.3). The eCVR was high (> 20%) in 738 (53.4%), intermediate in 202 (14.6%) and low in 442 (32%) patients. Men [25.1(15.4-37.3)] showed a higher eCVR than women [18.8 (12.4-27.9) p < 0.001]. The most common risk factor was high LDL-cholesterol (80.8%), most frequently found in women than in men (p = 0.01). The median of risk factors present was three (2-4) without gender differences. Overall we observed that 60 (4.3%) of our patients had none, 154(11.1%) one, 310 (22.4%) two, 385 (27.9%) three, 300 (21.7%) four, 149 (10.5%) five and six, (2%) six risk factors. A higher eCVR was noted in overweight or obese patients (p = 0.01 for both groups). No association was found between eCVR with age or a specific type of diabetes treatment. A correlation was found between eCVR and duration of diabetes (p < 0.001), BMI (p < 0.001), creatinine (p < 0.001) and triglycerides levels (p < 0.001) but it was not found with HbA1c, fasting blood glucose and postprandial glucose. A higher eCVR was observed in patients with retinopathy (p < 0.001) and a tendency in patients with microalbuminuria (p = 0.06). Conclusion: our study showed that in this group of Brazilian T2DM the eCVR was correlated with the lipid profile and it was higher in patients with microvascular chronic complications. No correlation was found with glycemic control parameters. These data could explain the failure of intensive glycemic control programs aiming to reduce cardiovascular events observed in some studies.
Background: Considering the broad variation in the expression of housekeeping genes among tissues and experimental situations, studies using quantitative RT-PCR require strict definition of adequate endogenous controls. For glioblastoma, the most common type of tumor in the central nervous system, there was no previous report regarding this issue. Results: Here we show that amongst seven frequently used housekeeping genes TBP and HPRT1 are adequate references for glioblastoma gene expression analysis. Evaluation of the expression levels of 12 target genes utilizing different endogenous controls revealed that the normalization method applied might introduce errors in the estimation of relative quantities. Genes presenting expression levels which do not significantly differ between tumor and normal tissues can be considered either increased or decreased if unsuitable reference genes are applied. Most importantly, genes showing significant differences in expression levels between tumor and normal tissues can be missed. We also demonstrated that the Holliday Junction Recognizing Protein, a novel DNA repair protein over expressed in lung cancer, is extremely over-expressed in glioblastoma, with a median change of about 134 fold. Conclusion: Altogether, our data show the relevance of previous validation of candidate control genes for each experimental model and indicate TBP plus HPRT1 as suitable references for studies on glioblastoma gene expression.
We have developed a new procedure to search for carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars from the Hamburg/ESO (HES) prism-survey plates. This method employs an extended line index for the CH G band, which we demonstrate to have superior performance when compared to the narrower G-band index formerly employed to estimate G-band strengths for these spectra. Although CEMP stars have been found previously among candidate metal-poor stars selected from the HES, the selection on metallicity undersamples the population of intermediate-metallicity CEMP stars (-2.5 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.0); such stars are of importance for constraining the onset of the s-process in metal-deficient asymptotic giant branch stars (thought to be associated with the origin of carbon for roughly 80% of CEMP stars). The new candidates also include substantial numbers of warmer carbon-enhanced stars, which were missed in previous HES searches for carbon stars due to selection criteria that emphasized cooler stars. A first subsample, biased toward brighter stars (B < 15.5), has been extracted from the scanned HES plates. After visual inspection (to eliminate spectra compromised by plate defects, overlapping spectra, etc., and to carry out rough spectral classifications), a list of 669 previously unidentified candidate CEMP stars was compiled. Follow-up spectroscopy for a pilot sample of 132 candidates was obtained with the Goodman spectrograph on the SOAR 4.1 m telescope. Our results show that most of the observed stars lie in the targeted metallicity range, and possess prominent carbon absorption features at 4300 angstrom. The success rate for the identification of new CEMP stars is 43% (13 out of 30) for [Fe/H] < -2.0. For stars with [Fe/H] < -2.5, the ratio increases to 80% (four out of five objects), including one star with [Fe/H] < -3.0.
This article evaluates social implications of the ""SIGA"" Health Care Information System (HIS) in a public health care organization in the city of Sao Paulo. The evaluation was performed by means of an in-depth case study with patients and staff of a public health care organization, using qualitative and quantitative data. On the one hand, the system had consequences perceived as positive such as improved convenience and democratization of specialized treatment for patients and improvements in work organization. On the other hand, negative outcomes were reported, like difficulties faced by employees due to little familiarity with IT and an increase in the time needed to schedule appointments. Results show the ambiguity of the implications of HIS in developing countries, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced view of the evaluation of failures and successes and the importance of social contextual factors.
Cloud-aerosol interaction is a key issue in the climate system, affecting the water cycle, the weather, and the total energy balance including the spatial and temporal distribution of latent heat release. Information on the vertical distribution of cloud droplet microphysics and thermodynamic phase as a function of temperature or height, can be correlated with details of the aerosol field to provide insight on how these particles are affecting cloud properties and their consequences to cloud lifetime, precipitation, water cycle, and general energy balance. Unfortunately, today's experimental methods still lack the observational tools that can characterize the true evolution of the cloud microphysical, spatial and temporal structure in the cloud droplet scale, and then link these characteristics to environmental factors and properties of the cloud condensation nuclei. Here we propose and demonstrate a new experimental approach (the cloud scanner instrument) that provides the microphysical information missed in current experiments and remote sensing options. Cloud scanner measurements can be performed from aircraft, ground, or satellite by scanning the side of the clouds from the base to the top, providing us with the unique opportunity of obtaining snapshots of the cloud droplet microphysical and thermodynamic states as a function of height and brightness temperature in clouds at several development stages. The brightness temperature profile of the cloud side can be directly associated with the thermodynamic phase of the droplets to provide information on the glaciation temperature as a function of different ambient conditions, aerosol concentration, and type. An aircraft prototype of the cloud scanner was built and flew in a field campaign in Brazil. The CLAIM-3D (3-Dimensional Cloud Aerosol Interaction Mission) satellite concept proposed here combines several techniques to simultaneously measure the vertical profile of cloud microphysics, thermodynamic phase, brightness temperature, and aerosol amount and type in the neighborhood of the clouds. The wide wavelength range, and the use of multi-angle polarization measurements proposed for this mission allow us to estimate the availability and characteristics of aerosol particles acting as cloud condensation nuclei, and their effects on the cloud microphysical structure. These results can provide unprecedented details on the response of cloud droplet microphysics to natural and anthropogenic aerosols in the size scale where the interaction really happens.
Objective: to identify risk factors associated with neonatal transfers from a free-standing birth centre to a hospital. Design: epidemiological case-control study. Setting: midwifery-led free-standing birth centre in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: 96 newborns were selected from 2840 births between September 1998 and August 2005. Cases were defined as all new borns transferred from the birth centre to a hospital (n = 32), and controls were defined as new borns delivered at the same birth centre, during the same time period, and who had not been transferred to a hospital (n = 64). Measurements and findings: data were collected from medical records available at the birth centre. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression. The multivariate analysis included outcomes with p<0.25, specifically: smoking during pregnancy, prenatal care appointments, labour complications, weight in relation to gestational age, and one-minute Apgar score. Of the foregoing outcomes, those that remained in the full regression model as a risk factor associated with neonatal transfer were: smoking during pregnancy [p = 0.009, odds ratio (OR) = 4.1,95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-16.33], labour complications (p<0.001, OR = 5.5, 95% CI 1.06-28.26) and one-minute Apgar score <= 7 (p<0.001, OR = 7.8,95% CI 1.62-37.03). Key conclusions and implications for practice: smoking during pregnancy, labour complications and one-minute Apgar score <= 7 were confirmed as risk factors for neonatal transfer from the birth centre to a hospital. The identified risk factors can help to improve institutional protocols and formulate hypotheses for other studies. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The standards in this chapter focus on maximising the patient`s ability to adhere to the treatment prescribed. Many people are extremely shocked when they are told they have TB, some refuse to accept it and others are relieved to find out what is wrong and that treatment is available. The reaction depends on many factors, including cultural beliefs and values, previous experience and knowledge of the disease. Even though TB is more common among vulnerable groups, it can affect anyone and it is important for patients to be able to discuss their concerns in relation to their own individual context. The cure for TB relies on the patient receiving a full, uninterrupted course of treatment, which can only be achieved if the patient and the health service work together. A system needs to be in place to trace patients who miss their appointments for treatment (late patients). The best success will be achieved through the use of flexible, innovative and individualised approaches. The treatment and care the patient has received will inevitably have an impact on his or her willingness to attend in the future. A well-defined system of late patient tracing is mandatory in all situations. However, when the rates are high (above 10%), any tracing system will be useless without also examining the service as a whole.
Objectives-To investigate the feasibility of selective screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) based on identification of a target group of manageable size defined by risk factors for AAA. Setting-Male residents of Perth, Western Australia, aged 65-83 years, who participated in a randomised controlled trial of ultrasound screening for AAA. Methods-Eligible men were identified from the electoral roll and invited to attend a screening clinic. Those who attended completed a questionnaire, had a limited physical examination, and underwent an ultrasound examination to identify the maximum diameter of the infrarenal aorta. Data on risk factors collected from the first 8995 men seen were used to calculate a multivariate risk score for the remaining 2755 men who were screened. Gentiles of the risk score were used to define potential target groups for screening and the sensitivity and specificity of each of these selective screening strategies were calculated. We repeated the calculation separately for AAAs of at least 30 mm, 40 mm, and 50 mm in diameter. Results-We found that screening half of the male population aged 65-83 years would find approximately 75% of AAAs, regardless of their size, whereas screening only current smokers in this population would find approximately 20% of AAAs. Conclusions-Selective screening for AAA using easily recognisable risk factors is feasible but is not worthwhile as approximately 25% of clinically significant cases would be missed.