657 resultados para Ministers
Contiene una lista de ministros de planificacion del Caribe y de directores de las oficinas de planificacion.
Comentarios sobre la 10a Reunion del Consejo de Ministros del Mercado Comun del Caribe Oriental (MCCO). Incluye en anexos la posicion del MCCO sobre algunos puntos de la agenda
Comentarios sobre la 10a Reunion del Cosejo de Ministros de CARIFTA. El enfasis estuvo en los siguientes puntos de la agenda: a).la posicion presente y futura de los paises menos desarrollados de CARIFTA en el movimiento de integracion regional; b).la relacion entre los paises de CARIFTA y la Comunidad Economica Europea; c).el Arancel Externo Comun de CARIFTA y d).finalizacion del Esquema para Armonizacion de Incentivos Fiscales a la Industria
Nota sobre la Reunion Especial del Consejo de Ministros del Grupo ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific) sobre cooperacion intra ACP.
The third ordinary meeting of the Conference of South American Ministers of Transport, Communications and Public Works was held from 6 to 8 November 1996 in Montevideo, Uruguay. Representatives of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela took part. Representatives of the following organizations were present as observers: the Latin American and Caribbean Federation of National Associations of Cargo Agents, the Latin American Railways Association, the Latin American Association for Automated Highway Transport, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Road Federation/German Agency for Technical Cooperation (IRF/GTZ); and other representatives from both the private and public sectors.
The Treaty of Lisbon has brought remarkable changes and innovations to the European Union. As far as the Council of Ministers of the European Union (“the Council” hereinafter) is concerned, there are two significant innovations: double qualified majority voting and new rotating Presidency scheme, which are considered to make the working of the Council more efficiently, stably and consistently. With the modification relating to other key institutions, the Commission and the European Parliament, and with certain procedures being re-codified, the power of the Council varies accordingly, where the inter-institutional balance counts for more research. As the Council is one of the co-legislatures of the Union, the legislative function of it would be probably influenced, positively or negatively, by the internal innovations and the inter-institutional re-balance. Has the legislative function of the Council been reinforced or not? How could the Council better reach its functional goal designed by the Treaties’ drafter? How to evaluate the Council’s evolution after Lisbon Treaty in the light of European integration? This thesis is attempting to find the answers by analyzing two main internal innovations and inter-institutional re-balance thereinafter.
Boberach: Die Veröffentlichung der zwischen 1808 und 1831 entstandenen Denkschriften soll der aus Frankreich kommenden Unruhe begegnen
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Mahnung, bei Reformbestrebungen im Bildungsbereich den Dienstweg einzuhalten
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Bekanntgabe der Modalitäten bei der Einlösung der Swobodaschen Aktien (Beginn mit den 10-Gulden-Anteilen; Einlösung gegen ein Fünftel des Nennwertes in bar)
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Scharfe Zurückweisung der angeordneten Verlegung der Preußischen Nationalversammlung nach Brandenburg: "Wir wollen weder [den Ministerpräsidenten] Brandenburg in die National-Versammlung noch die National-Versammlung in [dem Ort] Brandenburg." Forderung nach einer "wahrhaftige[n] Constitution" sowie einem "volksthümliche[n] Ministerium", Absage an die republikanische Staatsform