877 resultados para Military operations, Naval
"A list of British vessels captured by the United States' sloop of War Wasp, J. Blakeley esg. commander, between May 1st and July 6th, 1814".Folded table at end. October 17, 1814. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Full Title:Proceedings of a court of inquiry, convened on board the United States frigate the President, in the harbour of New York, on the thirteenth day of August, 1811, pursuant to the following warrant : To Stephen Decatur, esquire, a captain in the Navy of the United States.
Ordered to be printed 10th May 1813.
Full Title: Report of the Committee to whom was Referred the Correspondence between Mr. Monroe and Mr. Canning, and between Mr. Madison and Mr. Rose, relative to the attack on the Chesapeake : and also a communication from the President of the United States of the 30 March last, with a letter from Mr. Erskine to the Secretary of State, and a letter from M. Champagny to Gen. Armstrong Printed by R. C. Weightman
At head of title: [43]. On the memorial asking interposition of Congress in a suit brought against him by John Donnell, for the detention of Schooner Eleanor by the Squadron under his command. "U.S. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816. House report." Author Continued: United States. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816. House. Report 43.; United States. 14th Congress, 1st Session, 1815-1816.
Published by the Committee of Arrangement of Washington County, Maryland Printed by G.B. Zeiber and Co.
An image within the American Magazine, March 1816 Vol. I, No. 10. Page 369. A View of the Fort and Harbour of Oswego from Lake Ontario. Below the image it reads: "T. H. Wentworth del." Below the title it reads: "Representing the Attack by the British on the 6th of May 1814" Conducted by Horatio Gates Spafford, A.M. F.A.A.
This paper develops a model of short-range ballistic missile defense and uses it to study the performance of Israel’s Iron Dome system. The deterministic base model allows for inaccurate missiles, unsuccessful interceptions, and civil defense. Model enhancements consider the trade-offs in attacking the interception system, the difficulties faced by militants in assembling large salvos, and the effects of imperfect missile classification by the defender. A stochastic model is also developed. Analysis shows that system performance can be highly sensitive to the missile salvo size, and that systems with higher interception rates are more “fragile” when overloaded. The model is calibrated using publically available data about Iron Dome’s use during Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012. If the systems performed as claimed, they saved Israel an estimated 1778 casualties and $80 million in property damage, and thereby made preemptive strikes on Gaza about 8 times less valuable to Israel. Gaza militants could have inflicted far more damage by grouping their rockets into large salvos, but this may have been difficult given Israel’s suppression efforts. Counter-battery fire by the militants is unlikely to be worthwhile unless they can obtain much more accurate missiles.
Le 18 juin 1815, Napoléon fut renversé à Waterloo, mais son art de la guerre survécut. Il s'agit de cet art militaire qu'il avait révolutionné et dont d'autres firent de nombreuses applications longtemps après sa disparition. S'inspirant des méthodes des théoriciens du XVIIIe siècle, il avait privilégié la stratégie d'anéantissement dans la conduite d'opérations militaires et se classait ainsi dans la catégorie des stratèges recherchant avant tout la bataille décisive en vue de détruire les forces ennemies. À la lumière des tactiques et stratégies que Bonaparte utilisa dans ses plus célèbres campagnes, cette thèse tentera de dégager les méthodes napoléoniennes qui furent le plus souvent utilisées au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. Les conflits étudiés durant cette période seront la guerre de Crimée (1853-1856), la campagne d'Italie (1859), la guerre de Sécession américaine (1861-1865), la guerre austro-prussienne (1866) et la guerre franco-prussienne (1870-1871). Cette recherche tiendra compte non seulement de l'influence des progrès de l'armement et des moyens de transport et de communication sur l'art de la guerre en général, mais aussi du contexte économique, financier, politique et militaire des États bélligérants de cette époque. Parmi les nombreux exégètes de Bonaparte du XIXe siècle, deux théoriciens militaires en particulier, Clausewitz et Jomini, se distinguèrent dans l'interprétation savante de la guerre napoléonienne. Tout en analysant l'impact des méthodes de l'Empereur dans les guerres selectionnées, nous allons déterminer dans quelle mesure la vision jominienne des campagnes de Bonaparte divergeait de celle de Clausewitz en ce qui concerne les conflits traités. Nous aborderons ensuite l'influence napoléonienne sur l'administration, l'organisation et les marches des armées impliquées dans les guerres en question et nous porterons une attention particulière à l'impact du système militaire de Bonaparte sur certains aspects du déroulement même des combats. Nous terminerons cette étude par un bref aperçu sur les enseignements que les militaires au XIXe siècle purent dégager des campagnes napoléoniennes pour la conduite des guerres de l'avenir.
Thèse réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgique)
La presente investigación pretende demostrar que la principal estrategia estadounidense para justificar su intervención y permanencia en territorio afgano ha sido el discurso. Donde se pueden identificar dos etapas a lo largo de esta última década. Inicialmente para explicar su incursión en Afganistán se utilizó el discurso de la seguridad y la guerra contra el terrorismo, años después frente al agotamiento y la critica tanto interna como internacional, el tema de la situación de la mujer en Afganistán cobra mayor importancia y con ello a través de los diferentes pronunciamientos y la exposición de casos específicos los diferentes gobiernos intentan cohesionar la opinión internacional y nacional frente a la necesidad de permanecer con sus tropas en el territorio.
Documentos entretanto desclassificados nos arquivos cubanos e russos permitem um novo olhar sobre a intervenção cubana em Angola. Esta não só foi decidida autonomamente pelos cubanos, como teve, evidentemente o beneplácito sociético. Porém, essa mesma operação político-militar não foi produto das circunstâncias, antes se enquadrando nas tradicionais linhas orientadoras da política externa do regime castrista.
The Copenhagen Principles on the Handling of Detainees in International Military Operations were released in October 2012 after a five-year long process involving states and certain organizations. The Principles address a number of issues concerning the handling and transfer of detainees. They apply in military operations conducted by states abroad in the context of non-international armed conflicts and peace operations. This article focuses on those principles that address the procedural regulation of internment (ie preventive, security detention), as it is here that the current law is particularly unclear. On the one hand, the treaty provisions applicable in non-international armed conflicts contain no rules on the procedural regulation of internment, in comparison with the law of international armed conflict. On the other hand, the relevant rules under international human rights law (IHRL) appear derogable in such situations. This article demonstrates that the approach taken to this issue in the Copenhagen Principles is one which essentially draws on the procedural rules applicable to civilian internment in the international armed conflicts. These rules adopt standards that are lower than those under IHRL. Reference is then made to other recent practice, which illustrates that the Copenhagen Principles do not apply in a legal vacuum. In particular, two recent judicial developments highlight the continued relevance of human rights law and domestic law, respectively, in regulating detention operations in the context of international military operations. Compliance with the Copenhagen Principles may not, therefore, be sufficient for detention to be lawful.
Este trabalho lida com a transposição do Programa de Excelência Gerencial GesPública para o ambiente militar na Marinha do Brasil. O GesPública é direcionado à Administração Pública Brasileira e Programa Netuno foi o nome adotado pela Marinha do Brasil para operacionalizar os fundamentos do GesPública. O Programa Netuno foi planejado para ser aplicado em todas as esferas de trabalho da Marinha do Brasil. De fato, os seus fundamentos são os mesmos do GesPública e esperam ser úteis em uma extensa área de aplicação, desde procedimentos burocráticos simples até operações militares, as quais são baseadas necessariamente na doutrina militar. Dessa forma, o Programa Netuno, com conceitos baseados no ambiente civil que fomentam uma horizontalização nas estruturas organizacionais, encontra-se com o meio militar, onde hierarquia e disciplina são princípios básicos. A partir daí, o estudo objetiva avaliar as contribuições que o Programa Netuno pode oferecer para a Marinha do Brasil. A literatura e documentos sobre a Marinha,doutrina militar, programas de Gestão da Qualidade Total e outros assuntos correlatos constituem o material de pesquisa. Será utilizada a metodologia de análise de conteúdo, com vistas a formar categorias de análise associadas à Marinha do Brasil e ao Programa Netuno. Essas categorias serão cotejadas a fim de que os objetivos da pesquisa sejam alcançados.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)