875 resultados para Migraine without Aura
Background Falls are one of the greatest concerns among the elderly A number of studies have described peak torque as one of the best fall-related predictor. No studies have comprehensively focused on the rate of torque development of the lower limb muscles among elderly fallers. Then, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between muscle peak torque and rate of torque development of the lower limb joints in elderly with and without fall history It was also aimed to determine whether these parameters of muscle performance (i e, peak torque and rate of torque development) are related to the number of falls. Methods: Thirty-one women volunteered to participate in the study and were assigned in one of the groups according to the number of falls over the 12 months that preceded the present Then, participants with no fall history (Cl; n = 13; 67.6[7.5] years-old), one fall (GII; n = 8, 66 0[4 91 years-old) and two or more falls (GIII, n = 10; 67.8[8.8] years-old) performed a number of lower limb maximal isometric voluntary contractions from which peak torque and rate of torque development were quantified Findings. Primary outcomes indicated no peak torque differences between experimental groups in any lower limb joint. The rate of torque development of the knee flexor muscles observed in the non-fallers (Cl) was greater than that observed in the fallers (P < 0.05) and had a significant relationship with the number of falls (P < 0 05) Interpretation. The greater knee flexor muscles` rate of torque development found in the non-fallers in comparison to the fallers indicated that the ability of the elderly to rapidly reorganise the arrangement of the lower limb may play a significant role in allowing the elderly to recover balance after a trip. Thus, training stimulus aimed to improve the rate of torque development may be more beneficial to prevent falls among the elderly than other training stimulus, which are not specifically designed to improve the ability to rapidly produce large amounts of torque (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd
Glyoxalated soy flour adhesives for wood particleboard added with a much smaller proportion of glyoxalated lignin or tannin and without any addition of either formaldehyde or formaldehyde-based resin are shown to yield results satisfying the relevant standard specifications for interior wood boards. Adhesive resin formulations in which the total content of natural material is either 70 or 80% of the total resin solids content gave good results. The resins comprising 70% by weight of natural material can be used in a much lower proportion on wood chips and can afford pressing times fast enough to be significant under industrial panel pressing conditions. The best formulation of all the ones tried was the one based on glyoxalated precooked soy flour (SG), to which a condensed tannin was added in water solution and a polymeric isocyanate (pMDI), where the proportions of the components SG/T/pMDI was 54/16/30 by weight. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Introduction To determine and compare thresholds of cutaneous sensitivity of lower extremities in diabetic patients with an ulcer on only one lower extremity Methods and Materials The study group included 20 patients with mean age of 61 6 and average time with diabetes of 12 4 years All patients were previously tested using Semmes-Weinstein monofilament 5 07 Sensitivity was evaluated using the two point discrimination test and the PSSD (TM) (Pressure-Specified Sensory Device) in order to assess touch thresholds in a quantitative manner, in g/mm(2) Three skin areas were tested hallux pulp, dorsum of foot and medial heel, including four tests 1 point static, 1 point moving, 2 points static and 2 points moving Results Mean 2 point discrimination distance in mm was higher in feet with ulcers, but the difference between extremities was only statistically significant for the hallux. With the PSSD (TM), all patients had higher pressure thresholds in feet with ulcers when compared with feet without ulcers, in all tests, with statistical significance Conclusion The PSSD (TM) was able to differentiate levels of sensation between extremities with and without ulcers in diabetic patients, with statistical significance
The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of intermediate reaction products during iron ore reduction when iron ore and carbonaceous materials are agglomerated together with or without Portland cement. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and used small size samples in order to minimise heat transfer constraints. Coke breeze and pure graphite were the carbonaceous materials employed. Portland cement was applied as a binder, and pellet diameters were in the range 5.6-6.5 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellet weight loss, as well as the interruption of the reaction at different stages, in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. The experimental temperature was in the range 1423-1623 K, and the total reaction time varied from 240 to 1200 s. It was observed that above 1523 K the formation of liquid slag occurred inside the pellets, which partially dissolved iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ mol(-1) for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ mol(-1) for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.
The present study was designed to evaluate the possible effect of the consumption of blackberry juices (BJ) prepared with water (BJW) and defatted milk (BJM) on the plasma antioxidant capacity and the. enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants. A significant (p < 0.05) increase in the ascorbic acid content in the plasma was observed after intake of both BJs. However, no changes were observed in the plasma urate and a-tocopherol levels. An increase on the plasma antioxidant capacity, by ORAC assay, was observed only after consumption of BJW but not statistically significant. Plasma antioxidant capacity had a good positive correlation with ascorbic acid (r = 0.93) and a negative correlation with urate level (r = -0.79). No correlation was observed between antioxidant capacity and total cyanidin or total ellagic acid contents. Further, it was observed that plasma catalase increased following intake of BJ`s. No change was observed on the plasma and erythrocyte CAT and glutathione peroxidase activities. A significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the urinary antioxidant capacity between 1 and 4 h after intake of both BJs was observed. A good correlation was observed between total antioxidant capacity and urate and total cyanidin levels. These results suggested association between anthocyanin levels and CAT and a good correlation between antioxidant capacity and ascorbic acid in the human plasma after intake of BJs. Follow-up studies investigating the antioxidant properties and health benefits are necessary to demonstrate the health benefits of polyphenols.
Previous work demonstrated that a mixture of NH(4)Cl and KNO(3) as nitrogen source was beneficial to fed-batch Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis cultivation, in terms of either lower costs or higher cell concentration. On the basis of those results, this study focused on the use of a cheaper nitrogen source mixture, namely (NH(4))(2)SO(4) plus NaNO(3), varying the ammonium feeding time (T = 7-15 days), either controlling the pH by CO(2) addition or not. A. platensis was cultivated in mini-tanks at 30 degrees C, 156 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), and starting cell concentration of 400 mg L(-1), on a modified Schlosser medium. T = 13 days under pH control were selected as optimum conditions, ensuring the best results in terms of biomass production (maximum cell concentration of 2911 mg L(-1), cell productivity of 179 mg L(-1) d(-1) and specific growth rate of 0.77 d(-1)) and satisfactory protein and lipid contents (around 30% each). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present a fast method for finding optimal parameters for a low-resolution (threading) force field intended to distinguish correct from incorrect folds for a given protein sequence. In contrast to other methods, the parameterization uses information from >10(7) misfolded structures as well as a set of native sequence-structure pairs. In addition to testing the resulting force field's performance on the protein sequence threading problem, results are shown that characterize the number of parameters necessary for effective structure recognition.
Although Porphyromonas gingivalis is a defined pathogen in periodontal disease, many subjects control the infection without experiencing loss of attachment. Differences in host susceptibility to the disease may be reflected in the pattern of humoral antibodies against specific P. gingivalis antigens. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of antibodies against immunodominant P. gingivalis antigens as well as the isotype and subclass of anti-P. gingivalis antibodies against outer membrane antigens in four groups of patients: P. gingivalis-positive, 1) with and 2) without periodontitis, and P. gingivalis-negative, 3) with and 4) without periodontitis. Antigens of molecular weight 92, 63, and 32 kDa and lipopolysaccharide were found to be immunodominant. Group 1 subjects showed a significantly higher response to the 92 and 63 kDa antigens compared with other groups. The response to lipopolysaccharide was significantly higher in group 1, and lower in group 4 than in groups 2, 3. Immunoglobulin G(1) (IgG(1)), IgG(2) and IgM antibodies against P. gingivalis outer membrane were present in all subjects, while only some subjects were seropositive for IgG(3), IgG(4) and IgA. There were no differences in concentrations for IgG(1), IgG(3) and IgM. The IgG(2) concentration in group 4 was significantly higher than in groups 1 and 2, while the IgG(4) concentration in group 4 was significantly lower than in other groups. The frequency of seropositivity for IgG(4) and IgA was lowest in group 4, while IgG; seropositivity was almost exclusively seen in healthy patients iii groups 2, 4. These findings suggest that the presence of IgG(3) may reflect non-susceptibility to the disease, while lack of IgG(4) may be indicative of periodontal health and lack of infection.
Subjects with genital warts were immunized three times or more with HPV6b VLPs without adjuvant. All immunized subjects had DTH to HPV6b L1 protein. Of 32 subjects, nine had HPV6b specific antibody prior to immunization and 22 acquired antibody with immunization. VLP specific antibody increased following a single immunization in 6 of 8 subjects with low level antibody at recruitment. Complete regression of genital warts was observed in 25 of 33 evaluable subjects over the 20-week observation period. We conclude that immunization with HPV6b L1 VLPs without adjuvant induces immunity to the L1 protein epitopes recognised during natural infection, and may accelerate regression of warts. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is important for neonatal ventilation but is not considered in guidelines for resuscitation. Our aim was to investigate the effects of PEEP on cardiorespiratory parameters during resuscitation of very premature lambs delivered by hysterotomy at similar to125 d gestation (term similar to147 d). Before delivery, they were intubated and lung fluid was drained. Immediately after delivery, they were ventilated with a Drager Babylog plus ventilator in volume guarantee mode with a tidal volume of 5 mL/kg. Lambs were randomized to receive 0, 4, 8, or 12 cm H2O of PEEP. They were ventilated for a 15-min resuscitation period followed by 2 h of stabilization at the same PEEP. Tidal volume, peak inspiratory pressure, PEEP, arterial pressure, oxygen saturation, and blood gases were measured regularly, and respiratory system compliance and alveolar/ arterial oxygen differences were calculated. Lambs that received 12 cm H2O of PEEP died from pneumothoraces; all others survived without pneumothoraces. Oxygenation was significantly improved by 8 and 12 cm H2O of PEEP compared with 0 and 4 cm H2O of PEEP. Lambs with 0 PEEP did not oxygenate adequately. The compliance of the respiratory system was significantly higher at 4 and 8 cm H2O of PEEP than at 0 PEEP. There were no significant differences in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood between groups. Arterial pressure was highest with 8 cm H2O of PEEP, and there was no cardiorespiratory compromise at any level of PEEP. Applying PEEP during resuscitation of very premature infants might be advantageous and merits further investigation.
Study Design: Fine-wire EMG rotator cuff onset time analysis in 2 matched groups of throwers with and without pain. Objective: To identify if there is a difference in the activation patterns of the rotator cuff muscles during a rapid shoulder external rotation task between throwers with and without pain. Background: The coordinated action of the rotator cuff is recognized as essential for glenohumeral joint control in the throwing athlete. Identification of abnormalities occurring in muscle activation patterns for injured athletes is relevant when prescribing rehabilitative exercises. Methods and Measures: Twelve throwers with shoulder pain were compared to a matched group of 11 asymptomatic throwers. Participants were matched for age, height, body mass, and habitual activity. Fine-wire EMG electrodes were inserted into the subscapularis, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus. EMG activity was measured during a reaction time task of rapid shoulder external rotation in a seated position. The timing of onset of EMG activity was analyzed in relation to visualization of a light (reaction time) and to the onset of infraspinatus activity (relative latency). Results: In the group with shoulder pain, the onset of subscapularis activity was found to be significantly delayed (reaction time, P = .0018; relative latency, P = .0005) from the onset of infraspinatus activity when compared to the control group. Conclusions: The presence of shoulder pain in these athletes was associated with a difference in the onset of subscapularis EMG activity during a rapid shoulder external rotation movement. This was an initial step in the understanding of the joint protection mechanisms of the glenohumeral joint and the problems that occur in throwers. This information may assist in providing future guidelines for more effective rehabilitation and prevention strategies for this condition.