180 resultados para Midazolam


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INTRODUCCION : Una de las prioridades del manejo en cuidado crítico pediátrico es la prevención y tratamiento del dolor y la ansiedad del paciente que requiere ventilación mecánica, utilizando diferentes alternativas farmacológicas, la más usada en pediatría es la basada en hipnosis que utiliza un opiáceo y una benzodiacepina , usualmente fentanyl y midazolam , pero con un riesgo reportado de producir síndrome de abstinencia cuando es usado de manera prolongada y su suspensión es abrupta1, sin embargo medicamentos como la dexmedetomidina, un alfa dos adrenérgico, pueden disminuir el riesgo de presentación de síndrome de abstinencia cuando esta se asocia al método convencional; si se logra disminuir su presentación se contribuye a la reducción de estancia hospitalaria y a su vez las complicaciones relacionadas, entre otros beneficios para los pacientes y las instituciones. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo analítico de casos y controles en una población de 55 casos y 55 controles para buscar la probable asociación de síndrome de abstinencia a la sedación basada en hipnosis convencional ( opiáceo y benzodiacepina) y la posible disminución del mismo cuando se uso hipnosis convencional combinada con un alfa dos adrenérgico como la dexmedetomidina en niños de 1 mes a 18 años que requirieron ventilación mecánica en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de la Fundación Cardio Infantil, los casos fueron los pacientes que presentaron síndrome de abstinencia y los controles quienes no lo presentaron. RESULTADOS: La media de la edad de los 110 sujetos fue de 4,9 años con una desviación estándar de 4,6 años, la talla y la edad de toda la población se comporto coherentemente con la edad. (Media del peso 17,52 kg y talla 94,5 Cms). Los pacientes que usaron dexmedetomidina tuvieron una menor probabilidad de desarrollar síndrome de abstinencia comparado con pacientes que no la recibieron con un OR: 0.2527174 un IC valido (0.0916363-0.6638842) y una p significativa de 0,002. CONCLUSIONES: Se encontró diferencia significativa entre el uso de dexmedetomidina y la menor probabilidad de presentación de síndrome de abstinencia en pacientes que requirieron sedación para ventilación mecánica en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de la Fundación Cardio Infantil.


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En la unidad de cuidado intensivo pediátrico (UCIP) es esencial garantizar una adecuada sedación y analgesia del paciente en ventilación mecánica para mejorar su adaptación, disminuyendo el estrés y ansiedad de la situación crítica. Una estrategia utilizada es la combinación de midazolam más fentanyl, sin embargo no se encuentra en la literatura estudios sobre la repercusión de la forma de preparación sobre los grados de sedación, objetivo principal de este estudio. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico retrospectivo para evaluar las diferencias sobre la escala Comfort de sedación con dos medicamentos: fentanyl y midazolam diluidos en solución salina y sin diluir. Se revisaron 1321 historias clínicas desde enero del 2005 a junio del 2010; 70 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y se agruparon en 2 cohorte. La cohorte No 1 fueron los pacientes que recibieron medicamentos puros y la cohorte 2 aquellos que los recibieron diluidos en solución salina. Se hizo un análisis estadístico mediante chi cuadrado y regresión logística. Resultados: Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa a favor de medicamentos sin diluir en términos de grado de “sedación óptima” (p< 0.01). No hubo diferencias al evaluar tiempo de estancia en UCIP (p=0.67), duración de ventilación mecánica (p=0.15), número de medicamentos coadyuvantes utilizados (p=0.1) ni de la frecuencia de presentación del síndrome de abstinencia (p=0.77). Conclusión: Se encontró una diferencia en el número de pacientes que alcanzaron el puntaje óptimo en la escala Comfort utilizando la estrategia de sedación con medicamentos preparados sin diluir.


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Metodología: se realizó un estudio descriptivo para evaluar las ventajas de la técnica regional sobre la técnica general en mujeres ASA 1 y 2 en Hospital Occidente de Kennedy. Se evaluaron los signos vitales, tiempo de recuperación, analgesia postoperatoria y efectos colaterales. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 177 pacientes, 79 con anestesia regional y 98 pacientes con anestesia general. Los resultados en el postoperatorio mostraron que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a manejo de dolor, efectos colaterales, variación en signos vitales. Se encontró una diferencia significativa en el tiempo de recuperación p=0,02 siendo la técnica espinal 20 minutos en promedio más prolongada. Discusión: ambas técnicas suponen una buena opción como técnica anestésica para pacientes llevadas a legrado obstétrico, a pesar que el tiempo de recuperación fue mayor en el grupo de técnica espinal, se obtuvo un mejor manejo del dolor, sin el requerimiento de otros analgésicos durante el postoperatorio.


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La inducción anestésica en niños es uno de los mayores retos para los anestesiólogos ya que es la fase más estresante del período perioperatorio para el paciente pediátrico. Existen diferentes intervenciones para minimizar la ansiedad perioperatoria y aumentar la cooperación del paciente pediátrico con la inducción anestésica. Entre las intervenciones exitosas la premedicación farmacológica con midazolam ha mostrado grandes beneficios en pacientes pediátricos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en pacientes pediátricos llevados a cirugía en la Fundación Cardioinfantil entre 2011-2014. Por medio de muestreo aleatorio por conveniencia se tomaron como casos pacientes con premedicación y controles pacientes sin premedicación. El éxito en la inducción se midió por medio de la escala ICC, usada a nivel mundial. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 4.9 σ 3.01 años para los casos y 5.02σ3.2 años para controles, presentaron la misma distribución por género, 40.6% femenino, 59.3% masculino. El éxito de la inducción anestésica con midazolam mostró resultados significativos (OR 7.3 IC95% 4.3 – 12.5 p0,000), en hombres (OR 9.44 IC95%4.5 – 19.8 p0,000), en menores de 5 años (OR 10.33 IC95% 5.07 – 21.04 p0,000), en pacientes con antecedentes quirúrgicos (OR 12.2 IC95% 5.28 – 27.8 p0.000) o anestesias previas (OR 7.9 IC95% 4.4 – 14.4 p0,000). Discusión: El midazolam como agente farmacológico usado para premedicación en pacientes pediátricos presenta resultados exitosos contundentes, por lo cual debe usarse en todos los casos.


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Introducción: La elección de la técnica anestésica para cualquier procedimiento quirúrgico debe estar basada en su seguridad, la rapidez para su aplicación, la recuperación óptima para el paciente y minimización de los efectos secundarios, la anestesia raquídea es una técnica anestésica que puede ser utilizada con buenos resultados clínicos y minimas complicaciones . Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional con recolección prospectiva en mujeres clasificadas como ASA I - II y que posteriormente fueron llevadas a la realización de legrado uterino obstétrico por embarazo no viable durante las primeras 12 semanas de gestación, las técnicas anestésicas fueron anestesia espinal o anestesia general endovenosa dependiendo de la elección hecha por el anestesiólogo previo al procedimiento. Se midieron variables hemodinámicas, control del dolor postoperatorio, tiempo de recuperación y complicaciones perioperatorias con el fin de determinar si se presentaban diferencias significativas entre estas dos técnicas anestésicas. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 110 pacientes, 63.6% (n=70) con anestesia general y 36.4% (n40) con anestesia espinal. Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables. Se presentaron menos efectos secundarios con la técnica espinal, hay una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto al dolor a favor de la anestesia espinal (p0,000) Discusión: La anestesia raquídea es una opción viable, sencilla , fácil y eficaz para la realización de legrados obstétricos, se puede realizar con monitorización básica y las complicaciones son mínimas. Se requieren estudios más amplios para determinar el papel de cual es la mejor técnica. Palabras claves: legrado uterino instrumentado, anestesia espinal, anestesia general endovenosa


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By searching the literatures, it was found that a total of 32 drugs interacting with herbal medicines in humans. These drugs mainly include anticoagulants (warfarin, aspirin and phenprocoumon), sedatives and antidepressants (midazolam, alprazolam and amitriptyline), oral contraceptives, anti-HIV agents (indinavir, ritonavir and saquinavir), cardiovascular drug (digoxin), immunosuppressants (cyclosporine and tacrolimus) and anticancer drugs (imatinib and irinotecan). Most of them are substrates for cytochrome P450s (CYPs) and/or P-glycoprotein (PgP) and many of which have narrow therapeutic indices. However, several drugs including acetaminophen, carbamazepine, mycophenolic acid, and pravastatin did not interact with herbs. Both pharmacokinetic (e.g. induction of hepatic CYPs and intestinal PgP) and/or pharmacodynamic mechanisms (e.g. synergistic or antagonistic interaction on the same drug target) may be involved in drug-herb interactions, leading of altered drug clearance, response and toxicity. Toxicity arising from drug-herb interactions may be minor, moderate, or even fatal, depending on a number of factors associated with the patients, herbs and drugs. Predicting drug-herb interactions, timely identification of drugs that interact with herbs, and therapeutic drug monitoring may minimize toxic drug-herb interactions. It is likely to predict pharmacokinetic herb-drug interactions by following the pharmacokinetic principles and using proper models that are used for predicting drug-drug interactions. Identification of drugs that interact with herbs can be incorporated into the early stages of drug development. A fourth approach for circumventing toxicity arising from drug-herb interactions is proper design of drugs with minimal potential for herbal interaction. So-called ”hard drugs” that are not metabolized by CYPs and not transported by PgP are believed not to interact with herbs due to their unique pharmacokinetic properties. More studies are needed and new approached are required to minimize toxicity arising from drug-herb interactions.


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Herbs are often administered in combination with therapeutic drugs, raising the potential of herb-drug interactions. An extensive review of the literature identified reported herb-drug interactions with clinical significance, many of which are from case reports and limited clinical observations.
Cases have been published reporting enhanced anticoagulation and bleeding when patients on long-term warfarin therapy also took Salvia miltiorrhiza (danshen). Allium sativum (garlic) decreased the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) and maximum plasma concentration of saquinavir, but not ritonavir and paracetamol (acetaminophen), in volunteers. A. sativum increased the clotting time and international normalised ratio of warfarin and caused hypoglycaemia when taken with chlorpropamide. Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo) caused bleeding when combined with warfarin or aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), raised blood pressure when combined with a thiazide diuretic and even caused coma when combined with trazodone in patients. Panax ginseng (ginseng) reduced the blood concentrations of alcohol (ethanol) and warfarin, and induced mania when used concomitantly with phenelzine, but ginseng increased the efficacy of influenza vaccination. Scutellaria baicalensis (huangqin) ameliorated irinotecan-induced gastrointestinal toxicity in cancer patients.
Piper methysticum (kava) increased the 'off' periods in patients with parkinsonism taking levodopa and induced a semicomatose state when given concomitantly with alprazolam. Kava enhanced the hypnotic effect of alcohol in mice, but this was not observed in humans. Silybum marianum (milk thistle) decreased the trough concentrations of indinavir in humans. Piperine from black (Piper nigrum Linn) and long (P. longum Linn) peppers increased the AUC of phenytoin, propranolol and theophylline in healthy volunteers and plasma concentrations of rifamipicin (rifampin) in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Eleutheroccus senticosus (Siberian ginseng) increased the serum concentration of digoxin, but did not alter the pharmacokinetics of dextromethorphan and alprazolam in humans. Hypericum perforatum (hypericum; St John's wort) decreased the blood concentrations of ciclosporin (cyclosporin), midazolam, tacrolimus, amitriptyline, digoxin, indinavir, warfarin, phenprocoumon and theophylline, but did not alter the pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine, pravastatin, mycophenolate mofetil and dextromethorphan. Cases have been reported where decreased ciclosporin concentrations led to organ rejection. Hypericum also caused breakthrough bleeding and unplanned pregnancies when used concomitantly with oral contraceptives. It also caused serotonin syndrome when used in combination with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g. sertraline and paroxetine).
In conclusion, interactions between herbal medicines and prescribed drugs can occur and may lead to serious clinical consequences. There are other theoretical interactions indicated by preclinical data. Both pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic mechanisms have been considered to play a role in these interactions, although the underlying mechanisms for the altered drug effects and/or concentrations by concomitant herbal medicines are yet to be determined. The clinical importance of herb-drug interactions depends on many factors associated with the particular herb, drug and patient. Herbs should be appropriately labeled to alert consumers to potential interactions when concomitantly used with drugs, and to recommend a consultation with their general practitioners and other medical carers.


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Pain relief for removal of femoral sheath after cardiac procedures
Procedures for the non-surgical management of coronary heart disease include balloon angioplasty and intracoronary stenting. At the start of each procedure an introducer sheath is inserted through the skin (percutaneously) into an artery, frequently a femoral artery in the groin. This allows the different catheters used for the procedure to be exchanged easily without causing trauma to the skin. At the end of the procedure the sheath is removed and, if the puncture site isn't "sealed" using a device closure, firm pressure is required over the site for 30 minutes or more to control any bleeding and reduce vascular complications. Removing the sheath and the firm pressure required to control bleeding can cause pain, although this is generally mild. Some centres routinely give pain relief before removal such as intravenous morphine, or an injection of a local anaesthetic in the soft tissue around the sheath (called a subcutaneous injection). Adequate pain control during sheath removal is also associated with a reduced incidence of a vasovagal reaction, a potentially serious complication involving a sudden drop of blood pressure and a slowed heart rate. Four studies were reviewed in total. Three trials involving 498 participants compared subcutaneous lignocaine, a short acting local anaesthetic, with a control group (participants received either no pain relief or an inactive substance known as a placebo). Two trials involving 399 people compared intravenous opioids (fentanyl or morphine) and an anxiolytic (midazolam) with a control group. One trial involving 60 people compared subcutaneous levobupivacaine, a long acting local anaesthetic, with a control group. Intravenous pain regimens and subcutaneous levobupivacaine appear to reduce the pain experienced during femoral sheath removal. However, the size of the reduction was small. A significant reduction in pain was not experienced by participants who received subcutaneous lignocaine or who were in the control group. There was insufficient data to determine a correlation between pain relief administration and either adverse events or complications. Some patients may benefit from routine pain relief using levobupivacaine or intravenous pain regimens. Identifying who may potentially benefit from pain relief requires clinical judgement and consideration of patient preference. The mild level of pain generally experienced during this procedure should not influence the decision as some people can experience moderate levels of pain.


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Background: Until recently, midazolam sedation was routinely used in our institution for bone marrow aspirates and lumbar punctures in children with cancer. It has been perceived by many doctors and nurses as being well tolerated by children and their families.

Aim: To compare the efficacy of inhalational general anaesthesia and midazolam sedation for these procedures.

A total of 96 children with neoplastic disorders, who received either inhalational general anaesthesia with sevoflurane, nitrous oxide, and oxygen (GA) or sedation with oral or nasal midazolam (SED) as part of their routine preparation for procedures were studied. The experiences of these childen were examined during their current procedure and during their first ever procedure. Main outcome measures were the degree of physical restraint used on the child, and the levels of distress and pain experienced by the child during the current procedure and during the first procedure. The family‘s preference for future procedures was also determined.

Results: During 102 procedures under GA, restraint was needed on four occasions (4%) when the anaesthetic mask was first applied, minimal pain was reported, and children were reported as distressed about 25% of the time. During 80 SED procedures, restraint was required in 94%, firm restraint was required in 66%, the child could not be restrained in 14%, median pain score was 6 (scale 0 (no pain) to 6 (maximum pain)), and 90% of the parents reported distress in their child. Ninety per cent of families wanted GA for future procedures. Many families reported dissatisfaction with the sedation regime and raised concerns about the restraint used on their child.

Conclusions: This general anaesthetic regime minimised the need for restraint and was associated with low levels of pain and distress. The sedation regime, by contrast, was much less effective. There was a significant disparity between the perceptions of health professionals and those of families with respect to how children coped with painful procedures.


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Herbal medicines are often used in combination with conventional drugs, and this may give rise to the potential of harmful herb-drug interactions. This paper updates our knowledge on clinical herb-drug interactions with an emphasis of the mechanistic and clinical consideration. In silico, in vitro, animal and human studies are often used to predict and/or identify drug interactions with herbal remedies. To date, a number of clinically important herb-drug interactions have been reported, but many of them are from case reports and limited clinical observations. Common herbal medicines that interact with drugs include St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), ginger (Zingiber officinale), ginseng (Panax ginseng), and garlic (Allium sativum). For example, St John's wort significantly reduced the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) and blood concentrations of cyclosporine, midazolam, tacrolimus, amitriptyline, digoxin, indinavir, warfarin, phenprocoumon and theophylline. The common drugs that interact with herbal medicines include warfarin, midazolam, digoxin, amitriptyline, indinavir, cyclosporine, tacrolimus and irinotecan. Herbal medicines may interact with drugs at the intestine, liver, kidneys, and targets of action. Importantly, many of these drugs have very narrow therapeutic indices. Most of them are substrates for cytochrome P450s (CYPs) and/or P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The underlying mechanisms for most reported herb-drug interactions are not fully understood, and pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic mechanisms are implicated in many of these interactions. In particular, enzyme induction and inhibition may play an important role in the occurrence of some herbdrug interactions. Because herb-drug interactions can significantly affect circulating levels of drug and, hence, alter the clinical outcome, the identification of herb-drug interactions has important implications.


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Objective: The present study aimed to describe the characteristics and outcomes of intubation occurring in the ICU and ED of an Australian tertiary teaching hospital. Methods: This was a prospective observational study of intubation practice across the Geelong Hospital over a 6 month period from 1 August 2012 to 31 January 2013. Data were entered by the intubating team through an online data collection form. Results: There were 119 patients intubated and 134 attempts at intubation in the ED and ICU over a 6 month period. The first-pass success rate was 104/119 (87.4%), and all but a single patient was intubated by the second attempt. Propofol, fentanyl, midazolam and suxamethonium were the most common drugs used in rapid sequence induction. AEs were reported in 44/134 (32.8%) of intubation attempts, with transient hypoxia and hypotension being the most common. A significant adverse outcome, namely aspiration pneumonitis, occurred in one patient. There were no peri-intubation deaths. Conclusion: The majority of airways are managed by ICU and ED consultants and trainees, with success rates and AE rates comparable with other published studies. © 2014 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine.


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A hipoxemia pode ocorrer durante a Colangiopancreatografia Endoscópica Retrógrada (CPER) porque alguma analgesia e sedação precisam ser realizadas. O posicionamento do paciente em pronação dificulta a ventilação adequada. Um estudo transversal controlado foi utilizado para investigar possíveis fatores preditivos de dessaturação de oxigênio em pacientes submetidos à CPER sedados com midazolam associado à meperidina. No total, 186 pacientes foram monitorados continuamente com oxímetro de pulso. A regressão de Cox adaptada por Braslow foi utilizada para identificar fatores preditivos de dessaturação relacionados ao paciente e ao exame. As variáveis estudadas foram: idade, gênero, hematócrito e hemoglobina, uso de escopolamina, exame diagnóstico ou terapêutico, midazolam ( média 0,07mg/Kg) e meperidina (média 0,7mg/Kg), escores da Sociedade Americana de Anestesiologistas (ASA) e tempo de exame. Dos 186 pacientes, 113 não dessaturaram (60,8%), 22(11,8%) apresentaram dessaturação moderada (SpO2≤92%) e 51 (27,4%) apresentaram dessaturação grave (SpO2≤90%). As variáveis preditivas de dessaturação de oxigênio detectadas foram idade ≥60 anos (p=0,004; RR:1,5;IC:1,12-1,93) e escore ASA III (p=0,013) As variáveis idade (60 anos ou mais) e escore ASA III foram identificadas como de risco para dessaturação em pacientes que realizam CPER sob sedação consciente. Estes pacientes necessitam de maior monitoração para saturação e hipoventilação pela enfermagem, alertando para a depressão respiratória. A utilização do oxímetro de pulso e solicitação de respiração profunda durante o exame auxilia a diminuir estes riscos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of several drug combinations (atropine, xylazine, romifidine, methotrimeprazine, midazolam, or fentanyl) with ketamine for short term anesthesia in cats. Twelve cats were anesthetized 6 times by using a cross-over Latin square protocol: methotrimeprazine was combined with midazolam, ketamine, and fentanyi; midazolam and ketamine; romifidine and ketamine; and xylazine and ketamine. Atropine was combined with romifidine and ketamine, and xylazine and ketamine. Temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate decreased in all groups. Apnea occurred in 1 cat treated with methotrimeprazine, romifidine, and ketamine, suggesting that ventilatory support may be necessary when this protocol is used. Emesis occurred in some cats treated with alpha(2)-adrenoceptor agonists, and this side effect should be considered when these drugs are used.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A laparoscopia ginecológica é procedimento que determina alta incidência de náusea e vômito no pós-operatório. Este estudo teve por finalidade comparar a eficácia do propofol isoladamente ou em associação com a dexametasona na prevenção de náusea e vômito em pacientes submetidas à laparoscopia ginecológica. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 40 pacientes, estado físico ASA I e II, com idades entre 18 e 46 anos, sem queixas gástricas prévias, submetidas à laparoscopia para diagnóstico ou cirurgia. As pacientes foram divididas em 2 grupos: o grupo 1 recebeu (solução fisiológica 2 ml) e o grupo 2 dexametasona (8 mg), por via venosa antes da indução da anestesia. Todas as pacientes receberam midazolam (7,5 mg) por via oral como medicação pré-anestésica, sufentanil (0,5 µg.kg-1), propofol em infusão contínua para indução e manutenção da anestesia (BIS - 60) e N2O/O2 em fração inspirada de O2 a 40% e atracúrio (0,5 mg.kg-1) como bloqueador neuromuscular. A analgesia pós-operatória foi realizada com cetoprofeno (100 mg) e buscopam composto ®.As pacientes fora avaliadas na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA) e na enfermaria 1, 2, 3 e 12 horas após a alta da SRPA. RESULTADOS: Ambos os grupos foram idênticos quanto aos dados antropométricos e à duração da cirurgia e da anestesia. No grupo 1 (n = 20) uma paciente apresentou náusea na SRPA e na enfermaria e três pacientes vomitaram na enfermaria. No grupo 2 (n = 20) nenhuma paciente apresentou náusea ou vômito durante o período de observação clínica, resultados estatisticamente não significativos. CONCLUSÕES: O propofol isoladamente ou associado à dexametasona foi eficaz na prevenção de náusea e vômito no pós-operatório de pacientes submetidas à laparoscopia ginecológica