866 resultados para Micorriza vesicular-arbuscular


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are thought to have remained asexual for 400 million years although recent studies have suggested that considerable genetic and phenotypic variation could potentially exist in populations. A brief discussion of these multigenomic organisms is presented. (C) 2003 The Linnean Society of London.


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As raízes das plantas podem estimular a microbiota do solo, a qual pode contribuir para o aumento da eficiência do processo de remediação. Assim, avaliar a magnitude dos efeitos das raízes sobre a microbiota do solo é de grande interesse e de relevância prática e ecológica. Neste trabalho, avaliaram-se a densidade microbiana, a atividade enzimática, a estrutura da comunidade bacteriana e a presença de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) na rizosfera de plantas de ocorrência espontânea em solo de sistema de "landfarming" de resíduos petroquímicos. Avaliaram-se também solos rizosféricos de cinco plantas e solo-controle sem planta por meio de contagens de microrganismos em placas, eletroforese em gel com gradiente desnaturante (DGGE) de fragmentos do gene rRNA 16S, seqüenciamento genético, atividades enzimáticas, percentagem de colonização radicular e contagem e identificação de esporos de FMAs. As plantas estimularam a densidade microbiana total e da população de degradadores de antraceno, com contagens médias de 1,5 x 10(6) e 2,2 x 10(6) UFC g-1 no solo seco, respectivamente, enquanto, no solo sem planta, essas contagens foram de 5,7 x 10(5) e 2,9 x 10(5) UFC g-1 no solo seco para os respectivos grupos microbianos. As espécies de maior efeito foram Bidens pilosa e Eclipta alba. Entretanto, esses efeitos estimulantes não foram verificados para a atividade enzimática do solo. A colonização micorrízica das raízes (em torno de 40 %) e a densidade de esporos nos solos rizosféricos foram elevadas (entre 900 e 4.800 esporos por 50 cm³ de solo), sendo maior na Brachiaria decumbens. Foram identificadas quatro espécies de FMAs: Acaulospora morrowiae, Glomus intraradices, Paraglomus occultum e Archaeospora trappei. Com exceção de G. intraradices, essas espécies não foram observadas em áreas contaminadas por hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. A análise por DGGE revelou que os solos rizosféricos apresentaram comunidades bacteriana diferente do solo sem plantas. As bactérias degradadoras de antraceno isoladas apresentaram relação filogenética com os gêneros Streptomyces, Nocardioides, Arthrobacter, Pseudoxanthomonas e com gêneros não identificados das famílias Cellulomonadaceae, Xanthomonadaceae e Rhodobacteraceae, sendo quatro destes isolados pertencentes aos actinomicetos. Apenas Nocardioides e o gênero relacionado com a família Cellulomonadaceae foram relatados em áreas brasileiras contaminadas com hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. Conclui-se que as plantas estimulam o aumento da densidade de células bacterianas e alteram a comunidade microbiana do solo de "landfarming" de resíduo petroquímico.


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As micorrizas arbusculares (MAs) são associações simbióticas mutualistas entre fungos do filo Glomeromycota e a maioria das plantas terrestres. A formação e o funcionamento das MAs depende de um complexo processo de troca de sinais, que resulta em mudanças no metabolismo dos simbiontes e na diferenciação de uma interface simbiótica no interior das células das raízes. Os mecanismos que regulam a formação das MAs são pouco conhecidos, mas sabe-se que a concentração de fosfato (P) na planta é um fator determinante para o desenvolvimento da simbiose. A disponibilidade de P na planta pode afetar o balanço de açúcares e de fitormônios (FHs), além da expressão de genes de defesa vegetal. Com o advento da genômica e proteômica, vários genes essenciais para o desenvolvimento das MAs já foram identificados e seus mecanismos de regulação estão sendo estudados. Até o presente, sabe-se que as plantas secretam substâncias que estimulam a germinação de esporos e o crescimento de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs). Há evidências também de que os FMAs sintetizam moléculas sinalizadoras, que são reconhecidas pelas plantas hospedeiras. Pelo menos três genes são essenciais para o reconhecimento dessa molécula e a transdução do sinal molecular. Discutem-se os papéis desses genes e os possíveis mecanismos que regulam sua expressão, bem como os papéis dos FHs na regulação de MAs são discutidos.


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A recuperação de áreas muito impactadas, como as oriundas da construção de hidrelétricas, é um processo lento e, usualmente, requer a adição de resíduos orgânicos, como fonte de matéria orgânica, e de nutrientes, como condicionador das propriedades do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da adição de lodo de esgoto e resíduos orgânicos (maravalha e torta de filtro de cana-de-açúcar) sobre o crescimento de duas espécies arbóreas de Cerrado na recuperação de um subsolo de uma área degradada pela construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira, localizada em Selvíria - MS. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com oito tratamentos, seis repetições e uma planta por repetição, para cada planta-teste. Cada repetição (saco plástico) teve 3,3 L e as proporções em volume da mistura de cada resíduo foram de: 30 % de lodo de esgoto, 20 % de torta de filtro e 10 % de maravalha de madeira. Foram mensuradas a fertilidade, a micorrização, a atividade microbiana (C-CO2 liberado) do subsolo, a massa do sistema radicular e parte aérea e a altura de plantas de duas espécies nativas do Cerrado [monjoleiro (Acacia polyphylla DC.) e jatobá-do-Cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart)]. Os tratamentos com lodo de esgoto proporcionaram maior atividade microbiana no substrato e maior crescimento para as duas espécies arbóreas. A presença do lodo de esgoto promoveu melhora na fertilidade do subsolo, com aumento dos teores de matéria orgânica, P, K, Ca e Mg. A matéria orgânica e o P tiveram seus teores elevados nos tratamentos com mistura de lodo de esgoto e demais resíduos. Os resultados permitem concluir que as misturas contendo lodo associado a resíduos promoveram melhores incrementos na qualidade do subsolo, com perspectivas de sua recuperação.


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Two filamentous fungi with different phenotypes were isolated from crushed healthy spores or perforated dead spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Scutellospora castanea. Based on comparative sequence analysis of 5.8S ribosomal DNA and internal transcribed spacer fragments, one isolate, obtained from perforated dead spores only, was assigned to the genus Nectria, and the second, obtained from both healthy and dead spores, was assigned to Leptosphaeria, a genus that also contains pathogens of plants in the Brassicaceae. PCR and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR analyses, however, did not indicate similarities between pathogens and the isolate. The presence of the two isolates in both healthy spores and perforated dead spores of S. castanea was finally confirmed by transmission electron microscopy by using distinctive characteristics of the isolates and S. castanea. The role of this fungus in S. castanea spores remains unclear, but the results serve as a strong warning that sequences obtained from apparently healthy AMF spores cannot be presumed to be of glomalean origin and that this could present problems for studies on AMF genes.


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The rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) are widely used for their medicinal and flavoring properties, whereas the influence of root symbionts on their growth is poorly understood. In this study, the effects of phosphate fertilization and inoculation with a mixture of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (isolates Glomus clarum RGS101A, Entrophospora colombiana SCT115A and Acaulospora koskei SPL102A) on survival, growth and development of micropropagated ginger were investigated. After transplanting to post vitro conditions, the ginger microplants were subjected to the following treatments: a) AMF mixture, b) P addition (25 mg kg-1), c) AMF + P, and d) non-mycorrhizal control without P addition. After eight months of growth, survival ranged from 86 to 100 % in the AMF and AMF+P treatments versus 71 % survival in control and P treatments. In the AMF, P and AMF+P treatments, the shoot, root and rhizome biomass production were significantly larger than in the control plants. In the non-mycorrhizal control plants the leaf number, leaf area, number of shoots/plants, and shoot length were significantly lower than in the AMF, P and AMF+P treatments. Root colonization ranged from 81 to 93 % and was not affected by P application. The data confirmed the response of several growth variables of micropropagated ginger to mycorrhizal colonization and P addition.


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It has been known for some time that different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) taxa confer differences in plant growth. Although genetic variation within AMF species has been given less attention, it could potentially be an ecologically important source of variation. Ongoing studies on variability in AMF genes within Glomus intraradices indicate that at least for some genes, such as the BiP gene, sequence variability can be high, even in coding regions. This suggests that genetic variation within an AMF may not be selectively neutral. This clearly needs to be investigated in more detail for other coding regions of AMF genomes. Similarly, studies on AMF population genetics indicate high genetic variation in AMF populations, and a considerable amount of variation seen in phenotypes in the population can be attributed to genetic differences among the fungi. The existence of high within-species genetic variation could have important consequences for how investigations on AMF gene expression and function are conducted. Furthermore, studies of within-species genetic variability and how it affects variation in plant growth will help to identify at what level of precision ecological studies should be conducted to identify AMF in plant roots in the field. A population genetic approach to studying AMF genetic variability can also be useful for inoculum development. By knowing the amount of genetic variability in an AMF population, the maximum and minimum numbers of spores that will contain a given amount of genetic diversity can be estimated. This could be particularly useful for developing inoculum with high adaptability to different environments.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligate symbionts with most terrestrial plants. They improve plant nutrition, particularly phosphate acquisition, and thus are able to improve plant growth. In exchange, the fungi obtain photosynthetically fixed carbon. AMF are coenocytic, meaning that many nuclei coexist in a common cytoplasm. Genetic exchange recently has been demonstrated in the AMF Glomus intraradices, allowing nuclei of different Glomus intraradices strains to mix. Such genetic exchange was shown previously to have negative effects on plant growth and to alter fungal colonization. However, no attempt was made to detect whether genetic exchange in AMF can alter plant gene expression and if this effect was time dependent. Here, we show that genetic exchange in AMF also can be beneficial for rice growth, and that symbiosis-specific gene transcription is altered by genetic exchange. Moreover, our results show that genetic exchange can change the dynamics of the colonization of the fungus in the plant. Our results demonstrate that the simple manipulation of the genetics of AMF can have important consequences for their symbiotic effects on plants such as rice, which is considered the most important crop in the world. Exploiting natural AMF genetic variation by generating novel AMF genotypes through genetic exchange is a potentially useful tool in the development of AMF inocula that are more beneficial for crop growth.


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A poluição do solo com metais pesados tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos, devido à ação antrópica. Diversas técnicas podem ser utilizadas para reverter ou minimizar a condição de contaminação do solo, porém muitas delas são prejudiciais ao solo. Uma alternativa é a utilização da fitorremediação, já que as plantas possuem a capacidade de absorver elementos do solo e, dessa maneira, promover sua descontaminação com teores excessivos de metais e outros elementos potencialmente tóxicos. A associação de plantas com fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) pode influenciar a absorção desses elementos. Com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial fitorremediador de plantas de Stizolobium aterrimum associadas ou não a FMAs em solos com concentrações crescentes de Pb, realizou-se um experimento sob condições de casa de vegetação, em esquema fatorial 4 x 2. Os tratamentos consistiram na adição de quatro doses de Pb (0, 250, 500 e 1.000 mg dm-3) e da inoculação ou não de FMA. Os resultados mostraram que a planta foi tolerante ao Pb nas doses utilizadas. A associação com FMA não influenciou a absorção de Pb pela planta. No entanto, a micorrização influenciou a fixação biológica de N2, observando-se maior atividade da enzima nitrogenase em plantas micorrizadas. Apesar dos bons resultados obtidos com relação à tolerância dessa planta ao Pb, mais estudos precisam ser realizados acerca da absorção desse elemento, principalmente em solo multicontaminado, que é a realidade encontrada em sistemas poluídos.


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A associação micorrízica arbuscular estabelecida entre os fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs - Filo Glomeromycota) e as raízes das plantas tem papel fundamental na sobrevivência e nutrição das plantas. Nesta revisão, é salientado que a tríade floresta ciliar-fixação de carbono-fungos micorrízicos arbusculares deve ser considerada uma estratégia ambientalmente correta para recuperar áreas outrora ocupadas por florestas ciliares. São apresentadas brevemente as classes de solos que ocorrem em ambientes ripários e a entrada de carbono (C) nos ecossistemas terrestres. Posteriormente, é enfatizado que os fungos micorrízicos arbusculares possuem papel importante no processo de fixação de carbono no solo, visto seus efeitos na absorção de nutrientes pelas plantas e aumento na produção de biomassa vegetal em espécies arbóreas, principalmente espécies pioneiras e secundárias iniciais, utilizadas na recuperação de florestas ciliares. Outrossim, as hifas externas desses fungos impactam a estrutura do solo tanto fisicamente, pela ação física das hifas, como bioquimicamente, pela produção de uma glicoproteína. As estruturas diferenciadas pelos fungos, como esporos e hifas, também servem como via de entrada de C no solo, por meio de componentes celulares ricos em C. A recuperação de florestas ciliares pelo plantio de espécies arbóreas resulta na emergência de um novo serviço ambiental: a fixação de C, a qual pode ser incrementada quando no processo de recuperação seja considerada a inoculação com fungos micorrízicos arbusculares.


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Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) of tree seedlings in the nursery is a biotechnological strategy to improve growth, survival after transplanting, biomass production and to reduce the use of fertilizers. Archontophoenix alexandrae and Euterpe edulis are palm species used in southern Brazil to produce the palm heart, the latter being included in the list of threatened species due to the overexploitation of its native population. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on growth and physiological parameters of A. alexandrae and E. edulis. After germination, the seedlings were inoculated (AMF) or not (CTL) with AMF in the treatments. Values of chlorophyll content, biomass and shoot phosphorus were not statistically different between the AMF and CTL treatments, after five months in the greenhouse. Inoculation with AMF significantly increased the levels of starch and soluble carbohydrates in shoots and roots of both species. Under field conditions, AMF had no effect on stem diameter and height after 12 and 24 months, but total plant biomass and leaf, stem and root biomass were greater in AMF than in CTL plants. The data indicated that AMF inoculation in the nursery has a strong effect on biomass accumulation after growing for 24 months under field conditions. Therefore, AMF inoculation should be considered an important strategy to increase growth and production of these economically important tropical palm species.


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SUMMARY : The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is an evolutionarily ancient association between most land plants and Glomeromycotan fungi that is based on the mutual exchange of nutrients between the two partners. Its structural and physiological establishment is a multi-step process involving a tightly regulated signal exchange leading to intracellular colonization of roots by the fungi. Most research on the molecular biology and genetics of symbiosis development has been performed in dicotyledonous model legumes. In these, a plant signaling pathway, the common SYM pathway, has been found to be required for accommodation of both root symbionts rhizobia and AM fungi. Rice, a monocotyledon model and the world's most important staple crop also forms AM symbioses, has been largely ignored for studies of the AM symbiosis. Therefore in this PhD work functional conservation of the common SYM pathway in rice was addressed and demonstrated. Mycorrhiza-specific marker genes were established that are expressed at different stages of AM development and therefore represent readouts for various AM-specific signaling events. These tools were successfully used to obtain evidence for a yet unknown signaling network comprising common SYM-dependent and -independent events. In legumes AM colonization induces common SYM signaling dependent changes in root system architecture. It was demonstrated that also in rice, root system architecture changes in response to AM colonization but these alterations occur independently of common SYM signaling. The rice root system is complex and contains three different root types. It was shown that root type identity influences the quantity of AM colonization, indicating root type specific symbiotic properties. Interestingly, the root types differed in their transcriptional responses to AM colonization and the less colonized root type responded more dramatically than the more strongly colonized root type. Finally, in an independent project a novel mutant, inhospitable (iho), was discovered. It is perturbed at the most early step of AM colonization, namely differentiation of the AM fungal hyphae into a hyphopodium at the root surface. As plant factors required for this early step are not known, identification of the IHO gene will greatly contribute to the advance of mycorrhiza RÉSUMÉ : La symbiose mycorhizienne arbusculaire (AM) est une association évolutionnairement ancienne entre la majorité des plantes terrestres et les champignons du type Glomeromycota, basée sur l'échange mutuel d'éléments nutritifs entre les deux partenaires. Son établissement structural et physiologique est un processus en plusieurs étapes, impliquant des échanges de signaux étroitement contrôlés, aboutissant à la colonisation intracellulaire des racines par le champignon. La plupart des recherches sur la biologie moléculaire et la génétique du développement de la symbiose ont été effectuées sur des légumineuses dicotylédones modèles. Dans ces dernières, une voie de signalisation, la voie SYM, s'est avérée nécessaire pour permettre la mise en place de la symbiose mycorhizienne. Chez les plantes monocotylédones, comme le riz, une des céréales les plus importantes, nourrissant la moitié de la population mondiale, peu de recherches ont été effectuées sur les bases de la cette symbiose. Dans ce travail de thèse, la conservation fonctionnelle de la voie commune SYM chez le riz a été étudiée et démontrée. De plus, des gènes marqueurs spécifiques des différentes étapes du développement de l'AM ont été identifiés, permettant ainsi d'avoir des traceurs de la colonisation. Ces outils ont été utilisés avec succès pour démontrer l'existence d'un nouveau réseau de signalisation, comprenant des éléments SYM dépendant et indépendant. Chez les légumineuses, la colonisation par les AM induit des changements dans l'architecture du système racinaire, via la signalisation SYM dépendantes. Cependant chez le riz, il a été démontré que l'architecture de système racinaire changeait suite à la colonisation de l'AM, mais ceux, de façon SYM indépendante. Le système racinaire du riz est complexe et contient trois types différents de racines. Il a été démontré que le type de racine pouvait influencer l'efficacité de la colonisation par l'AM, indiquant que les racines ont des propriétés symbiotiques spécifiques différentes. De façon surprenante, les divers types de racines répondent de différemment suite à colonisation par l'AM avec des changements de la expression des gènes. Le type de racine le moins colonisé, répondant le plus fortement a la colonisation, et inversement. En parallèle, dans un projet indépendant, un nouveau mutant, inhospitable (iho), a été identifié. Ce mutant est perturbé lors de l'étape la plus précoce de la colonisation par l'AM, à savoir la différentiation des hyphes fongiques de l'AM en hyphopodium, à la surface des racines. Les facteurs d'origine végétale requis pour cette étape étant encore inconnus, l'identification du gène IHO contribuera considérablement a accroître nos connaissance sur les bases de la mise en place de cette symbiose.


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The concept of tripartite synapse suggests that astrocytes make up a functional synapse with pre- and postsynaptic neuronal elements to modulate synaptic transmission through the regulated release of neuromodulators called gliotransmitters. Release of gliotransmitters such as glutamate or D-serine has been shown to depend on Ca21-dependent exocytosis. However, the origin (cytosolic versus vesicular) of the released gliotransmitter is still a matter of debate. The existence of Ca21-regulated exocytosis in astrocytes has been questioned mostly because the nature of secretory organelles which are loaded with gliotransmitters is unknown. Here we show the existence of a population of vesicles that uptakes and stores glutamate and D-serine in astrocytes which are present in situ. Immunoisolated glial organelles expressing synaptobrevin 2 (Sb2) display morphological and biochemical features very similar to synaptic vesicles. We demonstrate that these organelles not only contain and uptake glutamate but also display a glia-specific transport activity for D-serine. Furthermore, we report that the uptake of D-serine is energized by a H1-ATPase present on the immunoisolated vesicles and that cytosolic chloride ions modulate the uptake of D-serine. Finally, we show that serine racemase (SR), the synthesizing enzyme for D-serine, is anchored to the membrane of glial organelles allowing a local and efficient concentration of the gliotransmitter to be transported. We conclude that vesicles in astrocytes do exist with the goal to store and release D-serine, glutamate and most likely other neuromodulators.


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Management systems involving crop rotation, ground cover species and reduced soil tillage can improve the soil physical and biological properties and reduce degradation. The primary purpose of this study was to assess the effect of various crops grown during the sugarcane fallow period on the production of glomalin and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in two Latosols, as well as their influence on soil aggregation. The experiment was conducted on an eutroferric Red Latosol with high-clay texture (680 g clay kg-1) and an acric Red Latosol with clayey texture (440 g kg-1 clay) in Jaboticabal (São Paulo State, Brazil). A randomized block design involving five blocks and four crops [soybean (S), soybean/fallow/soybean (SFS), soybean/millet/soybean (SMS) and soybean/sunn hemp/soybean (SHS)] was used to this end. Soil samples for analysis were collected in June 2011. No significant differences in total glomalin production were detected between the soils after the different crops. However, total external mycelium length was greater in the soils under SMS and SHS. Also, there were differences in easily extractable glomalin, total glomalin and aggregate stability, which were all greater in the eutroferric Red Latosol than in the acric Red Latosol. None of the cover crops planted in the fallow period of sugarcane improved aggregate stability in either Latosol.


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The use of organic fertilizers and the inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi in the cultivation of oil crops is essential to reduce production costs and minimize negative impacts on natural resources. A field experiment was conducted in an Argissolo Amarelo (Ultisol) with the aim of evaluating the effects of fertilizer application and inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth attributes of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and on soil chemical properties. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, using a randomized block design with three replicates in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement consisting of four treatments in regard to application of organic fertilizer (liquid biofertilizer, cow urine, mineral fertilizer, and unfertilized control) and two treatments in regard to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (with and without mycorrhizal fungi). The results showed that the physiological attributes of relative growth rate and leaf weight ratio were positively influenced by fertilization, compared to the control treatment, likely brought about by the supply of nutrients from the fertilizers applied. The growth and productivity attributes were positively affected by mycorrhization.