985 resultados para Metallo-beta-lactamases


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Em estudo anterior, as espécies de enterobactérias apresentando perfis variados de resistência aos antimicrobianos foram detectadas em 20% dos sítios com lesões periodontais de pacientes sadios do ponto de vista sistêmico. Tais cepas microbianas foram submetidas a investigações com o intuito de determinar à expressão de enzimas hidrolíticas para substratos diversos, a multirresistência aos agentes antimicrobianos e os mecanismos de resistência aos antimicrobianos da classe dos β lactâmicos. A maioria das amostras expressou atividade de gelatinase (65%), caseinase (30%) e elastase (10%). Lipase, lecitinase e DNase foram observadas apenas para Serratia marcescens. A multirresistência (considerado como a resistência a pelo menos dois agentes antimicrobianos de famílias diferentes) foi observada em 56% das amostras isoladas. A maioria das cepas foi resistentes à ampicilina (93,75%) e amoxicilina/ácido clavulânico (81,25%). Investigações sobre a resistência aos antibióticos β-lactâmicos mostraram que três amostras resistentes à cefalosporinas de 2 geração, apresentaram perfis plasmidiais de diferentes pesos moleculares. A expressão fenotípica de β-lacatamases, foi detectada nas cepas de Enterobacter cloacae (PcOM46 e PcOM5) e S. marcescens (PcOM63). No entanto, na análise molecular, não foi possível confirmar a expressão fenotípica de diferentes β-lactamases, com exceção do E. cloacae PcOM46, que apresentou amplificação para AmpC e blaTEM. Embora sensível à maioria dos antibióticos β-lactâmicos (exceção feita à ampicilina e amoxicilina / ácido clavulânico), amostra de S. marcescens PcOM68 apresentou amplificação para o gene blaSHV. Os experimentos de conjugação não detectaram a transferência de plasmídios para uma cepa de Escherichia coli K12 sensívei aos β-lactâmicos, o mesmo ocorreu nos procedimentos de transformação por eletroporação e por CaCl2, sugerindo uma resistência dependente de genes cromossomiais. A expressão de diferentes atividades enzimáticas, juntamente com a resistência aos antimicrobianos, aponta estes grupos de bactérias como agentes patogênicos potenciais capazes de contribuir para a patogênese e resposta à quimioterapia antimicrobiana nas doenças periodontais, além da disseminação sistêmica para outros locais do corpo, especialmente em indivíduos imunocomprometidos. A colonização prévia de lesões periodontais por espécies resistentes aos β-lactâmicos, pode contribuir para a disseminação destes genes relacionados à resistência aos antimicrobianos em ambientes hospitalares.


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N-metallo ketene imines are attractive for the preparation of a wide range of organic compounds. Our research group has been engaged in the preparation and application of the N-metallo imines (SKIs). In this frame we have studied the uncatalyzed reaction of SKIs with isocyanates to give the corresponding malonamides with good yields. It has been demonstrated that the use of SKIs, instead of simple lithium anion of nitriles, is essential for the success of the reaction. A possible explanation assumes that this new reaction proceeds via a silatropism. In the course of our studies, reported in this thesis, the synthesis and the reactivity of N-silyl ketene imines in the preparation of 2,2-diaryl-3,4- dihydroxy- alcanonitrile in an uncatalyzed adol-type reaction has been performed. Our conception has been to use a chiral aldehyde to introduce asymmetric induction at the β-position and at the α-quaternary stereogenic center in the new forming diols. To achieve this goal, we used diarylacetonitrile as the substrate to form the corresponding N-trimethylsylilketene-imines to be reacted with (S)–lactic aldehyde with different protecting groups on the hydroxyl functionality. A number of 2,2-diaryl-3,4-dihydroxy-pentanenitrile were prepared with good to excellent stereo-control and satisfactory yields. Extension of this protocol to other metallo-ketene imines was performed. Accordingly, the preparation of tin ketene imines was attempted in analogy of the corresponding silyl ketene imine. The reaction of tin ketene imines with aldehydes was tested as a new tool for the synthesis of beta-hydroxynitriles starting from carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and/or ketones). Dialkyl(aryl)silyl nitriles and dialkyl(aryl)tin nitriles presents different reactivity. Finally, N-aluminium-ketene imines, as nucleophilic partner in the opening reaction of epoxides were studied. Preliminary positive results foster us to continue our studies in enlightening the scope and the limitations of this new reaction.


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A multidrug-resistant strain of Elizabethkingia miricola was isolated from the urine of a 2-year-old boy hospitalized for severe clinical conditions. The strain produces 2 metallo-β-lactamases belonging to subclasses B1 and B3: a new BlaB variant (BlaB-15) and a GOB-7–like enzyme.


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The susceptibility of most Bacillus anthracis strains to β-lactam antibiotics is intriguing considering that the B. anthracis genome harbors two β-lactamase genes, bla1 and bla2, and closely-related species, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis, typically produce β-lactamases. This work demonstrates that B. anthracis bla expression is affected by two genes, sigP and rsp, predicted to encode an extracytoplasmic function sigma factor and an antisigma factor, respectively. Deletion of the sigP/rsp locus abolished bla expression in a penicillin-resistant clinical isolate and had no effect on bla expression in a prototypical penicillin-susceptible strain. Complementation with sigP/rsp from the penicillin-resistant strain, but not the penicillin-susceptible strain, conferred β-lactamase activity upon both mutants. These results are attributed to a nucleotide deletion near the 5' end of rsp in the penicillin-resistant strain that is predicted to result in a nonfunctional protein. B. cereus and B. thuringiensis sigP and rsp homologues are required for inducible penicillin resistance in those species. Expression of the B. cereus or B. thuringiensis sigP and rsp genes in a B. anthracis sigP/rsp-null mutant confers resistance to β-lactam antibiotics, suggesting that while B. anthracis contains the genes necessary for sensing β-lactam antibiotics, the B. anthracis sigP/rsp gene products are insufficient for bla induction. ^ Because alternative sigma factors recognize unique promoter sequence, direct targets can be elucidated by comparing transcriptional profiling results with an in silico search using the sigma factor binding sequence. Potential σP -10 and -35 promoter elements were identified upstream from bla1 bla2 and sigP. Results obtained from searching the B. anthracis genome with the conserved sequences were evaluated against transcriptional profiling results comparing B. anthracis 32 and an isogenic sigP/rsp -null strain. Results from these analyses indicate that while the absence of the sigP gene significantly affects the transcript levels of 16 genes, only bla1, bla2 and sigP are directly regulated by σP. The genomes of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains were also analyzed for the potential σP binding elements. The sequence was located upstream from the sigP and bla genes, and previously unidentified genes predicted to encode a penicillin-binding protein (PBP) and a D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase, indicating that the σ P regulon in these species responds to cell-wall stress caused by β-lactam antibiotics. ^ β-lactam antibiotics prevent attachment of new peptidoglycan to the cell wall by blocking the active site of PBPs. A B. cereus and B. thuringiensis pbp-encoding gene located near bla1 contains a potential σP recognition sequence upstream from the annotated translational start. Deletion of this gene abolished β-lactam resistance in both strains. Mutations in the active site of the PBP were detrimental to β-lactam resistance in B. cereus, but not B. thuringiensis, indicating that the transpeptidase activity is only important in B. cereus. I also found that transcript levels of the PBP-encoding gene are not significantly affected by the presence of β-lactam antibiotic. Based on these data I hypothesize that the gene product acts a sensor of β-lactam antibiotic. ^


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Four novel oxapenem compounds were evaluated for their ß-lactamase inhibitory and antibacterial properties. Two (AM-112 and AM-113) displayed intrinsic antibacterial activity with MICs of between 2 to 16µg/ml and 0.5-2µg/ml against Escherichia coli and methicillin-sensitive and -resistant Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. The isomers of these compounds, AM-115 and AM-114 did not display significant antibacterial activity. Combination of the oxapenems with ceftazidime afforded protection against ß-lactamase-producing strains, including hyperproducers of class C enzymes and extended-spectrum ß-lactamase enzymes. A fixed 4µg/ml concentration of AM-112 protected a panel of eight cephalosporins against hydrolysis by class A and class C ß-lactamase producers. In vivo studies confirmed the protective effect of AM-112 for ceftazidime against ß-lactamase producing S. aureus, Enterobacter cloacae and E. coli strains in a murine intraperitoneal infection model. Each of the oxapenems inhibited class A, class C and class D ß-lactamases isolated from whole cells and purified by isoelectric focusing. AM-114 and AM-115 were as effective as clavulanic acid against class A enzymes. AM-112 and AM-113 were less potent against these enzymes. Class C and class D enzymes proved very susceptible to inhibition by the oxapenems. Molecular modelling of the oxapenems in the active site of the class A. TEM-1 and class C P99 enzymes identified a number of potential sites of interaction. The modelling suggested that Ser-130 in TEM-1 and Tyr-150 in P99 were likely candidates for cross-linking of the inhibitor, leading to inhibition of the enzyme. Morphology studies indicated that sub-inhibitory concentrations of the oxapenems caused the formation of round-shaped cells in E. coli DC0, indicating inhibition of penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2). The PBP affinity profile of AM-112 was examined in isolated cell membranes of E. coli DC0, S. aureus NCTC 6571, Enterococcus faecalis SFZ and E. faecalis ATCC 29213, in competition with a radiolabelled penicillin. PBP2 was identified as the primary target for AM-112 in E. coli DC0. Studies on S. aureus NCTC 6571 failed to identify a binding target. AM-112 bound to all the PBPs of both E. faecalis strains, and a concentration of 10µg/ml inhibited all the PBPs except PBP3.


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The use of animal sera for the culture of therapeutically important cells impedes the clinical use of the cells. We sought to characterize the functional response of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) to specific proteins known to exist in bone tissue with a view to eliminating the requirement of animal sera. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), via IGF binding protein-3 or -5 (IGFBP-3 or -5) and transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta(1)) are known to associate with the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein vitronectin (VN) and elicit functional responses in a range of cell types in vitro. We found that specific combinations of VN, IGFBP-3 or -5, and IGF-I or TGF-beta(1) could stimulate initial functional responses in hMSCs and that IGF-I or TGF-beta(1) induced hMSC aggregation, but VN concentration modulated this effect. We speculated that the aggregation effect may be due to endogenous protease activity, although we found that neither IGF-I nor TGF-beta(1) affected the functional expression of matrix metalloprotease-2 or -9, two common proteases expressed by hMSCs. In summary, combinations of the ECM and growth factors described herein may form the basis of defined cell culture media supplements, although the effect of endogenous protease expression on the function of such proteins requires investigation.


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Lateral gene transfer (LGT) from prokaryotes to microbial eukaryotes is usually detected by chance through genome-sequencing projects. Here, we explore a different, hypothesis-driven approach. We show that the fitness advantage associated with the transferred gene, typically invoked only in retrospect, can be used to design a functional screen capable of identifying postulated LGT cases. We hypothesized that beta-glucuronidase (gus) genes may be prone to LGT from bacteria to fungi (thought to lack gus) because this would enable fungi to utilize glucuronides in vertebrate urine as a carbon source. Using an enrichment procedure based on a glucose-releasing glucuronide analog (cellobiouronic acid), we isolated two gus(+) ascomycete fungi from soils (Penicillium canescens and Scopulariopsis sp.). A phylogenetic analysis suggested that their gus genes, as well as the gus genes identified in genomic sequences of the ascomycetes Aspergillus nidulans and Gibberella zeae, had been introgressed laterally from high-GC gram(+) bacteria. Two such bacteria (Arthrobacter spp.), isolated together with the gus(+) fungi, appeared to be the descendants of a bacterial donor organism from which gus had been transferred to fungi. This scenario was independently supported by similar substrate affinities of the encoded beta-glucuronidases, the absence of introns from fungal gus genes, and the similarity between the signal peptide-encoding 5' extensions of some fungal gus genes and the Arthrobacter sequences upstream of gus. Differences in the sequences of the fungal 5' extensions suggested at least two separate introgression events after the divergence of the two main Euascomycete classes. We suggest that deposition of glucuronides on soils as a result of the colonization of land by vertebrates may have favored LGT of gus from bacteria to fungi in soils.


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Background: The first sign of developing multiple sclerosis is a clinically isolated syndrome that resembles a multiple sclerosis relapse. Objective/methods: The objective was to review the clinical trials of two medicines in clinically isolated syndromes (interferon β and glatiramer acetate) to determine whether they prevent progression to definite multiple sclerosis. Results: In the BENEFIT trial, after 2 years, 45% of subjects in the placebo group developed clinically definite multiple sclerosis, and the rate was lower in the interferon β-1b group. Then all subjects were offered interferon β-1b, and the original interferon β-1b group became the early treatment group, and the placebo group became the delayed treatment group. After 5 years, the number of subjects with clinical definite multiple sclerosis remained lower in the early treatment than late treatment group. In the PreCISe trial, after 2 years, the time for 25% of the subjects to convert to definite multiple sclerosis was prolonged in the glatiramer group. Conclusions: Interferon β-1b and glatiramer acetate slow the progression of clinically isolated syndromes to definite multiple sclerosis. However, it is not known whether this early treatment slows the progression to the physical disabilities experienced in multiple sclerosis.