891 resultados para Mesoporous Nanocrystalline Zirconia


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La síntesis de materiales cristalinos micro y mesoporosos con incorporación de micro/nano partículas/clusters de especies formadas con entidades propias interaccionando con las redes, como óxidos de metales, cationes de neutralización, especies metálicas, etc., pueden potencialmente ser utilizados como "materiales hospedaje" en óptica, electrónica, sensores, como materiales magnéticos, en estrategias ambientales de control de la contaminación, catálisis en general y procesos de separación. Se sintetizaran y caracterizaran por diversas técnicas fisicoquímicas, zeolitas microporosas de poro medio (ZSM) y poro grande (Y), y materiales mesoporosos (MCM-41). La aplicación de los mismos se orientara, por una parte, a procesos catalíticos tecnológicamente innovadores relacionados con los siguientes campos: a)catálisis ambiental: transformación de desechos plásticos (polietileno, polipropileno, poliestireno o mezclas de los mismos) a hidrocarburos de mayor valor agregado (gasolinas, gasoil, gases licuados de petróleo, hidrocarburos aromáticos); b)química fina: oxidación parcial de hidrocarburos aromáticos hacia la obtención de commodities, fármacos, etc. Por otra parte, se evaluaran las propiedades magnéticas (ferromagnetismo, paramagnetismo, superparamagnetismo, diamagnetismo) que algunos de estos materiales presentan, en busca de su correlación con sus propiedades catalíticas, cuando sea factible. Se estudiaran las condiciones óptimas de síntesis de los materiales, aplicando técnicas hidrotermicas o sol gel, controlando variables como temperaturas y tiempos de síntesis, pH de geles iniciales-intermedios-finales, tipo de fuentes precursoras, etc. La modificación de las matrices con Co, Cr, Mn, H, o Zn, se realizara mediante diversos tratamientos químicos (intercambio, impregnación) a partir de las sales correspondientes, con el objeto de incorporar elementos activos al estado iónico, metálico, clusters, etc.; y la influencia de distintos tratamientos térmicos (oxidantes, inertes o reductores; atmósferas dinámicas o estáticas; temperaturas). La caracterización estructural de los materiales será por: AA (cuantificación elemental de bulk); XRD (determinacion de presencia de especies oxidos o metalicas de Zn, Co, Cr, o Mn; determinacion de cristalinidad y estructura); BET (determinacion de area superficial); DSC-TG-DTA (determinacion de estabilidad de las matrices sintetizadas); FTIR de piridina (determinacion de tipo-fuerza-cantidad de sitios activos); Raman y UV-reflectancia difusa (determinacion de especies ionicas interacturando o depositadas sobre las matrices); TPR (identificacion de especies reducibles); SEM-EDAX (determinacion de tamaño de particulas de especies activas y de las matrices y cuanfiticacion superficial); Magnetómetros SQUID y de muestra vibrante (medición de magnetización y susceptibilidad magnética a temperatura ambiente con variación de campo externo aplicado, y variación de temperaturas (4 a 300 K) con campo externo fijo). En síntesis, se plantean tres grandes áreas de trabajo: No1)Síntesis y caracterización de materiales micro y mesoporosos nanoestructurados; No2) Evaluación de las propiedades catalíticas; No3) Evaluación de las propiedades magnéticas. Estos lineamientos nos permitirán generar nuevos conocimientos científicos-tecnológicos, formando recursos humanos (dos becarios posdoctorales; un becario doctoral; tres becarios alumnos de investigación; aproximadamente 15 pasantes de grado al año) aptos para emprender tales desafíos. Los conocimientos originados son constantemente trabajados en las actividades docentes de grado y posgrado que los integrantes del proyecto poseen. Finalmente serán transmitidos y puestos a consideración de pares evaluadores en presentaciones a congresos nacionales e internacionales y revistas especializadas.


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Co-Ti-Sn-Ge substituted M-type bariumhexaferrite powders with mean grain sizes between about 10 nm and about 1 ¿m and a narrow size distribution were prepared reproducibly by means of a modified glass crystallization method. At annealing temperatures between 560 and 580°C of the amorphous flakes nanocrystalline particles grow. They behave superparamagnetically at room temperature and change into stable magnetic single domains at lower temperatures. The magnetic volume of the powders is considerably less than the geometric one. However, the effective anisotropy fields are larger by a Factor of two to three.


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Liquid pyrolysis is presented as a new production method of SnO2 nanocrystalline powders suitable for gas sensor devices. The method is based on a pyrolytic reaction of high tensioned stressed drops of an organic solution of SnCl4·5(H2O). The main advantages of the method are its capability to produce SnO2 nanopowders with high stability, its accurate control over the grain size and other structural characteristics, its high level of repeatability and its low industrialization implementation cost. The characterization of samples of SnO2 nanoparticles obtained by liquid pyrolysis in the range between 200ºC and 900ºC processing temperature is carried out by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Results are analyzed and discussed so as to validate the advantages of the liquid pyrolysis method.


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WO3 nanocrystalline powders were obtained from tungstic acid following a sol-gel process. Evolution of structural properties with annealing temperature was studied by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. These structural properties were compared with those of WO3 nanopowders obtained by the most common process of pyrolysis of ammonium paratungstate, usually used in gas sensors applications. Sol-gel WO3 showed a high sensor response to NO2 and low response to CO and CH4. The response of these sensor devices was compared with that of WO3 obtained from pyrolysis, showing the latter a worse sensor response to NO2. Influence of operating temperature, humidity, and film thickness on NO2 detection was studied in order to improve the sensing conditions to this gas.


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Microstructural and magnetic measurements of the evolution by heat treatment of initially amorphous Nd16Fe76B8 alloys prepared by melt spinning are presented. Evidence of magnetic hardening above a threshold temperature induced by magnetic isolation of the Nd2Fe14B grains is provided. A thermodynamic and kinetic explanation of local melting of the intergranular nanostructured Nd¿rich eutectic phase at temperatures below 900 K based on capillary effects is presented. A subsequent Ostwald ripening process moves Nd to wet intimately the hard magnetic grains, becoming, on cooling, a real paramagnetic isolating thin film (~2.5 nm). By using a simple analogy, it is shown that the switching magnetization field in a single¿domain crystal can be drastically affected through the exchange coupling to neighboring grains with different orientation of the easy axis. This effect should be important enough to reinforce the coercive field of polycrystalline hard magnetic materials and explains the observed enhancement from 0.9 to 1.9 T.


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Amorphous and nanocrystalline silicon films obtained by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition have been incorporated as active layers in n-type coplanar top gate thin film transistors deposited on glass substrates covered with SiO 2. Amorphous silicon devices exhibited mobility values of 1.3 cm 2 V - 1 s - 1, which are very high taking into account the amorphous nature of the material. Nanocrystalline transistors presented mobility values as high as 11.5 cm 2 V - 1 s - 1 and resulted in low threshold voltage shift (∼ 0.5 V).


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In this paper, we have presented results on silicon thin films deposited by hot-wire CVD at low substrate temperatures (200 °C). Films ranging from amorphous to nanocrystalline were obtained by varying the filament temperature from 1500 to 1800 °C. A crystalline fraction of 50% was obtained for the sample deposited at 1700 °C. The results obtained seemed to indicate that atomic hydrogen plays a leading role in the obtaining of nanocrystalline silicon. The optoelectronic properties of the amorphous material obtained in these conditions are slightly poorer than the ones observed in device-grade films grown by plasma-enhanced CVD due to a higher hydrogen incorporation (13%).


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Nanostructured Si thin films, also referred as polymorphous, were grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The term "polymorphous" is used to define silicon material that consists of a two-phase mixture of amorphous and ordered Si. The plasma conditions were set to obtain Si thin films from the simultaneous deposition of radical and ordered nanoparticles. Here, a careful analysis by electron transmission microscopy and electron diffraction is reported with the aim to clarify the specific atomic structure of the nanocrystalline particles embedded in the films. Whatever the plasma conditions, the electron diffraction images always revealed the existence of a well-defined crystalline structure different from the diamondlike structure of Si. The formation of nanocrystallinelike films at low temperature is discussed. A Si face-cubic-centered structure is demonstrated here in nanocrystalline particles produced in low-pressure silane plasma at room temperature.


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Co-Ti-Sn-Ge substituted M-type bariumhexaferrite powders with mean grain sizes between about 10 nm and about 1 ¿m and a narrow size distribution were prepared reproducibly by means of a modified glass crystallization method. At annealing temperatures between 560 and 580°C of the amorphous flakes nanocrystalline particles grow. They behave superparamagnetically at room temperature and change into stable magnetic single domains at lower temperatures. The magnetic volume of the powders is considerably less than the geometric one. However, the effective anisotropy fields are larger by a Factor of two to three.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical performance of glass-ceramic/zirconia crowns fabricated using intraoral digital impressions - a retrospective study with a three-year follow-up. METHODS: 70 consecutive patients with a total of 86 glass-ceramic/zirconia crowns were treated by a single clinician using standardized clinical and laboratory protocols. A complete digital workflow was adopted for the purpose except for the veneering procedure for the glass-ceramic crowns. Occlusal adjustments were made before the ceramic glazing procedure. Before cementation, all abutments where carefully cleaned with a 70% alcoholic solution and air dried. Cementation was performed using dual-curing, self-adhesive resin cement. Patients were re-examined after 12, 24 and 36 months, to assess crown chipping/fractures. RESULTS: After the three-year follow-up, none of the zirconia-based restoration was lost ("apparent" survival rate 100%) otherwise, the chipping rate of the veneering material increased from 9.3% after 12 months, to 14% after 24 months to 30.2% after 36 months. As a consequence, the "real" success rate after 3 years was 69.8%. CONCLUSIONS: After 3 years the success rate of zirconia-based crowns was 69.8%, while the incidence of the chipping was 30.2%. Assuming an exponential increase in chipping rate between 12 and 36 months it can be argued that, among others, the fatigue-mechanism could be advocated as the main factor for the failure of glass-ceramic veneered zirconia especially after 24 months.