86 resultados para Merril


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Several factors influence the productivity and fruit quality of pineapple and passion fruit, among which are: climate, soil fertilization and irrigation practices. Mineral nutrition is essential to increase productivity and improve fruit quality; however, there is a few information about the effect of fertilization in these two fruit crops, especially under tropical conditions. The objective of this review was to compile the main research results, in which the influence of mineral nutrition on the fruit quality was evaluated. We considered the information recently published in scientific journals, and presented it for the macronutrients individually, then to NPK and, finally, the micronutrients. The review showed that it is difficult to say that some element favors or not certain characteristics of pineapple and passion fruit fruits, since the results are inconsistent and there is not many information. More than established the effects of mineral nutrients on the fruit quality of these two fruit crops, we stand out that research in this topic is very necessary.


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The radial mycelial growth of Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler, strain LE-96/13, was studied in culture media prepared with organic residues extract, by using substrates prepared with pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) crown, Astrocaryum aculeatum Meyer peel, Theobroma grandiflorum Schum shell, Musa sp. (genomic group AAB, subgroup Pacovan) peel, and Musa sp. (genomic group AAB, subgroup Prata) peel, with three supplementation levels with wheat bran (0, 10 and 20%), and incubated at 25ºC. The experimental design was totally randomized, in a 5×3 factorial scheme, adding up 15 treatments with 4 repetitions, and each repetition corresponding to a Petri dish. The diameter of the colony was evaluated daily during nine days of incubation. After that period, it was verified that the highest mycelial growth averages of strain LE-96/13 of L. edodes were found in culture media prepared with T. grandiflorum Schum shell (whose supplementation with wheat bran was favorable for Mushroom development) and A. aculeatum Meyer peel (whose supplementation did not favor the mycelial growth of L. edodes in relation to the medium not supplemented).


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The aim of the web-based course “Advertising Psychology – The Blog Seminar” was to offer a contemporary teaching design using typical Web 2.0 characteristics such as comments, discussions and social media integration which covers facebook and Twitter support, as nowadays, this is a common part of students’ everyday life. This weblog (blog)-based seminar for Advertising Psychology was set up in order to make the course accessible to students from different campuses in the Ruhr metropolitan area. The technical aspect of the open-source content management system Drupal 6.0 and the didactical course structure, based on Merrill’s five first principles of instruction, are introduced. To date, this blog seminar has been conducted three times with a total of 84 participants, who were asked to rate the course according to the benefits of different didactical elements and with regard to Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation model. This model covers a) reactions such as reported enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived difficulty, and b) effects on learning through the subjectively reported increase in knowledge and attitude towards the seminar. Overall, the blog seminar was evaluated very positively and can be considered as providing support for achieving the learning objectives. However, a successful blended learning approach should always be tailored to the learning contents and the environment.


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Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o desenvolvimento da missão adventista na cidade de São Paulo em busca de um modelo missiológico para centros urbanos. São Paulo, uma das maiores metrópoles do mundo tem uma formação cultural plural, não apenas pelas forças atuantes da modernização, secularização, globalização e pós-modernidade. A composição da população da cidade possui uma gênese étnica plural. Além da matriz autóctone indígena, do colonizador branco europeu e dos escravos africanos, desde o início do século XIX chegaram outros imigrantes, europeus e asiáticos. Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, o Brasil foi o país que mais recebeu imigrantes em todo o mundo. Estima-se que nos anos de 1920, apenas um terço da população na cidade de São Paulo fosse de brasileiros, o restante era composto por imigrantes. A inserção do adventismo em São Paulo se deu por missionários imigrantes que trabalharam primeiro com outros imigrantes antes de evangelizar e desenvolver a missão adventista com os brasileiros nacionais. De alguma forma, esse início deixou marcas na missão adventista paulistana. São Paulo é hoje a cidade com o maior número total de adventistas no mundo e a única com Igrejas Adventistas étnicas que atendem cinco grupos étnicos distintos: japoneses, coreanos, judeus, árabes e bolivianos/peruanos. Esta pesquisa busca investigar a formação de uma sensibilidade cultural no adventismo paulistano que lhe permitiu dialogar com a pluralidade cultural da metrópole paulistana.


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The increased prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens motivated us to attempt to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of bacteriophages. The therapeutic application of phages as antibacterial agents was impeded by several factors: (i) the failure to recognize the relatively narrow host range of phages; (ii) the presence of toxins in crude phage lysates; and (iii) a lack of appreciation for the capacity of mammalian host defense systems, particularly the organs of the reticuloendothelial system, to remove phage particles from the circulatory system. In our studies involving bacteremic mice, the problem of the narrow host range of phage was dealt with by using selected bacterial strains and virulent phage specific for them. Toxin levels were diminished by purifying phage preparations. To reduce phage elimination by the host defense system, we developed a serial-passage technique in mice to select for phage mutants able to remain in the circulatory system for longer periods of time. By this approach we isolated long-circulating mutants of Escherichia coli phage lambda and of Salmonella typhimurium phage P22. We demonstrated that the long-circulating lambda mutants also have greater capability as antibacterial agents than the corresponding parental strain in animals infected with lethal doses of bacteria. Comparison of the parental and mutant lambda capsid proteins revealed that the relevant mutation altered the major phage head protein E. The use of toxin-free, bacteria-specific phage strains, combined with the serial-passage technique, may provide insights for developing phage into therapeutically effective antibacterial agents.


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"Bibliography of works on building stone": p. 528-530.


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Enlarged edition published 1904 with title: Elements of mechanism. By Peter Schwamb ... and Allyne L. Merril ...


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v. 1. Lyrics and old world idylls.--v. 2. New world idylls and poems of love.--v. 3. Nature poems.--v. 4. Poems of mystery and of myth and romance.--v. 5. Poems of meditation and of forest and field.