760 resultados para Mercury film electrode
The rapid development of nanotechnology and wider applications of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in the last few decades have generated concerns regarding their environmental and health risks. After release into the environment, ENMs undergo aggregation, transformation, and, for metal-based nanomaterials, dissolution processes, which together determine their fate, bioavailability and toxicity to living organisms in the ecosystems. The rates of these processes are dependent on nanomaterial characteristics as well as complex environmental factors, including natural organic matter (NOM). As a ubiquitous component of aquatic systems, NOM plays a key role in the aggregation, dissolution and transformation of metal-based nanomaterials and colloids in aquatic environments.
The goal of this dissertation work is to investigate how NOM fractions with different chemical and molecular properties affect the dissolution kinetics of metal oxide ENMs, such as zinc oxide (ZnO) and copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles (NPs), and consequently their bioavailability to aquatic vertebrate, with Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) embryos as model organisms.
ZnO NPs are known to dissolve at relatively fast rates, and the rate of dissolution is influenced by water chemistry, including the presence of Zn-chelating ligands. A challenge, however, remains in quantifying the dissolution of ZnO NPs, particularly for time scales that are short enough to determine rates. This dissertation assessed the application of anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) with a hanging mercury drop electrode to directly measure the concentration of dissolved Zn in ZnO NP suspensions, without separation of the ZnO NPs from the aqueous phase. Dissolved zinc concentration measured by ASV ([Zn]ASV) was compared with that measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after ultracentrifugation ([Zn]ICP-MS), for four types of ZnO NPs with different coatings and primary particle diameters. For small ZnO NPs (4-5 nm), [Zn]ASV was 20% higher than [Zn]ICP-MS, suggesting that these small NPs contributed to the voltammetric measurement. For larger ZnO NPs (approximately 20 nm), [Zn]ASV was (79±19)% of [Zn]ICP-MS, despite the high concentrations of ZnO NPs in suspension, suggesting that ASV can be used to accurately measure the dissolution kinetics of ZnO NPs of this primary particle size.
Using the ASV technique to directly measure dissolved zinc concentration, we examined the effects of 16 different NOM isolates on the dissolution kinetics of ZnO NPs in buffered potassium chloride solution. The observed dissolution rate constants (kobs) and dissolved zinc concentrations at equilibrium increased linearly with NOM concentration (from 0 to 40 mg-C L-1) for Suwannee River humic acid (SRHA), Suwannee River fulvic acid and Pony Lake fulvic acid. When dissolution rates were compared for the 16 NOM isolates, kobs was positively correlated with certain properties of NOM, including specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA), aromatic and carbonyl carbon contents, and molecular weight. Dissolution rate constants were negatively correlated to hydrogen/carbon ratio and aliphatic carbon content. The observed correlations indicate that aromatic carbon content is a key factor in determining the rate of NOM-promoted dissolution of ZnO NPs. NOM isolates with higher SUVA were also more effective at enhancing the colloidal stability of the NPs; however, the NOM-promoted dissolution was likely due to enhanced interactions between surface metal ions and NOM rather than smaller aggregate size.
Based on the above results, we designed experiments to quantitatively link the dissolution kinetics and bioavailability of CuO NPs to Gulf killifish embryos under the influence of NOM. The CuO NPs dissolved to varying degrees and at different rates in diluted 5‰ artificial seawater buffered to different pH (6.3-7.5), with or without selected NOM isolates at various concentrations (0.1-10 mg-C L-1). NOM isolates with higher SUVA and aromatic carbon content (such as SRHA) were more effective at promoting the dissolution of CuO NPs, as with ZnO NPs, especially at higher NOM concentrations. On the other hand, the presence of NOM decreased the bioavailability of dissolved Cu ions, with the uptake rate constant negatively correlated to dissolved organic carbon concentration ([DOC]) multiplied by SUVA, a combined parameter indicative of aromatic carbon concentration in the media. When the embryos were exposed to CuO NP suspension, changes in their Cu content were due to the uptake of both dissolved Cu ions and nanoparticulate CuO. The uptake rate constant of nanoparticulate CuO was also negatively correlated to [DOC]×SUVA, in a fashion roughly proportional to changes in dissolved Cu uptake rate constant. Thus, the ratio of uptake rate constants from dissolved Cu and nanoparticulate CuO (ranging from 12 to 22, on average 17±4) were insensitive to NOM type or concentration. Instead, the relative contributions of these two Cu forms were largely determined by the percentage of CuO NP that was dissolved.
Overall, this dissertation elucidated the important role that dissolved NOM plays in affecting the environmental fate and bioavailability of soluble metal-based nanomaterials. This dissertation work identified aromatic carbon content and its indicator SUVA as key NOM properties that influence the dissolution, aggregation and biouptake kinetics of metal oxide NPs and highlighted dissolution rate as a useful functional assay for assessing the relative contributions of dissolved and nanoparticulate forms to metal bioavailability. Findings of this dissertation work will be helpful for predicting the environmental risks of engineered nanomaterials.
A method for the total mercury determination in fish and shrimps employing chronopotentiometric stripping analysis on gold film electrodes is described. Fish and shrimp tissues were digested using a microwave oven equipped with closed vessels. We developed a microwave heating program which decomposed all the samples employing diluted nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The proposed method was validated by analyzing a certified reference material and then applied for different fish species from fresh water and seawater acquired in local markets of São Paulo city, Brazil. The Brazilian legislation establishes 0.5 and 1 mg per kilogram of fish as upper limit of mercury for omnivorous and predator species, respectively. Except for blue shark tissues, the mercury content was situated below 0.5 mu g g(-1) for all the analyzed samples. The detection limit of the proposed method was calculated as 5 ng g(-1) of sample utilizing 5 minutes of electrodeposition (+300 mV vs. Ag/AgCl) on the gold electrode. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The electrocatalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode modified with a ruthenium oxide hexacyanoferrate (RuOHCF) was investigated using rotating disc electrode (RDE) voltammetry aiming to improve the performance of the sensor for hydrogen peroxide detection. The influence of parameters such as rotation speed, film thickness and hydrogen peroxide concentration indicated that the rate of the cross-chemical reaction between Ru(II) centres immobilized into the film and hydrogen peroxide controls the overall process. The kinetic regime could be classified as LSk mechanism, according to the diagnostic table proposed by Albery and Hillman, and the kinetic constant of the mediated process was found to be 706 mol(-1) cm(3) s(-1). In the LSk case the reaction layer is located at a finite layer close to the modifier layer/solution interface
In this work, a fast, non destructive voltammetric method for cocaine detection in acetonitrile medium using a platinum disk electrode chemically modified with cobalt-hexacyanoferrate (CoHCFe) film is described. The deposition of CoHCFe film at platinum disk (working electrode) was carried out in aqueous solution containing NaClO(4) at 0.1 mol L(-1) as supporting electrolite. Stability studies of the film and subsequent voltammetric analysis of cocaine were made in acetonitrile medium with NaClO4 at 0.1 mol L(-1) as supporting electrolite. A reversible interaction between cocaine and CoHCFe at the film produces a proportional decrease of original peak current, due to the formation of a complex between cocaine and cobalt ions, with subsequent partial passivation of the film surface, being the intensity of current decrease used as analytical signal for cocaine. A linear dependence of cocaine detection was carried out in the range from 2.4 x 10 x 4 to 1.5 x 10(-3) mol L(-1), with a linear correlation coefficient of 0.994 and a detection limit of 1.4 x 10 x 4 mol L(-1). The analysis of confiscated samples by the proposed method indicated cocaine levels from 37% to 95% (m/m) and these results were validated by comparison to HPLC technique, being obtained good correlation between both methods. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The performance of a carbon paste electrode (CPE) modified with SBA-15 nanostructured silica organofunctionalised with 2-benzothiazolethiol in the simultaneous determination of Pb(II), Cu(II) and Hg(II) ions in natural water and sugar cane spirit (cachaca) is described. Pb(II), Cu(II) and Hg(II) were pre-concentrated on the surface of the modified electrode by complexing with 2-benzothiazolethiol and reduced at a negative potential (-0.80 V). Then the reduced products were oxidised by DPASV procedure. The fact that three stripping peaks appeared on the voltammograms at the potentials of -0.48 V (Pb2+), -0.03 V (Cu2+) and +0.36 V (Hg2+) in relation to the SCE, demonstrates the possibility of simultaneous determination of Pb2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+. The best results were obtained under the following optimised conditions: 100 mV pulse amplitude, 3 min accumulation time, 25 mV s(-1) scan rate in phosphate solution pH 3.0. Using such parameters, calibration graphs were linear in the concentration ranges of 3.00-70.0 x 10(-7) mol L-1 (Pb2+), 8.00-100.0 X 10(-7) mol L-1 (Cu2+) and 2.00-10.0 x 10(-6) mol L-1 (Hg2+). Detection limits of 4.0 x 10(-8) mol L-1 (Pb2+), 2.0 x 10(-7) mol L-1 (Cu2+) and 4.0 x 10(-7) mol L-1 (Hg2+) were obtained at the signal noise ratio (SNR) of 3. The results indicate that this electrode is sensitive and effective for simultaneous determination of Pb2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ in the analysed samples. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The electrochemical preparation described herein involved the electrocatalytic oxidation of sulfite on a platinum electrode modified with nanostructured copper salen (salen=N,N'-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)) polymer films. The complex was prepared and electropolymerized at a platinum electrode in a 0.1 mol L-1 solution of tetrabutylammonium perchlorate in acetonitrile by cyclic voltammetry between 0 and 1.4V vs. SCE. After cycling the modified electrode in a 0.50 mol L-1 KCI solution, the estimated surface concentration was found to be equal to 2.2 x 10(-9) Mol cm(-2). This is a typical behavior of an electrode surface immobilized with a redox couple that can usually be considered as a reversible single-electron reduction/oxidation of the copper(II)/copper(III) couple. The potential peaks of the modified electrode in the electrolyte solution (aqueous) containing the different anions increase with the decrease of the ionic radius, demonstrating that the counter-ions influence the voltammetric behavior of the sensor. The potential peak was found to be linearly dependent upon the ratio [ionic charge]/[ionic radius]. The oxidation of the sulfite anion was performed at the platinum electrode at +0.9V vs. SCE. However, a significant decrease in the overpotential (+0.45V) was obtained while using the sensor, which minimized the effect of oxidizable interferences. A plot of the anodic current vs. the sulfite concentration for chronoamperometry (potential fixed = +0.45V) at the sensor was linear in the 4.0 x 10(-6) to 6.9 x 10(-5) mol L-1 concentration range and the concentration limit was 1.2 x 10(-6) mol L-1. The reaction order with respect to sulfite was determined by the slope of the logarithm of the current vs. the logarithm of the sulfite concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An amperometric oxygen sensor based on a polymeric nickel-salen (salen = N,N'-ethylene bis(salicylideneiminato)) film coated platinum electrode was developed. The sensor was constructed by electropolymerization of nickel-salen complex at platinum electrode in acetonitrile/tetrabutylammonium perchlorate by cyclic voltammetry. The voltammetric behavior of the sensor was investigated in 0.5 mol L-1 KCl solution in the absence and presence of molecular oxygen. Thus, with the addition of oxygen to the solution, the increase of cathodic peak current (at -0.25 V vs. saturated calomel electrode (SCE)) of the modified electrode was observed. This result shows that the nickel-salen film on electrode surface promotes the reduction of oxygen. The reaction can be brought about electrochemically, where the nickel(II) complex is first reduced to a nickel(I) complex at the electrode surface. The nickel(I) complex then undergoes a catalytic oxidation by the molecular oxygen in solution back to the nickel(II) complex, which can then be electrochemically re-reduced to produce an enhancement of the cathodic current. The Tafel plot analyses have been used to elucidate the kinetics and mechanism of the oxygen reduction. A plot of the cathodic current vs. the dissolved oxygen concentration for chronoamperometry (fixed potential = -0.25 V vs. SCE) at the sensor was linear in the 3.95-9.20 mg L-1 concentration range and the concentration limit was 0.17 mg L-1 O-2. The proposed electrode is useful for the quality control and routine analysis of dissolved oxygen in commercial samples and environmental water. The results obtained for the levels of dissolved oxygen are in agreement with the results obtained with a commercial O-2 sensor. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
An amperometric dipyrone sensor based on a polymeric nickel-salen (salen = N,N'-ethylenebis(salicydeneiminato)) film coated platinum electrode was developed. The sensor was constructed by electropolymerization of nickel-salen complex at a platinum electrode in acetonitrile/tetrabuthylamonium perchlorate by cyclic voltammetry. After cycling the modified electrode in a 0.50 mol L-1 KCl solution, the estimated surface concentration was found to be equal to 1.29 x 10(-9) mol cm(-2). This is a typical behavior of an electrode surface immobilized with a redox couple that can usually be considered as a reversible single-electron reduction/oxidation of the nickel(II)/nickel(III) couple. A plot of the anodic current versus the dipyrone concentration for chronoamperometry (potential fixed = +0.50 V) at the sensor was linear in the 4.7 x 10(-6) to 1.1 x 10(-4) mol L-1 concentration range and the concentration limit was 1.2 x 10(-6) mol L-1. The proposed electrode is useful for the quality control and routine analysis of dipyrone in pharmaceutical formulations.
The accumulation voltammetry of mercury(II) was investigated at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with silica gel functionalized with 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (DTTPSG-CPE). The repetitive cyclic voltammogram of mercury(II) solution in the potential range -0.2 to +0.8 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), (0.02 mol L-1 KNO3; nu=20 mV s(-1)) show two peaks one at about 0.0 V and other at 0.31 V. However, the cathodic wave peak, around 0.0 V, is irregular and changes its form in each cycle. This peak at about 0.0 V is the reduction current for mercury(II) accumulated in the DTTPSG-CPE. The anodic wave peak at 0.31 V is well-defined and does not change during the cycles. The resultant material was characterized by cyclic and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry performed with the electrode in differents supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. The precision for six determinations (n=6) of 0.05 and 0.20 mg (L)-(1) Hg(II) was 2.8 and 2.2% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The method was satisfactory and used to determine the concentration of mercury(II) in natural waters contaminated by this metal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A mercury-sensitive chemically modified electrode (CME) based on modified silica gel-containing carbon paste was developed. The functional group attached to the silica gel surface was 3-(2-thiobenzimidazolyl)propyl, which is able to complex mercury ions. This electrode was applied to the determination of mercury(II) ions in aqueous solution. The mercury was chemically preconcentrated on the CME prior to voltammetric determination by anodic stripping in the differential-pulse mode. A calibration graph covering the concentration range from 0.08 to 2 mg l-1 was constructed. The precision for six determinations of 0.122 and 0.312 mg l-1 Hg(II) was 3.2 and 2.9% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The detection limit for a 5-min preconcentration period was 0.013 mg l-1. A study for foreign ions was also made.
Prussian blue [PB, iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)] films are effective for the electrocatalysis of the persulfate (peroxodisulfate)/sulfate redox system. This has been exploited in the voltammetric determination of persulfate anions using a PB-modified platinum disc electrode. A linear correlation between electrocatalytic current and persulfate concentration was found for the range 5 x 10(-5) to 3 x 10(-3) mol dm(-3), using 0.100 mol dm(-3) potassium chloride as supporting electrolyte at pH 4. This analytical method has the advantages of speed and ease of operation in relation to traditional titrimetric methods for persulfate determination. The applicability of the method to the determination of persulfate in a commercial hair bleaching 'booster' product is demonstrated. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Flow injection amperometric detection of ascorbic acid using a Prussian Blue film-modified electrode
The PB film-modified electrode was used as an amperometric detector for flow injection analysis of ascorbic acid. The modified electrode detector showed good sensitivity, stability and reproducibility. The calibration curve for ascorbic acid was linear over the concentration range from 5.0 x 10(-6) to 1.0 x 10(-3) mol l(-1) with a slope of 19.9 mA mol(-1) per litre and a correlation coefficient of 0.999. The detection limit of this method was 2.49 x 10(-6) mol l(-1). The relative standard deviation of six replicate injections of 2.5 x 10(-4) mol l(-1) ascorbic acid was 2.5%. The results obtained for ascorbic acid determination in pharmaceutical products are in good agreement with those obtained by using the procedure involving the reaction between triiodide and ascorbic acid. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The electrochemical reduction of two reactive dyes: Procion Red HE-3B 9 (RR120) and Procion Green HE-4BD (RG19) was investigated using cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse and DC, polarography, chronoamperometry and controlled potential electrolysis at mercury electrodes. The bis-azo groups of the RR120 dye are reduced together in one single step of four electrons, the bis-azo groups of the RG19 dye are reduced in two steps owing to the difference in the electron densities promoted by the different substituents in the benzene rings adjacent to the azo groups. The bis-monochlorotriazine reactive groups in both dyes are reduced only in acidic medium in their protonated form, leading to the reduction of the triazine groups. The reduction mechanism of both reactive dyes is discussed. Both dyes can be quantified in aqueous medium by differential pulse polarography in the concentration range of 1 x 10(-7) mol L-1 to 1 x 10(-5) mol L-1 by monitoring the reduction of the chromophore group or the reactive group.