317 resultados para Meltwater


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Glacial millennial-scale paleoceanographic changes in the Southeast Pacific and the adjacent Southern Ocean are poorly known due to the scarcity of well-dated and high resolution sediment records. Here we present new surface water records from sediment core MD07-3128 recovered at 53°S off the Pacific entrance of the Strait of Magellan. The alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) record reveals a very strong warming of ca. 8°C over the last Termination and substantial millennial-scale variability in the glacial section largely consistent with our planktonic foraminifera oxygen isotope (d18O) record of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.). The timing and structure of the Termination and some of the millennial-scale SST fluctuations are very similar to those observed in the well-dated SST record from ODP Site 1233 (41°S) and the temperature record from Drowning Maud Land Antarctic ice core supporting the hemispheric-wide Antarctic timing of SST changes. However, differences in our new SST record are also found including a long-term warming trend over Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 followed by a cooling toward the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We suggest that these differences reflect regional cooling related to the proximal location of the southern Patagonian Ice Sheet and related meltwater supply at least during the LGM consistent with the fact that no longer SST cooling trend is observed in ODP Site 1233 or any SST Chilean record. This proximal ice sheet location is documented by generally higher contents of ice rafted debris (IRD) and tetra-unsaturated alkenones, and a slight trend toward lighter planktonic d18O during late MIS 3 and MIS 2.


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Surface and deepwater paleoclimate records in Irminger Sea core SO82-5 (59°N, 31°W) and Icelandic Sea core PS2644 (68°N, 22°W) exhibit large fluctuations in thermohaline circulation (THC) from 60 to 18 calendar kyr B.P., with a dominant periodicity of 1460 years from 46 to 22 calendar kyr B.P., matching the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) temperature record [Grootes and Stuiver, 1997, doi:10.1029/97JC00880]. During interstadials, summer sea surface temperatures (SSTsu) in the Irminger Sea averaged to 8°C, and sea surface salinities (SSS) averaged to ~36.5, recording a strong Irminger Current and Atlantic THC. During stadials, SSTsu dropped to 2°-4°C, in phase with SSS drops by ~1-2. They reveal major meltwater injections along with the East Greenland Current, which turned off the North Atlantic deepwater convection and hence the heat advection to the north, in harmony with various ocean circulation and ice models. On the basis of the IRD composition, icebergs came from Iceland, east Greenland, and perhaps Svalbard and other northern ice sheets. However, the southward drifting icebergs were initially jammed in the Denmark Strait, reaching the Irminger Sea only with a lag of 155-195 years. We also conclude that the abrupt stadial terminations, the D-O warming events, were tied to iceberg melt via abundant seasonal sea ice and brine water formation in the meltwater-covered northwestern North Atlantic. In the 1/1460-year frequency band, benthic ?18O brine water spikes led the temperature maxima above Greenland and in the Irminger Sea by as little as 95 years. Thus abundant brine formation, which was induced by seasonal freezing of large parts of the northwestern Atlantic, may have finally entrained a current of warm surface water from the subtropics and thereby triggered the sudden reactivation of the THC. In summary, the internal dynamics of the east Greenland ice sheet may have formed the ultimate pacemaker of D-O cycles.


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A benthic isotope record has been measured for core SO75-26KL from the upper Portuguese margin (1099 m water depth) to monitor the response of thermohaline overturn in the North Atlantic during Heinrich events. Evaluating benthic delta18O in TS diagrams in conjunction with equilibrium deltac fractionation implies that advection of Mediterranean outflow water (MOW) to the upper Portuguese margin was significantly reduced during the last glacial (< 15% compared to 30% today). The benthic isotope record along core SO75-26KL therefore primarily monitors variability of glacial North Atlantic conveyor circulation. The 14C-accelerator mass spectrometry ages of 13.54±.07 and 20.46±.12 ka for two ice-rafted detritus (IRD) layers in the upper core section and an interpolated age of 36.1 ka for a third IRD layer deeper in the core are in the range of published 14C ages for Heinrich events H1, H2, and H4. Marked depletion of benthic delta13C by 0.7-1.1 per mil during the Heinrich events suggests reduced thermohaline overturn in the North Atlantic during these events. Close similarity between meltwater patterns (inferred from planktonic delta18O) at Site 609 and ventilation patterns (inferred from benthic delta13C) in core SO75-26KL implies coupling between thermohaline overturn and surface forcing, as is also suggested by ocean circulation models. Benthic delta13C starts to decrease 1.5-2.5 kyr before Heinrich events Hl and H4, fully increased values are reached 1.5-3 kyr after the events, indicating a successive slowdown of thermohaline circulation well before the events and resumption of the conveyor's full strength well after the events. Benthic delta13C changes in the course of the Heinrich events show subtle maxima and minima suggesting oscillatory behavior of thermohaline circulation, a distinct feature of thermohaline instability in numerical models. Inferrred gradual spin-up of thermohaline circulation after Hl and H4 is in contrast to abrupt wanning in the North Atlantic region that is indicated by sudden increases in Greenland ice core delta18O and in marine faunal records from the northern North Atlantic. From this we infer that thermohaline circulation can explain only in part the rapid climatic oscillations seen in glacial sections of the Greenland ice core record.


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Early summer in the Arctic with extensive ice melt and break-up represents a dramatic change for sympagic-pelagic fauna below seasonal sea ice. As part of the International Polar Year-Circumpolar Flaw Lead system study (IPY-CFL), this investigation quantified zooplankton in the meltwater layer below landfast ice and remaining ice fauna below melting ice during June (2008) in Franklin Bay and Darnley Bay, Amundsen Gulf, Canada. The ice was in a state of advanced melt, with fully developed melt ponds. Intense melting resulted in a 0.3- to 0.5-m-thick meltwater layer below the ice, with a strong halocline to the Arctic water below. Zooplankton under the ice, in and below the meltwater layer, was sampled by SCUBA divers. Dense concentrations (max. 1,400 ind./m**3) of Calanus glacialis were associated with the meltwater layer, with dominant copepodid stages CIV and CV and high abundance of nauplii. Less abundant species included Pseudocalanus spp., Oithona similis and C. hyperboreus. The copepods were likely feeding on phytoplankton (0.5-2.3 mg Chl-a/m**3) in the meltwater layer. Ice amphipods were present at low abundance (<10 ind./m**2) and wet biomass (<0.2 g/m**2). Onisimus glacialis and Apherusa glacialis made up 64 and 51% of the total ice faunal abundance in Darnley Bay and Franklin Bay, respectively. During early summer, the autochthonous ice fauna becomes gradually replaced by allochthonous zooplankton, with an abundance boom near the meltwater layer. The ice amphipod bust occurs during late stages of melting and break-up, when their sympagic habitat is diminished then lost.


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yResults of 13 field investigations between 1966 and 1990 of the southwestern to eastern margin of Kötlujökull and its proglacial area are summarized with respect to sandar and their formation. Generally, the results are based on sedimentological examinations in the field and laboratory, on analyses of aerial photographs, and investigations of the glacier slope. The methods permitted a more detailed reconstruction of sandar evolution in the proglacial area of Kötlujökull since 1945, of tendencies in development and of single data going back until the last decades of the 19th century. Accordingly, there existed special periods of "flachsander"-formations with raised coarsegrained "sanderwurzels" resultant from the outbreak of subglacial meltwater tunneloutlets and other periods with "hochsander-"formations by supraglacial drainage. At present the belts of hochsanders in front of the glacier come up to more than 4 m in thickness and 1000 m in width, therefore containing perhaps more sediment direct in front of Kötlujökull than the old belts of flachsanderwurzels. In one case the explosion-like subglacial meltwater outburst combined with the genesis of a sanderwurzel could be observed for a time and is thoroughly discussed. The event is referred to the outburst of a sub- to inglacial meltwater body being under extreme hydrostatic press ures which is combined with the genesis of a new subglacial tunneloutlet as a new flachsander. Often these outbursts led to the destruction of a morainic belt more than 1000 m in width. Presumably the whole event was finished in not more than a few days. In addition to a characteristic pear-shaped form and water-moved stones up to diameters of 1 m the wurzels possess a single "main-channel" with rectangular cross-sections as far as 4 m deep and 50 m wide just as small flat channels resembling fish bones in connection with the main channel. Presumably, they have been active only in the last stage of wurzel formation. With regard to the subglacial tunnel gates long-living L-meltwater outlets are distinguished from short-living K-meltwater outlets. These are always combined with a raised coarse-grained sanderwurzel, but its meltwater discharge is generally decreasing and ceases after some years, whereas the discharge of L-meltwater outlets continues unchanged for long times (except seasonal differences). The material of flachsanders is preponderantly composed of mugearitic and andesitic cobble extending at least for some kilometres from the glacier margin, whereas the hochsanders correspond to medium to coarse sands without clay and without alternations into the direction of flow. The hochsander fans are covered with small braidet channels. Their sedimentary structures are determined by the short time changing of supraglacial meltwater discharge and the upper flow regime combined with the development of antidunes, which rule the channel-flows during the main activity periods in summer. Unlike the subglacial drainage the supraglacial drainage led to only weak effects of erosion on the glacier foreland. So the hochsanders refilled depressions of morainic areas or grew up on older flachsanderwurzels. Whereas all large flachsanders developed in front of approximate stationary glacier margins, the evolution of coherent belts of hochsanders were combined with progressive glacier fronts. On the other hand, there was obviously no evolution at all of large sandar in front of back-melting margins of Kötlujökull. Based on examinations of the glacier surface and on analyses of aerial photographs the different types of sandar are referred to different structures of the glacier snout. Finally chances of surviving of sandar in the proglacial area of Kötlujökull are shortly discussed just as the possibility of an application of the Islandic research results on Pleistocene sandar in northern Germany.


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Melt pond covered sea ice is a ubiquitous feature of the summertime Arctic Ocean when meltwater collects in lower-lying areas of ice surfaces. Horizontal transects were conducted during June 2008 above and below landfast sea ice with melt ponds to characterize surface and bottom topography together with variations in transmitted spectral irradiance. We captured a rapid progression from a highly flooded sea ice surface with lateral drainage toward flaws and seal breathing holes to the formation of distinct melt ponds with steep edges. As the mass of the ice cover decreased due to meltwater drainage and rose upward with respect to the seawater level, the high-scattering properties of ice above the water level (i.e., white ice) were continuously regenerated, while pond waters remained transparent compared to underlying ice. The relatively stable albedos observed throughout the study, even as ice thickness decreased, were directly related to these surface processes. Transmission through the ice cover of incident irradiance in the 400-700 nm wave band ranged from 38% to 67% and from 5% to 16% beneath ponded and white ice, respectively. Our results show that this transmission varied not only as a function of surface type (melt ponds or white ice) areal coverage but also in relation to ice thickness and proximity to other surface types through the influence of horizontal spreading of light. Thus, in contrast to albedo, this implies that regional transmittance estimates need to consider melt pond size and shape distributions and variations in optical properties and thickness of the ice cover.


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Although the pulsating nature and the abruptness of the last deglaciation are well documented in marine and land records, very few marine records have so far been able to capture the high-frequency climatic changes recorded in the Greenland ice core Dye 3. We studied high-resolution sediment cores from SE Norwegian Sea, which display a detailed climatic record during the last deglaciation comparable to that of Dye 3. Accelerator mass spectrometry age control of the cores enables us to correlate this record in detail with continental records. The results indicate that the surface waters of the SE Norwegian Sea were seasonally ice free after 13,400 B.P. The Bølling/Allerød interstadial complex (13,200-11,200 B.P.) was a climatically unstable period with changing Arctic-Subarctic conditions. This period was punctuated by four progressively more severe sea surface temperature (SST) minima: between 12,900-12,800 B.P. (BCP I); 12,500-12,400 B.P. (BCP II); 12,300-12,000 B.P. (OD I); and 11,800-11,500 B.P. (OD II). The Younger Dryas (YD) (11,200-10,200 B.P.) represents the severest and most prolonged cold episode of this series of climatic deteriorations. It was bounded by very rapid SST changes and characterized by Arctic-Polar conditions. The first true warm Atlantic water incursion to the SE Norwegian Sea took place around 10,100 B.P., followed by a brief cooler condition between 9900-9600 B.P. (YD II). The early Holocene climatic optimum occurred between 8000-5000 B.P. A conceptual model is proposed where meltwater fluxes are suggested to cause the observed instability in the SST record.


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The geological structure of a Holocene sand spit system and the adjacent Weichselian glacial deposits in the northeastern part of Schleswig-Holstein have been investigated and presented in a geological map. Thin meltwater deposits overlie the glacial tills in the area of the former Beverö lsland in the west. To its north and northeast, the modern Sand spit system is present. Its basal transgression horizon is composed mainly of gravels and boulders, and directly overlie the Pleistocene deposits. Further up the succession, fine graind sands are present, in turn overlain by the coarser grained sands of the barrier bar. To the east, under the protection of the sand spit, gyttyas and peats which sometimes attain large thicknesses have been deposited under lacustrinellagoonal conditions. Closer to the shore, these sediments are covered by marine sands.


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Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating of ostracod and gastropod shells from the southwestern Black Sea cores combined with tephrochronology provides the basis for studying reservoir age changes in the lateglacial Black Sea. The comparison of our data with records from the northwestern Black Sea shows that an apparent reservoir age of ~1450 14C yr found in the glacial is characteristic of a homogenized water column. This apparent reservoir age is most likely due to the hardwater effect. Though data indicate that a reservoir age of ~1450 14C yr may have persisted until the Bølling-Allerød warm period, a comparison with the GISP2 ice-core record suggests a gradual reduction of the reservoir age to ~1000 14C yr, which might have been caused by dilution effects of inflowing meltwater. During the Bølling-Allerød warm period, soil development and increased vegetation cover in the catchment area of the Black Sea could have hampered erosion of carbonate bedrock, and hence diminished contamination by "old" carbon brought to the Black Sea basin by rivers. A further reduction of the reservoir age most probably occurred contemporary to the precipitation of inorganic carbonates triggered by increased phytoplankton activity, and was confined to the upper water column. Intensified deep water formation subsequently enhanced the mixing/convection and renewal of intermediate water. During the Younger Dryas, the age of the upper water column was close to 0 yr, while the intermediate water was ~900 14C yr older. The first inflow of saline Mediterranean water, at ~8300 14C yr BP, shifted the surface water age towards the recent value of ~400 14C yr.


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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios (d13C and d15N) of organic matter were measured in three sediment cores from deep basins of the Bering Sea to investigate past changes in surface nutrient conditions. For surface water reconstructions, hemipelagic layers in the cores were distinguished from turbidite layers (on the basis of their sedimentary structures and 14C ages) and analyzed for isotopic studies. Although d13C profiles may have been affected by diagenesis, both d15N and d13C values showed common positive anomalies during the last deglaciation. We explain these anomalies as reflecting suppressed vertical mixing and low nutrient concentrations in surface waters caused by injection of meltwater from alpine glaciers around the Bering Sea.


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Episodes of ice-sheet disintegration and meltwater release over glacial-interglacial cycles are recorded by discrete layers of detrital sediment in the Labrador Sea. The most prominent layers reflect the release of iceberg armadas associated with cold Heinrich events, but the detrital sediment carried by glacial outburst floods from the melting Laurentide Ice Sheet is also preserved. Here we report an extensive layer of red detrital material in the Labrador Sea that was deposited during the early last interglacial period. We trace the layer through sediment cores collected along the Labrador and Greenland margins of the Labrador Sea. Biomarker data, Ca/Sr ratios and d18O measurements link the carbonate contained in the red layer to the Palaeozoic bedrock of the Hudson Bay. We conclude that the debris was carried to the Labrador Sea during a glacial outburst flood through the Hudson Strait, analogous to the final Lake Agassiz outburst flood about 8,400 years ago, probably around the time of a last interglacial cold event in the North Atlantic. We suggest that outburst floods associated with the final collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet may have been pervasive features during the early stages of Late Quaternary interglacial periods.


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Rapid climate changes at the onset of the last deglaciation and during Heinrich Event H4 were studied in detail at IMAGES cores MD95-2039 and MD95-2040 from the Western Iberian margin. A major reorganisation of surface water hydrography, benthic foraminiferal community structure, and deepwater isotopic composition commenced already 540 years before the Last Isotopic Maximum (LIM) at 17.43 cal. ka and within 670 years affected all environments. Changes were initiated by meltwater spill in the Nordic Seas and northern North Atlantic that commenced 100 years before concomitant changes were felt off western Iberia. Benthic foraminiferal associations record the drawdown of deepwater oxygenation during meltwater and subsequent Heinrich Events H1 and H4 with a bloom of dysoxic species. At a water depth of 3380 m, benthic oxygen isotopes depict the influence of brines from sea ice formation during ice-rafting pulses and meltwater spill. The brines conceivably were a source of ventilation and provided oxygen to the deeper water masses. Some if not most of the lower deep water came from the South Atlantic. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages display a multi-centennial, approximately 300-year periodicity of oxygen supply at 2470-m water depth. This pattern suggests a probable influence of atmospheric oscillations on the thermohaline convection with frequencies similar to Holocene climate variations. For Heinrich Events H1 and H4, response times of surface water properties off western Iberia to meltwater injection to the Nordic Seas were extremely short, in the range of a few decades only. The ensuing reduction of deepwater ventilation commenced within 500-600 years after the first onset of meltwater spill. These fast temporal responses lend credence to numerical simulations that indicate ocean-climate responses on similar and even faster time scales.


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One of the most abrupt and yet unexplained past rises in atmospheric CO2 (10 p.p.m.v. in two centuries) occurred in quasi-synchrony with abrupt northern hemispheric warming into the Bølling/Allerød, 14,600 years ago. Here we use a U/Th-dated record of atmospheric D14C from Tahiti corals to provide an independent and precise age control for this CO2 rise. We also use model simulations to show that the release of old (nearly 14C-free) carbon can explain these changes in CO2 and D14C. The D14C record provides an independent constraint on the amount of carbon released (125 Pg C). We suggest, in line with observations of atmospheric CH4 and terrigenous biomarkers, that thawing permafrost in high northern latitudes could have been the source of carbon, possibly with contribution from flooding of the Siberian continental shelf during meltwater pulse 1A. Our findings highlight the potential of the permafrost carbon reservoir to modulate abrupt climate changes via greenhouse-gas feedbacks.


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Data from sections across the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean occupied by the German Research Vessel Polarstern in 1987 and by the Swedish icebreaker Oden in 1991 are used to derive information on the freshwater balance of the Arctic Ocean halocline and on the sources of the deep waters of the Nansen, Amundsen and Makarov basins. Salinity, d18O and mass balances allow separation of the river-runoff and the sea-ice meltwater fractions contained in the Arctic halocline. This provides the basis for tracking the river-runoff signal from the shelf seas across the central Arctic Ocean to Fram Strait. The halocline has to be divided into at least three lateral regimes: the southern Nansen Basin with net sea-ice melting, the northern Nansen Basin and Amundsen Basin with net sea-ice formation and increasing river-runoff fractions, and the Canadian Basin with minimum sea-ice meltwater and maximum river-runoff fractions and water of Pacific origin. In the Canadian Basin, silicate is used as a tracer to identify Pacific water entering through Bering Strait and an attempt is made to quantify its influence on the halocline waters of the Canadian Basin. For this purpose literature data from the CESAR and LOREX ice camps are used. Based on mass balances and depending on the value of precipitation over the area of the Arctic Ocean the average mean residence time of the river-runoff fraction contained in the Arctic Ocean halocline is determined to be about 14 or 11 years. Water column inventories of river-runoff and sea-ice meltwater are calculated for a section just north of Fram Strait and implications for the ice export rate through Fram Strait are discussed. Salinity, tritium, 3He and the d18O ratio of halocline waters sampled during the 1987 Polarstern cruise to the Nansen Basin are used to estimate the mean residence time of the river-runoff component in the halocline and on the shelves of the Arctic Ocean. These estimates are done by comparing ages of the halocline waters based on a combination of tracers yielding different time information: the tritium 'vintage' age which records the time that has passed since the river-runoff entered the shelf and the tritium/3He age which reflects the time since the shelf waters left the shelf. The difference between the ages determined by these two methods is about 3 to 6 years. Correction for the initial tritium/3He age of the shelf waters (about 0.5 to 1.5 years) yields a mean residence time of the river-runoff on the shelves of about 3.5 ± 2 years. Comparison of the 18O/16O ratios of shelf water, Atlantic water and the deep waters of the Arctic Ocean indicate that the sources of the deep and bottom waters of the Eurasian Basin are located in the Barents and Kara seas.