919 resultados para Media and Communication Technology


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New technologies and the pace of change in modern society mean changes for classroom teaching and learning. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) feature in everyday life and provide ample opportunities for enhancing classroom programs. This article outlines how ICTs complement curriculum implementation in one year two classroom. It suggests practical strategies demonstrating how teachers can make ICTs work for them and progressively teach children how to make ICTs work for them.


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This chapter addresses the radical paucity of empirical data about the career destinations of journalism, media and communications graduates from degree programs. We report findings from a study of ten years of graduates from Queensland University of Technology’s courses in journalism, media, and communication studies, using a ‘Creative Trident’ lens to analyse micro individual survey data. The study findings engage with creative labour precarity discussions, and also assertions of creative graduate oversupply suggested by national graduate outcome statistics. We describe the graduates’ employment outcomes, characterise their early career movements into and out of embedded and specialist employment, and compare the capability requirements and degree of course relevance reported by graduates employed in the different Trident segments. Given that in general the graduates in this study enjoyed very positive employment outcomes, but that there were systematic differences in reported course relevance by segment of employment and role, we also consider how university programs can best engage with the task of educating students for a surprisingly diverse range of media and communication-related occupational outcomes within and outside the creative industries.


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This paper investigates how community based media organisations are co-creative storytelling institutions, and how they learn to disseminate knowledge in a social learning system. Organisations involved in story co-creation are learning to create in fluid environments.They are project based, with a constant turnover of volunteers or staff. These organisations have to meet the needs of their funding bodies and their communities to remain sustainable. Learning is seen as dialogical, and this is also reflected in the nature of storytelling itself. These organisations must learn to meet the needs of their communities, who in turn learn from the organisation’s expertise in a facilitated setting. This learning is participatory and collaborative, and is often a mix of virtual and offline interaction. Such community-based organisations sit in the realm of a hybrid-learning environment; they are neither a formal educational institution like a college, nor do their volunteers produce outcomes in a professional capacity. Yet, they must maintain a certain level of quality outcomes from their contributors to be of continued value in their communities. Drawing from a larger research study, one particular example is that of the CitizenJ project. CitizenJ is hosted by a state cultural centre, and partnered with publishing partners in the community broadcasting sector. This paper explores how this project is a Community of Practice, and how it promotes ethical and best practice, meets contributors’ needs, emphasises the importance of facilitation in achieving quality outcomes, and the creation of projects for wider community and public interest.


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This paper presents a literature review and indicative findings that are part of ongoing research into aging and technology. The review finds that research on older technology users has contributed valuable information on the impact of age-related changes on technology use, as well as older adults’ acceptance and adoption of contemporary technologies. However, the majority of the research has been conducted from the perspective of age-related differences in use and performance, or it is medically-focused, examining the potential of technology to improve an individual’s quality of life (QoL), for example. Research on older people and technology does not adequately address the integration of technology into the everyday lives of older people. This paper identifies that there is substantial opportunity to examine older users’ everyday information and communication technology (ICT) use, and to inform technology design beyond measures of performance, usability and adoption.


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Distinguishing critical participatory media from other participatory media forms (for example user-generated content and social media) may be increasingly difficult to do, but nonetheless remains an important task if media studies is to remain relevant to the continuing development of inclusive social political and media cultures. This was one of a number of the premises for a national Australian Research Council-funded study that set out to improve the visibility of critical participatory media, and understand its use for facilitating media participation on a population wide basis (Spurgeon et. al. 2015). The term ‘co-creative’ media was adopted to make this distinction and to describe an informal system of critical participatory media practice that is situated between major public, Indigenous and community arts, culture and media sectors. Although the co-creative media system is found to be a site of innovation and engine for social change its value is still not fully understood. For this reason, this system continues to provide media and cultural studies scholars with valuable sites for researching the sociocultural transformations afforded by new media and communication technologies, as well as their limitations.


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This study offers a reconstruction and critical evaluation of globalization theory, a perspective that has been central for sociology and cultural studies in recent decades, from the viewpoint of media and communications. As the study shows, sociological and cultural globalization theorists rely heavily on arguments concerning media and communications, especially the so-called new information and communication technologies, in the construction of their frameworks. Together with deepening the understanding of globalization theory, the study gives new critical knowledge of the problematic consequences that follow from such strong investment in media and communications in contemporary theory. The book is divided into four parts. The first part presents the research problem, the approach and the theoretical contexts of the study. Followed by the introduction in Chapter 1, I identify the core elements of globalization theory in Chapter 2. At the heart of globalization theory is the claim that recent decades have witnessed massive changes in the spatio-temporal constitution of society, caused by new media and communications in particular, and that these changes necessitate the rethinking of the foundations of social theory as a whole. Chapter 3 introduces three paradigms of media research the political economy of media, cultural studies and medium theory the discussion of which will make it easier to understand the key issues and controversies that emerge in academic globalization theorists treatment of media and communications. The next two parts offer a close reading of four theorists whose works I use as entry points into academic debates on globalization. I argue that we can make sense of mainstream positions on globalization by dividing them into two paradigms: on the one hand, media-technological explanations of globalization and, on the other, cultural globalization theory. As examples of the former, I discuss the works of Manuel Castells (Chapter 4) and Scott Lash (Chapter 5). I maintain that their analyses of globalization processes are overtly media-centric and result in an unhistorical and uncritical understanding of social power in an era of capitalist globalization. A related evaluation of the second paradigm (cultural globalization theory), as exemplified by Arjun Appadurai and John Tomlinson, is presented in Chapter 6. I argue that due to their rejection of the importance of nation states and the notion of cultural imperialism for cultural analysis, and their replacement with a framework of media-generated deterritorializations and flows, these theorists underplay the importance of the neoliberalization of cultures throughout the world. The fourth part (Chapter 7) presents a central research finding of this study, namely that the media-centrism of globalization theory can be understood in the context of the emergence of neoliberalism. I find it problematic that at the same time when capitalist dynamics have been strengthened in social and cultural life, advocates of globalization theory have directed attention to media-technological changes and their sweeping socio-cultural consequences, instead of analyzing the powerful material forces that shape the society and the culture. I further argue that this shift serves not only analytical but also utopian functions, that is, the longing for a better world in times when such longing is otherwise considered impracticable.


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Literacy is an invaluable asset to have, and has allowed for communication, documentation and the spreading of ideas since the beginning of the written language. With technological advancements, and new possibilities to communicate, it is important to question the degree to which people’s abilities to utilise these new methods have developed in relation to these emerging technologies. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to analyse the state of students’ at Dalarna University mulitimodal literacy, as well as their experience of multimodality in their education. This has led to the two main research questions: What is the state of the students at Dalarna University multimodal literacy? And: How have the students at Dalarna University experienced multimodality in education? The paper is based on a mixed-method study that incorporates both a quantitative and qualitative aspect to it. The main thrust of the research paper is, however, based on a quantitative study that was conducted online and emailed to students via their program coordinators. The scope of the research is in audio-visual modes, i.e. audio, video and images, while textual literacy is presumed and serves as an inspiration to the study. The purpose of the study is to analyse the state of the students’ multimodal literacy and their experience of multimodality in education. The study revealed that the students at Dalarna University have most skill in image editing, while not being very literate in audio or video editing. The students seem to have had mediocre experience creating meaning through multimodality both in private use and in their respective educational institutions. The study also reveals that students prefer learning by means of video (rather than text or audio), yet are not able to create meaning (communicate) through it.


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This paper explores, through practitioner experience and literature review, the impact of increased use of information technology in a global business environment on relational ethics. These three variables interact in a dynamic field that supports and challenges global managers in entrepreneurial endeavors. While information and communication technology (ICT) is rapidly expanding, the opportunities for global business and relational ethics affects, and is affected by, the interconnections. Drawing on experiences from daily practice, current literature, and insights gained from a relational approach to ethics, readers are invited to reflect on the ways that relationships influence ethical actions—and outcomes—and how they can be improved. This analysis exposes the critical issues, develops a general framework and makes recommendations for ways to work with and further develop the interconnections between global business, ICT and relational ethics.


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This is a long-term study of the use of information and communication technologies by 30 older adults (ages 70–97) living in a large retirement community. The study spanned the years of 1996 to 2008, during which time the research participants grappled with the challenges of computer use while aging 12 years. The researcher, herself a ‘mature learner,’ used a qualitative research design which included observations and open-ended interviews. Using a strategy of “intermittent immersion,” she spent an average of two weeks per visit on site and participated in the lives of the research population in numerous ways, including service as their computer tutor. With e-mail and telephone contact, she was able to continue her interactions with participants throughout the 12-year period. A long-term perspective afforded the view of the evolution, devolution or cessation of the technology use by these older adults, and this process is chronicled in detail through five individual “profiles.” Three research questions dominated the inquiry: What function do computers serve in the lives of older adults? Does computer use foster or interfere with social ties? Is social support necessary for success in the face of challenging learning tasks? In answer to the first question, it became clear that computers were valued as a symbol of competence and intelligence. Some individuals brought their computers with them when transferred to the single-room residences of assisted living or nursing care facilities. Even when use had ceased, their computers were displayed to signal that their owners were or had once been keeping up to date. In answer to the second question, computer owners socialized around computing use (with in-person family members or friends) more than, or as much as, they socialized through their computers in the digital realm of the Internet. And in answer to the third question, while the existence of social support did facilitate computer exploration, more important was the social support network generated and developed among fellow computer users.


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Under 2000-talet har nya tekniska innovationer både förändrat hur musik spelas in, distribueras och konsumeras. Därmed har nya möjligheter skapats för Sveriges oetablerade artister, samtidigt som utbudet blivit större och svårare att tränga igenom. Uppsatsen undersöker vad oetablerade artister har för åsikter om läget idag och fokuserar kring tre huvudområden; musikutgivning, artistens egen karriär samt musikbranschen i stort. Med djupintervjuer som metod syftar studien till att undersöka vilka problem som står i vägen för en artist som försöker etablera sig och nå ut med sin musik till en större publik. Studien har visat på att artister nuförtiden mycket enkelt kan spela in och ge ut sin musik vilket skapat en direkt länk till allmänheten. Det är dock mycket svårt att få den uppmärksammad, varför branschkontakter fortfarande värderas högt i artisters ögon. Det finns samtidigt en viss misstro mot den etablerade branschens kommersialism men varierar stort beroende på vilken typ av aktör det rör. Genom mer kunskap om fler musikrelaterade uppgifter har artisterna däremot självsäkerheten att själva kunna välja samarbetspartners utifrån var den egna kompetensen brister.


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Syftet med denna undersökning är bidra med förklaringar till varför upplevda ljudkvalitetsskillnader kan uppstå mellan olika akters framträdanden vid event och festivaler trots att de använder samma utrustning och är i samma lokal och att förklaringarna ska utgöra en kunskapskälla för dem som eftersträvar en god ljudkvalité vid liveframträdanden. De metoder som har används är fallstudie, webbenkät, intervjuer och egen observation. Webbenkäten användes på Dreamhack Winter 2014 där en grupp undersökningsdeltagare svarade på frågor om två olika DJ-akter på scenen i D-hallen, Elmia. Fem personer deltog som intervjupersoner: scenansvarig från Dreamhack, tre ljudtekniker ifrån olika ställen i Sverige och en person som jobbar med ljudteknisk konsultation och ljudmätning. Samtliga intervjuer genomfördes via mail. Intervjuerna eftersträvade att ge kunskap om dessa personers funderingar kring ljudkvalitetsproblemet och scenansvarig svarade på frågor om scenen på Dreamhack. En observation av upplevd ljudkvalitet och ljudteknikernas arbetssätt genomfördes av mig själv på Dreamhack Winter 2014. Resultatet från såväl enkätundersökningen som den egna observationen visar att inga stora upplevda skillnader fanns mellan de två akterna på Dreamhack Winter 2014. De upplevda skillnader som observerades var negativa anmärkningar, så som mängden bas och ljudstyrka. Intervjuerna visade på flera gemensamma åsikter bland ljudteknikerna angående förklaringar till ljudkvalitetsskillnader vid event som Dreamhack Winter 2014 där de ansåg att en kunnig och erfaren ljudtekniker, duktiga musiker, väl genomförd soundcheck och bra och rätt användande av utrustningen på scen krävs för att uppnå en upplevd god ljudkvalitet live. De förklaringar som finns enligt mina analyser och bland ljudteknikerna till negativa ljudkvalitetsskillnader inom liveljud i samma lokal är att ljudteknikern och musikerna är olika duktiga. Utrustning, soundcheck och akustik påverkar också kvalitén. Undersökningens sammantagna resultat tyder på att de upplevda ljudkvalitetetsskillnader som fanns på Dreamhack Winter 2014 berodde på bristande kompetens och engagemang hos tjänstgörande ljudtekniker och upplevda skillnader i bas- ljudnivå i de två DJ-akternas mixar.


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Parallellt med populärmusikens förändring med avseende på hur den låter (jämför exempelvis The Beatles på 1960-talet med Avicii på 2010-talet), så har även utbudet av verktyg för att skapa den expanderat. Kanske är det förstnämnda – hur det låter – ett resultat av den andra – hur den görs – men oavsett vilket så är dessa förändringar ett faktum. Vad som inte verkar ha förändrats dock är de yrkestitlar som använts och används. Med intervjuer och observationer av vad yrkesverksamma musikproducenter gör året 2013 är syftet att utveckla beskrivningar av musikproducentroller som kan användas i musikproduktionsutbildning. Dessa beskrivningar är menade att peka på vilken kunskap som bör preciseras i utbildningsplaner för att utveckla och fokusera på de nödvändiga kompetenser som krävs för yrket. Jan-Olof Gullös modell för musikproducenters ledarstilar prövas i detta arbete vid analysen av producenter som intervjuas och observeras. Resultatet av detta arbete föreslår två underkategorier till musikproducentens titel med förhoppningen att introduktionen av dessa begrepp kan leda till en fortsatt diskussion att definiera dessa två underkategorier. Ambitionen är att på lång sikt skapa en effektivare och mer relevant pedagogik i akademiska syften, men också att musikaliska sammanhang lättare finner rätt ändamål genom väl anpassade och förtydligade samarbetsförhållanden i yrkeslivet.  


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En deskriptiv visuell innehållsanalys genomfördes med en korpus bestående av vetenskapliga artiklar från 30 topprankade tidskrifter jämnt fördelade på de tre disciplinerna matematik, medicin och utbildningsvetenskap, med syfte att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan tidskrifternas disciplintillhörighet och den grafiska formgivningen. Kartläggningen omfattade layout (bl.a. sidformat, spalter, marginalstorlek, användning av grafiska element, placering av tabeller, figurer och pagina) och typografiskt utseende hos titel, rubriker, brödtext och abstrakt (t.ex. teckenstorlek, textjustering, teckengrovlek, typsnitt, färg och radavstånd). Resultaten visar att disciplinerna använde olika men även gemensamma konventioner i sitt grafiska utseende. Matematik uppvisade enkelspaltig layout med liten typografisk variation, genomgående användning av typsnitt från familjen Transitional eller Transitional/Didone för hela dokumentet, avsaknad av kulört färg och sällan användning av grafiska element. Medicin uppvisade större variation med användning av kulört färg, icke-centrerad typografi med både sansseriff- och seriff-typsnitt, grafiska element och ramar som förstärker det ofta använda dubbelspaltiga gridsystemet. Utbildningsvetenskap uppvisade en grafisk design som återfanns i båda disciplinerna, men påminde mest om matematik till utseendet. Kodbok ingår i sin helhet som bilaga. Uppsatsen i sig är delvis formgiven med utgångspunkt i de erhållna resultaten.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur klippning har bidragit till att förstärka det vilseledande narrativet i filmen The Prestige (2006). Tre scener som anses vara betydelsefulla för filmens vilseledande narrativ har analyserats, för att fastställa vad som händer med berättandet i filmen när olika klipptekniker används och hur klippningen bygger upp den här typen av narrativ. Med hjälp av Kleckers forskning om vilseledande narrativ, Bordwell och Thompsons teori kring hur tid kan manipuleras genom klippning och Corrigan och Whites teori om olika klipptekniker, undersöker uppsatsen hur det vilseledande narrativet är strukturerat genom klippning. Resultatet visar på att det går att konstatera att klippningen i The Prestige har bidragit till att framhäva det vilseledande narrativet. Genom användningen av olika klipptekniker, har berättandet i filmen lyckats vilseleda publikens uppmärksamhet. Tack vare blandningen av de olika teknikerna undanhålls viktig information från betraktaren, vilket är avgörande för att ett vilseledande narrativ ska fungera.