994 resultados para Mechanics, Applied.


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This paper presents the computational modelling of welding phenomena within a versatile numerical framework. The framework embraces models from both the fields of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational solid mechanics (CSM). With regard to the CFD modelling of the weld pool fluid dynamics, heat transfer and phase change, cell-centred finite volume (FV) methods are employed. Additionally, novel vertex-based FV methods are employed with regard to the elasto-plastic deformation associated with the CSM. The FV methods are included within an integrated modelling framework, PHYSICA, which can be readily applied to unstructured meshes. The modelling techniques are validated against a variety of reference solutions.


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A procedure for evaluating the dynamic structural response of elastic solid domains is presented. A prerequisite for the analysis of dynamic fluid–structure interaction is the use of a consistent set of finite volume (FV) methods on a single unstructured mesh. This paper describes a three-dimensional (3D) FV, vertex-based method for dynamic solid mechanics. A novel Newmark predictor–corrector implicit scheme was developed to provide time accurate solutions and the scheme was evaluated on a 3D cantilever problem. By employing a small amount of viscous damping, very accurate predictions of the fundamental natural frequency were obtained with respect to both the amplitude and period of oscillation. This scheme has been implemented into the multi-physics modelling software framework, PHYSICA, for later application to full dynamic fluid structure interaction.


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The ability of engineers and applied scientists to undertake experimental measurements is a fundamental requirement of the profession. However, it is not simply good enough to be able to perform experiments if we are not able to interpret the results. In this study, reports prepared by mechanical engineering students were examined to determine how students dealt with the disparity between experimental measurements and theoretical results in their Engineering Mechanics laboratories. Analysis of the reports, and discussions with students in their laboratory classes, revealed a superficial understanding or regard for experimental error. This superficial treatment of experimental error is, most likely, due to a number of factors that are discussed. Some possible strategies for addressing the issue are also examined.


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Continuing development of new materials makes systems lighter and stronger permitting more complex systems to provide more functionality and flexibility that demands a more effective evaluation of their structural health. Smart material technology has become an area of increasing interest in this field. The combination of smart materials and artificial neural networks can be used as an excellent tool for pattern recognition, turning their application adequate for monitoring and fault classification of equipment and structures. In order to identify the fault, the neural network must be trained using a set of solutions to its corresponding forward Variational problem. After the training process, the net can successfully solve the inverse variational problem in the context of monitoring and fault detection because of their pattern recognition and interpolation capabilities. The use of structural frequency response function is a fundamental portion of structural dynamic analysis, and it can be extracted from measured electric impedance through the electromechanical interaction of a piezoceramic and a structure. In this paper we use the FRF obtained by a mathematical model (FEM) in order to generate the training data for the neural networks, and the identification of damage can be done by measuring electric impedance, since suitable data normalization correlates FRF and electrical impedance.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A quaternionic version of Quantum Mechanics is constructed using the Schwinger's formulation based on measurements and a Variational Principle. Commutation relations and evolution equations are provided, and the results are compared with other formulations.


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The bond strength of composite resins (CRs) to dentin is influenced by the interfacial microstructure of the hybrid layer (HL) and the resin tags (TAG). The contemporary self-etching primer adhesive systems overcame the inconvenient of the etch-and-rinse protocol. Studies, however, have demonstrated that HL thickness and TAG length vary according to the wetting time and additional use of acid-etching prior to self-etching primers. This study investigated the localized stress distribution in the HL and the dentin/adhesive interface. Two HL thicknesses (3 or 6 mu m), two TAG lengths (13 or 17 mu m) and two loading conditions (perpendicular and oblique-25 degrees) were investigated by the finite element (FE) analysis. Five two-dimensional FE models (M) of a dentin specimen restored with CR (38 x 64 mu m) were constructed: M1 - no HL and no TAG; M2 - 3 mu m of HL and 13 mu m of TAG; M3 - 3 mu m of HL and 17 mu m of TAG; M4 - 6 mu m of HL and 13 mu m of TAG; and M5 - 6 mu m of HL and 17 mu m of TAG. Two distributed loadings (L) (20N) were applied on CR surface: L1 - perpendicular, and L2 - oblique (25 degrees). Fixed interfacial conditions were assigned on the border of the dentin specimen. Ansys 10.0 (Ansys (R), Houston, PA, USA) software was used to calculate the stress fields. The peak of von Mises (sigma(vM)) and maximum principal stress (sigma(max)) was higher in L2 than in L1. Microstructures (HL and TAG) had no effect on local stresses for L1. Decreasing HL decreased sigma(vM) and sigma(max) in all structures for L2, but the TAG length had influence only on the peributular dentin. The thickness of HL had more influence on the sigma(vM) and sigma(max) than TAG length. The peritubular dentin and its adjacent structures showed the highest sigma(vM) and sigma(max), mainly in the oblique loading.


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Supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be used to obtain the spectrum and eigenstates of one-dimensional Hamiltonians. It is particularly useful when applied to partially solvable potentials because a superalgebra allows us to compute the spectrum state by state. Some solutions for the truncated Coulomb potential, an asymptotically linear potential, and a nonpolynomial potential are shown to exemplify the method.


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The implementation of vibration analysis techniques based on virtual instrumentation has spread increasingly in the academic and industrial branch, since the use of any software for this type of analysis brings good results at low cost. Among the existing software for programming and creation of virtual instruments, the LabVIEW was chosen for this project. This software has good interface with the method of graphical programming. In this project, it was developed a system of rotating machine condition monitoring. This monitoring system is applied in a test stand, simulating large scale applications, such as in hydroelectric, nuclear and oil exploration companies. It was initially used a test stand, where an instrumentation for data acquisition was inserted, composed of accelerometers and inductive proximity sensors. The data collection system was structured on the basis of an NI 6008 A/D converter of National Instruments. An electronic circuit command was developed through the A/D converter for a remote firing of the test stand. The equipment monitoring is performed through the data collected from the sensors. The vibration signals collected by accelerometers are processed in the time domain and frequency. Also, proximity probes were used for the axis orbit evaluation and an inductive sensor for the rotation and trigger measurement. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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In this paper we present a system for aircraft structural health monitoring based on artificial immune systems with negative selection. Inspired by a biological process, the principle of discrimination proper/non-proper, identifies and characterizes the signs of structural failure. The main application of this method is to assist in the inspection of aircraft structures, to detect and characterize flaws and decision making in order to avoid disasters. We proposed a model of an aluminum beam to perform the tests of the method. The results obtained by this method are excellent, showing robustness and accuracy.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the search for productivity increase, industry has invested on the development of intelligent, flexible and self-adjusting method, capable of controlling processes through the assistance of autonomous systems, independently whether they are hardware or software. Notwithstanding, simulating conventional computational techniques is rather challenging, regarding the complexity and non-linearity of the production systems. Compared to traditional models, the approach with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) performs well as noise suppression and treatment of non-linear data. Therefore, the challenges in the wood industry justify the use of ANN as a tool for process improvement and, consequently, add value to the final product. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence techniques such as Neuro-Fuzzy Networks (NFNs) have proven effective, since NFNs combine the ability to learn from previous examples and generalize the acquired information from the ANNs with the capacity of Fuzzy Logic to transform linguistic variables in rules.


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This work proposes the development and study of a novel technique lot the generation of fractal descriptors used in texture analysis. The novel descriptors are obtained from a multiscale transform applied to the Fourier technique of fractal dimension calculus. The power spectrum of the Fourier transform of the image is plotted against the frequency in a log-log scale and a multiscale transform is applied to this curve. The obtained values are taken as the fractal descriptors of the image. The validation of the proposal is performed by the use of the descriptors for the classification of a dataset of texture images whose real classes are previously known. The classification precision is compared to other fractal descriptors known in the literature. The results confirm the efficiency of the proposed method. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work is structured as follows: In Section 1 we discuss the clinical problem of heart failure. In particular, we present the phenomenon known as ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony: its impact on cardiac function, the therapy for its treatment and the methods for its quantification. Specifically, we describe the conductance catheter and its use for the measurement of dyssynchrony. At the end of the Section 1, we propose a new set of indexes to quantify the dyssynchrony that are studied and validated thereafter. In Section 2 we describe the studies carried out in this work: we report the experimental protocols, we present and discuss the results obtained. Finally, we report the overall conclusions drawn from this work and we try to envisage future works and possible clinical applications of our results. Ancillary studies that were carried out during this work mainly to investigate several aspects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) are mentioned in Appendix. -------- Ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony plays a regulating role already in normal physiology but is especially important in pathological conditions, such as hypertrophy, ischemia, infarction, or heart failure (Chapter 1,2.). Several prospective randomized controlled trials supported the clinical efficacy and safety of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with moderate or severe heart failure and ventricular dyssynchrony. CRT resynchronizes ventricular contraction by simultaneous pacing of both left and right ventricle (biventricular pacing) (Chapter 1.). Currently, the conductance catheter method has been used extensively to assess global systolic and diastolic ventricular function and, more recently, the ability of this instrument to pick-up multiple segmental volume signals has been used to quantify mechanical ventricular dyssynchrony. Specifically, novel indexes based on volume signals acquired with the conductance catheter were introduced to quantify dyssynchrony (Chapter 3,4.). Present work was aimed to describe the characteristics of the conductancevolume signals, to investigate the performance of the indexes of ventricular dyssynchrony described in literature and to introduce and validate improved dyssynchrony indexes. Morevoer, using the conductance catheter method and the new indexes, the clinical problem of the ventricular pacing site optimization was addressed and the measurement protocol to adopt for hemodynamic tests on cardiac pacing was investigated. In accordance to the aims of the work, in addition to the classical time-domain parameters, a new set of indexes has been extracted, based on coherent averaging procedure and on spectral and cross-spectral analysis (Chapter 4.). Our analyses were carried out on patients with indications for electrophysiologic study or device implantation (Chapter 5.). For the first time, besides patients with heart failure, indexes of mechanical dyssynchrony based on conductance catheter were extracted and studied in a population of patients with preserved ventricular function, providing information on the normal range of such a kind of values. By performing a frequency domain analysis and by applying an optimized coherent averaging procedure (Chapter 6.a.), we were able to describe some characteristics of the conductance-volume signals (Chapter 6.b.). We unmasked the presence of considerable beat-to-beat variations in dyssynchrony that seemed more frequent in patients with ventricular dysfunction and to play a role in discriminating patients. These non-recurrent mechanical ventricular non-uniformities are probably the expression of the substantial beat-to-beat hemodynamic variations, often associated with heart failure and due to cardiopulmonary interaction and conduction disturbances. We investigated how the coherent averaging procedure may affect or refine the conductance based indexes; in addition, we proposed and tested a new set of indexes which quantify the non-periodic components of the volume signals. Using the new set of indexes we studied the acute effects of the CRT and the right ventricular pacing, in patients with heart failure and patients with preserved ventricular function. In the overall population we observed a correlation between the hemodynamic changes induced by the pacing and the indexes of dyssynchrony, and this may have practical implications for hemodynamic-guided device implantation. The optimal ventricular pacing site for patients with conventional indications for pacing remains controversial. The majority of them do not meet current clinical indications for CRT pacing. Thus, we carried out an analysis to compare the impact of several ventricular pacing sites on global and regional ventricular function and dyssynchrony (Chapter 6.c.). We observed that right ventricular pacing worsens cardiac function in patients with and without ventricular dysfunction unless the pacing site is optimized. CRT preserves left ventricular function in patients with normal ejection fraction and improves function in patients with poor ejection fraction despite no clinical indication for CRT. Moreover, the analysis of the results obtained using new indexes of regional dyssynchrony, suggests that pacing site may influence overall global ventricular function depending on its relative effects on regional function and synchrony. Another clinical problem that has been investigated in this work is the optimal right ventricular lead location for CRT (Chapter 6.d.). Similarly to the previous analysis, using novel parameters describing local synchrony and efficiency, we tested the hypothesis and we demonstrated that biventricular pacing with alternative right ventricular pacing sites produces acute improvement of ventricular systolic function and improves mechanical synchrony when compared to standard right ventricular pacing. Although no specific right ventricular location was shown to be superior during CRT, the right ventricular pacing site that produced the optimal acute hemodynamic response varied between patients. Acute hemodynamic effects of cardiac pacing are conventionally evaluated after stabilization episodes. The applied duration of stabilization periods in most cardiac pacing studies varied considerably. With an ad hoc protocol (Chapter 6.e.) and indexes of mechanical dyssynchrony derived by conductance catheter we demonstrated that the usage of stabilization periods during evaluation of cardiac pacing may mask early changes in systolic and diastolic intra-ventricular dyssynchrony. In fact, at the onset of ventricular pacing, the main dyssynchrony and ventricular performance changes occur within a 10s time span, initiated by the changes in ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony induced by aberrant conduction and followed by a partial or even complete recovery. It was already demonstrated in normal animals that ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony may act as a physiologic modulator of cardiac performance together with heart rate, contractile state, preload and afterload. The present observation, which shows the compensatory mechanism of mechanical dyssynchrony, suggests that ventricular dyssynchrony may be regarded as an intrinsic cardiac property, with baseline dyssynchrony at increased level in heart failure patients. To make available an independent system for cardiac output estimation, in order to confirm the results obtained with conductance volume method, we developed and validated a novel technique to apply the Modelflow method (a method that derives an aortic flow waveform from arterial pressure by simulation of a non-linear three-element aortic input impedance model, Wesseling et al. 1993) to the left ventricular pressure signal, instead of the arterial pressure used in the classical approach (Chapter 7.). The results confirmed that in patients without valve abnormalities, undergoing conductance catheter evaluations, the continuous monitoring of cardiac output using the intra-ventricular pressure signal is reliable. Thus, cardiac output can be monitored quantitatively and continuously with a simple and low-cost method. During this work, additional studies were carried out to investigate several areas of uncertainty of CRT. The results of these studies are briefly presented in Appendix: the long-term survival in patients treated with CRT in clinical practice, the effects of CRT in patients with mild symptoms of heart failure and in very old patients, the limited thoracotomy as a second choice alternative to transvenous implant for CRT delivery, the evolution and prognostic significance of diastolic filling pattern in CRT, the selection of candidates to CRT with echocardiographic criteria and the prediction of response to the therapy.


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The present thesis introduces a novel sensitive technique based on TSM resonators that provides quantitative information about the dynamic properties of biological cells and artificial lipid systems. In order to support and complement results obtained by this method supplementary measurements based on ECIS technique were carried out. The first part (chapters 3 and 4) deals with artificial lipid systems. In chapter 3 ECIS measurements were used to monitor the adsorption of giant unilamellar vesicles as well as their thermal fluctuations. From dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations the rate constant of vesicle adsorption was determined. Furthermore, analysis of fluctuation measurements reveals Brownian motion reflecting membrane undulations of the adherent liposomes. In chapter 4 QCM-based fluctuation measurements were applied to quantify nanoscopically small deformations of giant unilamellar vesicles with an external electrical field applied simultaneously. The response of liposomes to an external voltage with shape changes was monitored as a function of cholesterol content and adhesion force. In the second part (chapters 5 - 8) attention was given to cell motility. It was shown for the first time, that QCM can be applied to monitor the dynamics of living adherent cells in real time. QCM turned out to be a highly sensitive tool to detect the vertical motility of adherent cells with a time resolution in the millisecond regime. The response of cells to environmental changes such as temperature or osmotic stress could be quantified. Furthermore, the impact of cytochalasin D (inhibits actin polymerization) and taxol (facilitate polymerization of microtubules) as well as nocodazole (depolymerizes microtubules) on the dynamic properties of cells was scrutinized. Each drug provoked a significant reduction of the monitored cell shape fluctuations as expected from their biochemical potential. However, not only the abolition of fluctuations was observed but also an increase of motility due to integrin-induced transmembrane signals. These signals were activated by peptides containing the RGD sequence, which is known to be an integrin recognition motif. Ultimately, two pancreatic carcinoma cell lines, derived from the same original tumor, but known to possess different metastatic potential were studied. Different dynamic behavior of the two cell lines was observed which was attributed to cell-cell as well as cell-substrate interactions rather than motility. Thus one may envision that it might be possible to characterize the motility of different cell types as a function of many variables by this new highly sensitive technique based on TSM resonators. Finally the origin of the broad cell resonance was investigated. Improvement of the time resolution reveals the "real" frequency of cell shape fluctuations. Several broad resonances around 3-5 Hz, 15-17 Hz and 25-29 Hz were observed and that could unequivocally be assigned to biological activity of living cells. However, the kind of biological process that provokes this synchronized collective and periodic behavior of the cells remains to be elucidated.