950 resultados para Meaning transfer model


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This paper examined the transmission mechanism of international prices of agricultural commodities into the real exchange rate in Brazil for the period from January 2000 to February 2010. We used time series models (ARIMA Model, Transfer Model, Intervention Analysis, Johansen Cointegration Test) in determination of the short and long run elasticities. Transfer Function Model results show that changes in international prices of agricultural commodities are transmitted to the real exchange rate in Brazil in the short run, however, that transmission is less than unity, thus configuring the inelastic relationship. Johansen cointegration tests show that these variables are not co-integrated, no longer converge to the long-run equilibrium. These results are in agreement Cashim et al. (2004), which also found no long run relationship between real exchange rate and commodity prices in the case of Brazil. These results show that monetary shocks have greater weight on changes of the real exchange rate than real shocks.


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The object of this work was to study the dynamics of evaporation in the Itumbiara reservoir, located in Central Brazil, using MODIS-derived water surface temperature (product MOD11A1) and meteorological data acquired over the water surface. The evaporation rates were derived from latent heat flux, estimated through a mass transfer model. The estimates were carried out for the period between 1/1/2010 and 31/12/2010. The results showed that evaporation rate tends to increase from January to September and then decrease from September to December. The evaporation rate reached values near 20 mm day-1 in Itumbiara reservoir during the dry season in 2010. The mean evaporation rate for the wet season was 3.66 mm day-1 and 8.25 mm day-1 for the dry season. The total water volume evaporated from Itumbiara reservoir during 2010 was estimated at about 1.7 billion m³ (2,300 mm) which represents 10% of total reservoir volume. The results suggest that advection is the main transport mechanism which drives the evaporation in Itumbiara. The convective processes contribute secondarily to evaporation in Itumbiara reservoir.


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The leaf area index (LAI) is a key characteristic of forest ecosystems. Estimations of LAI from satellite images generally rely on spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) or radiative transfer model (RTM) inversions. We have developed a new and precise method suitable for practical application, consisting of building a species-specific SVI that is best-suited to both sensor and vegetation characteristics. Such an SVI requires calibration on a large number of representative vegetation conditions. We developed a two-step approach: (1) estimation of LAI on a subset of satellite data through RTM inversion; and (2) the calibration of a vegetation index on these estimated LAI. We applied this methodology to Eucalyptus plantations which have highly variable LAI in time and space. Previous results showed that an RTM inversion of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) near-infrared and red reflectance allowed good retrieval performance (R-2 = 0.80, RMSE = 0.41), but was computationally difficult. Here, the RTM results were used to calibrate a dedicated vegetation index (called "EucVI") which gave similar LAI retrieval results but in a simpler way. The R-2 of the regression between measured and EucVI-simulated LAI values on a validation dataset was 0.68, and the RMSE was 0.49. The additional use of stand age and day of year in the SVI equation slightly increased the performance of the index (R-2 = 0.77 and RMSE = 0.41). This simple index opens the way to an easily applicable retrieval of Eucalyptus LAI from MODIS data, which could be used in an operational way.


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Experimental flow boiling heat transfer results are presented for horizontal 1.0 and 2.2 mm I. D. (internal diameter) stainless steel tubes for tests with R1234ze(E), a new refrigerant developed as a substitute for R134a with a much lower global warming potential (GWP). The experiments were performed for these two tube diameters in order to investigate a possible transition between macro and microscale flow boiling behavior. The experimental campaign includes mass velocities ranging from 50 to 1500 kg/m(2) s, heat fluxes from 10 to 300 kW/m(2), exit saturation temperatures of 25, 31 and 35 degrees C, vapor qualities from 0.05 to 0.99 and heated lengths of 180 mm and 361 mm. Flow pattern characterization was performed using high speed videos. Heat transfer coefficient, critical heat flux and flow pattern data were obtained. R1234ze(E) demonstrated similar thermal performance to R134a data when running at similar conditions. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004933]


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Small scale fluid flow systems have been studied for various applications, such as chemical reagent dosages and cooling devices of compact electronic components. This work proposes to present the complete cycle development of an optimized heat sink designed by using Topology Optimization Method (TOM) for best performance, including minimization of pressure drop in fluid flow and maximization of heat dissipation effects, aiming small scale applications. The TOM is applied to a domain, to obtain an optimized channel topology, according to a given multi-objective function that combines pressure drop minimization and heat transfer maximization. Stokes flow hypothesis is adopted. Moreover, both conduction and forced convection effects are included in the steady-state heat transfer model. The topology optimization procedure combines the Finite Element Method (to carry out the physical analysis) with Sequential Linear Programming (as the optimization algorithm). Two-dimensional topology optimization results of channel layouts obtained for a heat sink design are presented as example to illustrate the design methodology. 3D computational simulations and prototype manufacturing have been carried out to validate the proposed design methodology.


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Zu den Immunevasionsmechanismen des murinen Cytomegalovirus, die sich im Laufe der Koevolution von Virus und Wirt entwickelt haben, gehört die Interferenz von drei viralen Regulatoren mit der Antigenpräsentation über MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle, wodurch die Aktivierung von zytotoxischen CD8 T-Zellen beeinflusst wird: Während m152/gp40 peptidbeladene MHC-Klasse-I-Komplexe im cis-Golgi-Kompartiment akkumuliert, führt m06/gp48 diese Komplexe der lysosomalen Degradation zu. Im Gegensatz dazu vermittelt m04/gp34 deren Transport an die Zelloberfläche, wurde in der Literatur bisher aber trotzdem als Inhibitor der CD8 T-Zellaktivierung beschrieben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Einfluss dieser viralen Proteine auf die Peptidpräsentation bzw. die T-Zellaktivierung zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde ein Set von Viren verwendet, das neben mCMV-WT aus mCMV-Deletionsmutanten besteht, die jedes der regulatorischen Proteine einzeln bzw. in allen möglichen Kombinationen exprimieren, einschließlich einer Mutante, die keines der Proteine besitzt. Entgegen der bisher gültigen Annahme konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass m04/gp34 die Antigenpräsentation nicht inhibiert. Wird es allein exprimiert, bleibt die T-Zellaktivierung unbeeinflusst. Wird es zusammen mit m152/gp40 exprimiert, stellt es die T-Zellaktivierung wieder her, indem es den herunter regulierenden Effekt von m152/gp40 antagonisiert. Dieser positiv regulierende Effekt von m04/gp34 wird wiederum durch m06/gp48 aufgehoben. Es konnte ebenfalls gezeigt werden, wie die verschiedenen Effekte dieser Virusproteine in vivo das Überleben im infizierten Wirt steuern. So wird im adoptiven Transfermodell die Infektion mit der Deletionsmutante, die m152/gp40 alleine exprimiert, schlechter kontrolliert als die Infektion mit der m152/gp40 und m04/gp34 exprimierenden Mutante. Dieser die CD8 T-Zellkontrolle verbessernde Effekt von m04/gp34 wird durch m06/gp48 wieder aufgehoben. Dass ein viraler Erreger nicht nur negative Regulatoren der Antigenpräsentation exprimiert, sondern auch einen positiven Regulator, der den Effekt eines negativen Regulators wieder aufhebt, ist in der Literatur beispiellos. Durch differentielle Expression dieser Regulatoren eröffnet sich damit dem Virus die Möglichkeit, die Antigenpräsentation gezielt zu modulieren.


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Für die Ausheilung von L. major-Infektionen ist eine effektive Th1-/Tc1-Antwort unerlässlich. Dennoch sind bis heute nicht alle Mechanismen der schützenden Immunabwehr beim Menschen und in der Maus endgültig geklärt. Deshalb bestand das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit darin, Th1-/Tc1-Antworten und damit die Schnittstelle zwischen angeborenem und adaptivem Immunsystem eingehender zu untersuchen. Für diesen Ansatz wurde zunächst der Einfluss des genetischen Hintergrundes auf den Verlauf der Infektion anhand von BALB/c- und C57BL/6-Zellen analysiert. Als entscheidender Faktor für Heilung und Suszeptibilität wurde mit Hilfe von Knochenmarkschimären die Herkunft der T und/oder B Zellen identifiziert. Erst die Aktivierung durch Th1-/Tc1-Zellen versetzt L. major-infizierte Makrophagen in die Lage, die intrazellulären Parasiten abzutöten. In diesem Aktivierungsprozess spielt die TNF-induzierte Signalweiterleitung über den TNF-Rezeptor 1 (TNF-R1) eine wichtige Rolle. TNF-R1 ist mit dem Signalmolekül FAN assoziiert. In dieser Arbeit konnte anhand von Mäusen, denen FAN fehlt, die Involvierung dieses Moleküls in der Induktion eines Th1-Zytokinsprofils und in der Kontrolle der Parasitenzahl sowie der lokalen Begrenzung der Infektion gezeigt werden. Weiterhin wurde unter Verwendung immundefizienter Mäuse die Realisierbarkeit eines PBMC-Transfermodells geprüft. Ein solches wird zur Validierung an Mäusen gewonnener Erkenntnisse und als präklinisches Testsystem der humanen kutanen Leishmaniasis dringend benötigt. In allen getesteten Stämmen ließ sich durch den Transfer humaner PBMC die L. major-Infektion beeinflussen. Humane CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen waren an den Infektionsstellen präsent und es konnten antigenspezifische Immunreaktionen nnachgewiesen werden. Das PBMC-Transfermodell konnte durch die Transplantation humaner Haut auf immundefiziente Mäuse zusätzlich entscheidend verbessert werden. In diesen Transplantaten ließen sich L. major-Infektionen etablieren und durch zusätzlichen Transfer von PBMC die Zahl humaner CD45+ Zellen an der Infektionsstelle deutlich steigern. In ihrer Gesamtheit trägt die vorliegende Arbeit wesentlich zum Verständnis der Determinanten von Heilung und Suszeptibilität der kutanen Leishmaniasis bei und zeigt neue Ansatzpunkte für eine Beeinflussung des Krankheitsverlaufes auf. Die Etablierung eines präklinischen Testmodells der humanen Leishmaniasis ist entscheidend, um das Wissen über die murine Leishmaniasis auf die humane Erkrankung zu übertragen. So kann dem dauerhaften Problem der Entwicklung von Vakzinen an Mäusen, die keine Wirksamkeit gegen die humane Erkrankung zeigen, begegnet werden. Ein vollständig etabliertes Modell wird es ermöglichen, der humanen Erkrankung zugrundeliegende Mechanismen zu untersuchen und Patienten-spezifisch aber auch allgemeingültig Vakzinierungs-Ansätze und Therapien unter experimentellen Bedingungen zu testen.


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In-service hardened concrete pavement suffers from environmental loadings caused by curling and warping of the slab. Traditionally, these loadings are computed on the basis of treating the slab as an elastic material, and of evaluating separately the curling and warping components. This dissertation simulates temperature distribution and moisture distribution through the slabs by use of a developed numerical model that couples the heat transfer and moisture transport. The computation of environmental loadings treats the slab as an elastic-viscous material, which considers the relaxation behavior and Pickett effect of the concrete. The heat transfer model considers the impacts of solar radiation, wind speed, air temperature, pavement slab albedo, etc. on the pavement temperature distribution. This dissertation assesses the difference between documented models that aim to predict pavement temperature, highlighting their pros and cons. The moisture transport model is unique for the documented models; it mimics the wetting and drying events occurring at the slab surface. These events are estimated by a proposed statistical algorithm, which is verified by field rainfall data. Analysis of the predicted results examines on the roles of the local air RH (relative humidity), wind speed, rainy pattern in the moisture distribution through the slab. The findings reveal that seasonal air RH plays a decisive role on the slab‘s moisture distribution; but wind speed and its daily variation, daily RH variation, and seasonal rainfall pattern plays only a secondary role. This dissertation sheds light on the computation of environmental loadings that in-service pavement slabs suffer from. Analysis of the computed stresses centers on the stress relaxation near the surface, stress evolution after the curing ends, and the impact of construction season on the stress‘s magnitude. An unexpected finding is that the total environmental loadings at the cyclically-stable state divert from the thermal stresses. At such a state, the total stress at the daytime is roughly equal to the thermal stress; whereas the total stress during the nighttime is far greater than the thermal stress. An explanation for this phenomenon is that during the night hours, the decline of the slab‘s near-surface temperature leads to a drop of the near-surface RH. This RH drop results in contraction therein and develops additional tensile stresses. The dissertation thus argues that estimating the environmental loadings by solely computing the thermally-induced stresses may reach delusive results. It recommends that the total environmental loadings of in-service slabs should be estimated by a sophisticated model coupling both moisture component and temperature component.


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TNF plays fundamental roles in the induction and perpetuation of inflammation. The effects of TNF are mediated through TNF receptor (TNFR) 1 or 2. As these two receptors mediate different functions, selective targeting of one receptor may represent a more specific treatment for inflammatory disorders than the complete blocking of TNF. TNFR2 expression is up-regulated in inflammatory bowel disease. Hence, we directly assessed the role of TNFR2 signaling in the CD4(+) T-cell transfer model of colitis using TNFR2(-/-) or WT mice as donors of colitogenic CD4(+)CD45RB(hi) T cells for transfer into syngeneic RAG2(-/-) or RAG2(-/-)TNFR2(-/-) recipient mice. Although the absence of TNFR2 expression by non-lymphoid cells of the recipient mice does not influence the course of colitis, transfer of TNFR2(-/-) CD4(+) T cells leads to an accelerated onset of disease and to more severe signs of inflammation. The enhanced colitogenic potential of TNFR2(-/-) CD4(+) T cells is associated with reduced activation-induced cell death, resulting in an increased accumulation of TNFR2(-/-) CD4(+) T cells. Hence, TNFR2 signaling is crucial for the TNF-dependent contraction of the disease-inducing T cells. Therefore, a selective blocking of TNFR2 may lead to exacerbation rather than attenuation of T-cell-mediated inflammatory disorders.


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The spectacular images of Comet 103P/Hartley 2 recorded by the Medium Resolution Instrument (MRI) and High Resolution Instrument (HRI) on board of the Extrasolar Planet Observation and Deep Impact Extended Investigation (EPOXI) spacecraft, as the Deep Impact extended mission, revealed that its bi-lobed very active nucleus outgasses volatiles heterogeneously. Indeed, CO2 is the primary driver of activity by dragging out chunks of pure ice out of the nucleus from the sub-solar lobe that appear to be the main source of water in Hartley 2's coma by sublimating slowly as they go away from the nucleus. However, water vapor is released by direct sublimation of the nucleus at the waist without any significant amount of either CO2 or icy grains. The coma structure for a comet with such areas of diverse chemistry differs from the usual models where gases are produced in a homogeneous way from the surface. We use the fully kinetic Direct Simulation Monte Carlo model of Tenishev et al. (Tenishev, V.M., Combi, M.R., Davidsson, B. [2008]. Astrophys. J. 685, 659-677; Tenishev, V.M., Combi, M.R., Rubin, M. [2011]. Astrophys. J. 732, 104-120) applied to Comet 103P/Hartley 2 including sublimating icy grains to reproduce the observations made by EPOXI and ground-based measurements. A realistic bi-lobed nucleus with a succession of active areas with different chemistry was included in the model enabling us to study in details the coma of Hartley 2. The different gas production rates from each area were found by fitting the spectra computed using a line-by-line non-LTE radiative transfer model to the HRI observations. The presence of icy grains with long lifetimes, which are pushed anti-sunward by radiation pressure, explains the observed OH asymmetry with enhancement on the night side of the coma.


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Immune responses against intestinal microbiota contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and involve CD4(+) T cells, which are activated by major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) molecules on antigen-presenting cells (APCs). However, it is largely unexplored how inflammation-induced MHCII expression by intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) affects CD4(+) T cell-mediated immunity or tolerance induction in vivo. Here, we investigated how epithelial MHCII expression is induced and how a deficiency in inducible epithelial MHCII expression alters susceptibility to colitis and the outcome of colon-specific immune responses. Colitis was induced in mice that lacked inducible expression of MHCII molecules on all nonhematopoietic cells, or specifically on IECs, by continuous infection with Helicobacter hepaticus and administration of interleukin (IL)-10 receptor-blocking antibodies (anti-IL10R mAb). To assess the role of interferon (IFN)-γ in inducing epithelial MHCII expression, the T cell adoptive transfer model of colitis was used. Abrogation of MHCII expression by nonhematopoietic cells or IECs induces colitis associated with increased colonic frequencies of innate immune cells and expression of proinflammatory cytokines. CD4(+) T-helper type (Th)1 cells - but not group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) or Th17 cells - are elevated, resulting in an unfavourably altered ratio between CD4(+) T cells and forkhead box P3 (FoxP3)(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells. IFN-γ produced mainly by CD4(+) T cells is required to upregulate MHCII expression by IECs. These results suggest that, in addition to its proinflammatory roles, IFN-γ exerts a critical anti-inflammatory function in the intestine which protects against colitis by inducing MHCII expression on IECs. This may explain the failure of anti-IFN-γ treatment to induce remission in IBD patients, despite the association of elevated IFN-γ and IBD.


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Many ecosystem models have been developed to study the ocean's biogeochemical properties, but most of these models use simple formulations to describe light penetration and spectral quality. Here, an optical model is coupled with a previously published ecosystem model that explicitly represents two phytoplankton (picoplankton and diatoms) and two zooplankton functional groups, as well as multiple nutrients and detritus. Surface ocean color fields and subsurface light fields are calculated by coupling the ecosystem model with an optical model that relates biogeochemical standing stocks with inherent optical properties (absorption, scattering); this provides input to a commercially available radiative transfer model (Ecolight). We apply this bio-optical model to the equatorial Pacific upwelling region, and find the model to be capable of reproducing many measured optical properties and key biogeochemical processes in this region. Our model results suggest that non-algal particles largely contribute to the total scattering or attenuation (> 50% at 660 nm) but have a much smaller contribution to particulate absorption (< 20% at 440 nm), while picoplankton dominate the total phytoplankton absorption (> 95% at 440 nm). These results are consistent with the field observations. In order to achieve such good agreement between data and model results, however, key model parameters, for which no field data are available, have to be constrained. Sensitivity analysis of the model results to optical parameters reveals a significant role played by colored dissolved organic matter through its influence on the quantity and quality of the ambient light. Coupling explicit optics to an ecosystem model provides advantages in generating: (1) a more accurate subsurface light-field, which is important for light sensitive biogeochemical processes such as photosynthesis and photo-oxidation, (2) additional constraints on model parameters that help to reduce uncertainties in ecosystem model simulations, and (3) model output which is comparable to basic remotely-sensed properties. In addition, the coupling of biogeochemical models and optics paves the road for future assimilation of ocean color and in-situ measured optical properties into the models.


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Cutaneous exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation (UVR) results in the suppression of cell-mediated immune responses such as contact hypersensitivity (CHS) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). This modulation of immune responses is mediated by local or systemic mechanisms, both of which are associated with the generation of antigen-specific suppressor T lymphocytes (Ts). UV-induced Ts have been shown to be CD3+CD4+CD8 − T cells that control multiple immunological pathways. However, the precise mechanisms involved in the generation and function of these immunoregulatory cells remain unclear. We investigated the cellular basis for the generation of UV-induced Ts lymphocytes in both local and systemic models of immune suppression, and further examined the pleiotrophic function of these immunoregulatory cells. ^ We used Thy1.1 and Thy1.2 congenic mice in a draining lymph node (DLN) cell transfer model to analyze the role played by epidermal Langerhans cells in the generation of Ts cells. We demonstrate that T cells tightly adhered to antigen-presenting cells (APC) from UV-irradiated skin are the direct progenitors of UV-induced Ts lymphocytes. Our studies also reveal that UV-induced DNA-damage in the form of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers (CPD) in the epidermal APC is crucial for the altered maturation of these adherent T cells into Ts. ^ We used TCR transgenic mice in an adoptive transfer model and physically tracked the antigen-specific clones during immune responses in unirradiated versus UV-irradiated mice. We demonstrate that UV-induced Ts and effector TDTH cells share the same epitope specificity, indicating that both cell populations arise from the same clonal progenitors. UVR also causes profound changes in the localization and proliferation of antigen-specific T cells during an immune response. Antigen-specific T cells are not detectable in the DLNs of UV-irradiated mice after 3 days post-immunization, but are found in abundance in the spleen. In contrast, these clones continue to be found in the DLNs and spleens of normal animals several days post-immunization. Our studies also reveal that a Th2 cytokine environment is essential for the generation of Ts in UV-irradiated mice. ^ The third part of our study examined the pleiotrophic nature of UV-induced Ts. We used a model for the induction of both cellular and humoral responses to human gamma-globulin (HGG) to demonstrate that UV-induced Ts lymphocytes can suppress DTH as well as antibody responses. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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We derive tropospheric column BrO during the ARCTAS and ARCPAC field campaigns in spring 2008 using retrievals of total column BrO from the satellite UV nadir sensors OMI and GOME-2 using a radiative transfer model and stratospheric column BrO from a photochemical simulation. We conduct a comprehensive comparison of satellite-derived tropospheric BrO column to aircraft in-situ observations of BrO and related species. The aircraft profiles reveal that tropospheric BrO, when present during April 2008, was distributed over a broad range of altitudes rather than being confined to the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Perturbations to the total column resulting from tropospheric BrO are the same magnitude as perturbations due to longitudinal variations in the stratospheric component, so proper accounting of the stratospheric signal is essential for accurate determination of satellite-derived tropospheric BrO. We find reasonably good agreement between satellite-derived tropospheric BrO and columns found using aircraft in-situ BrO profiles, particularly when satellite radiances were obtained over bright surfaces (albedo >0.7), for solar zenith angle <80° and clear sky conditions. The rapid activation of BrO due to surface processes (the bromine explosion) is apparent in both the OMI and GOME-2 based tropospheric columns. The wide orbital swath of OMI allows examination of the evolution of tropospheric BrO on about hourly time intervals near the pole. Low surface pressure, strong wind, and high PBL height are associated with an observed BrO activation event, supporting the notion of bromine activation by high winds over snow.


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A simple method for efficient inversion of arbitrary radiative transfer models for image analysis is presented. The method operates by representing the shape of the function that maps model parameters to spectral reflectance by an adaptive look-up tree (ALUT) that evenly distributes the discretization error of tabulated reflectances in spectral space. A post-processing step organizes the data into a binary space partitioning tree that facilitates an efficient inversion search algorithm. In an example shallow water remote sensing application, the method performs faster than an implementation of previously published methodology and has the same accuracy in bathymetric retrievals. The method has no user configuration parameters requiring expert knowledge and minimizes the number of forward model runs required, making it highly suitable for routine operational implementation of image analysis methods. For the research community, straightforward and robust inversion allows research to focus on improving the radiative transfer models themselves without the added complication of devising an inversion strategy.