976 resultados para McNeil, Legs: Please kill me
This paper seeks to use the increasingly influential citation and impact data to explore the contours of the social and environmental accounting (SEA) literature. Our ambitions are fourfold. First, we offer a more nuanced understanding of the journals in which we tend to publish SEA research. Second, we tease out what might plausibly be thought to be one indication of the ‘most influential’ SEA papers. Third, we offer a substantive cautionary note about the dangers of the careless use of citations as singular measures of ‘quality’ or ‘importance’, etc. Finally, we place the growing SEA literature in a wider context which both flatters and challenges the community that SEAJ seeks to serve.
Magnetic clouds (MCs) are a subset of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) characterised primarily by a smooth rotation in the magnetic field direction indicative of the presence of a magnetic flux rope. Energetic particle signatures suggest MC flux ropes remain magnetically connected to the Sun at both ends, leading to widely used model of global MC structure as an extended flux rope, with a loop-like axis stretching out from the Sun into the heliosphere and back to the Sun. The time of flight of energetic particles, however, suggests shorter magnetic field line lengths than such a continuous twisted flux rope would produce. In this study, two simple models are compared with observed flux rope axis orientations of 196 MCs to show that the flux rope structure is confined to the MC leading edge. The magnetic cloud “legs,” which magnetically connect the flux rope to the Sun, are not recognisable as MCs and thus are unlikely to contain twisted flux rope fields. Spacecraft encounters with these non-flux rope legs may provide an explanation for the frequent observation of non-magnetic cloud ICMEs.
The evolution of sexually dimorphic traits has been the focus of much theoretical work, but empirical approaches to this topic have not been equally prolific. Males of the neotropical family Gonyleptidae usually present a strong fourth pair of legs armed with spines, but their functional significance is unknown. We investigated the putative functions of the leg armature in the harvestman Neosadocus maximus. Being a non-visual species. the spines on male legs can only be perceived by females through physical contact. Thus, we could expect females to touch the armature on the legs of their mates if they were to evaluate it. However, we found no support for this hypothesis. We did show that (1) leg armature is used as a weapon in contests between mates and (2) spines and associated sensilla are sexually dimorphic structures involved in ""nipping behavior"", during which a winner emerged in most fights. Finally, we demonstrate that five body structures directly involved in male-male fights show positive allometry in males. presenting slopes higher than 1, whereas the same structures show either no or negative allometry in the case of females. In conclusion, leg armature in male harvestmen is clearly used as a device in intrasexual contests. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur restless legs inverkar på individens sömn och livskvalitet. Syftet var även att granska vilka olika former av behandlingar som finns att tillgå vid restless legs. För att finna information om detta ämne har endast vetenskapliga artiklar använts. Datainsamlingen har skett via databaser, internet samt Högskolans bibliotek, och artiklar från år 1995 och framåt har valts ut. Inklusionskriterier för denna studie var att de valda artiklarna skulle vara internationella vetenskapliga artiklar i fulltext. De funna artiklarna granskades med avseende på vetenskaplig kvalitet och poängsattes utifrån för ändamålet avsedda granskningsmallar. Denna bedömning resulterade i 21 artiklar. Resultatet visade att restless legs patienter upplever sömnbristen som det största problemet. För flertalet individer som drabbas av restless legs försämrades livskvaliteten och patienterna drabbades vanligtvis av psykologiska och fysiologiska besvär. Det vanligaste sättet att behandla restless legs var att använda dopaminerga läkemedel samt bensodiazepiner, antiepileptika och opioider. Andra former av behandlingar var järn, homeopatiska läkemedel, hypnos samt fysisk aktivitet. Det förekom även att restless legs patienter på eget initiativ använde hasch eftersom det ansågs lindra symtomen.
The present paper reports the presence of glandular structures in legs of some stingless bee species. The glands appear as: the epidermis transformation in a glandular epithelium as in basitarsus, an epithelial sac inside the segment as in the femur of queens or in the last tarsomere, as round glandular cells, scattered or forming groupments. The saculiform gland of femur is present only in queens, the other glands are present in males, queens and workers of the studied species, apparently without any type of polymorphism. This occurrence seems indicate that the function of these glands have not to do with the sociality or specific behavior of castes.
This paper presents some findings regarding the interaction between different computer interfaces and different types of collective work. We want to claim that design in online learning environments has a paramount role in the type of collaboration that happens among participants. In this paper, we report on data that illustrate how teachers can collaborate online in order to learn how to use geometry software in teaching activities. A virtual environment which allows that construction to be carried out collectively, even if the participants are not sharing a classroom, is the setting for the research presented in this paper.
The first pair of legs in males of some groups of diplopods is modified, having a large coxa and oral projecting prefemoral process; in the family Spirostreptidae (Spirostreptida) this structure has relevance on the genus level. This paper discusses the shape, presence, and absence of the prefemoral process in the genus Pseudonannolene (Pseudonannolenidae, Spirostreptida) and suggests that this structure is an important taxonomic character in this genus and can be used for distinguishing some species.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tissue composition and carcass muscularity of 32 legs of Ile de France lambs fed with diets containing sunflower seeds and vitamin E, with mean body weight of 15 kg, lodged in individual pens at 15 kg and slaughtered at 32 kg of body weight. The treatments influenced (P<0,05) leg weight, femur length and muscle: bone ratio, being the highest values (2,13 kg, 16,19 cm and 7,38, respectively) in lambs that received diet without sunflower seeds and vitamin E. The other variables were not affected (P>0,05) by the treatments. The interaction of the sunflower and vitamin E was positive for bone total weights and intramuscular fat.
Dosage and frequency of treatment schedules are important for successful chemotherapy. However, in this work we argue that cell-kill response and tumoral growth should not be seen as separate and therefore are essential in a mathematical cancer model. This paper presents a mathematical model for sequencing of cancer chemotherapy and surgery. Our purpose is to investigate treatments for large human tumours considering a suitable cell-kill dynamics. We use some biological and pharmacological data in a numerical approach, where drug administration occurs in cycles (periodic infusion) and surgery is performed instantaneously. Moreover, we also present an analysis of stability for a chemotherapeutic model with continuous drug administration. According to Norton & Simon [22], our results indicate that chemotherapy is less eficient in treating tumours that have reached a plateau level of growing and that a combination with surgical treatment can provide better outcomes.
Objetivo : Descrever um novo sinal clínico associado à síndrome de negligência unilateral (SNU) em pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCi). Método : Em 150 pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico, foram realizadas tomografias de crânio e aplicada a National Institute of Health Stroke Scale. Aqueles pacientes com lesões vasculares à direita, hemiplegia esquerda e perna direita persistentemente cruzada sobre a esquerda, foram submetidos a testes específicos para SNU. Trinta pacientes também com lesões vasculares à direita, hemiplegia esquerda, porém sem evidências de permanecerem com as pernas cruzadas, foram submetidos aos mesmos testes clínicos. Resultados : Entre 150 pacientes com AVCi, 9 apresentaram lesão vascular cerebral à direita, hemiplegia esquerda e tendência em permanecer com a perna direita cruzada sobre a esquerda. Em 8 deles, testes específicos realizados nos primeiros dias de internação, confirmaram SNU à esquerda. Um paciente morreu antes que os testes pudessem ser aplicados. Dos 30 pacientes que não cruzaram as pernas, os testes foram normais em 20. Dez pacientes apresentaram alterações mínimas, insuficientes para o diagnóstico de SNU. Conclusão : A perna direita cruzada sobre a esquerda pode representar um novo sinal semiológico associado à hemiplegia esquerda e SNU à esquerda.