884 resultados para Mauss, Marcel: A general theory of magic


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In general, the normal distribution is assumed for the surrogate of the true covariates in the classical error model. This paper considers a class of distributions, which includes the normal one, for the variables subject to error. An estimation approach yielding consistent estimators is developed and simulation studies reported.


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We investigated noble gas copper bonds in linear complexes represented by the NgCuX general formula in which Ng and X stand for a noble gas (neon, argon, krypton, or xenon) and a halogen (fluorine, chlorine or bromine), respectively, by coupled cluster methods and modified cc-pVQZ basis sets. The quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) shows a linear relation between the dissociation energy or noble gas-copper bonds and the amount of electronic charge transferred mainly from the noble gas to copper during complexation. Large changes in the QTAIM quadrupole moments of copper and noble gases resulting from this bonding and a comparison between NgCuX and NgNaCl systems indicate that these noble gas-copper bonds should be better interpreted as predominantly covalent. Finally, QTAIM atomic dipoles of noble gases in NgNaCl systems agree satisfactorily with atomic dipoles given by a simple model for these NgNa van der Waals bonds.


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Three dimensional exactly solvable quantum potentials for which an extra term of form 1/r(2) has been added are shown to maintain their functional form which allows the construction of the Hamiltonian hierarchy and the determination of the spectra of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions within the Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics formalism. For the specific cases of the harmonic oscillator and the Coulomb potentials, known as pseudo-harmonic oscillator and pseudo-Coulomb potentials, it is shown here that the inclusion of the new term corresponds to rescaling the angular momentum and it is responsible for maintaining their exact solvability.


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Higher-derivative gravity in 2 + 1 dimensions is considered. The general solution of the linearized field equations in a three-dimensional version of the Teyssandier gauge is obtained, and from that the solution for a static pointlike source is found. The deflection of light rays is also analysed. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The metal-insulator or metal-amorphous semiconductor blocking contact is still not well understood. Here, we discuss the steady state characteristics of a non-intimate metal-insulator Schottky barrier. We consider an exponential distribution (in energy) of impurity states in addition to impurity states at a single energy level within the depletion region. We present analytical expressions for the electrical potential, field, thickness of depletion region, capacitance, and charge accumulated in the depletion region. We also discuss ln I versus V(ap) data. Finally, we compare the characteristics in three cases: (i) impurity states at only a single energy level; (ii) uniform energy distribution of impurity states; and (iii) exponential energy distribution of impurity states.In general, the electrical characteristics of Schottky barriers and metal-insulator-metal structures with Schottky barriers depend strongly on the energy distribution of impurity states.


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We compute the semiclassical magnetization and susceptibility of non-interacting electrons, confined by a smooth two-dimensional potential and subjected to a uniform perpendicular magnetic field, in the general case when their classical motion is chaotic. It is demonstrated that the magnetization per particle m(B) is directly related to the staircase function N(E), which counts the single-particle levels up to energy E. Using Gutzwiller's trace formula for N, we derive a semiclassical expression for m. Our results show that the magnetization has a non-zero average, which arises from quantum corrections to the leading-order Weyl approximation to the mean staircase and which is independent of whether the classical motion is chaotic or not. Fluctuations about the average are due to classical periodic orbits and do represent a signature of chaos. This behaviour is confirmed by numerical computations for a specific system.


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The metal-insulator or metal-amorphous semiconductor blocking contact is still not well understood. Here, the intimate metal-insulator and metal-oxide-insulator contact are discussed. Further, the steady-state characteristics of metal-oxide-insulator-metal structures are also discussed. Oxide is an insulator with wider energy band gap (about 50 Å thick). A uniform energetic distribution of impurities is considered in addition to impurities at a single energy level inside the surface charge region at the oxide-insulator interface. Analytical expressions are presented for electrical potential, field, thickness of the depletion region, capacitance, and charge accumulated in the surface charge region. The electrical characteristics are compared with reference to relative densities of two types of impurities. ln I is proportional to the square root of applied potential if energetically distributed impurities are relatively important. However, distribution of the electrical potential is quite complicated. In general energetically distributed impurities can considerably change the electrical characteristics of these structures.


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The theory of vibronic transitions in rare earth compounds is re-examined in the light of a more reliable representation for the ligand field Hamiltonian than the crude electrostatic model. General expressions that take into account the relevant contributions from the forced electric dipole and dynamic coupling mechanisms are derived for the vibronic intensity parameters. These include additional terms, from charge and polarizability gradients, which have not been considered in previous work. Emphasis is given to the relative signs of these various contributions. Under certain approximations these expressions may be conveniently written in terms of accessible ligand field parameters. A comparison with experimental values for the compounds Cs2NaEuCl6 and LiEuF4 is made and satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment is found. A discussion is given on the sensitivity of the calculated intensities to the values of radial integrals, interconfigurational energy differences and ligand field parameters that may be used. Finally, the problem in which a vibronic and an electronic level are in resonance, or near resonance, is analyzed. Suitable expressions to describe the effects of the even-rank components of the vibronic Hamiltonian are obtained. It is found that, depending on the strength of the vibronic interaction and the resonance conditions, the admixture between these two levels may lead to intensities of nearly equal values. © 1995.


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This work deals with the theory of Relativity and its diffusion in Italy in the first decades of the XX century. Not many scientists belonging to Italian universities were active in understanding Relativity, but two of them, Max Abraham and Tullio Levi-Civita left a deep mark. Max Abraham engaged a substantial debate against Einstein between 1912 and 1914 about electromagnetic and gravitation aspects of the theories. Levi-Civita played a fundamental role in giving Einstein the correct mathematical instruments for the General Relativity formulation since 1915. This work, which doesn't have the aim of a mere historical chronicle of the events, wants to highlight two particular perspectives: on one hand, the importance of Abraham-Einstein debate in order to clarify the basis of Special Relativity, to observe the rigorous logical structure resulting from a fragmentary reasoning sequence and to understand Einstein's thinking; on the other hand, the originality of Levi-Civita's approach, quite different from the Einstein's one, characterized by the introduction of a method typical of General Relativity even to Special Relativity and the attempt to hide the two Einstein Special Relativity postulates.


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This dissertation mimics the Turkish college admission procedure. It started with the purpose to reduce the inefficiencies in Turkish market. For this purpose, we propose a mechanism under a new market structure; as we prefer to call, semi-centralization. In chapter 1, we give a brief summary of Matching Theory. We present the first examples in Matching history with the most general papers and mechanisms. In chapter 2, we propose our mechanism. In real life application, that is in Turkish university placements, the mechanism reduces the inefficiencies of the current system. The success of the mechanism depends on the preference profile. It is easy to show that under complete information the mechanism implements the full set of stable matchings for a given profile. In chapter 3, we refine our basic mechanism. The modification on the mechanism has a crucial effect on the results. The new mechanism is, as we call, a middle mechanism. In one of the subdomain, this mechanism coincides with the original basic mechanism. But, in the other partition, it gives the same results with Gale and Shapley's algorithm. In chapter 4, we apply our basic mechanism to well known Roommate Problem. Since the roommate problem is in one-sided game patern, firstly we propose an auxiliary function to convert the game semi centralized two-sided game, because our basic mechanism is designed for this framework. We show that this process is succesful in finding a stable matching in the existence of stability. We also show that our mechanism easily and simply tells us if a profile lacks of stability by using purified orderings. Finally, we show a method to find all the stable matching in the existence of multi stability. The method is simply to run the mechanism for all of the top agents in the social preference.


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This article seeks to contribute to the illumination of the so-called 'paradox of voting' using the German Bundestag elections of 1998 as an empirical case. Downs' model of voter participation will be extended to include elements of the theory of subjective expected utility (SEU). This will allow a theoretical and empirical exploration of the crucial mechanisms of individual voters' decisions to participate, or abstain from voting, in the German general election of 1998. It will be argued that the infinitely low probability of an individual citizen's vote to decide the election outcome will not necessarily reduce the probability of electoral participation. The empirical analysis is largely based on data from the ALLBUS 1998. It confirms the predictions derived from SEU theory. The voters' expected benefits and their subjective expectation to be able to influence government policy by voting are the crucial mechanisms to explain participation. By contrast, the explanatory contribution of perceived information and opportunity costs is low.


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Barry Saltzman was a giant in the fields of meteorology and climate science. A leading figure in the study of weather and climate for over 40 yr, he has frequently been referred to as the "father of modern climate theory." Ahead of his time in many ways, Saltzman made significant contributions to our understanding of the general circulation and spectral energetics budget of the atmosphere, as well as climate change across a wide spectrum of time scales. In his endeavor to develop a unified theory of how the climate system works, lie played a role in the development of energy balance models, statistical dynamical models, and paleoclimate dynamical models. He was a pioneer in developing meteorologically motivated dynamical systems, including the progenitor of Lorenz's famous chaos model. In applying his own dynamical-systems approach to long-term climate change, he recognized the potential for using atmospheric general circulation models in a complimentary way. In 1998, he was awarded the Carl-Gustaf Rossby medal, the highest honor of the American Meteorological Society "for his life-long contributions to the study of the global circulation and the evolution of the earth's climate." In this paper, the authors summarize and place into perspective some of the most significant contributions that Barry Saltzman made during his long and distinguished career. This short review also serves as an introduction to the papers in this special issue of the Journal of Climate dedicated to Barry's memory.


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The entrepreneurial theory of the firm argues that entrepreneurship, properly understood, is a crucial but neglected element in explaining the nature and boundaries of the firm. By contrast, the theory of the entrepreneurial firm presumably seeks not to understand the nature and boundaries of "the firm" in general but rather to understand a particular type of firm: one that is entrepreneurial. This paper is an attempt to reconcile the two. After briefly delving for the concept of entrepreneurship in the work of Schumpeter, Kirzner, and (especially) Knight, the paper makes the case for the entrepreneurial theory of the firm. In such a theory, the firm exists as the solution to a coordination problem in a world of change and uncertainty, including Knightian or structural uncertainty. Taking a historical or developmental perspective, the paper then examines the changing nature of the entrepreneurial coordination problem over the life-cycle. In this formulation, "the entrepreneurial firm" is a nascent firm or proto-firm facing a problem of coordinating systemic change in economic capabilities. Lacking (by definition) adequate guidance from existing systems of rules of conduct embedded in markets or organizations, the entrepreneurial firm typically relies on a form of organization Max Weber called charismatic authority. In the end, although there is no such thing as a non-entrepreneurial firm, firms that must solve coordination problems in a world of novelty and systemic change ("entrepreneurial firms") are perhaps the purest case of the entrepreneurial theory of the firm.


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Uncertainty has been found to be a major component of the cancer experience and can dramatically affect psychosocial adaptation and outcomes of a patient's disease state (McCormick, 2002). Patients with a diagnosis of Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (CUP) may experience higher levels of uncertainty due to the unpredictability of current and future symptoms, limited treatment options and an undetermined life expectancy. To date, only one study has touched upon uncertainty and its' effects on those with CUP but no information exists concerning the effects of uncertainty regarding diagnosis and treatment on the distress level and psychosocial adjustment of this population (Parker & Lenzi, 2003). ^ Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Theory (1984) proposes that uncertainty is preceded by three variables, one of which being Structure Providers. Structure Providers include credible authority, the degree of trust and confidence the patient has with their doctor, education and social support. It was the goal of this study to examine the relationship between uncertainty and Structure Providers to support the following hypotheses: (1) There will be a negative association between credible authority and uncertainty, (2) There will be a negative association between education level and uncertainty, and (3) There will be a negative association between social support and uncertainty. ^ This cross-sectional analysis utilized data from 219 patients following their initial consultation with their oncologist. Data included the Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale (MUIS) which was used to determine patients' uncertainty levels, the Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Scale (MOSS-SSS) to assess patients, levels of social support, the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ-18) and the Cancer Diagnostic Interview Scale (CDIS) to measure credible authority and general demographic information to assess age, education, marital status and ethnicity. ^ In this study we found that uncertainty levels were generally higher in this sample as compared to other types of cancer populations. And while our results seemed to support most of our hypothesis, we were only able to show significant associations between two. The analyses indicated that credible authority measured by both the CDIS and the PSQ was a significant predictor of uncertainty as was social support measured by the MOSS-SS. Education has shown to have an inconsistent pattern of effect in relation to uncertainty and in the current study there was not enough data to significantly support our hypothesis. ^ The results of this study generally support Mishel's Theory of Uncertainty in Illness and highlight the importance of taking into consideration patients, psychosocial factors as well as employing proper communication practices between physicians and their patients.^