367 resultados para Marsupialia, Dasyuridae, dasyurid, carnivorous marsupial


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Vertebrados com períodos gestacionais curtos, os marsupiais tendem a ter proles pequenas e dependentes. O período gestacional dos gambás varia de 14-15dias e os filhotes terminam o seu desenvolvimento no marsúpio e este período é considerado como uma gestação externa por alguns autores. A glândula mamária localiza-se internamente ao marsúpio. A cadeia mamária de cada fêmea era composta por 11 papilas mamárias e aquelas papilas que se encontravam conectadas aos filhotes exibiam um comprimento maior em relação às outras. Histologicamente, a glândula mamária dos gambás assemelha-se às dos mamíferos domésticos, exceto pela ausência do músculo esfíncter papilar no teto.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Previous studies showed that livers from carnivorous birds have a higher gluconeogenic capacity and higher levels of gluconeogenic enzymes than livers from granivorous birds. In this work we compare the effects of fasting and adrenalectomy on gluconeogenesis. Fasting in the chicken elicited increased rates of incorporation of 14C from alanine into blood glucose, increased gluconeogenesis in liver slices, and increased activities of four gluconeogenic enzymes: glucose-6-phosphatase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, alanine aminotransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase. These responses in the chicken resemble those observed in fasted rodents. In marked contrast, fasting in black vultures induced decreased rates of incorporation of alanine label into circulating glucose, decreased gluconeogenesis in liver slices, and no change in any of the four enzymes studied. This unusual response to fasting in the carnivorous bird is probably related to the high-protein-low-carbohydrate content of the diet. Fasted adrenalectomized birds (granivorous and carnivorous) had reduced rates of in vivo glucose synthesis, decreased liver gluconeogenesis, and lower activity of glucose-6-phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase, without change in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and alanine aminotransferase activities.


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Chromosomes of Didelphis albiventris, D. marsupialis, Philander opossum and Lutreolina crassicaudata, four species of marsupials with very similar karyotypes and 2n=22 were studied. All the chromosomes were acrocentrics except the X in L. crassicaudata, which is a metacentric. The G-band patterns of these species are similar but the distribution of constitutive heterochromatin differs among them as shown by C-banding. The hypothesis that the X in L. crassicaudata might be an isochromosome derived from the acrocentric X in the other species is discarded since G-and C-banding patterns differ in the two arms. In D. marsupialis the Ag-NORs are terminal and located in both arms of one pair and in the long arms of two pairs of medium-sized autosomes. In P. opossum the NOR-bearing chromosomes could be precisely identified through simultaneous silver staining and G-banding. The Ag-NORs are terminal and located at the short arm of pair 5 and the long arm of pair 7. © 1982 Dr W. Junk Publishers.


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Morphological and ultrastructural features of the paracloacal glands of Metachirus nudicaudatus are described. Two pairs of glands, one on the right and the other on the left of the anal canal, are formed, each consisting of a major and a minor portion. Their wall is made up of three layers: a mucosal, a muscular and an external capsule. The inner one is a mucosa the epithelium of which contains holocrine cells characterized by lipid droplets and intermediate filaments. The surrounding vascular lamina propria contains flattened tubular apocrine glands whose epithelial cells contain abundant endoplasmic reticulum, prominent Golgi complexes and numerous secretory granules. The middle layer is formed by skeletal striated muscle and the outer (third layer) consists of dense connective tissue. Each gland originates from a single duct. Transverse sections show that each duct, except in the female major gland, is in fact formed by a duct system. One of these ducts comes from the central cavity, lined by holocrine epithelium, and the others result from the branched tubular glands of the lamina propria.


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Background: The delay in development of artificial reproduction techniques on carnivorous could be due to countless reasons, but the lack of commercial interest is probably the most important one. The majority of canines are small structures, canidae are extremely fertile and a great number of species are adapted to domestication or captivity. Finally, the canine gamete physiology presents a difficult adaptation of technology knowledge obtained from other species. Furthermore, domestic felines are animals of company and there is no interest in reproducing them in a large scale, as it has been observed in other domestic animals, however, besides of being a valuable model for the development of in vitro techniques, the domestic cat is also used as an embryo receptor for different species of small wild felines due to physiological similarities among them, in vitro embrionary development, Review: It was reviewed the main insights about the reproductive physiology in female dogs, in vitro oocytary maturation (IVM), pregnancy and conception rate with dogs' frozen/unfrozen semen and PIV in domestic cats. The majority of mammal oocytes restart meiosis spontaneously after ovulation and reaches MII in artificial environment; in an in vitro maturation system in bovines, around 90% of oocytes complete their maturation, although its development capacity can be reduced subsequently. The success of IVM in canidae have been limited, with maturation rate varying from 0 to 58%, usually around 20%. The greatest difficulties include oocyte quality, hormonal environment, protein supplementation, cumulus / oocyte cell interaction, donor breed and age, culture systems, oxygen tension, amino acids, growth factor and sequential means. The freezing process reduces the quality of the semen, firstly because it reduces the number of living sperms and secondly because freezing produces cell modifications that could alter the sperm motility, longevity, integrity of membranes and its fertilizing capacity. Conclusion: Nowadays, several researches are being performed with the aim of increasing viability after dogs' and cats' semen is unfrozen, using extenders, cryoprotectors, freezing and unfreezing curves, addition of antioxidant substances. The aim of this text is to inform about the improvements obtained on the artificial reproduction techniques, emphasizing the oocytary maturation in female dogs, semen cryopreservation and artificial insemination in domestic dogs and cats.


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O Brasil possui a maior biodiversidade do planeta, apresentando ecossistemas importantes como a Floresta Amazônica, Mata Atlântica, Cerrado, Pantanal e a Caatinga. A Região Amazônica por suas características geográficas e sócio-econômicas, propicia a ocorrência de várias doenças infecciosas e parasitárias emergentes e re-emergentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar estudo taxonômico dos helmintos encontrados no sistema digestivo de marsupiais da espécie Philander opossum, oriundos da Floresta Nacional de Tapirapé-Aquiri – Serra dos Carajás. Este animal silvestre da ordem Didelphimorfia e Família Didelphidae apresenta hábitos noturnos, alimenta-se de frutos pequenos; importante para dispersão das sementes e é comum em ambientes urbanos. O P. opossum é um reservatório silvestre de protozoários (Trypanosoma cruzi e Nuttallia brasiliensis) e vários helmintos. Análises preliminares do intestino deste hospedeiro, mostraram numerosos nematódeos, que foram analisados por microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura para identificação de espécies. A colheita dos nematódeos foi realizada em PBS (Phosphate Buffer Saline) e os parasitos foram transferidos para solução fixadora de AFA (Álcool 70%, Formol P.A. e Ácido acético P.A.), posteriormente estes helmintos foram processados por desidratação em série etanólica crescente, clarificação com Lactofenol de Aman, montagem entre lâmina e lamínula. Realização de análises, desenhos e fotografias foram feitas no microscópio Olympus BX 41 com câmara clara e também processados para microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Os resultados indicaram a presença de parasitos do filo nematoda de intestino grosso de P. opossum de Carajás-PA, pertencentes às famílias Kathlaniidae e Aspidoderidae, sendo que pelos dados morfológicos estes parasitos são espécies novas dos gêneros Cruzia e Aspidodera, respectivamente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The surface of the digestive tract of Hemisorubim platyrhynchos was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Morphometric studies by transmission electron microscopy were performed to analysis the intestinal microvilli. H. platyrhynchos is a Neotropical carnivorous freshwater catfish featuring a short digestive tract composed of a short esophagus, saccular stomach, and intestine with four regions: anterior, middle, posterior, and rectal. The esophageal surface is constituted by fingerprint-like microridges that anchor the mucosubstances secreted by goblet cells facilitating the passage of food. Goblet cells present the opening to the esophageal lumen, between the microridges. Club cells are in basal epithelium and they do not present the opening to the lumen. The gastric luminal surface shows polygon-shaped epithelial cells which secrete granules by exocytose to protect the gastric surface. The intestinal luminal surface reveals folds that are thicker in the anterior intestine than in the posterior intestine, increasing the absorptive surface area. The intestinal surface presents the microvilli of enterocytes and the opening of goblet cells. The morphometric analysis showed that the microvilli are longer in the anterior intestine, significantly decreasing towards the posterior intestine. The microvilli surface area significantly is greater in the anterior and middle intestine than in the posterior intestine. Numerous openings of goblet cells were observed in the posterior intestine acting in epithelial protection and lubrication. SCANNING 9999:1-8, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Two new species of Gastrotheca are described from northeastern Minas Gerais and southern Bahia, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Data on morphology, calls, mitochondrial, and nuclear DNA are provided. Allied to G. fissipes and G. megacephala, the new taxa provide evidence for a higher diversity of species of Gastrotheca than previously thought at the Atlantic Forest. The data also suggest that G. pulchra, another Atlantic Forest taxon, is more closely related to non-Atlantic Forest species than to the remaining analyzed Brazilian Gastrotheca species. This implies that the Gastrotheca at the Brazilian coastal forests have at least two independent origins.