912 resultados para Maria Cristina of Habsburg


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Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) was used to monitor the mass changes on a quartz crystal surface containing immobilized lectins that interacted with carbohydrates. The strategy for lectin immobilization was developed on the basis of a multilayer system composed of Au-cystamine-glutaraldehyde-lectin. Each step of the immobilization procedure was confirmed by FTIR analysis. The system was used to study the interactions of Concanavalin A (ConA) with maltose and Jacalin with Fetuin. The real-time binding of different concentrations of carbohydrate to the immobilized lectin was monitored by means of QCM measurements and the data obtained allowed for the construction of Langmuir isotherm curves. The association constants determined for the specific interactions analyzed here were (6.4 +/- 0.2) X 10(4) M-1 for Jacalin-Fetuin and (4.5 +/- 0.1) x 10(2) M-1 for ConA-maltose. These results indicate that the QCM constitutes a suitable method for the analysis of lectin-carbohydrate interactions, even when assaying low molecular mass ligands such as disaccharides. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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O ensaio experimental objetivou avaliação do efeito de diferentes níveis de cálcio (Ca) nas rações de pré-postura e postura sobre o desempenho e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais. Foram alojadas 256 frangas da linhagem Hisex Brown com 16 semanas de idade em galpão convencional de postura. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 x 2 (4 níveis de cálcio - 0,8; 1,3; 1,8 e 2,3% na pré-postura e 2 níveis de cálcio - 2,5 e 3,5% na postura), totalizando oito tratamentos com quatro repetições de oito aves por unidade experimental. Iniciou-se com a ração de pré-postura às 16 semanas de idade das aves, sendo que a mesma foi fornecida até as aves atingiram 18 semanas de idade, quando então, iniciou-se com a ração de postura. Foram avaliadas durante quatro ciclos de 28 dias as seguintes variáveis: produção e peso dos ovos, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, massa de ovos e qualidade da casca dos ovos. Através dos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que um bom desempenho foi obtido com 0,8% de cálcio na fase de pré-postura. Na fase de postura o nível de 3,5% de cálcio promoveu maior peso de ovo e melhor qualidade de casca.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar, pela técnica de PCR quantitativo em tempo real (RT-qPCR) genes para serem utilizados como referência em estudos de expressão gênica em soja, em ensaios de estresse hídrico. Foram avaliados quatro genes comumente utilizados em soja: Gmβ-actin, GmGAPDH, GmLectin e GmRNAr18S. O RNA total foi extraído de seis amostras: três amostras de raízes em sistema de hidroponia com diferentes intensidades de déficit hídrico (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100 minutos de estresse hídrico), e três amostras de folhas de plantas cultivadas em areia com diferentes umidades do solo (15, 5 e 2,5% de umidade gravimétrica). Os dados brutos do intervalo cycle threshold (Ct) foram analisados, e a eficiência de cada iniciador foi calculada para uma analise da Ct entre as diferentes amostras. A aplicação do programa GeNorm foi utilizada para a avaliação dos melhores genes de referência, de acordo com a estabilidade. O GmGAPDH foi o gene menos estável, com o maior valor médio de estabilidade de expressão (M), e os genes mais estáveis, com menor valor de M, foram o Gmβ-actin e GmRNAr18S, tanto nas amostras de raízes como nas de folhas. Estes genes podem ser usados em RT-qPCR como gens de referência para análises de expressão gênica.


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Agressões de morcegos a pessoas vêm sendo notificadas em várias comunidades amazônicas nesta última década. Isto constitui um risco potencial para a raiva humana transmitida por morcegos. O objetivo deste estudo foi de analisar fatores associados a estas agressões em uma destas comunidades. Foi realizado um estudo transversal em um povoado de garimpeiros na Região Amazônica brasileira (160 habitantes). Foi realizada a captura de morcegos junto às casas e foram enviadas amostras para o laboratório. Das 129 pessoas entrevistas, 41% foram agredidas por morcegos pelo menos uma vez, com 92% das mordidas localizadas nos dedos dos pés. Por meio de regressão logística, encontrou-se que adultos eram agredidos ao redor de quatro vezes mais do que crianças (OR = 3,75, IC: 1,46-9,62, p = 0,036). Homens foram agredidos com maior freqüência do que mulheres (OR = 2,08, IC: 0,90-4,76, p = 0,067). Nove Desmodus rotundus e três morcegos frugívoros foram capturados e resultaram negativos para a raiva. O estudo sugere que, em áreas de garimpo, adultos do sexo masculino têm maior probabilidade de serem agredidos por morcegos. As ações de controle para a raiva humana a serem desenvolvidas nestes lugares devem dar ênfase especial a adultos homens. Recomendam-se mais investigações sobre o modo como o garimpo na Região Amazônica está colocando em risco as pessoas e o ambiente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study was designed to determine the exercise intensity equivalent to the metabolic aerobic/anaerobic transition of alloxan diabetic rats, through lactate minimum test (LMT), and to evaluate the effects of swimming exercise at this intensity (LM) on the glucose and protein metabolism of these animals. Adult male Wistar rats received alloxan (SD, alloxan-injected rats that remained sedentary) intravenously (30 mg kg(-1) body weight) for diabetes induction. As controls (SC, vehicle-injected rats that remained sedentary), vehicle-injected rats were utilized. Two weeks later, the animals were submitted to oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) and LMT. After the tests, some of the animals were submitted to swimming exercise training [TC (vehicle-injected rats that performed a 6-week exercise program) and TD (alloxan-injected rats that performed a 6-week exercise program)] for I h day(-1), 5 days week(-1), with an overload equivalent to LM determined by LMT, for 6 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the animals were submitted to a second LMT and oGTT, and blood and skeletal muscle assessments (protein synthesis and degradation in the isolated soleus muscle) were made. The overload equivalent to LM at the beginning of the experiment was lower in the SID group than in the SC group. After training, the overload equivalent to LM was higher in the TC and TD groups than in the SC and SD groups. The blood glucose of TD rats during oGTT was lower than that of SD rats. Protein degradation was higher in the SD group than in other groups. We conclude that LMT was sensitive to metabolic and physiologic alterations caused by uncontrolled diabetes. Training at LM intensity improved aerobic condition and the glucose and protein metabolism of alloxan diabetic rats. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effect of three commercial mouthwashes on the corrosion resistance of Ti-10Mo experimental alloy. Experiments were made at 37.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C in a conventional three-compartment double wall glass cell containing commercial mouthwashes. Three mouthwashes with different active ingredients were tested: ( I) 0.05% sodium fluoride + 0.03% triclosan; (II) 0.5 g/l cetylpyridinium chloride + 0.05% sodium fluoride; (III) 0.12% chlorohexidine digluconate. The assessment of the individual effect of active ingredients was studied by using 0.05% sodium fluoride. Commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) was used as control. Microstructures from Ti-10Mo experimental alloy and CP Ti were also evaluated using optical microscopy. Ti-10Mo as-cast alloy shows the typical rapidly cooled dendrites microstructure (beta phase) while CP Ti has exhibited a metastable martensitic microstructure. Electrochemical behavior of dental materials here studied was more affected by mouthwash type than by Ti alloy composition or microstructure. In both alloys passivation phenomenon was observed. This process may be mainly related to Ti oxides or other Ti species present in spontaneously formed film. Small differences in passive current densities values may be connected with changes in film porosity and thickness. Protective characteristics of this passive film are lower in 0.05% sodium fluoride + 0.03% triclosan mouthwash than in the other two mouthwashes tested.


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Short-term cold exposure of homeothermic animals leads to higher thermogenesis and food consumption accompanied by weight loss. An analysis of cDNA-macroarray was employed to identify candidate mRNA species that encode proteins involved in thermogenic adaptation to cold. A cDNA-macroarray analysis, confirmed by RT-PCR, immunoblot, and RIA, revealed that the hypothalamic expression of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is enhanced by exposure of rats to cold environment. The blockade of hypothalamic MCH expression by antisense MCH oligonucleotide in cold-exposed rats promoted no changes in feeding behavior and body temperature. However, MCH blockade led to a significant drop in body weight, which was accompanied by decreased liver glycogen, increased relative body fat, increased absolute and relative interscapular brown adipose tissue mass, increased uncoupling protein 1 expression in brown adipose tissue, and increased consumption of lean body mass. Thus, increased hypothalamic MCH expression in rats exposed to cold may participate in the process that allows for efficient use of energy for heat production during thermogenic adaptation to cold.


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This study was carried out to determine apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of DM, CP, GE, and their respective digestible content of degermed dehulled corn (Zea mays), citrus pulp, and soy (Glycine max) protein concentrate by pigs using the difference method. Thirty-two barrows (28.1 +/- 1.6 kg of BW) were fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet or 1 of 3 diets formulated by replacing 30% of the basal diet with 30% of 1 of the test feedstuffs for 11 d. Chromic oxide (0.3%) was included in the diets. Feces were collected from days 7 to 11 by grab sampling and ileal digesta were collected after pigs were slaughtered on day 12. The AID of DM and AID and ATTD of GE of degermed corn (77.4, 88.7, and 77.7%) were greater (P < 0.05) than those observed in citrus pulp (50.3, 86.5, and 55.8%) and in soy protein concentrate (63.5, 85.1, and 59.4%), which did not differ (P > 0.05). The ATTD of CP, total digestible CP, and total DE of soy protein concentrate (87.5%, 500 g/kg, and 3739 kcal/kg) were higher (P < 0.05) than the values in degermed corn (81.7%, 57.5 g/kg, and 3330 kcal/kg), which were greater (P < 0.05) than those in citrus pulp (60.5%, 39.5 g/kg, and 3223 kcal/kg). Total and ileal digestible DM, AID of CP, and ileal DE of degermed corn (782 g/kg, 673 g/kg, 70.7%, and 2913 kcal/kg) and soy protein concentrate (778 g/kg, 570 g/kg, 78.7%, and 2878 kcal/kg) were similar (P > 0.05) and greater (P < 0.05) than those in citrus pulp (737 g/kg, 436 g/kg, 50.6%, and 2081 kcal/kg). Ileal digestible CP of degermed corn (49.8 g/kg) and citrus pulp (33.0 g/kg) did not differ (P > 0.05) but were smaller (P < 0.05) than the value found in soy protein concentrate (434 g/kg). The DM and energy from degermed corn are more efficiently digested by the pig than those from soy protein concentrate and citrus pulp. Soy protein concentrate was the best protein source evaluated in this study.


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The interference of a blood clot in the first postoperative hours of dental extraction wounds was studied in rats. Sixty male albino rats were divided into two groups: Group I, immediately after extraction of right maxillary incisor the gingival mucosa was approximated and sutured; Group II, after 6 to 8 minutes postoperatively the blood clot was removed with saline irrigation and absorbent paper cones. The mucosa was then approximated and sutured. Six animals in each group were sacrificed after 12 hours, 1, 4, 7 and 10 days. There was a profound delay in healing in Group II since, although a new blood clot was later formed, it was not organized. The quality and the constitution, maintenance and retraction of the clot are the regulating factors in connective tissue formation during alveolar healing.


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The effects of Tissucol and Tissucol/EACA on bone healing were evaluated histologically. Experimental defects were made in both tibias of 25 rats. Test materials were placed in defects in right tibias and left tibias served as control. Five animals in each group were killed at 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after surgery. Results showed that: a) Tissucol did not interfere with connective and osseous tissue formation; b) Tissucol allowed new bone formation; c) Tissue residues in Tissucol groups in sections of 21-day specimens did not impair healing; d) Tissucol/EACA was usually completely resorbed and healing was complete 21 days after surgery in the Tissucol/EACA group.


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A network was established to acquire basic knowledge of Cryptococcus neoformans in IberoAmerican countries. To this effect, 340 clinical, veterinary, and environmental isolates from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala, and Spain were typed by using M13 polymerase chain reaction-fingerprinting and orotidine monophosphate pyrophosphorylase (URA5) gene restriction fragment length polymorphsm analysis with Hhal and Sau961 in a double digest. Both techniques grouped all isolates into eight previously established molecular types. The majority of the isolates, 68.2% (n=232), were VNI (var. grubii, serotype A), which accords with the fact that this variety causes most human cryptococcal infections worldwide. A smaller proportion, 5.6% (n=19), were VNII (var. grubii, serotype A); 4.1% (n=14), VNIII (AD hybrid), with 9 isolates having a polymorphism in the URA5 gene; 1.8% (n=6), VNIV (var. neoformans, serotype D); 3.5% (n=12), VGI; 6.2% (n=21), VGII; 9.1% (n=31), VGIII, and 1.5% (n=5) VGIV, with all four VG types containing var. gattii serotypes B and C isolates.


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Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter region of the human interleukin (IL)-2 (T-330G) and IL-6 (G-174C) genes have modified the transcriptional activity of these cytokines and are associated with several diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between these single nucleotide polymorphisms and early implant failure. A sample of 74 nonsmokers was divided into 2 groups: test group comprising 34 patients (mean age 49.3 years) with ĝ‰¥1 implants that failed and control group consisting of 40 patients (mean age 43.8 years) with ĝ‰¥1 healthy implants. Genomic deoxyribonucleic acid from oral mucosa was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Monte Carlo simulations (P < 0.05) were used to assess differences in allele and genotypes frequencies of the single nucleotide polymorphisms between the 2 groups. No significant differences were observed in the allele and genotypes distribution of both polymorphisms when the 2 groups were compared. The results indicate that polymorphisms in the IL-2 (T-330G) and IL-6 (G-174C) genes are not associated with early implant failure, suggesting that the presence of those single nucleotide polymorphisms does not constitute a genetic risk factor for implant loss in the studied population. Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.