900 resultados para Malocclusion, Angle Class II
Patients with Class II division 2 malocclusion and mandibular retrusion have limited treatment options after the growth peak, such as surgical-orthodontic treatment or mandibular advancement devices. Among bite-jumping devices, the Herbst appliance allows greater increase of mandibular growth since it does not require patient compliance and allows continuous use. This case report presents the treatment of a Class II division 2 malocclusion in a patient after growth peak, performed in two stages. The first stage included the upper incisors proclination and overjet increase with multibracket appliance to benefit next stage. The second stage involved mandibular advancement using Herbst appliance aiming to correct the Class II molar relationship. The treatment resulted in a stable occlusion with periodontal health, normal functions and facial aesthetics improvement. Dental and skeletal changes arising from treatment could be assessed by cephalometric analysis and superimposition of pretreatment and post-treatment cephalometric tracings. Antero-posterior discrepancy was corrected by means of dental movement as well as by mandibular growth increment stimulated by the Herbst appliance.
This article describes the multidisciplinary treatment of an adult patient presenting with Angle Class III malocclusion, alteration of the mandibular position, vertical alveolar bone loss and absence of teeth in the lower posterior region. With advancing age the existence of occlusal interference due to loss of teeth or tooth structure is very common, resulting in periodontal problems due to occlusal trauma. The options for treatment of Class III malocclusion in adolescent and adult patients include compensatory orthodontic treatment in mild to moderate cases and orthognathic surgery for moderate to severe cases. The combination of various dental specialties enabled improvement in the social circumstances of the patient. This can be observed objectively by the final dental relationship and by the skeletal and tegumentary cephalometric comparison between the situation at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. The compensatory treatment performed permitted the successful correction of a Class III malocclusion in the clinical case presented.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the long-term effects of asymmetrical maxillary first molar (M1) extraction in Class II subdivision treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS Records of 20 Class II subdivision whites (7 boys, 13 girls; mean age, 13.0 years; SD, 1.7 years) consecutively treated with the Begg technique and M1 extraction, and 15 untreated asymmetrical Class II adolescents (4 boys, 11 girls; mean age, 12.2 years; SD, 1.3 years) were examined in this study. Cephalometric analysis and PAR assessment were carried out before treatment (T1), after treatment (T2), and on average 2.5 years posttreatment (T3) for the treatment group, and at similar time points and average follow-up of 1.8 years for the controls. RESULTS The adjusted analysis indicated that the maxillary incisors were 2.3 mm more retracted in relation to A-Pog between T1 and T3 (β = 2.31; 95% CI; 0.76, 3.87), whereas the mandibular incisors were 1.3 mm more protracted (β = 1.34; 95% CI; 0.09, 2.59), and 5.9° more proclined to the mandibular plane (β = 5.92; 95% CI; 1.43, 10.41) compared with controls. The lower lip appeared 1.4 mm more protrusive relative to the subnasale-soft tissue-Pog line throughout the observation period in the treated adolescents (β = 1.43; 95% CI; 0.18, 2.67). There was a significant PAR score reduction over the entire follow-up period in the molar extraction group (β = -6.73; 95% CI; -10.7, -2.7). At T2, 65% of the subjects had maxillary midlines perfectly aligned with the face. CONCLUSIONS Unilateral M1 extraction in asymmetrical Class II cases may lead to favorable occlusal outcomes in the long term without harming the midline esthetics and soft tissue profile.
Realizou-se um estudo comparativo do número de pontos de contato oclusais na posição de máxima intercuspidação habitual em uma amostra composta por 14 pacientes leucodermas, sendo 9 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, com máoclusão de Classe II, divisão 1a de Angle, tratados ortodonticamente pela técnica de Edgewise, com extrações dos 4 primeiros pré-molares. Estes pontos foram registrados em dois tempos: T1 - ao final da fase de contenção superior e T2 - após um período médio de 5,2 anos. A contagem dos contatos oclusais foram realizadas nos arcos superior e inferior, separadamente, para as regiões anterior e posteriores. Depois da análise estatística, pôde-se concluir que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre o número médio de contatos oclusais nos diferentes períodos estudados.(AU)
Realizou-se um estudo comparativo do número de pontos de contato oclusais na posição de máxima intercuspidação habitual em uma amostra composta por 14 pacientes leucodermas, sendo 9 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, com máoclusão de Classe II, divisão 1a de Angle, tratados ortodonticamente pela técnica de Edgewise, com extrações dos 4 primeiros pré-molares. Estes pontos foram registrados em dois tempos: T1 - ao final da fase de contenção superior e T2 - após um período médio de 5,2 anos. A contagem dos contatos oclusais foram realizadas nos arcos superior e inferior, separadamente, para as regiões anterior e posteriores. Depois da análise estatística, pôde-se concluir que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre o número médio de contatos oclusais nos diferentes períodos estudados.(AU)
Realizou-se um estudo comparativo do número de pontos de contato oclusais na posição de máxima intercuspidação habitual em uma amostra composta por 14 pacientes leucodermas, sendo 9 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, com máoclusão de Classe II, divisão 1a de Angle, tratados ortodonticamente pela técnica de Edgewise, com extrações dos 4 primeiros pré-molares. Estes pontos foram registrados em dois tempos: T1 - ao final da fase de contenção superior e T2 - após um período médio de 5,2 anos. A contagem dos contatos oclusais foram realizadas nos arcos superior e inferior, separadamente, para as regiões anterior e posteriores. Depois da análise estatística, pôde-se concluir que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre o número médio de contatos oclusais nos diferentes períodos estudados.(AU)
O objtivo deste estudo pros
O objetivo deste estudo prospectivo foi avaliar os efeitos do aparelho Forsus® nos incisivos centrais superiores e inferiores. A amostra constituiu-se de 22 tomografias computadorizadas de 11 pacientes (sexo masculino e feminino) idade média de 15,8 anos com má oclusão de Classe II que foram tratados com o aparelho Forsus® na clínica do programa de pós-graduação em Odontologia, área de concentração Ortodontia, da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. As tomografias foram obtidas em dois momentos T1 (final de nivelamento e antes da instalação do Forsus® e T2 (remoção do Forsus®). Para avaliar a distância do ápice até a tábua óssea, as imagens a serem examinadas foram obtidas com o auxílio do viewer do próprio i-CAT® , o iCATVision® e examinadas com o CorelDRAW X5® já para as medidas cefalométricas IMPA e 1.PP as imagens cefalométricas ortogonais foram obtidas em proporção 1:1 com auxílio do software Dolphin 3D® (Dolphin Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, EUA) e em seguida examinadas com o software Radiocef Studio 2 (Radio Memory, Belo Horizonte, Brasil). Para a obtenção do erro intra-examinador foi feito o teste t de Student pareado para o erro sistemático e a fórmula de DAHLBERG para estimar a ordem de grandeza dos erros casuais e na análise estatística dos resultados utilizou-se: o teste t para a determinação das diferenças entres as fases de observação e o teste de correlação de Pearson para avaliar a correlação entres as alterações. Observou-se: um aumento significativo (p<0,05) tanto no IMPA quanto no 1.PP, aproximação do ápice dos incisivos inferiores da tábua óssea lingual, aproximação do ápice dos incisivos superiores da tábua óssea vestibular, uma correlação negativa muito forte entre o IMPA e a distância do ápice do incisivo até a tábua óssea lingual e uma correlação negativa moderada entre 1.PP e a distância do ápice do incisivo até a tábua óssea vestibular. Sendo assim o aparelho Forsus® no tratamento da Classe II teve como efeito: vestibularização significativa dos incisivos centrais inferiores, uma verticalização significativa dos incisivos centrais superiores, aproximação do ápice dos incisivos inferiores da cortical óssea lingual e aproximação do ápice dos incisivos superiores da cortical óssea vestibular.
To identify susceptibility loci for visceral leishmaniasis, we undertook genome-wide association studies in two populations: 989 cases and 1,089 controls from India and 357 cases in 308 Brazilian families (1,970 individuals). The HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 locus was the only region to show strong evidence of association in both populations. Replication at this region was undertaken in a second Indian population comprising 941 cases and 990 controls, and combined analysis across the three cohorts for rs9271858 at this locus showed P combined = 2.76 × 10 -17 and odds ratio (OR) = 1.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.30-1.52. A conditional analysis provided evidence for multiple associations within the HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 region, and a model in which risk differed between three groups of haplotypes better explained the signal and was significant in the Indian discovery and replication cohorts. In conclusion, the HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 HLA class II region contributes to visceral leishmaniasis susceptibility in India and Brazil, suggesting shared genetic risk factors for visceral leishmaniasis that cross the epidemiological divides of geography and parasite species. © 2013 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: MHC/HLA class II molecules are important components of the immune system and play a critical role in processes such as phagocytosis. Understanding peptide recognition properties of the hundreds of MHC class II alleles is essential to appreciate determinants of antigenicity and ultimately to predict epitopes. While there are several methods for epitope prediction, each differing in their success rates, there are no reports so far in the literature to systematically characterize the binding sites at the structural level and infer recognition profiles from them. Results: Here we report a new approach to compare the binding sites of MHC class II molecules using their three dimensional structures. We use a specifically tuned version of our recent algorithm, PocketMatch. We show that our methodology is useful for classification of MHC class II molecules based on similarities or differences among their binding sites. A new module has been used to define binding sites in MHC molecules. Comparison of binding sites of 103 MHC molecules, both at the whole groove and individual sub-pocket levels has been carried out, and their clustering patterns analyzed. While clusters largely agree with serotypic classification, deviations from it and several new insights are obtained from our study. We also present how differences in sub-pockets of molecules associated with a pair of autoimmune diseases, narcolepsy and rheumatoid arthritis, were captured by PocketMatch(13). Conclusion: The systematic framework for understanding structuralvariations in MHC class II molecules enables large scale comparison of binding grooves and sub-pockets, which is likely to have direct implications towards predicting epitopes and understanding peptide binding preferences.
Background: MHC/HLA class II molecules are important components of the immune system and play a critical role in processes such as phagocytosis. Understanding peptide recognition properties of the hundreds of MHC class II alleles is essential to appreciate determinants of antigenicity and ultimately to predict epitopes. While there are several methods for epitope prediction, each differing in their success rates, there are no reports so far in the literature to systematically characterize the binding sites at the structural level and infer recognition profiles from them. Results: Here we report a new approach to compare the binding sites of MHC class II molecules using their three dimensional structures. We use a specifically tuned version of our recent algorithm, PocketMatch. We show that our methodology is useful for classification of MHC class II molecules based on similarities or differences among their binding sites. A new module has been used to define binding sites in MHC molecules. Comparison of binding sites of 103 MHC molecules, both at the whole groove and individual sub-pocket levels has been carried out, and their clustering patterns analyzed. While clusters largely agree with serotypic classification, deviations from it and several new insights are obtained from our study. We also present how differences in sub-pockets of molecules associated with a pair of autoimmune diseases, narcolepsy and rheumatoid arthritis, were captured by PocketMatch(13). Conclusion: The systematic framework for understanding structural variations in MHC class II molecules enables large scale comparison of binding grooves and sub-pockets, which is likely to have direct implications towards predicting epitopes and understanding peptide binding preferences.
The cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) is composed of a variety of lipids including mycolic acids, sulpholipids, lipoarabinomannans, etc., which impart rigidity crucial for its survival and pathogenesis. Acyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) provides malonyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA, committed precursors for fatty acid and essential for mycolic acid synthesis respectively. Biotin Protein Ligase (BPL/BirA) activates apo-biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) by biotinylating it to an active holo-BCCP. A minimal peptide (Schatz), an efficient substrate for Escherichia coli BirA, failed to serve as substrate for M. tuberculosis Biotin Protein Ligase (MtBPL). MtBPL specifically biotinylates homologous BCCP domain, MtBCCP87, but not EcBCCP87. This is a unique feature of MtBPL as EcBirA lacks such a stringent substrate specificity. This feature is also reflected in the lack of self/promiscuous biotinylation by MtBPL. The N-terminus/HTH domain of EcBirA has the selfbiotinable lysine residue that is inhibited in the presence of Schatz peptide, a peptide designed to act as a universal acceptor for EcBirA. This suggests that when biotin is limiting, EcBirA preferentially catalyzes, biotinylation of BCCP over selfbiotinylation. R118G mutant of EcBirA showed enhanced self and promiscuous biotinylation but its homologue, R69A MtBPL did not exhibit these properties. The catalytic domain of MtBPL was characterized further by limited proteolysis. Holo-MtBPL is protected from proteolysis by biotinyl-59 AMP, an intermediate of MtBPL catalyzed reaction. In contrast, apo-MtBPL is completely digested by trypsin within 20 min of co-incubation. Substrate selectivity and inability to promote self biotinylation are exquisite features of MtBPL and are a consequence of the unique molecular mechanism of an enzyme adapted for the high turnover of fatty acid biosynthesis.
Pathogenic mycobacteria employ several immune evasion strategies such as inhibition of class II transactivator (CIITA) and MHC-II expression, to survive and persist in host macrophages. However, precise roles for specific signaling components executing down-regulation of CIITA/MHC-II have not been adequately addressed. Here, we demonstrate that Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)-mediated TLR2 signaling-induced iNOS/NO expression is obligatory for the suppression of IFN-gamma-induced CIITA/MHC-II functions. Significantly, NOTCH/PKC/MAPK-triggered signaling cross-talk was found critical for iNOS/NO production. NO responsive recruitment of a bifunctional transcription factor, KLF4, to the promoter of CIITA during M. bovis BCG infection of macrophages was essential to orchestrate the epigenetic modifications mediated by histone methyltransferase EZH2 or miR-150 and thus calibrate CIITA/MHC-II expression. NO-dependent KLF4 regulated the processing and presentation of ovalbumin by infected macrophages to reactive T cells. Altogether, our study delineates a novel role for iNOS/NO/KLF4 in dictating the mycobacterial capacity to inhibit CIITA/MHC-II-mediated antigen presentation by infected macrophages and thereby elude immune surveillance.
To analyse the impact of lack of MHC class II expression on the composition of the peripheral T-cell compartment in man, the expression characteristics of several membrane antigens were examined on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and cultured T cells derived from an MHC-class-II-deficient patient. No MHC class II expression could be detected on either PBL or activated T cells. Moreover, the expression of MHC class I was reduced both on PBL and in vitro activated T cells compared to the healthy control. However, the reduced expression of CD26 observed on the PBL of the patient was restored after in vitro expansion. Despite the presumably class-II-deficient thymic environment, a distinct but reduced single CD4+ T-cell population was observed in the PBL of the patient. After in vitro expansion, the percentage of CD4+ cells dropped even further, most likely due to a proliferative disadvantage, compared to the single CD8+ T-cell population. However, proliferation analysis showed that T-cell activation via the TcR/CD3 pathway is not affected by the MHC class II deficiency.
Previously, we and others have shown that MHC class-II deficient humans have greatly reduced numbers of CD4+CD8- peripheral T cells. These type-III Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome patients lack MHC class-II and have an impaired MHC class-I antigen expression. In this study, we analyzed the impact of the MHC class-II deficient environment on the TCR V-gene segment usage in this reduced CD4+CD8- T-cell subset. For these studies, we employed TcR V-region-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and a semiquantitative PCR technique with V alpha and V beta amplimers, specific for each of the most known V alpha- and V beta-gene region families. The results of our studies demonstrate that some of the V alpha-gene segments are used less frequent in the CD4+CD8- T-cell subset of the patient, whereas the majority of the TCR V alpha- and V beta-gene segments investigated were used with similar frequencies in both subsets in the type-III Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome patient compared to healthy control family members. Interestingly, the frequency of TcR V alpha 12 transcripts was greatly diminished in the patient, both in the CD4+CD8- as well as in the CD4-CD8+ compartment, whereas this gene segment could easily be detected in the healthy family controls. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, it is concluded that within the reduced CD4+CD8- T-cell subset of this patient, most of the TCR V-gene segments tested for are employed. However, a skewing in the usage frequency of some of the V alpha-gene segments toward the CD4-CD8+ T-cell subset was noticeable in the MHC class-II deficient patient that differed from those observed in the healthy family controls.