1000 resultados para Magnetic variometers


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Pharmacological MRI (phMRI) techniques can be used to monitor the neurophysiological effects of central nervous system (CNS) active drugs. In this study, we investigated whether dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion imaging employing the use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Resovist) could be used to measure hemodynamic response to d-amphetamine challenge in human subjects at both 1.5 and 4 T. Significant changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) were found in focal regions associated with the nigrostriatal circuit and mesolimbic and mesocortical dopaminergic pathways. More significant CBF responses were found at higher field strength, mainly within striatal structures. The results from this study indicate that DSC perfusion imaging using Resovist can be used to assess the efficacy of CNS-active drugs and may play a role in the development of novel psychiatric therapies at the preclinical level. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) shows promise in the early detection of microstructural pathophysiological changes in the brain. Objectives: To measure microstructural differences in the brains of participants with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) compared with an age-matched control group using an optimised DTI technique with fully automated image analysis tools and to investigate the correlation between diffusivity measurements and neuropsychological performance scores across groups. Methods: 34 participants (17 participants with MCI, 17 healthy elderly adults) underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based DTI. To control for the effects of anatomical variation, diffusion images of all participants were registered to standard anatomical space. Significant statistical differences in diffusivity measurements between the two groups were determined on a pixel-by-pixel basis using gaussian random field theory. Results: Significantly raised mean diffusivity measurements (p<0.001) were observed in the left and right entorhinal cortices (BA28), posterior occipital-parietal cortex (BA18 and BA19), right parietal supramarginal gyrus (BA40) and right frontal precentral gyri (BA4 and BA6) in participants with MCI. With respect to fractional anisotropy, participants with MCI had significantly reduced measurements (p<0.001) in the limbic parahippocampal subgyral white matter, right thalamus and left posterior cingulate. Pearson's correlation coefficients calculated across all participants showed significant correlations between neuropsychological assessment scores and regional measurements of mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy. Conclusions: DTI-based diffusivity measures may offer a sensitive method of detecting subtle microstructural brain changes associated with preclinical Alzheimer's disease.


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Poly sodium acrylate (PSA)-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles (PSA-MNPs) were synthesized as smart osmotic draw agent (SMDA) for water desalination by forward osmosis (FO) process. The PSA-coated MNPs demonstrated significantly higher osmotic pressure (~ 30 fold) as well as high FO water flux (~ 2–3 fold) when compared to their polymer (polyelectrolyte) counterpart, even at a very low concentration of ~ 0.13 wt.% in the draw solution. The PSA polymer chain conformation – coiled to extended – demonstrates a significant impact on the availability of the polymer hydrophilic groups in solution which is the driving force to attain higher osmotic pressure and water flux. When an optimum concentration of the polymer was anchored to a NP surface, the polymer chains assume an extended open conformation making the functional hydrophilic groups available to attract water molecules. This in turn boosts the osmotic pressure and FO water flux of the PSA-MNP draw agents. The low concentration of the PSA-MNP osmotic agent and the associated high water flux enhances the cost-effectiveness of our proposed SMDA system. In addition, easier magnetic separation and regeneration of the SMDA also improves its usability making it efficient, cost-effective and environment-friendly.


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Lateralization of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is critical for successful outcome of surgery to relieve seizures. TLE affects brain regions beyond the temporal lobes and has been associated with aberrant brain networks, based on evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging. We present here a machine learning-based method for determining the laterality of TLE, using features extracted from resting-state functional connectivity of the brain. A comprehensive feature space was constructed to include network properties within local brain regions, between brain regions, and across the whole network. Feature selection was performed based on random forest and a support vector machine was employed to train a linear model to predict the laterality of TLE on unseen patients. A leave-one-patient-out cross validation was carried out on 12 patients and a prediction accuracy of 83% was achieved. The importance of selected features was analyzed to demonstrate the contribution of resting-state connectivity attributes at voxel, region, and network levels to TLE lateralization.


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Objective: To evaluate the presence of spinal inflammation with and without sacroiliac (SI) joint inflammation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with active nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis (SpA), and to compare the disease characteristics of these subgroups. Methods: ABILITY-1 is a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of adalimumab versus placebo in patients with nonradiographic axial SpA classified using the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society axial SpA criteria. Baseline MRIs were centrally scored independently by 2 readers using the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) method for the SI joints and the SPARCC 6-discovertebral unit method for the spine. Positive evidence of inflammation on MRI was defined as a SPARCC score of >2 for either the SI joints or the spine. Results: Among patients with baseline SPARCC scores, 40% had an SI joint score of >2 and 52% had a spine score of >2. Forty-nine percent of patients with baseline SI joint scores of <2, and 58% of those with baseline SI joint scores of >2, had a spine score of >2. Comparison of baseline disease characteristics by baseline SI joint and spine scores showed that a greater proportion of patients in the subgroup with a baseline SPARCC score of >2 for both SI joints and spine were male, and patients with spine and SI joint scores of <2 were younger and had shorter symptom duration. SPARCC spine scores correlated with baseline symptom duration, and SI joint scores correlated negatively with the baseline Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, but neither correlated with the baseline Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score, total back pain, the patient's global assessment of disease activity, the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index, morning stiffness, nocturnal pain, or C-reactive protein level. Conclusion: Assessment by experienced readers showed that spinal inflammation on MRI might be observed in half of patients with nonradiographic axial SpA without SI joint inflammation.


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Ceramsite plays a significant role as a biological aerated filter (BAF) in the treatment of wastewater. In this study, a mixture of goethite, sawdust and palygorskite clay was thermally treated to form magnetic porous ceramsite (MPC). An optimization experiment was conducted to measure the compressive strength of the MPC. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and polarizing microscopy (PM) characterized the pore structure of the MPC. The results show that a combination of goethite, sawdust and palygorskite clay with a mass ratio of 10:2:5 is suitable for the formation of MPC. The compressive strength of MPC conforms to the Chinese national industrial standard (CJ/T 299-2008) for wastewater treatment. The SEM and PM results also show that the uniform and interconnected pores in MPC were well suited for microbial growth. The MPC produced in this study can serve as a biomedium for advanced wastewater treatment.


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In this article we present the morphological and magnetic characterization of ferrofluid-impregnated biomimetic scaffolds made of hydroxyapatite and collagen used for bone reconstruction. We describe an innovative and simple impregnation process by which the ferrofluid is firmly adsorbed onto the hydroxyapatite/collagen scaffolds. The process confers sufficient magnetization to attract potential magnetic carriers, which may be used to transport bioactive agents that favour bone regeneration. The crystalline structure of the magnetite contained in the ferrofluid is preserved and its quantity, estimated from the weight gain due to the impregnation process, is consistent with that obtained from energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The magnetization, measured with a superconducting quantum interference device, is uniform throughout the scaffolds, demonstrating the efficiency of the impregnation process. The field emission gun scanning electron microscopy characterization demonstrates that the process does not alter the morphology of the hydroxyapatite/collagen scaffolds, which is essential for the preservation of their bioactivity and consequently for their effectiveness in promoting bone formation.


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Understanding the complex nature of diseased tissue in vivo requires development of more advanced nanomedicines, where synthesis of multifunctional polymers combines imaging multimodality with a biocompatible, tunable, and functional nanomaterial carrier. Here we describe the development of polymeric nanoparticles for multimodal imaging of disease states in vivo. The nanoparticle design utilizes the abundant functionality and tunable physicochemical properties of synthetically robust polymeric systems to facilitate targeted imaging of tumors in mice. For the first time, high-resolution 19F/1H magnetic resonance imaging is combined with sensitive and versatile fluorescence imaging in a polymeric material for in vivo detection of tumors. We highlight how control over the chemistry during synthesis allows manipulation of nanoparticle size and function and can lead to very high targeting efficiency to B16 melanoma cells, both in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, the combination of imaging modalities within a polymeric nanoparticle provides information on the tumor mass across various size scales in vivo, from millimeters down to tens of micrometers.


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The unsteady incompressible viscous fluid flow between two parallel infinite disks which are located at a distance h(t*) at time t* has been studied. The upper disk moves towards the lower disk with velocity h'(t*). The lower disk is porous and rotates with angular velocity Omega(t*). A magnetic field B(t*) is applied perpendicular to the two disks. It has been found that the governing Navier-Stokes equations reduce to a set of ordinary differential equations if h(t*), a(t*) and B(t*) vary with time t* in a particular manner, i.e. h(t*) = H(1 - alpha t*)(1/2), Omega(t*) = Omega(0)(1 - alpha t*)(-1), B(t*) = B-0(1 - alpha t*)(-1/2). These ordinary differential equations have been solved numerically using a shooting method. For small Reynolds numbers, analytical solutions have been obtained using a regular perturbation technique. The effects of squeeze Reynolds numbers, Hartmann number and rotation of the disk on the flow pattern, normal force or load and torque have been studied in detail


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The effect of the magnetic field on the unsteady flow over a stretching surface in a rotating fluid has been studied. The unsteadiness in the flow field is due to the time-dependent variation of the velocity of the stretching surface and the angular velocity of the rotating fluid. The Navier-Stokes equations and the energy equation governing the flow and the heat transfer admit a self-similar solution if the velocity of the stretching surface and the angular velocity of the rotating fluid vary inversely as a linear function of time. The resulting system of ordinary differential equations is solved numerically using a shooting method. The rotation parameter causes flow reversal in the component of the velocity parallel to the strerching surface and the magnetic field tends to prevent or delay the flow reversal. The surface shear stresses dong the stretching surface and in the rotating direction increase with the rotation parameter, but the surface heat transfer decreases. On the other hand, the magnetic field increases the surface shear stress along the stretching surface, but reduces the surface shear stress in the rotating direction and the surface heat transfer. The effect of the unsteady parameter is more pronounced on the velocity profiles in the rotating direction and temperature profiles.


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Magnetic atoms at surfaces are a rich model system for solid-state magnetic bits exhibiting either classical(1,2) or quantum(3,4) behaviour. Individual atoms, however, are difficult to arrange in regular patterns(1-5). Moreover, their magnetic properties are dominated by interaction with the substrate, which, as in the case of Kondo systems, often leads to a decrease or quench of their local magnetic moment(6,7). Here, we show that the supramolecular assembly of Fe and 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid molecules on a Cu surface results in ordered arrays of high-spin mononuclear Fe centres on a 1.5nm square grid. Lateral coordination with the molecular ligands yields unsaturated yet stable coordination bonds, which enable chemical modification of the electronic and magnetic properties of the Fe atoms independently from the substrate. The easy magnetization direction of the Fe centres can be switched by oxygen adsorption, thus opening a way to control the magnetic anisotropy in supramolecular layers akin to that used in metallic thin films.


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The flow and heat transfer problem in the boundary layer induced by a continuous moving surface is important in many manufacturing processes in industry such as the boundary layer along material handling conveyers, the aerodynamic extrusion of plastic sheet, the cooling of an infinite metalic plate in a cooling bath (which may also be electrolyte). Glass blowing, continuous casting and spinning of fibres also involve the flow due to a stretching surface. Sakiadis [1] was the first to study the flow induced by a semi-infinite moving wall in an ambient fluid. On the other hand, Crane [2] first studied the flow over a linearly stretching sheet in an ambient fluid. Subsequently, Crane [3] also investigated the corresponding heat transfer problem. Since then several authors [4-8] have studied various aspects of this problem such as the effects of mass transfer, variable wall temperature, constant heat flux, magnetic field etc. Recently, Andersson [9] has obtained an exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for the MHD flow over a linearly stretching sheet in an ambient fluid. Also Chiam [10] has studied the heat transfer with variable thermal conductivity on a stretching sheet when the velocities of the sheet and the free stream are equal.


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In this paper, we present the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles and nanowires of Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 (PSMO). The main results of this investigation are as follows: (a) a comparison with the properties of the bulk material shows that the ferromagnetic (FM) transition at 270 K remains unaffected but the anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) transition at TN = 150 K disappears in the nanoparticles, (b) the size induced ground state magnetic phase (below 150 K) is predominantly FM, coexisting with a residual AFM phase, and (c) the temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy shows complex behaviour, being higher in the nanoparticles at high temperatures and lower at moderately lower temperatures in comparison with the bulk. The results obtained from the extensive magnetization, magnetotransport and electron magnetic resonance studies made on various samples are presented and discussed in detail.


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Nanostructured Zn1-xMnxS films (0 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 0.25) were deposited on glass substrates by simple resistive thermal evaporation technique. All the films were deposited at 300 K in a vacuum of 2*10-6 m bar. All the films temperature dependence of resistivity revealed semiconducting behaviour of the samples. Hot probe test revealed that all the samples exhibited n-type conductivity. The nanohardness of the films ranges from 4.7 to 9.9 GPa, Young's modulus value ranging 69.7-94.2 GPa.


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Flower-like nickel nanocone structures are synthesized by a simple chemical reduction method using hydrazine hydrate as the reducing agent. The structure, morphology and magnetic properties of as synthesized products are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and SQUID magnetometer. The morphology evolution is studied by varying the reaction temperature and concentration of nickel chloride keeping other conditions unchanged.