970 resultados para Machine performance
Performance modelling is a useful tool in the lifeycle of high performance scientific software, such as weather and climate models, especially as a means of ensuring efficient use of available computing resources. In particular, sufficiently accurate performance prediction could reduce the effort and experimental computer time required when porting and optimising a climate model to a new machine. In this paper, traditional techniques are used to predict the computation time of a simple shallow water model which is illustrative of the computation (and communication) involved in climate models. These models are compared with real execution data gathered on AMD Opteron-based systems, including several phases of the U.K. academic community HPC resource, HECToR. Some success is had in relating source code to achieved performance for the K10 series of Opterons, but the method is found to be inadequate for the next-generation Interlagos processor. The experience leads to the investigation of a data-driven application benchmarking approach to performance modelling. Results for an early version of the approach are presented using the shallow model as an example.
This paper presents a novel approach to the automatic classification of very large data sets composed of terahertz pulse transient signals, highlighting their potential use in biochemical, biomedical, pharmaceutical and security applications. Two different types of THz spectra are considered in the classification process. Firstly a binary classification study of poly-A and poly-C ribonucleic acid samples is performed. This is then contrasted with a difficult multi-class classification problem of spectra from six different powder samples that although have fairly indistinguishable features in the optical spectrum, they also possess a few discernable spectral features in the terahertz part of the spectrum. Classification is performed using a complex-valued extreme learning machine algorithm that takes into account features in both the amplitude as well as the phase of the recorded spectra. Classification speed and accuracy are contrasted with that achieved using a support vector machine classifier. The study systematically compares the classifier performance achieved after adopting different Gaussian kernels when separating amplitude and phase signatures. The two signatures are presented as feature vectors for both training and testing purposes. The study confirms the utility of complex-valued extreme learning machine algorithms for classification of the very large data sets generated with current terahertz imaging spectrometers. The classifier can take into consideration heterogeneous layers within an object as would be required within a tomographic setting and is sufficiently robust to detect patterns hidden inside noisy terahertz data sets. The proposed study opens up the opportunity for the establishment of complex-valued extreme learning machine algorithms as new chemometric tools that will assist the wider proliferation of terahertz sensing technology for chemical sensing, quality control, security screening and clinic diagnosis. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm should also be very useful in other applications requiring the classification of very large datasets.
Predictive performance evaluation is a fundamental issue in design, development, and deployment of classification systems. As predictive performance evaluation is a multidimensional problem, single scalar summaries such as error rate, although quite convenient due to its simplicity, can seldom evaluate all the aspects that a complete and reliable evaluation must consider. Due to this, various graphical performance evaluation methods are increasingly drawing the attention of machine learning, data mining, and pattern recognition communities. The main advantage of these types of methods resides in their ability to depict the trade-offs between evaluation aspects in a multidimensional space rather than reducing these aspects to an arbitrarily chosen (and often biased) single scalar measure. Furthermore, to appropriately select a suitable graphical method for a given task, it is crucial to identify its strengths and weaknesses. This paper surveys various graphical methods often used for predictive performance evaluation. By presenting these methods in the same framework, we hope this paper may shed some light on deciding which methods are more suitable to use in different situations.
Species` potential distribution modelling consists of building a representation of the fundamental ecological requirements of a species from biotic and abiotic conditions where the species is known to occur. Such models can be valuable tools to understand the biogeography of species and to support the prediction of its presence/absence considering a particular environment scenario. This paper investigates the use of different supervised machine learning techniques to model the potential distribution of 35 plant species from Latin America. Each technique was able to extract a different representation of the relations between the environmental conditions and the distribution profile of the species. The experimental results highlight the good performance of random trees classifiers, indicating this particular technique as a promising candidate for modelling species` potential distribution. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Model trees are a particular case of decision trees employed to solve regression problems. They have the advantage of presenting an interpretable output, helping the end-user to get more confidence in the prediction and providing the basis for the end-user to have new insight about the data, confirming or rejecting hypotheses previously formed. Moreover, model trees present an acceptable level of predictive performance in comparison to most techniques used for solving regression problems. Since generating the optimal model tree is an NP-Complete problem, traditional model tree induction algorithms make use of a greedy top-down divide-and-conquer strategy, which may not converge to the global optimal solution. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm based on the use of the evolutionary algorithms paradigm as an alternate heuristic to generate model trees in order to improve the convergence to globally near-optimal solutions. We call our new approach evolutionary model tree induction (E-Motion). We test its predictive performance using public UCI data sets, and we compare the results to traditional greedy regression/model trees induction algorithms, as well as to other evolutionary approaches. Results show that our method presents a good trade-off between predictive performance and model comprehensibility, which may be crucial in many machine learning applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The motivation for this thesis work is the need for improving reliability of equipment and quality of service to railway passengers as well as a requirement for cost-effective and efficient condition maintenance management for rail transportation. This thesis work develops a fusion of various machine vision analysis methods to achieve high performance in automation of wooden rail track inspection.The condition monitoring in rail transport is done manually by a human operator where people rely on inference systems and assumptions to develop conclusions. The use of conditional monitoring allows maintenance to be scheduled, or other actions to be taken to avoid the consequences of failure, before the failure occurs. Manual or automated condition monitoring of materials in fields of public transportation like railway, aerial navigation, traffic safety, etc, where safety is of prior importance needs non-destructive testing (NDT).In general, wooden railway sleeper inspection is done manually by a human operator, by moving along the rail sleeper and gathering information by visual and sound analysis for examining the presence of cracks. Human inspectors working on lines visually inspect wooden rails to judge the quality of rail sleeper. In this project work the machine vision system is developed based on the manual visual analysis system, which uses digital cameras and image processing software to perform similar manual inspections. As the manual inspection requires much effort and is expected to be error prone sometimes and also appears difficult to discriminate even for a human operator by the frequent changes in inspected material. The machine vision system developed classifies the condition of material by examining individual pixels of images, processing them and attempting to develop conclusions with the assistance of knowledge bases and features.A pattern recognition approach is developed based on the methodological knowledge from manual procedure. The pattern recognition approach for this thesis work was developed and achieved by a non destructive testing method to identify the flaws in manually done condition monitoring of sleepers.In this method, a test vehicle is designed to capture sleeper images similar to visual inspection by human operator and the raw data for pattern recognition approach is provided from the captured images of the wooden sleepers. The data from the NDT method were further processed and appropriate features were extracted.The collection of data by the NDT method is to achieve high accuracy in reliable classification results. A key idea is to use the non supervised classifier based on the features extracted from the method to discriminate the condition of wooden sleepers in to either good or bad. Self organising map is used as classifier for the wooden sleeper classification.In order to achieve greater integration, the data collected by the machine vision system was made to interface with one another by a strategy called fusion. Data fusion was looked in at two different levels namely sensor-level fusion, feature- level fusion. As the goal was to reduce the accuracy of the human error on the rail sleeper classification as good or bad the results obtained by the feature-level fusion compared to that of the results of actual classification were satisfactory.
In this project, two broad facets in the design of a methodology for performance optimization of indexable carbide inserts were examined. They were physical destructive testing and software simulation.For the physical testing, statistical research techniques were used for the design of the methodology. A five step method which began with Problem definition, through System identification, Statistical model formation, Data collection and Statistical analyses and results was indepthly elaborated upon. Set-up and execution of an experiment with a compression machine together with roadblocks and possible solution to curb road blocks to quality data collection were examined. 2k factorial design was illustrated and recommended for process improvement. Instances of first-order and second-order response surface analyses were encountered. In the case of curvature, test for curvature significance with center point analysis was recommended. Process optimization with method of steepest ascent and central composite design or process robustness studies of response surface analyses were also recommended.For the simulation test, AdvantEdge program was identified as the most used software for tool development. Challenges to the efficient application of this software were identified and possible solutions proposed. In conclusion, software simulation and physical testing were recommended to meet the objective of the project.
In a global economy, manufacturers mainly compete with cost efficiency of production, as the price of raw materials are similar worldwide. Heavy industry has two big issues to deal with. On the one hand there is lots of data which needs to be analyzed in an effective manner, and on the other hand making big improvements via investments in cooperate structure or new machinery is neither economically nor physically viable. Machine learning offers a promising way for manufacturers to address both these problems as they are in an excellent position to employ learning techniques with their massive resource of historical production data. However, choosing modelling a strategy in this setting is far from trivial and this is the objective of this article. The article investigates characteristics of the most popular classifiers used in industry today. Support Vector Machines, Multilayer Perceptron, Decision Trees, Random Forests, and the meta-algorithms Bagging and Boosting are mainly investigated in this work. Lessons from real-world implementations of these learners are also provided together with future directions when different learners are expected to perform well. The importance of feature selection and relevant selection methods in an industrial setting are further investigated. Performance metrics have also been discussed for the sake of completion.
O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a demanda energética de uma semeadora-adubadora, em função do tipo e manejo da cultura de cobertura vegetal e da profundidade da haste de deposição de adubo. Foi utilizado um trator Valtra BM100, instrumentado, para tracionar uma semeadora-adubadora de precisão equipada com quatro fileiras de semeadura espaçadas de 0,9 m para cultura de milho. O experimento foi conduzido em parcelas subsubdivididas, na área experimental do Laboratório de Máquinas e Mecanização Agrícola (LAMMA) da UNESP-Jaboticabal, utilizando duas culturas de cobertura (mucuna-preta e crotalária), três manejos dessas coberturas, sendo dois mecânicos (triturador de palhas e rolo-faca) e um químico (pulverização com herbicida), realizados 120 dias após a semeadura das culturas de cobertura e três profundidades da haste de deposição do adubo (0,11; 0,14 e 0,17 m), perfazendo 18 tratamentos, com quatro repetições, totalizando 72 observações. Foram avaliados os parâmetros velocidade de deslocamento, patinagem, força na barra de tração, força de pico, potência na barra de tração, potência de pico e consumo de combustível. Pôde-se concluir que a força na barra de tração foi menor para as profundidades de 0,11 e 0,14 m da haste sulcadora de adubo, o mesmo ocorrendo para força de pico, potência na barra de tração e consumo volumétrico. O consumo específico foi menor na profundidade de 0,17 m da haste sulcadora de adubo. As culturas de cobertura e seus manejos não interferiram no desempenho das máquinas estudadas.
This work will propose the control of an induction machine in field coordinates with imposed stator current based on theory of variable structure control and sliding mode. We describe the model of an induction machine in field coordinates with imposed stator current and we show the design of variable structure control and sliding mode to get a desirable dynamic performance of that plant. To estimate the inaccessible states we will use a state observer (estimator) based on field coordinates induction machine. We will present the results of simulations in any operation condition (start, speed reversal and load) and with parameters variation of the machine compared to a PI control scheme.
This work aims to present the design and the evaluation of a standard multi-pole machine with permanent magnets inserted in the rotor by two different geometrical forms: aligned and skewed magnets. The design (new analytical method) was based on a standard 250 W three phase 12-pole induction motor (squirrel cage rotor type), beginning with the original stator constructive data to calculate the magnetic flux density to determine the permanent magnets. In the development of the work, a simple and modular rotor was built reusing the original 12-pole stator (concentrated windings). The machine was evaluated in a laboratory for the purpose of checking the quantity and quality of energy produced with the machine operating as a generator and its start, torque, and performance working as a motor. In conclusion, the modular skewed magnet is an option for electrical machines, for the generation of a reasonable quality, in the context of decentralized generation and a motor with high torque and low energetic consumption.
Due to their high hardness and wear resistance, Si3N4 based ceramics are one of the most suitable cutting tool materials for machining cast iron, nickel alloys and hardened steels. However, their high degree of brittleness usually leads to inconsistent results and sudden catastrophic failures. This necessitates a process optimization when machining superalloys with Si3N4 based ceramic cutting tools. The tools are expected to withstand the heat and pressure developed when machining at higher cutting conditions because of their high hardness and melting point. This paper evaluates the performance of α-SiAlON tool in turning Ti-6Al-4V alloy at high cutting conditions, up to 250 m min-1, without coolant. Tool wear, failure modes and temperature were monitored to access the performance of the cutting tool. Test results showed that the performance of α-SiAl0N tool, in terms of tool life, at the cutting conditions investigated is relatively poor due probably to rapid notching and excessive chipping of the cutting edge. These facts are associated with adhesion and diffusion wear rate that tends to weaken the bond strength of the cutting tool.
Silicon nitride cutting tools have been used successfully for machining hard materials, like: cast irons, nickel based alloys, etc. However these cutting tools with diamond coating present little information on dry turning operations of gray cast iron. In the present work, Si3N4 square inserts was developed, characterized and subsequently coated with diamond for dry machining operations on gray cast iron. All experiments were conducted with replica. It was used a 1500, 3000, 4500 m cutting length, feed rate of 0.33 mm/rev and keeping the depth of cut constant and equal to 1 mm. The results show that wear in the tool tips of the Si3N4 inserts, in all cutting conditions, was caused by both mechanical and chemical processes. To understand the tool wear mechanisms, a morphological analysis of the inserts, after experiments, has been performed by SEM and optical microscopy. Diamond coated PVD inserts showed to be capable to reach large cutting lengths when machining gray cast iron. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.
The correct classification of sugar according to its physico-chemical characteristics directly influences the value of the product and its acceptance by the market. This study shows that using an electronic tongue system along with established techniques of supervised learning leads to the correct classification of sugar samples according to their qualities. In this paper, we offer two new real, public and non-encoded sugar datasets whose attributes were automatically collected using an electronic tongue, with and without pH controlling. Moreover, we compare the performance achieved by several established machine learning methods. Our experiments were diligently designed to ensure statistically sound results and they indicate that k-nearest neighbors method outperforms other evaluated classifiers and, hence, it can be used as a good baseline for further comparison. © 2012 IEEE.
A possible way for increasing the cutting tool life can be achieved by heating the workpiece in order to diminish the shear stress of material and thus decrease the machining forces. In this study, quartz electrical resistances were set around the workpiece for heating it during the turning. In the tests, heat-resistant austenitic alloy steel was used, hardenable by precipitation, mainly used in combustion engine exhaustion valves, among other special applications for industry. The results showed that in the hot machining the cutting tool life can be increased by 340% for the highest cutting speed tested and had a reduction of 205% on workpiece surface roughness, accompanied by a force decrease in relation to conventional turning. In addition, the chips formed in hot turning exhibited a stronger tendency to continuous chip formation indicating less energy spent in material removal process. Microhardness tests performed in the workpieces subsurface layers at 5 m depth revealed slightly higher values in the hot machining than in conventional, showing a tendency toward the formation of compressive residual stress into plastically deformed layer. The hot turning also showed better performance than machining using cutting fluid. Since it is possible to avoid the use of cutting fluid, this machining method can be considered better for the environment and for the human health.