976 resultados para MYCN-AMPLIFICATION
In this study, the use of Mtp-40 and alpha antigen polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification fragments for the precise tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis was evaluated. One hundred and ninety two different samples were obtained from 113 patients with suspected TB. Mtp-40 and alpha antigen protein genes were amplified by the PCR technique and compared to both the "gold standard" (culture) test, as well as the clinical parameters (including a clinical record and X-ray film exam in 113 patients). Thirty-eight of the 113 patients had a presumptive clinical diagnosis of TB; 74% being detected by PCR technique, 58% by culture and 44% by direct microscopic visualization. Weconclude that it is possible to use PCR as a suitable technique for the detection of any mycobacteria by means of the alpha antigen product, or the specific infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by means of the mtp-40 gene. This might be a good supporting tool in difficult clinical TB diagnosis and pauci-bacillary cases.
Simple sequence repeat anchored polymerase chain reaction amplification (SSR-PCR) is a genetic typing technique based on primers anchored at the 5' or 3' ends of microsatellites, at high primer annealing temperatures. This technique has already been used in studies of genetic variability of several organisms, using different primer designs. In order to conduct a detailed study of the SSR-PCR genomic targets, we cloned and sequenced 20 unique amplification products of two commonly used primers, CAA(CT)6 and (CA)8RY, using Biomphalaria glabrata genomic DNA as template. The sequences obtained were novel B. glabrata genomic sequences. It was observed that 15 clones contained microsatellites between priming sites. Out of 40 clones, seven contained complex sequence repetitions. One of the repeats that appeared in six of the amplified fragments generated a single band in Southern analysis, indicating that the sequence was not widespread in the genome. Most of the annealing sites for the CAA(CT)6 primer contained only the six repeats found within the primer sequence. In conclusion, SSR-PCR is a useful genotyping technique. However, the premise of the SSR-PCR technique, verified with the CAA(CT)6 primer, could not be supported since the amplification products did not result necessarily from microsatellite loci amplification.
In Mexico, Triatoma longipennis (Usinger), Triatoma picturata (Usinger), and Triatoma pallidipennis (Stal), primary Chagas disease vector species of the phyllosoma complex, were analyzed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Sixteen decametric primers resolved individual profiles not identical, but partially discriminative between species. Analysis based on pairwise presence/absence comparisons between the three species was performed using three primers and two outgroup species Triatoma infestans (Klug) and Triatoma barberi (Usinger). Fifty-three bands in total were scored, although only two bands were constant among the three phyllosoma complex species. Two other bands were constant only for T. longipennis and T. picturata together, and not present in T. pallidipennis. Neighbor Joining tree and the multiple correspondence analysis discriminated T. pallidipennis clearly from the other two species, although there was overlap between T. longipennis and T. picturata. The results indicate a close relationship between the studied species and support the hypothesis of their recent evolution. The suitability of RAPD to discern populations within the species is discussed.
We report a nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for hantavirus using primers selected to match high homology regions of hantavirus genomes detected from the whole blood of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) patients from Brazil, also including the N gene nucleotide sequence of Araraquara virus. Hantavirus genomes were detected in eight out of nine blood samples from the HCPS patients by RT-PCR (88.9% positivity) and in all 9 blood samples (100% positivity) by nested-PCR. The eight amplicons obtained by RT-PCR (P1, P3-P9), including one obtained by nested-PCR (P-2) and not obtained by RT-PCR, were sequenced and showed high homology (94.8% to 99.1%) with the N gene of Araraquara hantavirus. Although the serologic method ELISA is the most appropriate test for HCPS diagnosis, the use of nested RT-PCR for hantavirus in Brazil would contribute to the diagnosis of acute hantavirus disease detecting viral genomes in patient specimens as well as initial genomic characterization of circulating hantaviruses.
Diagnosis of bacterial meningitis has long been based on classical methods of Gram stain, serological tests, and culture of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The performance of these methods, especially culture and direct smear, is thwarted by failure to detect bacteria following administration of antimicrobial agents and reluctance to performance lumbar punctures at admission. Indeed, patients with meningitis frequently receive antibiotics orally or by injection before the diagnosis is suspected or established. Thus an alternative method has become necessary to help clinicians and epidemiologists to management and control of bacterial meningitis. We evaluate the application of a polymerase chain reaction-based (PCR) assay for amplification of pneumolysin gene (ply) to diagnosis of Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis. The PCR assay sensitivity for CSF was 96% (95% confidence interval, CI, 90-99%) compared to a sensitivity of 59% for culture (95% CI 49-69%), 66% for Gram stain (95% CI 56-74%), and 78% for latex agglutination test (95% CI 69-86%); PCR specificity was 100% (95% CI 83-100%). PCR results were available within 4 h of the start of the assay. This molecular approach proved to be reliable and useful to identify this bacterium compared with other classical laboratory methods for identification of bacterial meningitis pathogens.
Immediate prevention of meningococcal disease relies in part on the prompt treatment with antibiotics of household and other close contacts of cases; however intervention with effective vaccination relies on identification of serogroup-causing strains. Parenteral antibiotic for patient with suspected meningococcal disease before hospital admission is currently recommended. Laboratory standard methods are hindered by failure to detect bacteria by this medical approach to improve patient prognosis. We assessed two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to detect (crgA) and define the serogroups (siaD, orf-2, and ctrA) of Neisseria meningitidis in 120 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from positive cases (culture or antigen detection or direct smear). The PCR sensitivity for the identification of N. meningitidis was 100% (95% confidence interval, CI, 96-100%) compared to a sensitivity of 46% for culture (95% CI 37-55%), 61% for latex agglutination test (95% CI 52-70%), and 68% for Gram stain (95% CI 59-76%); PCR specificity was 97% (95% CI 82-100%). PCR correctly identified the serogroups A, B, C, W135, Y, and X in CSF samples with a sensitivity of 88% (95% CI 80-93%); the primer sets were 100% specific. The introduction of PCR-based assays shall increase laboratory confirmed cases, consequently enhancing surveillance of meningococcal disease.
Astrocytes actively participate in synaptic integration by releasing transmitter (glutamate) via a calcium-regulated, exocytosis-like process. Here we show that this process follows activation of the receptor CXCR4 by the chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1). An extraordinary feature of the ensuing signaling cascade is the rapid extracellular release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha). Autocrine/paracrine TNFalpha-dependent signaling leading to prostaglandin (PG) formation not only controls glutamate release and astrocyte communication, but also causes their derangement when activated microglia cooperate to dramatically enhance release of the cytokine in response to CXCR4 stimulation. We demonstrate that altered glial communication has direct neuropathological consequences and that agents interfering with CXCR4-dependent astrocyte-microglia signaling prevent neuronal apoptosis induced by the HIV-1 coat glycoprotein, gp120IIIB. Our results identify a new pathway for glia-glia and glia-neuron communication that is relevant to both normal brain function and neurodegenerative diseases.
BACKGROUND Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is a congenital malformation of the hindgut produced by a disruption in neural crest cell migration during embryonic development. HSCR has a complex genetic etiology and mutations in several genes, mainly the RET proto-oncogene, have been related to the disease. There is a clear predominance of missense/nonsense mutations in these genes whereas copy number variations (CNVs) have been seldom described, probably due to the limitations of conventional techniques usually employed for mutational analysis. METHODS In this study we have aimed to analyze the presence of CNVs in some HSCR genes (RET, EDN3, GDNF and ZFHX1B) using the Multiple Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) approach. RESULTS Two alterations in the MLPA profiles of RET and EDN3 were detected, but a detailed inspection showed that the decrease in the corresponding dosages were due to point mutations affecting the hybridization probes regions. CONCLUSION Our results indicate that CNVs of the gene coding regions analyzed here are not a common molecular cause of Hirschsprung disease. However, further studies are required to determine the presence of CNVs affecting non-coding regulatory regions, as well as other candidate genes.
A cross-sectional analysis of stored Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN)-stained sputum smear slides (SSS) obtained from two public tuberculosis referral laboratories located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, was carried out to distinguish Mycobacterium bovis from other members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). A two-step approach was used to distinguish M. bovis from other members of MTC: (i) oxyR pseudogene amplification to detect MTC and, subsequently, (ii) allele-specific sequencing based on the polymorphism at position 285 of this gene. The oxyR pseudogene was successfully amplified in 100 of 177 (56.5%) SSS available from 99 individuals. No molecular profile of M. bovis was found. Multivariate analysis indicated that acid-fast bacilli (AFB) results and the source laboratory were associated (p < 0.05) with oxyR pseudogene amplification. SSS that were AFB++ SSS showed more oxyR pseudogene amplification than those with AFB0, possibly due to the amount of DNA. One of the two source laboratories presented a greater chance of oxyR pseudogene amplification, suggesting that differences in sputum conservation between laboratories could have influenced the preservation of DNA. This study provides evidence that stored ZN-SSS can be used for the molecular detection of MTC.
Outbreaks caused by vaccine-derived polioviruses are challenging the final eradication of paralytic poliomyelitis. Therefore, the surveillance of the acute flaccid paralysis cases based on poliovirus isolation and characterization remains an essential activity. Due to the use of trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV), mixtures containing more than one serotype of Sabin-related polioviruses are frequently isolated from clinical samples. Because each poliovirus isolate needs to be individually analyzed, we designed polymerase chain reaction primers that can selectively distinguish and amplify a genomic segment of the three Sabin-related poliovirus serotypes present in mixtures, thus, optimizing the diagnosis and providing prompt information to support epidemiologic actions.
Premise of the study: Microsatellite loci were developed in Sebaea aurea (Gentianaceae) to investigate the functional role of diplostigmaty (i.e., the presence of additional stigmas along the style). Methods and Results: One hundred seventy-four and 180 microsatellite loci were isolated through 454 shotgun sequencing of genomic and microsatellite-enriched DNA libraries, respectively. Sixteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were characterized, and 12 of them were selected to genotype individuals from two populations. Microsatellite amplification was conducted in two multiplex groups, each containing six microsatellite loci. Cross-species amplification was tested in seven other species of Sebaea. The 12 novel microsatellite loci amplified only in the two most closely related species to S. aurea (i.e., S. ambigua and S. minutiflora) and were also polymorphic in these two species. Conclusions: These results demonstrate the usefulness of this set of newly developed microsatellite loci to investigate the mating system and population genetic structure in S. aurea and related species.
Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is a prerequisite for electrochemical sensor-based detection of parasite DNA and other diagnostic applications. To achieve this detection, an asymmetric polymerase chain reaction method was optimised. This method facilitates amplification of ssDNA from the human lymphatic filarial parasite Wuchereria bancrofti. This procedure produced ssDNA fragments of 188 bp in a single step when primer pairs (forward and reverse) were used at a 100:1 molar ratio in the presence of double-stranded template DNA. The ssDNA thus produced was suitable for immobilisation as probe onto the surface of an Indium tin oxide electrode and hybridisation in a system for sequence-specific electrochemical detection of W. bancrofti. The hybridisation of the ssDNA probe and target ssDNA led to considerable decreases in both the anodic and the cathodic currents of the system's redox couple compared with the unhybridised DNA and could be detected via cyclic voltammetry. This method is reproducible and avoids many of the difficulties encountered by conventional methods of filarial parasite DNA detection; thus, it has potential in xenomonitoring.
A single polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reaction targeting the spliced-leader intergenic region of Trypanosoma cruzi I was standardised by amplifying a 231 bp fragment in domestic (TcIDOM) strains or clones and 450 and 550 bp fragments in sylvatic strains or clones. This reaction was validated using 44 blind coded samples and 184 non-coded T. cruzi I clones isolated from sylvatic triatomines and the correspondence between the amplified fragments and their domestic or sylvatic origin was determined. Six of the nine strains isolated from acute cases suspected of oral infection had the sylvatic T. cruzi I profile. These results confirmed that the sylvatic T. cruzi I genotype is linked to cases of oral Chagas disease in Colombia. We therefore propose the use of this novel PCR reaction in strains or clones previously characterised as T. cruziI to distinguish TcIDOMfrom sylvatic genotypes in studies of transmission dynamics, including the verification of population selection within hosts or detection of the frequency of mixed infections by both T. cruzi I genotypes in Colombia.
Buts de la revue: Les Médulloblastomes sont des tumeurs rares chez l'adulte. Le traitement habituel comprend une radiothérapie de tout l'axe cranio-spinal avec ou sans chimiothérapie. Beaucoup d'efforts sont actuellement entrepris pour mieux comprendre la biologie tumorale, afin de mieux stratifier les patients en différents groupes à risques et de les traiter en fonction. Cette revue discute les nouveaux facteurs de risques cliniques et moléculaires qui peuvent aider à optimiser le traitement des patients adultes avec des médulloblastomes. Découvertes récentes: Jusqu'à présent les patients étaient divisés en groupes à bas risque ou à haut risque sur la base de facteurs cliniques (âge, maladie résiduelle après chirurgie, dissémination dans le système nerveux central et l'histologie). Cette classification devrait être complétée par des facteurs pronostics moléculaires. Le profilage de l'expression des gènes a permis d'identifier six sous-groupes moléculaires de médulloblastomes. Le WNT sous-groupe montre une activation des gènes de la voie de signalisation WNT/wingless avec des mutations fréquentes du gène CNNTB1, une perte du chromosome 6 et une accumulation de β-catenine nucléaire. Ce sous-groupe est rencontré le plus souvent chez les enfants avec des médulloblastomes avec une histologie classique. Ils ont un bon pronostic. Une activation de la voie de signalisation du sonic hedgehog montre des mutations fréquentes des gènes PTCH et SUFU, une perte du 9q et une positivité pour GLI1 et SFRP1 et est rencontré plus fréquemment chez les enfants de moins de 3 ans et chez les adultes. Ce sous-groupe est souvent associé à une histologie de type desmoplastique. D'autre sous-groupes sont moins bien délimités et présentent des caractéristiques qui se chevauchent. Cependant une amplification MYC/MYCN, un gain du 17p et une histologie de type grandes cellules/anaplasique sont des facteurs de mauvais pronostic. Résumé: Des nouveaux sous-groupes moléculaires vont dorénavant aider à mieux adapter les traitements aux différents groupes de risque et permettront à développer de nouvelles thérapies ciblées. Des études prospectives et si possibles randomisées devraient être effectuées comprenant une stratification dans des sous-groupes moléculaires, afin d'identifier au mieux le meilleur traitement pour chaque groupe à risque.