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Ab initio cross section calculations for vibronic excitation using the R -matrix approach have been performed on the N 2 + molecular ion complex. A three-state close-coupling expansion is used where the electronic target states; X 2 g + , A 2 u and B 2 u + of the molecular cation are represented by a valence configuration-interaction approximation. A non-adiabatic approximation is invoked to study vibronic excitation for the first three negative bands, (0,0), (1,0) and (2,0) of the X-B transition (B 2 u + v ´ X 2 g + v ´´ ) of N 2 + . Fixed-nuclei and non-adiabatic cross section results are compared with the available experimental data for the (0,0) band and the breakdown of the adiabatic fixed-nuclei approximation is clearly evident for the vibronic excitation of the (1,0) and (2,0) bands in this molecular ion complex.


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Ab initio electron scattering calculations using the R -matrix approach have been performed for within a three-state valence configuration-interaction model (VCI). The lowest three electronic target states ( , and the ) of this molecular nitrogen cation are included in the close-coupling method, with each state being represented by a valence CI approximation. From a detailed analysis of the resonance structure found in our work for the symmetries we find four prominent Rydberg series of the type , , , and a interloper resonance. This interloper molecular resonance associated with the B state of is seen to cause distortions of the resulting resonance spectra. A comparison of our total cross sections for the X - B transition shows excellent agreement with the available experimental data.


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Aims. We present rates for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions among the 295 fine-structure levels of the configurations 3d9, 3d84s, 3d74s2, 3d84p, and 3d74s4p, determined through an extensive configuration interaction calculation. 

Methods. The CIV3 code developed by Hibbert and coworkers is used to determine for these levels configuration interaction wave functions with relativistic effects introduced through the Breit-Pauli approximation. 

Results. Two different sets of calculations have been undertaken with different 3d and 4d functions to ascertain the effect of such variation. The main body of the text includes a representative selection of data, chosen so that key points can be discussed. Some analysis to assess the accuracy of the present data has been undertaken, including comparison with earlier calculations and the more limited range of experimental determinations. The full set of transition data is given in the supplementary material as it is very extensive. 

Conclusions. We believe that the present transition data are the best currently available.


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The total cross sections for photodetachment of the metastable 1s 22p3 4S° and 1s2s2p3 6S° excited bound states of the negative ion of beryllium are presented for a range of initial photon energies across and beyond the 1s detachment threshold. A multichannel close-coupling R-matrix approximation is used to compute the cross sections, with sophisticated configuration-interaction wavefunctions being used to represent the initial and final states. At present there are no other theoretical or experimental data available with which to compare the cross sections for these two photodetachment processes.


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Effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of the phosphorus-like ion Cl III are presented for all fine-structure transitions among the levels arising from the lowest 23 LS states. The collisional cross sections are computed in the multichannel close-coupling R-matrix approximation, where sophisticated configuration-interaction wave functions are used to represent the target states. The 23 LS states are formed from the basis configurations 3s23p3, 3s3p4, 3s23p23d, and 3s23p24s, and correspond to 49 fine-structure levels, leading to a total possible 1176 fine-structure transitions. The effective collision strengths, obtained by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities, are tabulated in this paper for all 1176 transitions and for electron temperatures in the ranges T(K)=7500-25,000 and log T(K)=4.4-5.4. The former range encompasses the temperatures of particular importance for application to gaseous nebulae, while the latter range is more applicable to the study of solar and laboratory-type plasmas. © 2001 Academic Press.


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Effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of the N-like ion S x are calculated in the close-coupling approximation using the multichannel R-matrix method. Specific attention is given to the 10 astrophysically important fine-structure forbidden transitions among the 4SO, 2Do and 2Po levels in the 2s22p3 ground configuration. The total (e- + ion) wavefunction is expanded in terms of the 11 lowest LS eigenstates of S x, and each eigenstate is represented by extensive configuration-interaction wavefunctions. The collision strengths obtained are thermally averaged over a Maxwellian distribution of velocities, for all 10 fine-structure transitions, over the range of electron temperatures log T(K) = 4.6-6.7 (the range appropriate for astrophysical applications). The present effective collision strengths are the only results currently available for these fine-structure transition rates.


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We developed the concept of split-'t to deal with the large molecules (in terms of the number of electrons and nuclear charge Z). This naturally leads to partitioning the local energy into components due to each electron shell. The minimization of the variation of the valence shell local energy is used to optimize a simple two parameter CuH wave function. Molecular properties (spectroscopic constants and the dipole moment) are calculated for the optimized and nearly optimized wave functions using the Variational Quantum Monte Carlo method. Our best results are comparable to those from the single and double configuration interaction (SDCI) method.


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The performance of different correlation functionals has been tested for alkali metals, Li to Cs, interacting with cluster models simulating different active sites of the Si(111) surface. In all cases, the ab initio Hartree-Fock density has been obtained and used as a starting point. The electronic correlation energy is then introduced as an a posteriori correction to the Hartree-Fock energy using different correlation functionals. By making use of the ionic nature of the interaction and of different dissociation limits we have been able to prove that all functionals tested introduce the right correlation energy, although to a different extent. Hence, correlation functionals appear as an effective and easy way to introduce electronic correlation in the ab initio Hartree-Fock description of the chemisorption bond in complex systems where conventional configuration interaction techniques cannot be used. However, the calculated energies may differ by some tens of eV. Therefore, these methods can be employed to get a qualitative idea of how important correlation effects are, but they have some limitations if accurate binding energies are to be obtained.


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CuF2 is known to be an antiferromagnetic compound with a weak ferromagnetism due to the anisotropy of its monoclinic unit cell (Dzialoshinsky-Moriya mechanism). We investigate the magnetic ordering of this compound by means of ab initio periodic unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations and by cluster calculations which employ state-of-the-art configuration interaction expansions and modern density functional theory techniques. The combined use of periodic and cluster models permits us to firmly establish that the antiferromagnetic order arises from the coupling of one-dimensional subunits which themselves exhibit a very small ferromagnetic coupling between Cu neighbor cations. This magnetic order could be anticipated from the close correspondence between CuF2 and rutile crystal structures.


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The ab initio cluster model approach has been used to study the electronic structure and magnetic coupling of KCuF3 and K2CuF4 in their various ordered polytype crystal forms. Due to a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion these systems exhibit strong anisotropies. In particular, the magnetic properties strongly differ from those of isomorphic compounds. Hence, KCuF3 is a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) nearest neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas K2CuF4 is the only ferromagnet among the K2MF4 series of compounds (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) behaving all as quasi-2D nearest neighbor Heisenberg systems. Different ab initio techniques are used to explore the magnetic coupling in these systems. All methods, including unrestricted Hartree-Fock, are able to explain the magnetic ordering. However, quantitative agreement with experiment is reached only when using a state-of-the-art configuration interaction approach. Finally, an analysis of the dependence of the magnetic coupling constant with respect to distortion parameters is presented.


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The magnetic coupling constant of selected cuprate superconductor parent compounds has been determined by means of embedded cluster model and periodic calculations carried out at the same level of theory. The agreement between both approaches validates the cluster model. This model is subsequently employed in state-of-the-art configuration interaction calculations aimed to obtain accurate values of the magnetic coupling constant and hopping integral for a series of superconducting cuprates. Likewise, a systematic study of the performance of different ab initio explicitly correlated wave function methods and of several density functional approaches is presented. The accurate determination of the parameters of the t-J Hamiltonian has several consequences. First, it suggests that the appearance of high-Tc superconductivity in existing monolayered cuprates occurs with J/t in the 0.20¿0.35 regime. Second, J/t=0.20 is predicted to be the threshold for the existence of superconductivity and, third, a simple and accurate relationship between the critical temperatures at optimum doping and these parameters is found. However, this quantitative electronic structure versus Tc relationship is only found when both J and t are obtained at the most accurate level of theory.


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The role of the bridging ligand on the effective Heisenberg coupling parameters is analyzed in detail. This analysis strongly suggests that the ligand-to-metal charge transfer excitations are responsible for a large part of the final value of the magnetic coupling constant. This permits us to suggest a variant of the difference dedicated configuration interaction (DDCI) method, presently one of the most accurate and reliable for the evaluation of magnetic effective interactions. This method treats the bridging ligand orbitals mediating the interaction at the same level than the magnetic orbitals and preserves the high quality of the DDCI results while being much less computationally demanding. The numerical accuracy of the new approach is illustrated on various systems with one or two magnetic electrons per magnetic center. The fact that accurate results can be obtained using a rather reduced configuration interaction space opens the possibility to study more complex systems with many magnetic centers and/or many electrons per center.


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The Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross section as a function of the exciting-photon energy in the range between 30 eV and 90 eV was calculated using the configuration interaction (CI) technique in intermediate coupling. In the calculations the 4p spin-orbital interaction and corrections due to higher orders of perturbation theory (the so-called Coulomb interaction correlational decrease) were considered. Energies of Kr II states were calculated and agree with spectroscopic data within less than 10 meV. For some of the Kr II states new assignments were suggested on the basis of the largest component among the calculated CI wavefunctions.


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The photoionization cross sections for the production of the Kr II 4s state and Kr II satellite states were studied in the 4s ionization threshold region. The interference of direct photoionization and ionization through the autoionization decay of doubly-excited states was considered. In the calculations of doubly-excited state energies, performed by a configuration interaction technique, the 4p spin-orbit interaction and the (Kr II core)-(excited electron) Coulomb interaction were included. The theoretical cross sections are in many cases in good agreement with the measured values. Strong resonant features in the satellite spectra with threshold energies greater than 30 eV are predicted.


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X-ray transition energies for two-muonic atoms are calculated. The basis are relativistic self-consistent-field calculations including the corrections normally known in muonic atoms plus the vacuum polarization, magnetic interaction and retardation in the \mu-\mu-interaction, the specific mass correction and the configuration interaction.