This paper describes the study population and the study design of the phase III field trial of the SPf66 vaccine in Brazil. Assessment of validity and precision principles necessary for the appropriate evaluation of the protective effect of the vaccine are discussed, as well as the results of the preliminary analyses of the gathered data. The analytical approach for the estimation of the protective effect of the vaccine is presented. This paper provides the conceptual framework for future publications.
Liver-stage antigen 3 (LSA-3) is a new vaccine candidate that can induce protection against Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite challenge. Using a series of long synthetic peptides (LSP) encompassing most of the 210-kDa LSA-3 protein, a study of the antigenicity of this protein was carried out in 203 inhabitants from the villages of Dielmo (n = 143) and Ndiop (n = 60) in Senegal (the level of malaria transmission differs in these two villages). Lymphocyte responses to each individual LSA-3 peptide were recorded, some at high prevalences (up to 43%). Antibodies were also detected to each of the 20 peptides, many at high prevalence (up to 84% of responders), and were directed to both nonrepeat and repeat regions. Immune responses to LSA-3 were detectable even in individuals of less than 5 years of age and increased with age and hence exposure to malaria, although they were not directly related to the level of malaria transmission. Thus, several valuable T- and B-cell epitopes were characterized all along the LSA-3 protein, supporting the antigenicity of this P. falciparum vaccine candidate. Finally, antibodies specific for peptide LSP10 located in a nonrepeat region of LSA-3 were found significantly associated with a lower risk of malaria attack over 1 year of daily clinical follow-up in children between the ages of 7 and 15 years, but not in older individuals.
Vaccines could be a crucial component of efforts to eradicate malaria. Current attempts to develop malaria vaccines are primarily focused on Plasmodium falciparum and are directed towards reducing morbidity and mortality. Continued support for these efforts is essential, but if malaria vaccines are to be used as part of a repertoire of tools for elimination or eradication of malaria, they will need to have an impact on malaria transmission. We introduce the concept of "vaccines that interrupt malaria transmission" (VIMT), which includes not only "classical" transmission-blocking vaccines that target the sexual and mosquito stages but also pre-erythrocytic and asexual stage vaccines that have an effect on transmission. VIMT may also include vaccines that target the vector to disrupt parasite development in the mosquito. Importantly, if eradication is to be achieved, malaria vaccine development efforts will need to target other malaria parasite species, especially Plasmodium vivax, where novel therapeutic vaccines against hypnozoites or preventive vaccines with effect against multiple stages could have enormous impact. A target product profile (TPP) for VIMT is proposed and a research agenda to address current knowledge gaps and develop tools necessary for design and development of VIMT is presented.
Much remains to be known about the mechanisms involved in protective immunity against malaria and the way it is acquired. This is probably the reason why, in spite of so much progress, it has not yet been possible to develop an anti-malaria vaccine able to induce parasite specific antibodies (Ab) and/or T-cells. It has been considered in the early 80s that the induction of efficient protection against the blood stage forms of Plasmodium falciparum would not be possible without simultaneously eliciting an autoimmune (AI) response against erythrocytes, even at the price of inducing an AI pathology. Despite the description of the reciprocal relationship, i.e. the protective effect of malaria on the development of AI diseases - demonstrated since 1970 - no effort has been made to verify the possible involvement of the AI response in protection against malaria. With this end in view - and in the light of the knowledge acquired in autoimmunity and the existence of the so called "natural" (not associated with pathology) autoantibodies - we propose to examine the hypothesis that the participation of the AI response (not necessarily restricted to autologous erythrocyte antigens) in the immune protection against malaria is possible or even necessary.
ABSTRACT Malaria is a major worldwide public health problem, with transmission occurring throughout Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Over two billion people live in malarious areas of the world and it is estimated that 300-500 million cases and 1.5-2.7 million deaths occur annually. The increase in multi-drug resistant parasites and insecticide-resistant vectors has made the development of malaria vaccine a public health priority. The published genome offers tremendous opportunity for the identification of new antigens that can befast-tracked for vaccine development. We identified potential protein antigens present on the surface of asexual malaria blood stages through bioinformatics and published transcriptome and proteorné analysis. Amongst the proteins identified, we selected those that contain predicted a-helical coiled-coil regions, which are generally short and structurally stable as isolated fragments. Peptides were synthesized and used to immunize mice. Most peptides tested were immunogenic as demonstrated in ELISA assays, and induced antibodies of varying titres. In immunofluorescence assays, anti-sera from immunized mice reacted with native proteins expressed at different intraerythrocytic developmental stages of the parasite's cycle. In parallel in vitro ADCI functional studies, human antibodies affinity purified on some of these peptides inhibited parasite growth in association with monocytes in magnitudes similar to that seen in semiimmune African adults. Siudies using human immune sera taken from different malaria endemic regions, demonstrated that majority of peptides were recognized at high prevalence. 73 peptides were next tested in longitudinal studies in two cohorts separated in space and time in coastal Kenya. In these longitudinal analyses, antibody responses to peptides were sequentially examined in two cohorts of children at risk of clinical malaria in order to characterize the level of peptide recognition by age, and the role of anti-peptide antibodies in protection from clinical malaria. Ten peptides were associated ?with a significantly reduced odds ratio for an episode of clinical malaria in the first cohort of children and two of these peptides (LR146 and ÁS202.11) were associated with a significantly reduced odds ratio in both cohorts. This study has identified proteins PFB0145c and MAL6P1.37 among others as likely targets of protective antibodies. Our findings support further studies to systematically assess immunogenicity of peptides of interest in order to establish clear criteria for optimal design of potential vaccine constructs to be tested in clinical trials. RESUME La malaria est un problème de santé publique mondial principalement en Afrique, en Asie, en Océanie et en Amérique latine. Plus de 2 milliards de personnes vivent dans des régions endémiques et le nombre de cas par année est estimé entre 300 et 500 millions. 1.5 à 2.7 millions de décès surviennent annuellement dans ces zones. L'augmentation de la résistance aux médicaments et aux insecticides fait du développement d'un vaccin une priorité. Le séquençage complet du génome du parasite offre l'opportunité d'identifier de nouveaux antigènes qui peuvent rapidement mener au développement d'un vaccin. Des protéines antigéniques potentielles présentes à la surface des globules rouges infectés ont été identifiées par bioinformatique et par l'analyse du protéome et du transcriptome. Nous avons sélectionné, parmi ces protéines, celles contenant des motifs dits "a helical coiled-coil" qui sont généralement courts et structurellement stables. Ces régions ont été obtenues par synthèse peptidique et utilisées pour immuniser des souris. La plupart des peptides testés sont immunogéniques et induisent un titre variable d'anticorps déterminé par ELISA. Les résultats de tests d'immunofluorescence indiquent que les sera produits chez la souris reconnaissent les protéines natives exprimées aux différents stades de développement du parasite. En parallèle, des études d'ADCI in vitro montrent qué des anticorps humains purifiés à partir de ces peptides associés à des monocytes inhibent la croissance du parasite aussi bien que celle observée chez des adultes africains protégés. Des études d'antigénicité utilisant des sera de personnes protégées de différents âges vivant dans des régions endémiques montrent que la majorité des peptides sont reconnus avec une haute prévalence. 73 peptides ont été testés dans une étude longitudinale avec 2 cohortes de la côte du Kenya. Ces 2 groupes viennent de zones bien distinctes et les prélèvements n'ont pas été effectués pendant la même période. Dans cette étude, la réponse anticorps contre les peptides synthétiques a été testée dans les 2 cohortes d'enfants à risque de développer un épisode de malaria afin de caractériser le niveau de reconnaissance des peptides en fonction de l'âge et de déterminer le rôle des anticorps anti-peptides dans la protection contre la malaria. Parmi ces peptides, 10 sont associés à une réduction significative des risques de développer un épisode de malaria dans la première cohorte alors qu'un seul (LR146 et AS202.11) l'est dans les 2 cohortes. Cette étude a identifié, parmi d'autres, les protéines PFB0145c et MAL6P1.37 comme pouvant être la cible d'anticorps. Ces résultats sont en faveur de futures études qui évalueraient systématiquement l'immunogénicité des peptides d'intérêt dans le but d'établir des critères de sélection clairs pour le développement d'un vaccin. Résumé pour un large public La malaria est un problème de santé publique mondial principalement en Afrique, en Asie, en Océanie et en Amérique latine. Plus de 2 milliards de personnes vivent dans des régions endémiques et le nombre de cas par année est estimé entre 300 et 500 millions. 1.5 à 2.7 millions de décès surviennent annuellement dans ces zones. La résistance aux médicaments et aux insecticides augmente de plus en plus d'où la nécessité de développer un vaccin. Le séquençage complet du génome (ensemble des gènes) de P. falciparum a conduit au développement de nouvelles .études à large échelle dans le domaine des protéines du parasite (protéome) ; dans l'utilisation d'algorithmes, de techniques informatiques et statistiques pour l'analyse de données biologiques (bioinformatique) et dans les technologies de transcription et de profiles d'expression (transcriptome). Nous avons identifié, en utilisant les outils ci-dessus, des nouvelles protéines antigéniques qui sont présentes au stade sanguin de la malaria. Nous avons sélectionné, parmi ces protéines, celles contenant un motif dit "a-helical coiled-coil" qui sont des domaines impliqués dans un large éventail de fonctions biologiques. Des peptides représentant ces régions structurellement stables ont été synthétisés et utilisés pour immuniser des souris. La plupart des peptides testés sont immunogéniques et induisent un titre variable d'anticorps déterminé par ELISA. Les résultats de tests d'immunofluorescence indiquent que plusieurs sera de souris immunisées avec ces peptides reconnaissent les protéines natives exprimées à la surface des globules rouges infectés. En parallèle, des études d'ADCI in vitro montrent que des anticorps humains purifiés à partir de ces peptides en présence de monocytes inhibent la croissance du parasite de manière similaire à celle observée chez des adultes africains protégés. Des études d'antigénicité utilisant des sera de personnes immunes de différents âges (adultes et enfants) vivant dans des régions endémiques montrent que la majorité des peptides sont reconnus avec une haute prévalence. 73 peptides ont été testés dans des études épidémiologiques dans 2 villages côtiers du Kenya Ces 2 groupes vivent dans des zones bien distinctes et les prélèvements n'ont pas été effectués pendant la même période. Dans ces études, la réponse anticorps dirigée contre les peptides synthétiques a été testée en utilisant 467 échantillons sanguins d'enfants à risque de développer un épisode de malaria afin de caractériser le niveau de reconnaissance des peptides en fonction de l'âge et de déterminer le rôle des anticorps anti-peptides dans la protection contre la malaria cérébrale. Parmi ces peptides, 10 sont associés à une protection contre un épisode de malaria dans le premier village alors qu'un seul l'est dans les 2 villages. Ces résultats sont en faveur de futures études qui évalueraient systématiquement l'immunogénicité des peptides intéressants dans le but d'établir des critères de sélection clairs pour le développement d'un vaccin.
The pathogenesis of Schistosoma mansoni infection is largely determined by host T-cell mediated immune responses such as the granulomatous response to tissue deposited eggs and subsequent fibrosis. The major egg antigens have a valuable role in desensitizing the CD4+ Th cells that mediate granuloma formation, which may prevent or ameliorate clinical signs of schistosomiasis.S. mansoni major egg antigen Smp40 was expressed and completely purified. It was found that the expressed Smp40 reacts specifically with anti-Smp40 monoclonal antibody in Western blotting. Three-dimensional structure was elucidated based on the similarity of Smp40 with the small heat shock protein coded in the protein database as 1SHS as a template in the molecular modeling. It was figured out that the C-terminal of the Smp40 protein (residues 130 onward) contains two alpha crystallin domains. The fold consists of eight beta strands sandwiched in two sheets forming Greek key. The purified Smp40 was used for in vitro stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients infected with S. mansoni using phytohemagglutinin mitogen as a positive control. The obtained results showed that there is no statistical difference in interferon-g, interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13 levels obtained with Smp40 stimulation compared with the control group (P > 0.05 for each). On the other hand, there were significant differences after Smp40 stimulation in IL-5 (P = 0.006) and IL-10 levels (P < 0.001) compared with the control group. Gaining the knowledge by reviewing the literature, it was found that the overall pattern of cytokine profile obtained with Smp40 stimulation is reported to be associated with reduced collagen deposition, decreased fibrosis, and granuloma formation inhibition. This may reflect its future prospect as a leading anti-pathology schistosomal vaccine candidate.
The antibody response to Plasmodium falciparum parasites of naturally infected population is critical to elucidate the role of polymorphic alleles in malaria. Thus, we evaluated the impact of antigenic diversity of repetitive and family dimorphic domains of the merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP-2) on immune response of 96 individuals living in Peixoto de Azevedo (MT-Brazil), by ELISA using recombinant MSP-2 proteins. The majority of these individuals were carrying FC27-type infections. IgG antibody responses were predominantly directed to FC27 parasites and were correlated to the extension of polymorphism presented by each MSP-2 region. This finding demonstrated the impact of the genetic polymorphism on antibody response and therefore, its importance on malaria vaccine efficacy.
The lack of immunogenicity of most malaria antigens and the complex immune responses required for achieving protective immunity against this infectious disease have traditionally hampered the development of an efficient human malaria vaccine. The current boom in development of recombinant viral vectors and their use in prime-boost protocols that result in enhanced immune outcomes have increased the number of malaria vaccine candidates that access pre-clinical and clinical trials. In the frontline, adenoviruses and poxviruses seem to be giving the best immunization results in experimental animals and their mutual combination, or their combination with recombinant proteins (formulated in adjuvants and given in sequence or being given as protein/virus admixtures), has been shown to reach unprecedented levels of anti-malaria immunity that predictably will be somehow reproduced in the human setting. However, all this optimism was previously seen in the malaria vaccine development field without many real applicable results to date. We describe here the current state-of-the-art in the field of recombinant adenovirus research for malaria vaccine development, in particular referring to their use in combination with other immunogens in heterologous prime-boost protocols, while trying to simultaneously show our contributions and point of view on this subject.
Malaria is a vector-borne disease that is considered to be one of the most serious public health problems due to its high global mortality and morbidity rates. Although multiple strategies for controlling malaria have been used, many have had limited impact due to the appearance and rapid dissemination of mosquito resistance to insecticides, parasite resistance to multiple antimalarial drug, and the lack of sustainability. Individuals in endemic areas that have been permanently exposed to the parasite develop specific immune responses capable of diminishing parasite burden and the clinical manifestations of the disease, including blocking of parasite transmission to the mosquito vector. This is referred to as transmission blocking (TB) immunity (TBI) and is mediated by specific antibodies and other factors ingested during the blood meal that inhibit parasite development in the mosquito. These antibodies recognize proteins expressed on either gametocytes or parasite stages that develop in the mosquito midgut and are considered to be potential malaria vaccine candidates. Although these candidates, collectively called TB vaccines (TBV), would not directly stop malaria from infecting individuals, but would stop transmission from infected person to non-infected person. Here, we review the progress that has been achieved in TBI studies and the development of TBV and we highlight their potential usefulness in areas of low endemicity such as Latin America.
The PfCLAG9 has been extensively studied because their immunogenicity. Thereby, the gene product is important for therapeutics interventions and a potential vaccine candidate. Antibodies against synthetic peptides corresponding to selected sequences of the Plasmodium falciparum antigen PfCLAG9 were found in sera of falciparum malaria patients from Rondônia, in the Brazilian Amazon. Much higher antibody titres were found in semi-immune and immune asymptomatic parasite carriers than in subjects suffering clinical infections, corroborating original findings in Papua Guinea. However, sera of Plasmodium vivax patients from the same Amazon area, in particular from asymptomatic vivax parasite carriers, reacted strongly with the same peptides. Bioinformatic analyses revealed regions of similarity between P. falciparum Pfclag9 and the P. vivax ortholog Pvclag7. Indirect fluorescent microscopy analysis showed that antibodies against PfCLAG9 peptides elicited in BALB/c mice react with human red blood cells (RBCs) infected with both P. falciparum and P. vivax parasites. The patterns of reactivity on the surface of the parasitised RBCs are very similar. The present observations support previous findings that PfCLAG9 may be a target of protective immune responses and raises the possibility that the cross reactive antibodies to PvCLAG7 in mixed infections play a role in regulate the fate of Plasmodium mixed infections.
It is widely accepted that antibody responses against the human parasitic pathogen Plasmodium falciparum protect the host from the rigors of severe malaria and death. However, there is a continuing need for the development of in vitro correlate assays of immune protection. To this end, the capacity of human monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies in eliciting phagocytosis and parasite growth inhibition via Fcγ receptor-dependent mechanisms was explored. In examining the extent to which sequence diversity in merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP2) results in the evasion of antibody responses, an unexpectedly high level of heterologous function was measured for allele-specific human antibodies. The dependence on Fcγ receptors for opsonic phagocytosis and monocyte-mediated antibody-dependent parasite inhibition was demonstrated by the mutation of the Fc domain of monoclonal antibodies against both MSP2 and a novel vaccine candidate, peptide 27 from the gene PFF0165c. The described flow cytometry-based functional assays are expected to be useful for assessing immunity in naturally infected and vaccinated individuals and for prioritizing among blood-stage antigens for inclusion in blood-stage vaccines.
BACKGROUND: Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (PvCS) protein is a major sporozoite surface antigen involved in parasite invasion of hepatocytes and is currently being considered as vaccine candidate. PvCS contains a dimorphic central repetitive fragment flanked by conserved regions that contain functional domains. METHODS: We have developed a chimeric 137-mer synthetic polypeptide (PvCS-NRC) that includes the conserved region I and region II-plus and the two natural repeat variants known as VK210 and VK247. The antigenicity of PvCS-NRC was tested using human sera from PNG and Colombia endemic areas and its immunogenicity was confirmed in mice with different genetic backgrounds, the polypeptide formulated either in Alum or GLA-SE adjuvants was assessed in inbred C3H, CB6F1 and outbred ICR mice, whereas a formulation in Montanide ISA51 was tested in C3H mice. RESULTS: Antigenicity studies indicated that the chimeric peptide is recognized by a high proportion (60-70%) of residents of malaria-endemic areas. Peptides formulated with either GLA-SE or Montanide ISA51 adjuvants induced stronger antibody responses as compared with the Alum formulation. Sera from immunized mice as well as antigen-specific affinity purified human IgG antibodies reacted with sporozoite preparations in immunofluorescence and Western blot assays, and displayed strong in vitro inhibition of sporozoite invasion (ISI) into hepatoma cells. CONCLUSIONS: The polypeptide was recognized at high prevalence when tested against naturally induced human antibodies and was able to induce significant immunogenicity in mice. Additionally, specific antibodies were able to recognize sporozoites and were able to block sporozoite invasion in vitro. Further evaluation of this chimeric protein construct in preclinical phase e.g. in Aotus monkeys in order to assess the humoral and cellular immune responses as well as protective efficacy against parasite challenge of the vaccine candidate must be conducted.
OBJECTIVE: To determine in chimpanzees if candidate HIV-1 subunit protein vaccines were capable of eliciting long-lasting T-cell memory responses in the absence of viral infection, and to determine the specific characteristics of these responses. DESIGN: A longitudinal study of cell-mediated immune responses induced in three chimpanzees following immunization with subunit envelope glycoproteins of either HIV-1 or herpes simplex virus (HSV)-2. Following these pre-clinical observations, four human volunteers who had been immunized 7 years previously with the same HIV-1 vaccine candidate donated blood for assessment of immune responses. METHODS: Responses were monitored by protein and peptide based ELISpot assays, lymphocyte proliferation, and intracellular cytokine staining. Humoral responses were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and virus neutralization assays. RESULTS: Although antigen (Ag)-specific CD4 T-cell responses persisted for at least 5 years in chimpanzees, CD8 T-cell responses were discordant and declined within 2 years. Detailed cellular analyses revealed that strong Th1 in addition to Th2 type responses were induced by AS2/gp120 and persisted, whereas CD8 T-cell memory declined in peripheral blood. The specificity of both Th and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses revealed that the majority of responses were directed to conserved epitopes. The remarkable persistence of Ag-specific CD4 T-cell memory was characterized as a population of the CD45RA-CD62L-CCR7- "effector phenotype" producing the cytokines IFNgamma, IL-2 and IL-4 upon epitope-specific recognition. Importantly, results in chimpanzees were confirmed in peripheral blood of one of four human volunteers studied more than 7 years after immunization. CONCLUSION: These studies demonstrate that epitope-specific Th1 and Th2 cytokine-dependent Th responses can be induced and maintained for longer than 5 years by immunization with subunit proteins of HIV-1.
Needle-free procedures are very attractive ways to deliver vaccines because they diminish the risk of contamination and may reduce local reactions, pain or pain fear especially in young children with a consequence of increasing the vaccination coverage for the whole population. For this purpose, the possible development of a mucosal malaria vaccine was investigated. Intranasal immunization was performed in BALB/c mice using a well-studied Plasmodium berghei model antigen derived from the circumsporozoite protein with the modified heat-labile toxin of Escherichia coli (LTK63), which is devoid of any enzymatic activity compared to the wild type form. Here, we show that intranasal administration of the two compounds activates the T and B cell immune response locally and systemically. In addition, a total protection of mice is obtained upon a challenge with live sporozoites.
Plasmodium sporozoites make a remarkable journey from the mosquito midgut to the mammalian liver. The sporozoite's major surface protein, circumsporozoite protein (CSP), is a multifunctional protein required for sporozoite development and likely mediates several steps of this journey. In this study, we show that CSP has two conformational states, an adhesive conformation in which the C-terminal cell-adhesive domain is exposed and a nonadhesive conformation in which the N terminus masks this domain. We demonstrate that the cell-adhesive domain functions in sporozoite development and hepatocyte invasion. Between these two events, the sporozoite must travel from the mosquito midgut to the mammalian liver, and N-terminal masking of the cell-adhesive domain maintains the sporozoite in a migratory state. In the mammalian host, proteolytic cleavage of CSP regulates the switch to an adhesive conformation, and the highly conserved region I plays a critical role in this process. If the CSP domain architecture is altered such that the cell-adhesive domain is constitutively exposed, the majority of sporozoites do not reach their target organs, and in the mammalian host, they initiate a blood stage infection directly from the inoculation site. These data provide structure-function information relevant to malaria vaccine development.