947 resultados para Mélange de distributions khi-deux non centrées


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Laminar two-dimensional natural convection boundary-layer flow of non-Newtonian fluids along an isothermal horizontal circular cylinder has been studied using a modified power-law viscosity model. In this model, there are no unrealistic limits of zero or infinite viscosity. Therefore, the boundary-layer equations can be solved numerically by using marching order implicit finite difference method with double sweep technique. Numerical results are presented for the case of shear-thinning as well as shear thickening fluids in terms of the fluid velocity and temperature distributions, shear stresses and rate of heat transfer in terms of the local skin-friction and local Nusselt number respectively.


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Background: Few patients diagnosed with lung cancer are still alive 5 years after diagnosis. The aim of the current study was to conduct a 10-year review of a consecutive series of patients undergoing curative-intent surgical resection at the largest tertiary referral centre to identify prognostic factors. Methods: Case records of all patients operated on for lung cancer between 1998 and 2008 were reviewed. The clinical features and outcomes of all patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) stage I-IV were recorded. Results: A total of 654 patients underwent surgical resection with curative intent during the study period. Median overall survival for the entire cohort was 37 months. The median age at operation was 66 years, with males accounting for 62.7 %. Squamous cell type was the most common histological subtype, and lobectomies were performed in 76.5 % of surgical resections. Pneumonectomy rates decreased significantly in the latter half of the study (25 vs. 16.3 %), while sub-anatomical resection more than doubled (2 vs. 5 %) (p < 0.005). Clinico-pathological characteristics associated with improved survival by univariate analysis include younger age, female sex, smaller tumour size, smoking status, lobectomy, lower T and N status and less advanced pathological stage. Age, gender, smoking status and tumour size, as well as T and N descriptors have emerged as independent prognostic factors by multivariate analysis. Conclusion: We identified several factors that predicted outcome for NSCLC patients undergoing curative-intent surgical resection. Survival rates in our series are comparable to those reported from other thoracic surgery centres. © 2012 Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland.


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HER2 is an erbB/HER type I tyrosine kinase receptor that is frequently over-expressed in malignant epithelial tumours. Herceptin, a humanised mouse monoclonal antibody to HER2, is proven therapeutically in the management of metastatic breast cancer, significantly prolonging survival when combined with cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents. Immunohistochemical studies suggest that non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumours may over-express HER2. Our aim was to evaluate HER2 gene amplification and semi-quantitative immuno-expression in NSCLC. A total of 344 NSCLC cases were immunostained for HER2 expression in 2 centres using the HercepTest. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) analysis for HER2 gene amplification was performed on most positive cases and a subset of negative cases. Fifteen cases (4.3%) demonstrated 2+ or 3+ membranous HER2 immuno-expression. There was no correlation between immuno-expression and tumour histology or grade. Tumours from higher-stage disease were more often HercepTest-positive (p < 0.001). All 4 HercepTest 3 + cases demonstrated gene amplification. One of the 5 2+ cases tested for gene amplification showed areas of borderline amplification and areas of polyploidy. None of the 19 HercepTest-negative cases demonstrated gene amplification or polyploidy (p < 0.001). Gene amplification was demonstrated in all HercepTest 3+ scoring NSCLC cases. Unlike breast cancer, gene amplification and HER2 protein over-expression assessed by the HercepTest appeared to be uncommon in NSCLC. Herceptin may therefore target only a small proportion of NSCLC tumours and be of limited clinical value in this disease, particularly in the adjuvant setting. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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An important aspect of decision support systems involves applying sophisticated and flexible statistical models to real datasets and communicating these results to decision makers in interpretable ways. An important class of problem is the modelling of incidence such as fire, disease etc. Models of incidence known as point processes or Cox processes are particularly challenging as they are ‘doubly stochastic’ i.e. obtaining the probability mass function of incidents requires two integrals to be evaluated. Existing approaches to the problem either use simple models that obtain predictions using plug-in point estimates and do not distinguish between Cox processes and density estimation but do use sophisticated 3D visualization for interpretation. Alternatively other work employs sophisticated non-parametric Bayesian Cox process models, but do not use visualization to render interpretable complex spatial temporal forecasts. The contribution here is to fill this gap by inferring predictive distributions of Gaussian-log Cox processes and rendering them using state of the art 3D visualization techniques. This requires performing inference on an approximation of the model on a discretized grid of large scale and adapting an existing spatial-diurnal kernel to the log Gaussian Cox process context.


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We report charge-carrier velocity distributions in high-mobility polymer thin-film transistors (PTFTs) employing a dual-gate configuration. Our time-domain measurements of dual-gate PTFTs indicate higher effective mobility as well as fewer low-velocity carriers than in single-gate operation. Such nonquasi-static (NQS) measurements support and clarify the previously reported results of improved device performance in dual-gate devices by various groups. We believe that this letter demonstrates the utility of NQS measurements in studying charge-carrier transport in dual-gate thin-film transistors.


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A long-held assumption in entrepreneurship research is that normal (i.e., Gaussian) distributions characterize variables of interest for both theory and practice. We challenge this assumption by examining more than 12,000 nascent, young, and hyper-growth firms. Results reveal that variables which play central roles in resource-, cognition-, action-, and environment-based entrepreneurship theories exhibit highly skewed power law distributions, where a few outliers account for a disproportionate amount of the distribution's total output. Our results call for the development of new theory to explain and predict the mechanisms that generate these distributions and the outliers therein. We offer a research agenda, including a description of non-traditional methodological approaches, to answer this call.


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Invasive non-native plants have negatively impacted on biodiversity and ecosystem functions world-wide. Because of the large number of species, their wide distributions and varying degrees of impact, we need a more effective method for prioritizing control strategies for cost-effective investment across heterogeneous landscapes. Here, we develop a prioritization framework that synthesizes scientific data, elicits knowledge from experts and stakeholders to identify control strategies, and appraises the cost-effectiveness of strategies. Our objective was to identify the most cost-effective strategies for reducing the total area dominated by high-impact non-native plants in the Lake Eyre Basin (LEB). We use a case study of the ˜120 million ha Lake Eyre Basin that comprises some of the most distinctive Australian landscapes, including Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. More than 240 non-native plant species are recorded in the Lake Eyre Basin, with many predicted to spread, but there are insufficient resources to control all species. Lake Eyre Basin experts identified 12 strategies to control, contain or eradicate non-native species over the next 50 years. The total cost of the proposed Lake Eyre Basin strategies was estimated at AU$1·7 billion, an average of AU$34 million annually. Implementation of these strategies is estimated to reduce non-native plant dominance by 17 million ha – there would be a 32% reduction in the likely area dominated by non-native plants within 50 years if these strategies were implemented. The three most cost-effective strategies were controlling Parkinsonia aculeata, Ziziphus mauritiana and Prosopis spp. These three strategies combined were estimated to cost only 0·01% of total cost of all the strategies, but would provide 20% of the total benefits. Over 50 years, cost-effective spending of AU$2·3 million could eradicate all non-native plant species from the only threatened ecological community within the Lake Eyre Basin, the Great Artesian Basin discharge springs. Synthesis and applications. Our framework, based on a case study of the ˜120 million ha Lake Eyre Basin in Australia, provides a rationale for financially efficient investment in non-native plant management and reveals combinations of strategies that are optimal for different budgets. It also highlights knowledge gaps and incidental findings that could improve effective management of non-native plants, for example addressing the reliability of species distribution data and prevalence of information sharing across states and regions.


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Mixed convection laminar two-dimensional boundary-layer flow of non-Newtonian pseudo-plastic fluids is investigated from a horizontal circular cylinder with uniform surface heat flux using a modified power-law viscosity model, that contains no unrealistic limits of zero or infinite viscosity; consequently, no irremovable singularities are introduced into boundary-layer formulations for such fluids. The governing boundary layer equations are transformed into a non-dimensional form and the resulting nonlinear systems of partial differential equations are solved numerically applying marching order implicit finite difference method with double sweep technique. Numerical results are presented for the case of shear-thinning fluids in terms of the fluid temperature distributions, rate of heat transfer in terms of the local Nusselt number.


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Solutions are obtained for the stream function and the pressure field for the flow of non-Newtonian fluids in a tube by long peristaltic waves of arbitrary shape. The axial velocity profiles and stress distributions on the wall are discussed for particular waves of some practical interest. The effect of non- Newtonian character of the fluid is examined.


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Pro gradu-työni aihe on ruokaterminologiaa käsittelevät ranskan puhekielen ja Pariisin slangin lainasanat sekä kirjailija Frédéric Dardin alias San-Antonion (1921-2000) luomat, ruokatermistöön kuuluvat uudissanat ja -sanonnat kahdessa San-Antonio-romaanissa C'est mort et ça ne sait pas sekä Le fil à couper le beurre. Näissä ns. kioskikirjallisuutta edustavissa rikosromaaneissa seikkailee puheenparttaan ruoka-alan termeillä höystävä, "erikoistehtäviä" hoitava komisario ja naistenmies, San-Antonio. Ranskankielisessä arjen kielenkäytössä vilisee ruokaan liittyviä sanoja ja sanontoja muissakin kuin varsinaisissa ruuanvalmistus- ja ateriointiyhteyksissä. Halusin tarkastella, millaisena tämä yleisesti havaitsemani ilmiö todentuu Frédéric Dardin kahdessa romaanissa, jotka olen valinnut aineistokseni. Frédéric Dard käyttää romaaneissaan varsin omaperäistä kieltä: sekä puhekieltä että Pariisin slangia. Korpukseni koostuu romaaneista poimimistani ruoka-alan termistöä sisältävistä esimerkeistä, joita valmiiseen työhön tuli 228 kappaletta. Jaoin kaikki korpuksesta löytämäni ruokatermit kahteen luokkaan sen mukaan, oliko kirjailija lainannut käyttämänsä sanan tai ilmauksen puhekielestä tai Pariisin slangista (lainatermit), vai oliko hän luonut termin tai ilmauksen itse (neologismit). Määrittelin termin tai ilmauksen neologismiksi, jos se ei esiintynyt joko laisinkaan tai ainakaan kirjailijan tarkoittamassa merkityksessä seuraavissa sanakirjoissa: Le Dictionnaire du français argotique, populaire et familier; Le Dictionnaire de l'argot moderne; Le Dictionnaire du français non conventionnel; Le Dictionnaire de l'argot; Le Dictionnaire du français argotique et populaire; L'argot chez les vrais de vrai ja Trésor de la langue française. Varsinainen tutkimus perustuu sanojen ja ilmausten merkitysten selvittämiseen ja analysointiin. Lainatermien analyysillä tarkoitan lainatermien merkitysten selvitystä em. sanakirjojen avulla. Neologismit analysoin tarkemmin käyttäen em. sanakirjoja sekä tukeutuen gastronomisten ja erityisesti kielitieteellisten lähdeteosteni tarjoamiin rakenteellisiin ja semanttisiin muodostustapoihin ja tekemällä niistä tarvittavat yhteenvedot oikean merkityksen selvittämiseksi. Käsittelin aineiston kaikki ruokatermit. Niiden valtavan lukumäärän vuoksi analysoitavien esimerkkien määrää piti rajoittaa niin, että valmiiseen työhön jäi jokaisesta termistä enintään kaksi esimerkkiä kummastakin korpuksen kirjasta eli yhteensä 228 esimerkkiä. Muut esimerkit luetteloin työn lopusta löytyvään liitteeseen. Neologismianalyysissä selvisi, että Frédéric Dard suosi erityisesti semanttisia muodostustapoja eli olemassa olevan merkityksen muuttamista metaforien ja kielikuvien avulla. Dardin rikas terminologia ja hänen humoristiset oivalluksensa ovat osaltaan rikastuttaneet ranskan puhekieltä.Työssäni totean, että Pariisin slangia ja puhekieltä on totuttu pitämään sosiaalisesti sopimattomana, marginaalisten ryhmien kielenä, vaikka sen ilmauksia saattaa nykyisin kuulla jopa akateemikkojen käyttävän, ja ilmauksia on siirtynyt slangi- ja puhekielestä yleiskieleen. Toivon työni edistävän kiinnostusta kielitaidon parantamiseen San-Antonion tyyliin tutustumisen avulla sekä herättävän mielenkiintoa ranskan kielen vivahteikkuuteen ja monimuotoisuuteen muullakin kuin yleiskielen tasolla. Kielessä ei mielestäni voi olla sellaisia osa-alueita, joiden opiskelu ja osaaminen olisi tarpeetonta.


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Data from surveys of recreational anglers fishing on three estuaries in eastern Australia reveal highly skewed distributions of catches with many zeros. Such data may be analysed using a two component approach involving a binary (zero/non-zero catch) response and the non-zero catches. A truncated regression model was effective in analysing the non-zero catches. Covariates were incorporated in the modelling, and their critical assessment has led to improved measures of fishing effort for this recreational fishery.


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Various reasons, such as ethical issues in maintaining blood resources, growing costs, and strict requirements for safe blood, have increased the pressure for efficient use of resources in blood banking. The competence of blood establishments can be characterized by their ability to predict the volume of blood collection to be able to provide cellular blood components in a timely manner as dictated by hospital demand. The stochastically varying clinical need for platelets (PLTs) sets a specific challenge for balancing supply with requests. Labour has been proven a primary cost-driver and should be managed efficiently. International comparisons of blood banking could recognize inefficiencies and allow reallocation of resources. Seventeen blood centres from 10 countries in continental Europe, Great Britain, and Scandinavia participated in this study. The centres were national institutes (5), parts of the local Red Cross organisation (5), or integrated into university hospitals (7). This study focused on the departments of blood component preparation of the centres. The data were obtained retrospectively by computerized questionnaires completed via Internet for the years 2000-2002. The data were used in four original articles (numbered I through IV) that form the basis of this thesis. Non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA, II-IV) was applied to evaluate and compare the relative efficiency of blood component preparation. Several models were created using different input and output combinations. The focus of comparisons was on the technical efficiency (II-III) and the labour efficiency (I, IV). An empirical cost model was tested to evaluate the cost efficiency (IV). Purchasing power parities (PPP, IV) were used to adjust the costs of the working hours and to make the costs comparable among countries. The total annual number of whole blood (WB) collections varied from 8,880 to 290,352 in the centres (I). Significant variation was also observed in the annual volume of produced red blood cells (RBCs) and PLTs. The annual number of PLTs produced by any method varied from 2,788 to 104,622 units. In 2002, 73% of all PLTs were produced by the buffy coat (BC) method, 23% by aphaeresis and 4% by the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) method. The annual discard rate of PLTs varied from 3.9% to 31%. The mean discard rate (13%) remained in the same range throughout the study period and demonstrated similar levels and variation in 2003-2004 according to a specific follow-up question (14%, range 3.8%-24%). The annual PLT discard rates were, to some extent, associated with production volumes. The mean RBC discard rate was 4.5% (range 0.2%-7.7%). Technical efficiency showed marked variation (median 60%, range 41%-100%) among the centres (II). Compared to the efficient departments, the inefficient departments used excess labour resources (and probably) production equipment to produce RBCs and PLTs. Technical efficiency tended to be higher when the (theoretical) proportion of lost WB collections (total RBC+PLT loss) from all collections was low (III). The labour efficiency varied remarkably, from 25% to 100% (median 47%) when working hours were the only input (IV). Using the estimated total costs as the input (cost efficiency) revealed an even greater variation (13%-100%) and overall lower efficiency level compared to labour only as the input. In cost efficiency only, the savings potential (observed inefficiency) was more than 50% in 10 departments, whereas labour and cost savings potentials were both more than 50% in six departments. The association between department size and efficiency (scale efficiency) could not be verified statistically in the small sample. In conclusion, international evaluation of the technical efficiency in component preparation departments revealed remarkable variation. A suboptimal combination of manpower and production output levels was the major cause of inefficiency, and the efficiency did not directly relate to production volume. Evaluation of the reasons for discarding components may offer a novel approach to study efficiency. DEA was proven applicable in analyses including various factors as inputs and outputs. This study suggests that analytical models can be developed to serve as indicators of technical efficiency and promote improvements in the management of limited resources. The work also demonstrates the importance of integrating efficiency analysis into international comparisons of blood banking.


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This study addresses three important issues in tree bucking optimization in the context of cut-to-length harvesting. (1) Would the fit between the log demand and log output distributions be better if the price and/or demand matrices controlling the bucking decisions on modern cut-to-length harvesters were adjusted to the unique conditions of each individual stand? (2) In what ways can we generate stand and product specific price and demand matrices? (3) What alternatives do we have to measure the fit between the log demand and log output distributions, and what would be an ideal goodness-of-fit measure? Three iterative search systems were developed for seeking stand-specific price and demand matrix sets: (1) A fuzzy logic control system for calibrating the price matrix of one log product for one stand at a time (the stand-level one-product approach); (2) a genetic algorithm system for adjusting the price matrices of one log product in parallel for several stands (the forest-level one-product approach); and (3) a genetic algorithm system for dividing the overall demand matrix of each of the several log products into stand-specific sub-demands simultaneously for several stands and products (the forest-level multi-product approach). The stem material used for testing the performance of the stand-specific price and demand matrices against that of the reference matrices was comprised of 9 155 Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) sawlog stems gathered by harvesters from 15 mature spruce-dominated stands in southern Finland. The reference price and demand matrices were either direct copies or slightly modified versions of those used by two Finnish sawmilling companies. Two types of stand-specific bucking matrices were compiled for each log product. One was from the harvester-collected stem profiles and the other was from the pre-harvest inventory data. Four goodness-of-fit measures were analyzed for their appropriateness in determining the similarity between the log demand and log output distributions: (1) the apportionment degree (index), (2) the chi-square statistic, (3) Laspeyres quantity index, and (4) the price-weighted apportionment degree. The study confirmed that any improvement in the fit between the log demand and log output distributions can only be realized at the expense of log volumes produced. Stand-level pre-control of price matrices was found to be advantageous, provided the control is done with perfect stem data. Forest-level pre-control of price matrices resulted in no improvement in the cumulative apportionment degree. Cutting stands under the control of stand-specific demand matrices yielded a better total fit between the demand and output matrices at the forest level than was obtained by cutting each stand with non-stand-specific reference matrices. The theoretical and experimental analyses suggest that none of the three alternative goodness-of-fit measures clearly outperforms the traditional apportionment degree measure. Keywords: harvesting, tree bucking optimization, simulation, fuzzy control, genetic algorithms, goodness-of-fit


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The distribution of relative velocities between colliding particles in shear flows of inelastic spheres is analysed in the Volume fraction range 0.4-0.64. Particle interactions are considered to be due to instantaneous binary collisions, and the collision model has a normal coefficient of restitution e(n) (negative of the ratio of the post- and pre-collisional relative velocities of the particles along the line joining the centres) and a tangential coefficient of restitution e(t) (negative of the ratio of post- and pre-collisional velocities perpendicular to line joining the centres). The distribution or pre-collisional normal relative velocities (along the line Joining the centres of the particles) is Found to be an exponential distribution for particles with low normal coefficient of restitution in the range 0.6-0.7. This is in contrast to the Gaussian distribution for the normal relative velocity in all elastic fluid in the absence of shear. A composite distribution function, which consists of an exponential and a Gaussian component, is proposed to span the range of inelasticities considered here. In the case of roughd particles, the relative velocity tangential to the surfaces at contact is also evaluated, and it is found to be close to a Gaussian distribution even for highly inelastic particles.Empirical relations are formulated for the relative velocity distribution. These are used to calculate the collisional contributions to the pressure, shear stress and the energy dissipation rate in a shear flow. The results of the calculation were round to be in quantitative agreement with simulation results, even for low coefficients of restitution for which the predictions obtained using the Enskog approximation are in error by an order of magnitude. The results are also applied to the flow down an inclined plane, to predict the angle of repose and the variation of the volume fraction with angle of inclination. These results are also found to be in quantitative agreement with previous simulations.