950 resultados para Mäkipää, Tea
The inhibitory effects of mate tea (MT), a beverage produced with leaves from Ilex paraguariensis, in vitro lipase activity and on obesity in obese mice models were examined. For the in vitro experiment, porcine and human pancreatic lipase (PL) activities were determined by measuring the rate of release of oleic acid from hydrolysis of olive oil emulsified with taurocholate, phospholipids, gum arabic, or polyvinyl alcohol. For the in vivo experiments, animals were fed with a standard diet (SD, n = 10) or high-fat diet (HFD, n = 30) for 16 weeks. After the first 8 weeks on the HFD, the animals were treated with 1 and 2 g/kg of body weight of MT. The time course of the body weight and obesity-related biochemical parameters were evaluated. The results showed that MT inhibited both porcine and human PL (half-maximal inhibitory concentration = 1.5 mg MT/ml) and induced a strong inhibition of the porcine lipase activity in the hydrolysis of substrate emulsified with taurocholate + phosphatidylcholine (PC) (83 +/- 3.8%) or PC alone (62 +/- 4.3%). MT suppressed the increases in body weight (P < 0.05) and decreased the serum triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol concentrations at both doses (from 190.3 +/- 5.7 to 135.0 +/- 8.9 mg/dl, from 189.1 +/- 7.3 to 129.3 +/- 17.6 mg/dl; P < 0.05, respectively) after they had been increased by the HFD. The liver lipid content was also decreased by the diet containing MT (from 132.6 +/- 3.9 to 95.6 +/- 6.1 mg/g of tissue; P < 0.05). These results suggest that MT could be a potentially therapeutic alternative in the treatment of obesity caused by a HFD.
The antioxidant activity of mate tea, the roasted product derived from yerba mate (Ilex paraguarienis), was observed in vitro and in animal models, but studies in humans are lacking. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mate tea supplementation on plasma susceptibility to oxidation and on antioxidant enzyme gene expression in healthy nonsmoking women, after acute or prolonged ingestion. We evaluated plasma total antioxidant status (TAS), the kinetics of diene conjugate generation, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) contents in plasma, as well as mRNA levels of antioxidant gluthatione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT). After the supplementation period with mate tea, lipid peroxidation was acutely lowered, an effect that was maintained after prolonged administration. Total antioxidant status and the level of antioxidant enzyme gene expression were also demonstrated after prolonged consumption. These results suggest that regular consumption of mate tea may increase antioxidant defense of the body by multiple mechanisms.
Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is rich in polyphenolic compounds, which are thought to contribute to the health benefits of tea. Mate tea was administered orally to mice at a dose of 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g/kg for 60 d, and changes both in serum lipid concentration and fatty acid composition of liver and kidney were examined. The effects of mate tea on serum and tissue lipid peroxidation were assessed by the evaluation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS). In tea-consuming mice, both MUFA (18: 1n-9) and PUFA (18: 2n-6 and 20: 4n-6) were increased (P<0.05) in the liver lipid (approximately 90 and 60%, respectively), whereas only MUFA (approximately 20%) were increased in the kidney lipid. The most altered PUFA class was n-6 PUFA, which increased by approximately 60-75 % (P<0.05). This difference in the fatty acid profile in the liver is reflected in the increased PUFA:SFA ratio. Consistent with these results, mice fed with mate tea had much lower TBARS in the liver. No differences (P>0.05) were found in the levels of serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and TAG under the conditions of the present study. These results suggest that treatment with mate tea was able to protect unsaturated fatty acids from oxidation and may have selective protective effects within the body, especially on the liver.
Potassium content in tea brew was determined by gamma-ray spectroscopy, Using the 1461 keV gamma-ray fro M (40)K, the naturally occurring radioactive isotope of potassium. We measured radiation with a shielded HPGe detector from individual test samples of tea leaves, before and after infusion preparation, and from commercial instant tea powder. The correction factor for the gamma-ray self-absorption in the extended source was determined with the help of Monte-Carlo simulations. This gamma-ray spectroscopy technique enabled the absolute determination of potassium content with a relative uncertainty smaller than 4%, at the one standard deviation confidence level, showing the feasibility of this method. An experiment to evaluate a possible systematic Uncertainty due to K distribution heterogeneity in the sample was performed, with file result that the corresponding relative standard deviation is smaller than 2% at 95% confidence level. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A sulfated-beta-cyclodextrin (s-beta-CD) modified reduced flow micellar electrokinetic chromatography (RF-MEKC) method was developed and validated for the determination of catechins in green tea. The optimal electrolyte consisted of 0.2% triethylamine, 50 mmol/L SDS and 0.8% s-beta-CD (pH = 2.9), allowing baseline separation of five catechins in 4 min. The samples and standards were injected at 0.6 psi for 5 s under constant voltage of -30 kV. Sample preparation simply involved extraction of 2 g of tea with 200 mL water at 95 C under constant stirring for 5 min. The method demonstrated excellent performance, with limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of 0.02-0.1 and 0.1-0.5 mu g/mL, respectively, and recovery percentages of 94-101%. The method was applied to six samples of Brazilian green tea infusions. Epigallocatechin gallate (23.4-112.4 mu g/mL) was the major component, followed by epigallocatechin (18.4-78.9 mu g/mL), epicatechin gallate (5.6-29.6 mu g/mL), epicatechin (4.6-14.5 mu g/mL) and catechin (3.2-8.2 mu g/mL). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este trabalho resulta de uma pesquisa sobre a compreensão da realidade a partir da fotografia tendo em vista a construção da aprendizagem e do pensamento crítico do aluno sob o prisma dos preceitos da inovação pedagógica. Inicia-se por buscar uma definição do conceito de inovação pedagógica engendrado nos processos de ruptura paradigmática do ensino tradicional e, por conseguinte, ancora-se na construção da aprendizagem multirreferenciada pela (re)produção interativa, cooperada e mediada por ferramentas autênticas. Considera a aprendizagem como um fenômeno social e intrinsecamente conectado com a cultura dos sujeitos situados numa comunidade de prática. Para realização deste trabalho, a fotografia foi considerada uma instância portadora de sentidos transversais, que nos possibilita inferir interpretações críticas e dialogadas com a realidade criada nas representações fotografadas e, portanto, um objeto de subjetividade e práxis. Tomamos aqui, como proposta metodológica, o estudo de caso etnográfico de inspiração hermenêutica e fenomenológica. Para o estudo, o trabalho de campo se deu com os alunos da AEC-TEA associação em Capim Grosso- Ba, através de observações participantes, entrevistas e análise de documentos, no período entre agosto de 2012 a maio de 2013, analisando a prática pedagógica desenvolvida no curso de fotografias no sentido da aproximação com as premissas da educação inovadora. Dessa vivência, foram coletados os dados que subsidiaram as conjeturas aqui apresentadas no tocante à compreensão da realidade, a identidade dos sujeitos, o sentimento de sujeito pertencido e a criticidade implicadas nas formas autônomas de aprender com o mínimo de ensino. Desse modo, foi possível compreender como se dá a autoridade do sujeito em produzir o conhecimento intercrítico acerca do mundo a que pertence. Assim, a fotografia se afirma aqui como um lugar de comunicação entre os sujeitos com o mundo criado e reproduzido pelos alunos e por eles compartilhado num claro desafio aos modelos ortodoxos do ensino.
Este é um estudo de caso de natureza etnográfica sobre a prática discursiva desenvolvida no grupo dos Saraus Culturais da Associação Educativo-Cultural Tarcília Evangelista de Andrade, em Capim Grosso, - BA, e é estimulado pela reflexão sobre a necessidade de ruptura do paradigma tradicional que insiste em manter-se sobre as práticas pedagógicas, dentre elas as de produção discursiva, o que anuncia a urgência de inová-las, tornando-as suficientes à aprendizagem articulada com o contexto social dos sujeitos e pela qual estes são os principais responsáveis na negociação do conhecimento com o qual estão a lidar. Assim, procurou-se compreender o comportamento discursivo dos sujeitos no contexto das atividades do grupo pesquisado à luz dos pressupostos teóricos sobre Inovação Pedagógica defendidos pelo Centro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade da Madeira, os quais metodologicamente vinculam-se à pesquisa etnográfica, de forma que este estudo está associado à abordagem qualitativa pelos princípios metodológicos da etnografia, em especial a observação participante, a entrevista aberta e a análise de documentos. Buscou, ainda, no referencial teórico-metodológico da Análise do Discurso, em sua vertente francesa, embasamento para interpretar o funcionamento do discurso na produção dos sentidos e explicitar o mecanismo ideológico que o dá sustentação, o que contribuiu para revelar que a prática discursiva engendrada pelo grupo pesquisado movimenta os sujeitos na história em direção a um comportamento mais crítico. Os dados coletados, entre agosto de 2012 e maio de 2013, permitiram compreender que o referido comportamento é suficiente às premissas da aprendizagem socialmente situada e revela gestos que desmontam o invariante cultural instituído sobre a escola e, ainda, um discurso articulado como prática de movimentação de sujeitos e de sentidos. Considerando essas conclusões principais, o trabalho revela uma proposta comprometida com a Inovação Pedagógica e que pode colaborar na articulação de outras que priorizem os mesmos pressupostos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Passiflora alata (Passifloraceae) is a native plant from the South-America tropical forest that provides a much apreciated fruit known as maracuja-doce. Although tea of the leaves of Passiflora alata is used in folk medicine as a sedative and tranquilizer, there are no investigations about its effects on biochemical parameters in blood or from its major chemical composition. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the tea of the leaves of Passiflora alata on biochemical parameters (antioxidant system, glucose and cholesterol levels) and to perform a phytochemical investigation of the tea. We isolated and identified two saponins and five C-glycosylflavones derived from apigenin, luteolin and chrysoeriol. Three of them are new in this species. Passiflora alata extract was administrated orally in rats at dose of 1000 mg/kg and it was observed an increase in high-density lipoprotein level (HDL-cholesterol). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Turnera ulmifolia is a plant belonging to the family Turneraceae, popularly known in Brazil as chanana. This species is distributed from Guyana to southern Brazil where it is considered a weed. The plant occurs in tropical rain forest, fields, and gardens. Chanana tea is used in Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of diseases related mainly to gastric dysfunction including gastric and duodenal ulcers. In this study, the ability of a lyophilized infusion, as an aqueous fraction (AqF) of the aerial parts of T. ulmifolia, was investigated for its ability to prevent ulceration of the gastric and duodenal mucosa was examined in mice and rats, respectively. The AqF significantly reduced the formation of lesions associated with HCl/ethanol administration by 39% and 46%, respectively, at doses of 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg, p.o. The AqF also significantly reduced the incidence of gastric lesions induced by a combination of indomethacin and bethanechol by 58% and 72% at doses of 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg, respectively. In stress-induced gastric ulcer, the inhibition by the AqF was 48%, 57%, and 58% at doses of 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg, and 1000 mg/kg, respectively (p<0.05). A pyloric ligature experiment showed that the highest dose of the AqF significantly affected the gastric juice parameters by increasing the pH from 2.5 (control) to 5.3 and decreasing the acid output from 11.3 (control) to 3.7 mEq/ml/4 h. The AqF had no significant effect on duodenal ulcers induced by cysteamine. Preliminary phytochemical screening confirmed that flavonoids were the major constituents of the AqF of T. ulmifolia. These results indicate that this extract has a significant antiulcerogenic effect, as popularly believed.
Pomegranate (PGE) and green tea (GTGE) glycolic extracts are being employed in formulations because of their antiseptic and astringent effects. Apricot (AGE) glycolic extract possesses function cooling and antibacterial. The aim was to verify the antibacterial activity of these extracts incorporated in gel base. The antibacterial activity was verified by diffusion in agar method, using cylinder in plate. Plates containing Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), Escherichia coli (ATCC 10536) and Salmonella sp. (ATCC 19196) were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. After incubation, the results were analysed with a pachymeter, observing the bacterial growth inhibition halo diameter and the statistical significance level was determined. PGE presented activity only against P. aeruginosa; GTGE presented activity against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and E. coli; and AGE presented activity against P. aeruginosa and Salmonella sp. According to the experimental conditions, it is possible to conclude that GTGE presented the greater growth inhibition halo diameter when compared with other extracts, suggesting higher antibacterial action of this extract.
A simple procedure for the sequential determination of Cd, Cu and Pb in tea leaves by slurry introduction to thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was developed. Detection limits were 0.05 mg kg-1 for Cd, 2.1 mg kg-1 for Cu and 0.68 mg kg-1 for Pb using 0.67 % (m/v) slurries (100 mg/15 mL). © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.