579 resultados para Lutzomyia columbiana


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The males of the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis occur in two forms, one which bears a single pair of pale spots on tergite 4 and another in which an additional pair of spots characterizes tergite 3. In crosses between laboratory reared stocks of the two forms originating from allopatric and sympatric sites in Brazil nearly all males of one form fail to inseminate females of the other. In addition, insemination failure between some allopatric populaytions of Lu. longipalpis with similar tergal spot patterns is recorded, indicating the existence of additional forms in an apparent species complex. The possibility that Lu. longipalpis sensu latu represents more than a single taxon is discussed and the relevance of these findings to future epidemiological studies on kala-azar is considered.


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Se describe el macho de Lutzomyia amilcari sp.n. capturado en el Parque Nacional de Yacambú, Distrito Andrés Eloy Blanco, Estado Lara, Venezuela. La especie puede ser identificada por la forma característica del parámetro. Pertenece al grupo Verrucarum, serie Verrucarum de Theodor (1965).


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The female of a new species, Lutzomyia lewisi is described. Reasons are stated on which the classification proposed by Lewis et al. (1977) is adopted for sandflies recorded in Venezuela. The current controversy over the generic names of phlebotomine sandflies are also discussed.


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Encontramos a gregarina Ascocystis chagasi, bem como um nematódeo e um tripanosoma nao identificados, em Lutzomyia evandroi da ilha de São Luis, Maranhão.


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Dissection of Lutzomyia longipalpis, captured in the São Luis focus of visceral Leishmaniasis revealed a 1.8% promastigote infection rate.


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Num foco de leishmaniose tegumentar, em Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, foi encontrado um exemplar de Lutzomyia intermedia naturalmente infectado com Leishmania braziliensis.


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Six species of phlebotomine sand flies in the genus Lutzomyia França from South America are included in the newly-created species group microps. References and illustrations of the species are given, including descriptions of two new forms - L. nematoducta n.sp., male and female from northern Brazil, and l. preclara n.sp. male from Colombia and Peru. The males in the species group microps are keyed.


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Depois de examinar o tipo de Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) cruzi (Mangabeira, 1938), depositado na coleção do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro), sob o número 941, e 74 espécimens machos da mesma espécie, a maioria da localidade tipo (Camapuan, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul), os Autores verificaram que o tufo basal do basistilo é composto de apenas quatro cerdas foliáceas, e não seis, como descrito por Mangabeira, devido á superposição dos dois basistilos no holótipo. Além disso é feita uma descrição da fêmea, até agora não conhecida, e a redescrição do macho, baseada no holótipo.


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Se describe un área semiárida del noroeste de Costa Rica en donde Lutzomyia longipalpis es abundante en los corrales alrededor de los domicilios. Las capturas mensuales durante dos anõs consecutivos sobre diversos cebos, mostraron que las hembras se alimentan ávidamente de vacuno, caballo, cerdo, perro y humano. De un de 14.215 ejemplares capturados el 90.5% eran machos y la abundancia de la especie fue mayor en los meses más secos, disminuyendo la población notablemente en la época lluviosa. Se discute la posibilidad de que las leishmaniasis visceral pueda establecerse en la zona en el futuro, em forma similar a como sucede en otros países centroamericanos, aunque la enfermedad es aún desconocida en Costa Rica.


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In the second half of 1980, 112 (or ca. 16%) of the inhabitants of the new settlement of São José, city of Manaus, contracted cutaneous leishmaniasis whilst clearing their properties of terra firme rainforest. With the aid of SUCAM, the authors carried out a pilot study to investigate the feasibility of reducing populations of Lutzomyia umbratilis, the local silvatic vector of Leishmania braziliensis guyanensis, by spraying insecticide on its favoured diurnal resting sites, the bases of the larger forest trees. Most manvector contact is at these resting sites and, therefore, it was encouraging to record a marked reduction of the tree-base populations of L. umbratilis for 21 days following just one application of D.D.T. emulsion in an area 200m square. Most of the treated trunks were not occupied by L. umbratilis for at least eleven months. Suggestions for extending the pilot study are made, and the need for collaboration with a clinical team is emphasized. Leishmania b. guyanensis is the aetiological agent of [quot ]pain bois[quot ], which is hyperendemic from French Guiana to central Amazônia. In the absence of proven vaccines or methods of vector control, some simple methods for limiting transmission of Le. b. guyanensis to man are listed.


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The males of the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis occur in two forms, one which bears a single pair of pale spots on tergite 4 and another in which an additional pair of spots characterizes tergite 3. Almost complete reproductive isolation between sumpatric populations of the two forms and between allopatric populations of the one-spot form has been reported (Ward et al., 1983). Micromorphological differences in cuticular structures on the spots have also been observed and may be sites of pheromone release (Lane & Ward, 1984). Detais of the known distribution of the two are based on the examination of new specimens captured in Brazil during 1982, as well as museum collections and specimens from other laboratories. Males with a single pair of pale spots have been found from Mexico to southern Brazil, whilst the two-spot form is found only from the state of Maranhão in North Brazil to Minas Gerais and the border with Paraguay. In the eastern area of Brazil the two forms occur sympatrically in some locations and separately in others.


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Para a utilização em infecções experimentais e xenodiagnósticos de infecções naturais por leishmânias dermotrópicas do Rio de Janeiro, estabelecemos, em laboratório, uma colônia de Lutzomyia intermedia apresentando aqui a metodologia seguida, juntamente com dados relativos ao rendimento e duração de cada fase evolutiva nas quatro primeiras gerações.


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Examination of the holotype of Lutzomyia marajoensis (Damasceno & Causey, 1944) shows this species to be identical to Lutzomyia walkeri (Newstead, 1914). The name Lutxomyia dubitans (Sherlock, 1962) is resurrected for another sand fly which has been incorrectly named L. marajoensis since 1961. Newly discovered structural differences between males and females of L walkeri from L. dubitans are presented.


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As a preparatory stage for a study aiming at identifying the species and subspecies of local Leishmania in naturally infected sandflies through immunoradiometric assay with monoclonal antibodies, we tried to obtain experimental infections of phlebotomines with well characterized stocks of parasites, in order to test the effectiveness of the method.


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Dos flebótomos atraídos pelo Proechimys iheringi numa área onde esse roedor foi achado naturalmente infectado por Leishmania mexicana ssp., 98,1% foram Lutzomyia gasparviannai, o que sugere que essa espécie não antropofílica seja o transmissor entre os roedores mas não habitualmente ao homem.