931 resultados para Low molecular weight heparin


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Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) was purified about 180,000 times compared with the starting soluble-protein extract from developing elm (Ulmus glabra) seeds. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the purified fraction showed a single protein band with a mobility that corresponded to 15 kD, from which activity could be recovered. When analyzed by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the enzyme had a deduced mass of 13,900 D. A 53-amino acid-long N-terminal sequence was determined and aligned with other sequences, giving 62% identity to the deduced amino acid sequence of some rice (Oryza sativa) expressed sequence tag clones. The purified enzyme had an alkaline pH optimum and required Ca2+ for activity. It was unusually stable with regard to heat, acidity, and organic solvents but was sensitive to disulfide bond-reducing agents. The enzyme is a true PLA2, neither hydrolyzing the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine nor having any activity toward lysophosphatidylcholine or diacylglycerol. The biochemical data and amino acid sequence alignments indicate that the enzyme is related to the well-characterized family of animal secretory PLA2s and, to our knowledge, is the first plant enzyme of this type to be described.


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Effective invasion of alfalfa by Rhizobium meliloti Rm1021 normally requires the presence of succinoglycan, an exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by the bacterium. However, Rm1021 has the ability to produce a second EPS (EPS II) that can suppress the symbiotic defects of succinoglycan-deficient strains. EPS II is a polymer of modified glucose-(beta-1,3)-galactose subunits and is produced by Rm1021 derivatives carrying either an expR101 or mucR mutation. If the ability to synthesize succinoglycan is blocked genetically, expR101 derivatives of Rm1021 are nodulation-proficient, whereas mucR derivatives of Rm1021 are not. The difference in nodulation proficiency between these two classes of EPS II-producing strains is due to the specific production of a low molecular weight form of EPS II by expR101 strains. A low molecular weight EPS II fraction consisting of 15-20 EPS II disaccharide subunits efficiently allows nodule invasion by noninfective strains when present in amounts as low as 7 pmol per plant, suggesting that low molecular weight EPS II may act as a symbiotic signal during infection.


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The presence of sedimentary organic matter blanketing midocean ridge crests has a potentially strong impact on metal transport in hydrothermal vent fluids. To constrain the role of organic matter in metal mobility during hydrothermal sediment alteration, we reacted organic-rich diatomaceous ooze from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, and organic-poor hemipelagic mud from Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, with seawater and a Na-Ca-K-Cl fluid of seawater chlorinity, at 275° to 400°C, 350 to 500 bars, and initial fluid: sediment mass ratios ranging from 1.6 to 9.8. Reaction of these fluids with both sediment types released CO2 and high concentrations of ore-forming metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb) to solution. Relatively low concentrations of Cu were observed in solution and likely reflect the reducing conditions that resulted from the presence of sedimentary organic matter. Both the concentrations of CO2 and dissolved metals were lower in fluids reacted with Middle Valley sediment compared with aqueous concentrations in fluids reacted with Guaymas Basin sediment. During alteration of both sediment types, metal concentrations varied strongly as a function of temperature, increasing by up to an order of magnitude over the 75°C range of each experiment. Major element fluid chemistry and observed alteration assemblages suggest that during hydrothermal alteration of organic-lean sediment from Middle Valley a feldspar-quartz-illite mineral assemblage buffered in situ pH. In contrast, data from the experimental alteration of organic-rich Guaymas Basin sediment suggest that a calcite-plagioclase-quartz assemblage regulated in situ pH. Fluid speciation calculations suggest that in situ pH during Guaymas Basin sediment alteration was lower than during alteration of Middle Valley sediment and accounts for the substantially greater metal mobility at a given temperature and pressure during the former experiment. Comparison of our results with the results of basalt alteration experiments indicate that except for Cu, hydrothermal sediment alteration results in equal or greater concentrations of ore-forming metals at a given temperature and pressure. Accordingly, the presence of ore-forming metals in fluids currently venting from sediment-covered hydrothermal systems at concentrations substantially lower than in fluids from bare-rock systems may reflect chemical reequilibration during subsurface cooling within the sediment pile.


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The thesis primarily reports the synthesis, characterization and application of novel mixed mode stationary phases for Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC). HILIC is a rapidly emerging chromatographic mode that is finding great applicability in the analysis of polar organic molecules. In addition, there is a chapter on the analysis of Bisphenol A and related species using capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled with boron-doped diamond electrodes for electrochemical detection. The synthesis and characterization of the novel mixed mode stationary phases prepared in this work is an important contribution to the field as the materials prepared exhibited better performance than similar materials obtained commercially. In addition a more thorough characterization of the materials (e.g.,thermogravimetric analysis, various NMR modes, elemental analysis, etc.) and resulting columns (e.g., H) than is typically encountered. The application of these new materials to the analysis of sugars using evaporative light scattering is also novel. In CE studies, electrochemical detection is sufficiently rare that the work is also novel.


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A series of core samples taken during Cruise 79 of Glomar Challenger, drilling offshore Morocco (Mazagan Plateau), is analyzed for their low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon contents. Fifty-four samples from DSDP Holes 544A, 545, 547A, and 547B, deep frozen on board immediately after recovery, are studied by a hydrogen-stripping/thermovaporization technique combined with capillary gas chromatography. Thirty-eight compounds in the C2-C8 molecular range, including saturated, olefinic, and aromatic hydrocarbons, are identified. Because of large differences in organic carbon contents, the total C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations vary from about 20 to 1500 ng/g dry sediment weight in the whole sample series. Organic-carbon normalized values are about 3.2 x 10**4 ng/g Corg for Lithologic Subunits IIIA and IIIB at Site 545 (Cenomanian to Aptian) and 1.0 x 10**5 ng/g Corg for Unit V at Site 547 (Cenomanian to Albian) reflecting the slightly more advanced maturity stage at the latter site. Values exceeding 10**5 ng/g Corg (Site 545) and 2 x 10**5 ng/g Corg (Site 547) are associated with samples that are very lean in organic carbon and are generally rich in carbonate. These samples are enriched by small amounts of gaseous hydrocarbons. A detailed study of individual hydrocarbon concentrations, plotted against depth, reveal additional indications for migration phenomena. At Site 547, for instance, the most mobile hydrocarbons studied (e.g., ethane) appear to migrate by diffusion or a related process from more than 700 m depth toward the surface.


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C2-C8 hydrocarbons (36 compounds identified) from 56 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic, were analyzed by a combined hydrogen stripping-thermovaporization method. Concentrations, which represent hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed to the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 24 ng/g of dry weight sediment in Lithologic Unit 4 to 17,400 ng/g in Lithologic Unit 6 ("black shale" unit). Likewise, the organic carbon normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations range from 104 to 3.5 x 105 ng/g Corg. The latter value is more than one order of magnitude lower than expected for petroleum source beds in the main phase of oil generation. The low maturity at 600 meters depth is further supported by light hydrocarbon concentration ratios. The change of the kerogen type from Lithologic Unit 5 (Type III) to 6 (Type II) is evidenced by changes in the C6 and C7 hydrocarbon composition. Redistribution phenomena are observed close to the Tertiary-Cretaceous unconformity and at the contact between the "black shale" unit and the overlying Cretaceous chalks and claystones. Otherwise, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons in Hole 511 are formed in situ and remain at their place of formation. The core samples turned out to be contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures onboard Glomar Challenger.


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Low-molecular-weight fucoidan (LMWF) is a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from brown seaweed that presents antithrombotic and pro-angiogenic properties. However, its mechanism of action is not well-characterized. Here, we studied the effects of LMWF on cell signaling and whole genome expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and endothelial colony forming cells. We observed that LMWF and vascular endothelial growth factor had synergistic effects on cell signaling, and more interestingly that LMWF by itself, in the absence of other growth factors, was able to trigger the activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway, which plays a crucial role in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. We also observed that the effects of LMWF on cell migration were PI3K/AKT-dependent and that LMWF modulated the expression of genes involved at different levels of the neovessel formation process, such as cell migration and cytoskeleton organization, cell mobilization and homing. This provides a better understanding of LMWF's mechanism of action and confirms that it could be an interesting therapeutic approach for vascular repair.


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Mushrooms have the ability to promote apoptosis in tumor cell lines, but the mechanism of action is not quite well understood. Inhibition of the interaction between Bcl-2 and pro-apoptotic proteins could be an important step that leads to apoptosis. Therefore, the discovery of compounds with the ability to inhibit Bcl-2 is an ongoing research topic in drug discovery. In this study, we started by analyzing Bcl-2 experimental structures that are currently available in Protein Data Bank database. After analysis of the more relevant Bcl-2 structures, 4 were finally selected. An analysis of the best docking methodology was then performed using a cross-docking and re-docking approach while testing 2 docking softwares: AutoDock 4 and AutoDock Vina. Autodock4 provided the best docking results and was selected to perform a virtual screening study applied to a dataset of 40 Low Molecular Weight (LMW) compounds present in mushrooms, using the selected Bcl-2 structures as target. Results suggest that steroid are the more promising family, among the analyzed compounds, and may have the ability to interact with Bcl-2 and this way promoting tumor apoptosis. The steroids that presented lowest estimated binding energy (ΔG) were: Ganodermanondiol, Cerevisterol, Ganoderic Acid X and Lucidenic Lactone; with estimated ΔG values between -8,45 and -8,23 Kcal/mol. A detailed analysis of the docked conformation of these 4 top ranked LMW compounds was also performed and illustrates a plausible interaction between the 4 top raked steroids and Bcl-2, thus substantiating the accuracy of the predicted docked poses. Therefore, tumoral apoptosis promoted by mushroom might be related to Bcl-2 inhibition mediated by steroid family of compounds.


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Objective: Cost-effectiveness analysis of a 6-month treatment of apixaban (10 mg/12h, first 7 days; 5 mg/12h afterwards) for the treatment of the first event of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and prevention of recurrences, versus low-molecular-weight heparins/vitamin K antagonists treatment (LMWH/VKA). Material and methods: A lifetime Markov model with 13 health states was used for describing the course of the disease. Efficacy and safety data were obtained from AMPLIFY and AMPLIFY-EXT clinical trials; health outcomes were measured as life years gained (LYG) and quality-adjusted life years (QALY). The chosen perspective of this analysis has been the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Drugs, management of VTE and complications costs were obtained from several Spanish data sources (€, 2014). A 3% discount rate was applied to health outcomes and costs. Univariate and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (SA) were performed in order to assess the robustness of the results. Results: Apixaban was the most effective therapy with 7.182 LYG and 5.865 QALY, versus 7.160 LYG and 5.838 QALYs with LMWH/VKA. Furthermore, apixaban had a lower total cost (€13,374.70 vs €13,738.30). Probabilistic SA confirmed dominance of apixaban (led to better health outcomes with less associated costs) in 89% of the simulations. Conclusions: Apixaban 5 mg/12h versus LMWH/VKA was an efficient therapeutic strategy for the treatment and prevention of recurrences of VTE from the NHS perspective.


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Low molecular weight fragments of sulfated galactans (Boc-5 and Boc-10) from the red algae Botryocladia occidentalis significantly inhibited Crotalus durissus cascavella sPLA2 enzymatic activity. Equimolar ratios of sPLA2 to Boc-5 or Boc-10 resulted in allosteric inhibition of sPLA2. Under the conditions tested, we observed that both Boc-5 and Boc-10 strongly decreased edema, myonecrosis, and neurotoxicity induced by native sPLA2.


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The interaction between standard heparin, low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) was studied by capillary zone electrophoresis. Both qualitative and quantitative characterizations of the heparin-protein binding were determined. The binding constants of the two different groups of heparins with G-CSF, calculated from the Scatchard plot by regression, were 4.805 x 10(5) m(-1) and 4.579 x 10(5) m(-1), respectively. The two binding constants measured are of the same order of magnitude at 10(5) m(-1), indicating that LMWH contains most of the functional groups bound to G-CSF by standard heparin.


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With the aid of Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory (SLLFT), the phase diagrams were calculated for the system cyclohexane (CH)/polystyrene (PS) with different molecular weights at different pressures. The experimental data is in reasonable agreement with SLLFT calculations. The total Gibbs interaction energy, g*(12) for different molecular weights PS at different pressures was expressed, by means of a universal relationship, as g(12)* =f(12)* + (P - P-0) nu*(12) demixing curves were then calculated at fixed (near critical) compositions of CH and PS systems for different molecular weights. The pressures of optimum miscibility obtained from the Gibbs interaction energy are close to those measured by Wolf and coworkers. Furthermore, a reasonable explanation was given for the earlier observation of Saeki et al., i.e., the phase separation temperatures of the present system increase with the increase of pressure for the low molecular weight of the polymer whereas they decrease for the higher molecular weight polymers. The effects of molecular weight, pressure, temperature and composition on the Flory Huggins interaction parameter can be described by a general equation resulting from fitting the interaction parameters by means of Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory.


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The glass transition temperature (T(g)) of cyclic polystyrene was measured by differential scanning calorimetry. There was a marked difference in the glass transition behaviour between cyclic and linear polystyrene. In the low molecular weight region (M(n) < 5 x 10(3)), the T(g) of the cyclic polystyrene increased with decreasing M(n), contrary to that of linear polystyrene. With M(n) higher than 5 x 10(3), the T(g) of cyclic polystyrene increased with increasing M(n). The T(g) of cyclic and linear polystyrene approached the same constant value when the M(n) was high enough (M(n) > 10(5)). Combining the results of specific volume, it is believed that the variation of T(g) with molecular weight does not depend only on free volume effects but that configurational entropy is also an important factor.