983 resultados para Living Radical Polymerization


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A series of new titanium complexes with two asymmetric bidentate beta-enaminoketonato (N,O) ligands (4b-t), [RN=CCF3)CHC(t-BU)O](2)TiCl2 (4b, R = -C6H4F(o); 4c, R = -C6H4F(m);4d, R = -C6H4F(p); 4e, R = - C6H3F2(2,3); 4f, R = -C6H3F2(2,4); 4g, R = -C6H3F2(2,5); 4h, R = -C6H3F2(2,6); 4i, R = -C6H3F2(3,4); 4j, R = -C6H3F2(3,5); 4k, R = -C6H2F3(2,3,4); 4l, R = -C6H2F3(3,4,5); 4m, R = -C6H4CF3(o); 4n, R =-C6H4CF3(m); 4o, R = -C6H4CF3(p); 4p, R = -C6H4Cl(p); 4q, R = -C6H4I(p); 4r, R = -C6H4NO2(P); 4s, R = -CH2C6H5; 4t, R = -C6H11), have been synthesized and characterized.


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polymer systems, the micro-phase morphologies of the H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system are studied in three-dimensional (3D) space. By systematically varying the volume fractions of the components A, B, and C, six triangle phase diagrams of this H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system with equal interaction energies among the three components are constructed from the weaker segregation regime to the strong segregation regime, In this study, thirteen 3D micro-phase morphologies for this H-shaped ternary block copolymer system are identified to be stable and seven 3D microphase morphologies are found to be metastable.


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A series of novel vanadium(III) complexes hearing heteroatoill-containing group-substituted salicylaldiminato ligands [RN=CH(ArO)]VCl2(THF)(2) (Ar = C6H4, R = C3H2NS, 2a; C7H4NS, 2c; C7H5N2, 2d; Ar = C(6)H(2)tBu(2) (2,4), R = C3H2NS, 2b) have been synthesized and characterized. Structure of complex 2c was further confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. The complexes were investigated as the catalysts for ethylene polymerization in the presence of Et2AlCl. Complexes 2a-d exhibited high catalytic activities (up to 22.8 kg polyethylene/mmolv h bar), and affording polymer with unimodal molecular weight distributions at 25-70 degrees C in the first 5-min polymerization, whereas produced bimodal molecular weight distribution polymers at 70 degrees C when polymerization time prolonged to 30 min. The catalyst structure plays an important role in controlling the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of the resultant polymers produced in 30 min polymerization. In addition, ethylene/hexene copolymerizations with catalysts 2a-d were also explored in the presence of Et2AlCl, which leads to the high molecular weight and unimodal distributions copolymers with high comonomer incorporation.


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Hyperbranched vinyl polymers were prepared by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer ( RAFT) polymerization of a styrenic asymmetric divinyl monomer. This was achieved by using cumyl dithiobenzoate or S-dodecyl-S'-(alpha,alpha'-dimethyl-alpha ''-acetic acid) trithiocarbonate as the chain transfer agent, 1,1'-azobis(cyclohexanecarbonitrile) or thermal initiation as a source of radicals. Cross-linking was inhibited by a rapid RAFT-based equilibrium between active propagation chains and dormant species, and thus a hyperbranched polymer with a monomer conversion as high as 80% was obtained. The hyperbranched structure and properties of the resultant polymers were characterized by a combination of H-1-NMR spectroscopy and a triple detection size exclusion chromatography (TRI-SEC). The hyperbranched vinyl polymer has a broad molecular weight distributions and a low Mark-Houwink exponent alpha value compared with the linear counterpart.


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We have synthesized macrocyclic polystyrene- (PS-) terminated PS star polymers via a core-cross-linking approach in this work. A tadpole-shaped macrocyclic PS-linear-PS copolymer was synthesized at first via click chemistry and ATRP polymerization method. The "living" ATRP initiating chain-ends of the tadpole-shaped copolymers were linked together via ATRP polymerization with divinylbenzene to form a core-cross-linked macrocyclic star polymer. The number of arms attached to the macrocyclic star polymers was measured with NMR. and absolute molecular weights with gel permeation chromatography (GPC) with multiangle laser light scattering detector. These macrocyclic star polymers had a highly cross-linked core and many radiating arms. The shorter tadpole-shaped precursors caused core-cross-linked star polymers with higher molecular weights and more arm numbers. The macrocycle-terminated core-cross-linked star polymers showed two glass transition temperatures, one arising from the linear branches and another from the macrocycles.


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A new straightforward strategy for synthesis of novel hyperbranched poly (ether amide)s from readily available monomers has been developed. By optimizing the reaction conditions, the AB(2)-type monomers were formed dominantly during the initial reaction stage. Without any purification, the AB(2) intermediate was subjected to further polymerization in the presence (or absence) of an initiator, to prepare the hyperbranched polymer-bearing multihydroxyl end-groups. The influence of monomer, initiator, and solvent on polymerization and the molecular weight (MW) of the resultant polymers was studied thoroughly. The MALDI-TOF MS of the polymers indicated that the polymerization proceeded in the proposed way. Analyses of H-1 NMR and C-13 NMR spectra revealed the branched structures of the polymers obtained. These polymers exhibit high-moderate MWs and broad MW distributions determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) in combination with triple detectors, including refractive index, light scattering, and viscosity detectors. In addition, the examination of the solution behavior of these polymers showed that the values of intrinsic viscosity [eta] and the Mark-Houwink exponent a were remarkably lower compared with their linear analogs, because of their branched nature.


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Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization has been successfully applied to polymerize acrylonitrile with dibenzyl trithiocarbonate as the chain-transfer agent. The key to success is ascribed to the improvement of the interchange frequency between dormant and active species through the reduction of the activation energy for the fragmentation of the intermediate. The influence of several experimental parameters, such as the molar ratio of the chain-transfer agent to the initiator [azobis(isobutyronitrile)], the molar ratio of the monomer to the chain-transfer agent, and the monomer concentration, on the polymerization kinetics and the molecular weight as well as the polydispersity has been investigated in detail. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and H-1 NMR analyses have confirmed the chain-end functionality of the resultant polymer.


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The synthesis of a novel ABC ternary segregated H-shaped copolymer is described, of which a central poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chain is terminated on both sides by polystyrene (PS) and poly(tert-butylacrylate) (PtBA) chains. The synthetic procedure involves functionalization of PEG by 2-bromosuccinic anhydride followed by esterification of 1,6-hexanediol, which gives its ends the bifunctional nature that allows sequential growth of two PS, then two PtBA arms via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). The resulting segregated H-shaped copolymers were characterization by NMR spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). All these copolymers were affirmed to have well-defined structures and narrow molecular weight distributions.


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The pulsed-laser polymerization in emulsions has been simulated by the Monte Carlo method. Our simulation shows that the best measure of the propagation rate coefficients K-p is the peak maximum of molecular weight distribution for microemulsions when the droplets are small. However, the inflection point at the low-molecular-weight side of the peaks provides the best measure of K-p of bigger droplets. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Os cimentos ósseos à base de PMMA para aplicações em artroplastia da anca apresentam como grande limitação o facto do seu constituinte principal ser um elemento bioinerte o que leva à falta de integração entre as interfaces cimento ósseo/tecido ósseo, comprometendo assim o desempenho mecânico da prótese ortopédica ao longo do tempo. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal a preparação de novas formulações de cimentos ósseos com a capacidade de estabelecer interações com os tecidos vivos circundantes. De modo a melhorar a bioatividade do sistema e facilitar a sua osseointegração, os cimentos ósseos comerciais foram reforçados com cargas significativas de HA. No entanto o recurso a elevadas cargas de HA (~60% m/m) no cimento ósseo promove debilidades do ponto de vista estrutural, levando a uma baixa resistência mecânica do material final. No sentido de ultrapassar esta limitação, foram inseridas nanoestruturas de carbono (GO ou CNTs) em baixas percentagens na matriz polimérica por forma a maximizar a sua performance mecânica através da perfeita integração de todos os componentes. A primeira fase deste trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de metodologias que permitissem a síntese de GO através da exfoliação química da grafite em solução aquosa. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a obtenção de folhas de GO em larga escala e com número de camadas uniforme. A funcionalização orgânica superficial via ATRP do GO obtido, com cadeias de PMMA possibilitou o desenvolvimento de novos materiais nanocompósitos, no entanto alguns fatores de natureza tecnológica inviabilizaram o seu uso como agente de reforço na matriz idealizada. O desenvolvimento de novas formulações de cimentos ósseos consistiu numa matriz de PMMA/HA (1:2 (m/m)) reforçada com pequenas percentagens de GO ou CNTs (0,01, 0,1, 0,5 e 1,0% m/m). A síntese destes materiais nanocompósitos resultou da combinação de diversas técnicas: ultrassons, granulação por congelamento e liofilização. A análise estrutural dos nanocompósitos obtidos demonstrou a eficácia da metodologia desenvolvida na homogeneização de todos os elementos do sistema. Os estudos desenvolvidos após a conformação e caracterização estrutural dos novos materiais nanocompósitos permitiram verificar que as nanoestruturas de carbono apresentavam efeitos adversos na polimerização via radicalar do PMMA. A análise da fração orgânica permitiu verificar a presença de espécies oligoméricas o que reduziu significativamente o comportamento mecânico dos nanocompósitos. Através do estudo do aumento da concentração das espécies radicalares iniciais foi possível suplantar este problema e tirar o máximo rendimento dos agentes de reforço, tendo-se destacado os nanocompósitos reforçados com GO. A validação do ponto de vista mecânico das novas formulações de cimentos ósseos recaiu sobre o procedimento descrito na norma europeia ISO 5833 de 2002 – Implantes para cirurgia – cimentos acrílicos, tendo sido realizados os testes de compressão e de flexão. A avaliação biológica do comportamento dos cimentos ósseos assentou em duas abordagens complementares: estudos de mineralização em SBF e estudos de biocompatibilidade em meios celulares. Após a incubação das amostras em SBF ficou demonstrada a excelente capacidade para promoverem a integração de uma camada apatítica. Através de estudos celulares com Fibroblastos L929 e Osteoblastos Saos-2, nos quais foram avaliados a proliferação celular, viabilidade celular, espécies reativas de oxigénio, apoptose e morfologia celular, foi possível verificar bons níveis de biocompatibilidade para os materiais devolvidos.


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Thesis submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the obtention of the degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology


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Les polymères amphiphiles sont largement utilisés pour les applications biomédicales et pharmaceutiques. Afin d’améliorer les chances de biocompatibilité des nouveaux polymères que nous voulons développer, nous avons utilisé des composés naturels, les acides biliaires, comme produits de départ dans la synthèse de ces polymères. De nouveaux polymères anioniques amphiphiles dérivés de l’acide cholique ont été préparés par polymérisation radicalaire par transfert d’atomes. Par un contrôle rigoureux des conditions de polymérisation, des bras de poly(acide acrylique) de différentes longueurs ont été greffés sur le squelette de l’acide cholique. L’architecture moléculaire des polymères a été étudiée par spectroscopie 1H RMN et par spectrométrie de masse. Ces polymères en étoile formés par l’acide biliaire modifié sont capables de s’agréger dans l’eau même si les groupements hydroxyles ont été remplacés par des segments plus volumineux. Il a été observé que les liaisons ester entre le polymère et le cœur d’acide cholique sont sensibles à l’hydrolyse en solution aqueuse. Pour remédier au problème de stabilité en solution aqueuse et pour avoir, en même temps, des bras hydrophiles non ioniques et biocompatibles, de l’oxyde d’éthylène a été polymérisé sur l’acide cholique par polymérisation anionique. Les liaisons éther formées entre le polymère et les groupements hydroxyles de l’acide biliaire sont plus stables que les liaisons ester sur le polymère de poly(acide acrylique). Les conditions de réaction de la polymérisation anionique ont été optimisées et ont donné des polymères aux architectures et aux masses molaires contrôlées. Les nouveaux polymères forment des agrégats sphériques tel qu’observé par microscopie électronique à transmission avec des échantillons préparés par la méthode de fracture à froid. Leur morphologie est différente de celle des agrégats cylindriques formés par les acides biliaires. Avec la méthode optimisée pour la polymérisation anionique, l’éther d’allyle et glycidyle a été polymérisé sur un dérivé d’acide cholique, suivi par une thiolation des liaisons doubles pour introduire l’amine ou l’acide sur la chaîne polymère. Cette addition radicalaire est efficace à plus de 90%. Les polymères qui en résultent sont solubles dans l’eau et s’agrègent à une certaine concentration critique. Il est particulièrement intéressant d’observer la thermosensibilité des polymères ayant des groupements amine, laquelle peut être modulée en acétylant partiellement les amines, donnant des points nuages entre 15 et 48°C.


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Les brosses de polyélectrolytes font l’objet d’une attention particulière pour de nombreuses applications car elles présentent la capacité de changer de conformation et, par conséquent, de propriétés de surface en réponse aux conditions environnementales appliquées. Le contrôle des principaux paramètres de ces brosses telles que l'épaisseur, la composition et l'architecture macromoléculaire, est essentiel pour obtenir des polymères greffés bien définis. Ceci est possible avec la Polymérisation Radicalaire par Transfert d’Atomes - Initiée à partir de la Surface (PRTA-IS), qui permet la synthèse de brosses polymériques de manière contrôlée à partir d’une couche d'amorceurs immobilisés de manière covalente sur une surface. Le premier exemple d’une synthèse directe de brosses de poly(acide acrylique) (PAA) par polymérisation radicalaire dans l’eau a été démontré. Par greffage d’un marqueur fluorescent aux brosses de PAA et via l’utilisation de la microscopie de fluorescence par réflexion totale interne, le dégreffage du PAA en temps réel a pu être investigué. Des conditions environnementales de pH ≥ 9,5 en présence de sel, se sont avérées critiques pour la stabilité de la liaison substrat-amorceur, conduisant au dégreffage du polymère. Afin de protéger de l’hydrolyse cette liaison substrat-amorceur sensible et prévenir le dégreffage non souhaité du polymère, un espaceur hydrophobique de polystyrène (PS) a été inséré entre l'amorceur et le bloc de PAA stimuli-répondant. Les brosses de PS-PAA obtenues étaient stables pour des conditions extrêmes de pH et de force ionique. La réponse de ces brosses de copolymère bloc a été étudiée in situ par ellipsométrie, et le changement réversible de conformation collapsée à étirée, induit par les variations de pH a été démontré. De plus, des différences de conformation provenant des interactions du bloc de PAA avec des ions métalliques de valence variable ont été obtenues. Le copolymère bloc étudié semble donc prometteur pour la conception de matériaux répondant rapidement a divers stimuli. Par la suite, il a été démontré qu’un acide phosphonique pouvait être employé en tant qu’ amorceur PRTA-IS comme alternative aux organosilanes. Cet amorceur phosphonate a été greffé pour la première fois avec succès sur des substrats de silice et une PRTA-IS en milieux aqueux a permis la synthèse de brosses de PAA et de poly(sulfopropyl méthacrylate). La résistance accrue à l’hydrolyse de la liaison Sisubstrat-O- Pamorceur a été confirmée pour une large gamme de pH 7,5 à 10,5 et a permis l’étude des propriétés de friction des brosses de PAA sous différentes conditions expérimentales par mesure de forces de surface. Malgré la stabilité des brosses de PAA à haute charge appliquée, les études des propriétés de friction ne révèlent pas de changement significatif du coefficient de friction en fonction du pH et de la force ionique.


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The performance of two advanced model based non-linear controllers is analyzed for the optimal setpoint tracking of free radical polymerization of styrene in batch reactors. Artificial neural network-based model predictive controller (NN-MPC) and generic model controller (GMC) are both applied for controlling the system. The recently developed hybrid model [1] as well as available literature models are utilized in the control study. The optimal minimum temperature profiles are determined based on Hamiltonian maximum principle. Different types of disturbances are artificially generated to examine the stability and robustness of the controllers. The experimental studies reveal that the performance of NN-MPC is superior over that of GMC.


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Precise and reliable modelling of polymerization reactor is challenging due to its complex reaction mechanism and non-linear nature. Researchers often make several assumptions when deriving theories and developing models for polymerization reactor. Therefore, traditional available models suffer from high prediction error. In contrast, data-driven modelling techniques provide a powerful framework to describe the dynamic behaviour of polymerization reactor. However, the traditional NN prediction performance is significantly dropped in the presence of polymerization process disturbances. Besides, uncertainty effects caused by disturbances present in reactor operation can be properly quantified through construction of prediction intervals (PIs) for model outputs. In this study, we propose and apply a PI-based neural network (PI-NN) model for the free radical polymerization system. This strategy avoids assumptions made in traditional modelling techniques for polymerization reactor system. Lower upper bound estimation (LUBE) method is used to develop PI-NN model for uncertainty quantification. To further improve the quality of model, a new method is proposed for aggregation of upper and lower bounds of PIs obtained from individual PI-NN models. Simulation results reveal that combined PI-NN performance is superior to those individual PI-NN models in terms of PI quality. Besides, constructed PIs are able to properly quantify effects of uncertainties in reactor operation, where these can be later used as part of the control process. © 2014 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.