935 resultados para Lipoprotein (a)


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The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for patients infected with HIV has significantly prolonged the life expectancy and to some extent has restored a functional immune response. However, the premature introduction of HAART has led to a significant and alarming increase in cardiovascular complications, including myocardial infarction and the appearance of abnormal distribution of body fat seen as lipodystrophy. One key element in the development of ischemic coronary artery disease is the presence of circulating and tissue-fixed modified low density lipoprotein (mLDL) that contributes to the initiation and progression of arterial lesions and to the formation of foam cells. Even though not completely elucidated, the most likely mechanism involves mLDL in the inflammatory response and the induction of a specific immune response against mLDL. Circulating antibodies against mLDL can serve as an indirect marker of the presence of circulating and vessel-fixed mLDL. In the present study, we measured antibodies to mLDL and correlated them with immune status (i.e., number of CD4+ T cells) in 59 HIV patients and with the clinical manifestation of lipodystrophy in 10 patients. We observed a significant reduction in anti-mLDL antibody levels related both to lipodystrophy and to an immunocompromised state in HIV patients. We speculate that these antibodies may explain in part the rapid development of ischemic coronary artery disease in some patients.


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The aim of the present study was to determine if there is an association between the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and apolipoprotein E (apo E) genes and the serum lipid profile in pregnancy and puerperium. Non-diabetic women of European descent in the third semester of pregnancy (N = 120) were selected. Those with diseases or other condition that could modify their lipid profile were excluded from the study (N = 32). Serum lipids were measured by routine laboratory procedures and genomic DNA was extracted by a salting out method. LPL (PvuII and HindIII) and apo E (HhaI) SNPs were detected by the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Categorical and continuous variables were compared by the chi-square test and Student t-test or ANOVA, respectively. Women carrying the LPL P1P1 genotype had higher serum LDL cholesterol (N = 21; 155 ± 45 mg/dL) than women carrying the P1P2/P2P2 genotypes (N = 67; 133 ± 45 mg/dL; P = 0.032). During the puerperium period, serum levels of triglycerides and VLDL cholesterol were significantly reduced in women carrying the P1P1 (73%, P = 0.006) and P1P2 (51%, P = 0.002) genotypes but not in women carrying the P2P2 genotype (23%, P > 0.05). On the other hand, serum concentrations of lipids did not differ between the LPL HindIII and apo E genotypes during pregnancy and after delivery. We conclude that LPL PvuII SNP is associated with variations in serum lipids during pregnancy and the puerperal period in non-diabetic women.


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Studies have shown that estrogen replacement therapy and estrogen plus progestin replacement therapy alter serum levels of total, LDL and HDL cholesterol levels. However, HDL cholesterol levels in women vary considerably in response to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). A significant portion of the variability of these levels has been attributed to genetic factors. Therefore, we investigated the influence of estrogen receptor-alpha (ESR1) gene polymorphisms on HDL levels in response to postmenopausal HRT. We performed a prospective cohort study on 54 postmenopausal women who had not used HRT before the study and had no significant general medical illness. HRT consisted of conjugated equine estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate continuously for 1 year. The lipoprotein levels were measured from blood samples taken before the start of therapy and after 1 year of HRT. ESR1 polymorphism (MspI C>T, HaeIII C>T, PvuII C>T, and XbaI A>G) frequencies were assayed by restriction fragment length polymorphism. A general linear model was used to describe the relationships between HDL levels and genotypes after adjusting for age. A significant increase in HDL levels was observed after HRT (P = 0.029). Women with the ESR1 PvuII TT genotype showed a statistically significant increase in HDL levels after HRT (P = 0.032). No association was found between other ESR1 polymorphisms and HDL levels. According to our results, the ESR1 PvuII TT genotype was associated with increased levels of HDL after 1 year of HRT.


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Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors are overexpressed in most neoplastic cell lines and provide a mechanism for the internalization and concentration of drug-laden nanoemulsions that bind to these receptors. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the administration of standard chemotherapeutic schemes can alter the expression of LDL and LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) receptors in breast carcinoma. Fragments of tumoral and normal breast tissue from 16 consecutive volunteer women with breast cancer in stage II or III were obtained from biopsies before the beginning of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and after chemotherapy, from fragments excised during mastectomy. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for both receptors. Because complete response to treatment was achieved in 4 patients, only the tumors from 12 were analyzed. Before chemotherapy, there was overexpression of LDL receptor in the tumoral tissue compared to normal breast tissue in 8 of these patients. LRP-1 receptor overexpression was observed in tumors of 4 patients. After chemotherapy, expression of both receptors decreased in the tumors of 6 patients, increased in 4 and was unchanged in 2. Nonetheless, even when chemotherapy reduced receptors expression, the expression was still above normal. The fact that chemotherapy does not impair LDL receptors expression supports the use of drug carrier systems that target neoplastic cells by the LDL receptor endocytic pathway in patients on conventional chemotherapy.


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Lipoprotein glomerulopathy (LPG) is a rare autosomal recessive glomerulopathy associated with the deposition of lipoprotein thrombi in the capillary lumina due to apoE gene mutations. Abnormal plasma lipoprotein profile and marked increase in serum apoliprotein E (apoE) are characteristic clinical data. The compromised patients can present nephrotic syndrome, hematuria, and progressive renal failure. Herein, the authors present the first described case of LPG in a Brazilian male patient, 11 years, who presented with a steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Renal function was normal. Kidney biopsy showed markedly enlarged glomerulus, with dilated capillary loops and weak eosinophilic lipoprotein thrombi in the capillary lumina. Interstitium, tubules, arteries, and veins showed normal histologic aspect. Genotypic study for the apoE gene showed the presence of the alleles E3 and E4. The diagnosis of LPG was then performed. The patient received lipid-lowering treatment. After 2 years of follow-up, renal function is gradually decreasing, with persisting heavy proteinuria, despite a marked decrease in serum cholesterol and triglycerides levels.


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La phospholipase A2 liée aux lipoprotéines (Lp-PLA2) est une biomarqueur de plusieurs maladies inflammatoires et une niveau sérique élevé est associé à l’instabilité de la plaque artérioscléreuse. Comme son nom l’indique, la Lp-PLA2 est liée aux lipoprotéines plasmatiques (LDL et HDL) et son rôle est de prévenir l’accumulation de phospholipides oxidés a la surface des lipoprotéines. Toutefois, les produits de dégradation des phospholipides oxidés par la Lp-PLA2 - le lysophosphatidyl choline par les acides gras oxidés peuvent aussi promouvoir l’inflammation. Mieux comprendre le métabolisme de la Lp-PLA2 pourrait nous permettre de mieux apprécier son rôle dans la formation d’une plaque artérioscléreuse instable, car des études antérieures ont démontré une forte expression de la Lp-PLA2 dans la plaque. De plus, il existe une forte corrélation entre les niveaux et l’activité plasmatiques de la Lp-PLA2 et la maladie coronarienne, les accidents cérébraux-vasculaires et la mortalité cardiaque. L’inhibition de la Lp-PLA2 avec une petite molécule, le darapladib, n’a pas démontré de bénéfice sur les évènements cardiovasculaires dans deux études cliniques. Cette thèse présentera d’abord une revue de la littérature sur la Lp-PLA2 et les maladies cardiovasculaires et les deuxième et troisième chapitres, une étude clinique réalisée sur des patients avec un syndrome coronarien aigu.


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This thesis describes several important advancements in the understanding of the assembly of outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli. A first study was performed to identify binding regions in the trimeric chaperone Skp for outer membrane proteins. Skp is known to facilitate the passage of unfolded outer membrane proteins (OMPs) through the periplasm to the outer membrane (OM). A gene construct named “synthetic chaperone protein (scp)” gene was used to express a fusion protein (Scp) into the cytoplasm of E. coli. The scp gene was used as a template to design mutants of Scp suitable for structural and functional studies using site-directed spectroscopy. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) was used to identify distances in Skp-OmpA complexes that separate regions in Scp and in outer membrane protein A (OmpA) from E. coli. For this study, single cysteine (Cys) mutants and single Cys - single tryptophan (Trp) double mutants of Scp were prepared. For FRET experiments, the cysteines were labeled with the tryptophan fluorescence energy acceptor IAEDANS. Single Trp mutants of OmpA were used as fluorescence energy donors. In the second part of this thesis, the function of BamD and the structure of BamD-Scp complexes were examined. BamD is an essential component of the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex of the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to probe the interactions of BamD with lipid membranes and to investigate the interactions of BamD with possible partner proteins from the periplasm and from the OM. A range of single cysteine (Cys) and single tryptophan (Trp) mutants of BamD were prepared. A very important conclusion from the extensive FRET study is that the essential lipoprotein BamD interacts and binds to the periplasmic chaperone Skp. BamD contains tetratrico peptide repeat (TPR) motifs that are suggested to serve as docking sites for periplasmic chaperones such as Skp.


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Lipoproteins such as LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and oxidized LDL have potentially adverse effects on endothelial cells due to their ability to activate pro-inflammatory pathways regulated via the transcription factor NF-kappaB (nuclear factor kappaB). Triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (the chylomicrons, very-low-density lipoprotein and their respective remnant particles) have also been implicated in the induction of a pro-inflammatory phenotype and up-regulation of adhesion molecule expression. Although early studies supported the proposal that LPL (lipoprotein lipase)-mediated hydrolysis of TRLs (triglyceride-rich lipoproteins) at the endothelium could activate the NFkappaB pathway, more recent studies provide evidence of pro-and anti-inflammatory responses when cells are exposed to fatty acids of TRL particles. A large number of genes are up- and down-regulated when cells are exposed to TRL, with the net effect reflecting receptor- and nonreceptor-mediated pathways that are activated or inhibited depending on fatty acid type, the lipid and apolipoprotein composition of the TRL and the presence or absence of LPL. Early concepts of TRL particles as essentially pro-inflammatory stimuli to the endothelium provide an overly simplistic view of their impact on the vascular compartment.


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The oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) hypothesis of atherosclerosis proposes that LDL undergoes oxidation in the interstitial fluid of the arterial wall. We have shown that aggregated (vortexed) nonoxidised LDL was taken up by J774 mouse macrophages and human monocyte-derived macrophages and oxidised intracellularly, as assessed by the microscopic detection of ceroid, an advanced lipid oxidation product. Confocal microscopy showed that the ceroid was located in the lysosomes. To confirm these findings, J774 macrophages were incubated with acetylated LDL, which is internalised rapidly to lysosomes, and then incubated (chase incubation) in the absence of any LDL. The intracellular levels of oxysterols, measured by HPLC, increased during the chase incubation period, showing that LDL must have been oxidised inside the cells. Furthermore, we found that this oxidative modification was inhibited by lipid-soluble antioxidants, an iron chelator taken up by fluid-phase pinocytosis and the lysosomotropic drug chloroquine, which increases the pH of lysosomes. The results indicate that LDL oxidation can occur intracellularly, most probably within lysosomes.


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A mathematical model describing the uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles by a single hepatocyte cell is formulated and solved. The model includes a description of the dynamic change in receptor density on the surface of the cell due to the binding and dissociation of the lipoprotein particles, the subsequent internalisation of bound particles, receptors and unbound receptors, the recycling of receptors to the cell surface, cholesterol dependent de novo receptor formation by the cell and the effect that particle uptake has on the cell's overall cholesterol content. The effect that blocking access to LDL receptors by VLDL, or internalisation of VLDL particles containing different amounts of apolipoprotein E (we will refer to these particles as VLDL-2 and VLDL-3) has on LDL uptake is explored. By comparison with experimental data we find that measures of cell cholesterol content are important in differentiating between the mechanisms by which VLDL is thought to inhibit LDL uptake. We extend our work to show that in the presence of both types of VLDL particle (VLDL-2 and VLDL-3), measuring relative LDL uptake does not allow differentiation between the results of blocking and internalisation of each VLDL particle to be made. Instead by considering the intracellular cholesterol content it is found that internalisation of VLDL-2 and VLDL-3 leads to the highest intracellular cholesterol concentration. A sensitivity analysis of the model reveals that binding, unbinding and internalisation rates, the fraction of receptors recycled and the rate at which the cholesterol dependent free receptors are created by the cell have important implications for the overall uptake dynamics of either VLDL or LDL particles and subsequent intracellular cholesterol concentration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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LDL oxidation may be important in atherosclerosis. Extensive oxidation of LDL by copper induces increased uptake by macrophages, but results in decomposition of hydroperoxides, making it more difficult to investigate the effects of hydroperoxides in oxidised LDL on cell function. We describe here a simple method of oxidising LDL by dialysis against copper ions at 4 degrees C, which inhibits the decomposition of hydroperoxides, and allows the production of LDL rich in hydroperoxides (626 +/- 98 nmol/mg LDL protein) but low in oxysterols (3 +/- 1 nmol 7-ketocholesterol/mg LDL protein), whilst allowing sufficient modification (2.6 +/- 0.5 relative electrophoretic mobility) for rapid uptake by macrophages (5.49 +/- 0.75 mu g I-125-labelled hydroperoxide-rich LDL vs. 0.46 +/- 0.04 mu g protein/mg cell protein in 18 h for native LDL). By dialysing under the same conditions, but at 37 degrees C, the hydroperoxides are decomposed extensively and the LDL becomes rich in oxysterols. This novel method of oxidising LDL with high yield to either a hydroperoxide- or oxysterol-rich form by simply altering the temperature of dialysis may provide a useful tool for determining the effects of these different oxidation products on cell function. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The in vitro antioxidant activity and the protective effect against human low density lipoprotein oxidation of coffees prepared using different degrees of roasting was evaluated. Coffees with the highest amount of brown pigments (dark coffee) showed the highest peroxyl radical scavenging activity. These coffees also protected human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) against oxidation, although green coffee extracts showed more protection. In a different experiment, coffee extracts were incubated with human plasma prior to isolation of LDL particles. This showed, for the first time, that incubation of plasma with dark, but not green coffee extracts protected the LDL against oxidation by copper or by the thermolabile azo compound AAPH. Antioxidants in the dark coffee extracts must therefore have become associated with the LDL particles. Brown compounds, especially those derived from the Maillard reaction, are the compounds most likely to be responsible for this activity.


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The oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) hypothesis of atherosclerosis proposes that LDL undergoes oxidation in the interstitial fluid of the arterial wall. We have shown that aggregated (vortexed) nonoxidized LDL was taken up by J774 mouse macrophages and human monocyte-derived macrophages and oxidized intracellularly, as assessed by the microscopic detection of ceroid, an advanced lipid oxidation product. Confocal microscopy showed that the ceroid was located in the lysosomes. To confirm these findings, J774 macrophages were incubated with acetylated LDL, which is internalized rapidly to lysosomes, and then incubated (chase incubation) in the absence of any LDL. The intracellular levels of oxysterols, measured by HPLC, increased during the chase incubation period, showing that LDL must have been oxidized inside the cells. Furthermore, we found that this oxidative modification was inhibited by lipid-soluble antioxidants, an iron chelator taken up by fluid-phase pinocytosis and the lysosomotropic drug chloroquine, which increases the pH of lysosomes. The results indicate that LDL oxidation can occur intracellularly, most probably within lysosomes.


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Apolipoprotein A-IV (apoA-IV) inhibits lipid peroxidation, thus demonstrating potential anti-atherogenic properties. The aim of this study was to investigate how the inhibition of low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation was influenced by common apoA-IV isoforms. Recombinant wild type apoA-IV (100 mu g/ml) significantly inhibited the oxidation of LDL (50 mu g protein/ml) by 5 mu M CuSO4 (P < 0.005), but not by 100 mu M CuSO4, suggesting that it may act by binding copper ions. ApoA-IV also inhibited the oxidation of LDL by the water-soluble free-radical generator 2,2'-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH; I mM), as shown by the two-fold increase in the time for half maximal conjugated diene formation (T-1/2; P < 0.05) suggesting it can also scavenge free radicals in the aqueous phase. Compared to wild type apoA-IV, apoA-IV-S347 decreased T-1/2 by 15% (P = 0.036) and apoA-IV-H360 increased T-1/2 by 18% (P = 0.046). All apoA-IV isoforms increased the relative electrophoretic mobility of native LDL, suggesting apoA-IV can bind to LDL and acts as a site-specific antioxidant. The reduced inhibition of LDL oxidation by apoA-IV-S347 compared to wild type apoA-IV may account for the previous association of the APOA4 S347 variant with increased CHD risk and oxidative stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Apoptosis of macrophages and smooth muscle cells is observed in atherosclerotic lesions and may play an important role in the disease progression. Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) is cytotoxic and induces apoptosis in a variety of cell types. We reported previously that ascorbate protects arterial smooth muscle cells from apoptosis induced by oxidised LDL containing the peak levels of lipid hydroperoxides. We now demonstrate that macrophages undergo apoptosis when treated with this species of oxidised LDL, as detected by increased annexin V binding and DNA fragmentation. Ascorbate treatment of macrophages did not protect against the cytotoxicity of oxidised LDL, and modestly increased the levels of annexin V binding and DNA fragmentation. Oxidised LDL treatment also increased the expression of the antioxidant stress protein heme oxygenase-1 in macrophages; however, this increase was markedly attenuated by ascorbate pretreatment. Although apoptosis induced by oxidised LDL was modestly promoted by ascorbate, ascorbate apparently decreased the levels of oxidative stress in macrophages, suggesting that this pro-apoptotic effect was not mediated by a pro-oxidant mechanism, but may instead have been due to intracellular protection of the apoptotic machinery by ascorbate. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.