832 resultados para Limiar de fadiga eletromiográfico


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O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a intensidade de exercício no lactato mínimo (LACmin), com a intensidade correspondente ao limiar de lactato (LL) e limiar anaeróbio (LAn). Participaram do estudo, 11 atletas do sexo masculino (idade, 22,5 + 3,17 anos; altura, 172,3 + 8,2 cm; peso, 66,9 + 8,2kg; e gordura corporal, 9,8 + 3,4%). Os indivíduos foram submetidos, em uma bicicleta eletromagnética (Quinton - Corival 400), a dois testes: 1) exercício contínuo de cargas crescentes - carga inicial de 100W, com incrementos de 25W a cada três min. até a exaustão voluntária; e 2) teste de lactato mínimo - inicialmente os indivíduos pedalaram duas vezes 425W (+ 120%max) durante 30 segundos, com um min. de intervalo, com o objetivo de induzir o acúmulo de lactato. Após oito min. de recuperação passiva, os indivíduos iniciaram um teste contínuo de cargas progressivas, idêntico ao descrito anteriormente. O LL e o LAn foram identificados como sendo o menor valor entre a razão - lactato sanguíneo (mM) / intensidade de exercício (W), e a intensidade correspondente a 3,5mM de lactato sanguíneo, respectivamente. O LACmin foi identificado como sendo a intensidade correspondente a menor concentração de lactato durante o teste de cargas progressivas. Não foi observada diferença significante entre a potência do LL (197,7 + 20,7W) e do LACmin (201,6 + 13,0W), sendo ambas significantemente menores do que do LAn (256,7 + 33,3W). Não foram encontradas também diferenças significantes para o (ml.kg-1.min-1) e a FC (bpm) obtidos no LL (43,2 + 5,01; 152,0 + 13,0) e no LACmin (42,1 + 3,9; 159,0 + 10,0), sendo entretanto significantemente menores do que os obtidos para o LAn (52,2 + 8,2; 174,0 + 13,0, respectivamente). Pode-se concluir que o teste de LACmin, nas condições experimentais deste estudo, pode subestimar a intensidade de MSSLAC (estimada indiretamente pelo LAn), o que concordacom outros estudos que determinaram a MSSLAC diretamente. Assim, são necessários mais estudos que analisem o possível componente tempo-dependente (intensidade inicial) que pode existir no protocolo do LACmin.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos do treinamento de natação na intensidade do limiar anaeróbio (LAn), determinado na piscina e no ergômetro de braço, verificando se este pode ser utilizado para avaliar os efeitos do treinamento em nadadores. Participaram do estudo sete nadadores de ambos os sexos, com nível de performance regional, que foram submetidos aos seguintes testes, antes e após oito semanas de treinamento: 1) dois tiros de 400m, um a 85% e outro a 95% do máximo, com coleta de 25mil de sangue do lóbulo da orelha no 1º, 3º e 5º minuto após cada tiro, para posterior análise do lactato sanguíneo (YSI 1500); 2) teste contínuo progressivo realizado no ergômetro de braço (UBE 2462 Cybex), com carga inicial de 33,3W e incrementos de 16,6W a cada três minutos até a exaustão voluntária, com coleta de sangue ao final de cada estágio. Um grupo controle de indivíduos não ativos (n = 9), que se manteve sedentário, realizou somente o procedimento 2 no mesmo intervalo de tempo. O LAn na natação (NLAn) e no ergômetro de braço (BLAn) foi encontrado através de interpolação linear, considerando uma concentração fixa de lactato de 4mM e 3,5mM, respectivamente. Os resultados demonstram diferença significante para o grupo treinado, entre o pré (130,4 ± 20,4W) e o pós-teste (137,7 ± 17,9W) para o BLAn. Porém, não foi encontrada diferença significante para o NLAn (1,09 ± 0,1m.s-1 e 1,13 ± 0,1m.s-1, p = 0,06). No grupo controle não foi encontrada diferença para o BLAn entre o pré (93,2 ± 11,5W) e o pós-teste (87,7 ± 7,2W). Pode-se concluir através desses dados que a determinação do LAn no ergômetro de braço é útil para detectar adaptações na capacidade aeróbia de nadadores com nível de performance regional.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Limiares auditivos de crianças surdas pré-linguais usuárias de implante coclear foram avaliados com estimulação elétrica em um dos eletrodos mediais. A avaliação empregou um procedimento operante do tipo go/no go para ensinar uma discriminação simples, evidenciada por uma resposta motora, entre presença e ausência do estímulo auditivo. Estabelecida a linha de base, a manipulação na intensidade do estímulo foi implementada de acordo com o método psicofísico de escada modificado, começando por uma seqüência descendente. Os sete participantes do estudo mostraram perda da precisão no responder sob controle do estímulo quando a intensidade diminuía além de um certo valor e a precisão era recuperada quando a intensidade era novamente aumentada, o que permitiu a identificação de limiares individuais. Os resultados sugerem que o método psicofísico combinado com o procedimento operante pode ser uma alternativa viável para avaliar limiar auditivo de pessoas sem linguagem em situação clínica de regulagem do implante coclear.


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Suivant notre intention générale qui est d'étudier longitudinalement l'utilisation que Merleau-Ponty fait de la notion de schéma corporel dans sa philosophie, nous nous consacrons dans cet article à ses cours à la Sorbonne. Ces cours font partie d'une période intermédiaire de son oeuvre. Le philosophe y amorce des discussions concernant la corporeité à partir de la psychologie de l'enfant et de la psychanalyse, en abordant le problème de l'intersubjectivité et la théorie du schéma corporel. Merleau-Ponty comprend que l'acquisition d'un schéma corporel unitaire, total, implique une décentralisation de soi, de façon que le corps propre, le corps d'autrui et le monde puissent s'entrelacer dans un tissu relationnel qui implique inextricablement visibilité et épaisseur intra-corporel. Nous considérons que dans ces études Merleau-Ponty effectue un grand pas vers la notion de chair telle qu'on la trouve dans ses textes plus tardifs.


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The creation and implementation of Brazilian labor laws during the 1930s gave rise to important political debates. The various stakeholders - the state, the bourgeoisie, and workers - each with their own social project, had forged mechanisms designed to protect their own interests. Within this framework, this article addresses the arguments regarding the Expulsion of Foreigners Act (1907), the "Dois Tercos"(Two-thirds) Act (1930), and the Unionization Act (1931). These acts provide clear evidence that the growth of state interventionism was accompanied by tensions and changes, and that the labor legislation was not simply the 'gift' of a Corporate State.


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The authors looked for the verification of the fatigue of retentive clasps utilized on the removable partial denture. According to this, it was idealized and built on assay machine, that through movements, simulate the insertion and removal of the clasp for a pattern tooth, manufactured on cobalt-chromium which has all the preparation normally utilized to the correct confection of this type of prosthesis. It was utilized three different commercial alloys based on cobalt-chromium: L1-Biosil; L2-Steldent; L3-Duracron. It was utilized the T clasp of Roach, with was tested upon three different proportions among width and thickness: E1-1.7;E2-2.0 and E3-2.3 and was casted through two casting techniques: F1-oxygen-gas and F2-oxygen-acetylene. The clasps were tested on the machine, which allowed the reading of the number of insertion and removal cycles made until fatigue appeared. The obtained results were submitted to the statistic analysis and the authors concluded that: a) L3 (Duracrom) obtained the best results followed by L1 (Biosil) and finally L3 (Steldent); b) among the analyzed thickness, the best results were obtained by E3, followed by E2 and after this E1; c) form the casting techniques, F2 gave us the best results.


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The authors tested the T clasp of Roach in three differents proportions among width and thickness: E1-1.7; E2-2.0 and E3-2.3, with a constant length of 15 mm. These clasps were casted with three cobalt-chromium alloys (L1-Biosil; L2-Steldent and L3-Duracrom), through two casting techniques (F1-oxygen-gas and F2-oxygen-acetylene). The fatigue of the clasps were verified by using and assay machine, that through movements, simulate the insertion and removal of the clasps for a pattern which were obtained from a premolar, prepared in a surveyor. This machine detect the fatigue of the clasps and count the number of cycles of insertion and removal realized. The obtained results of the interaction between the analysed factors, were submitted to the statistic analysis and the authors concluded that: a) the interaction of factors, Alloy x Thickness, Alloy x Casting Technique and Thickness x Casting Technique did not change the order of effects that the factors showed separately but gave rise to effects of different magnitude for any observed sense; b) the simultaneous interaction of the factors Alloy x Thickness x Casting Technique confirmed the superiority of the L3 alloy, the thickness E3 and the F2 casting technique.


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A prestressed concrete monoblock railroad tie was designed to attend the characteristics of a Brazilian railroad track with 1,600 mm gauge and 320 kN axle load. Concrete ties specimens were manufactured without and with steel fibers in a volume fraction of 60 kg/m3 (0.76 % by volume), and three different initial prestress forces. Static and fatigue tests were carried out on the ties. Static tests showed that steel fibers increase the first crack and ultimate bending moments, increase significantly the slip force of the prestressing tendons, reduce crack width, add higher ductility to the ties and decrease the stress in the prestressing tendons. Under dynamic loading the steel fibers decreased the stress in the prestressing tendons by about 50%, which improved significantly the fatigue strength of the tie. A tie without fibers failed after only 150,000 cycles. However, a similar tie, with fibers, resisted 3,000,000 cycles without suffering fatigue failure.


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The perceived exertion has been a target of several investigations, many times with association with objective physiological indicators in exercise. Recently, the identification of the perceived exertion threshold (PET) was proposed in the water running, which presented no difference in relation to the critical velocity. Theoretically, both parameters would be indicators of the maximum steady state of variables such as V̇O2 and blood lactate. The objective of this work was to verify the coincidence between PET, critical power (PCrit) and an indicator of maximum V̇O2 steady state (PCrit') in cycle ergometer. Eight male participants were submitted to progressive effort test in order to determine V̇O2peak (46.7 ± 8.5 ml/kg/min) and to four rectangular tests until exhaustion for the estimation of the critical power model parameters, PET and PCrit'. The hyperbolic relation between mechanical power and time spent for the V̇O2peak to be reached in each test was used for the PCrit' estimation, considered as the asymptote in the power axis, and the portion of the anaerobic work capacity (CTAnaer) depleted up to the establishment of the V̇O2peak (CTAnaer'). In order to identify PET, the straight lines angular coefficients of the perceived exertion in time (ordinate) and the powers used (abscissa) were adjusted to a linear function that provided a point in the power axis in which the perceived exertion would be kept indefinitely stable. The parameters PCrit and CTAnaer were estimated by means of the power-time non-linear equation. In order to compare the estimations of PET, PCrit and PCrit', the analysis of variance ANOVA for repeated measurements was employed, and the associations were established through the Pearson correlation. CTAnaer and CTAnaer' were compared through the t test. PET (180 W ± 61 W), PCrit (174 W ± 43 W) and PCrit' (176 W ± 48 W) were not significantly different and the correlations were of 0.92-0.98. CTAnaer' (14,080 ± 5,219 J) was lower than CTAnaer (22,093 ± 9,042 J). One concludes that the PET predicts the intensity of PCrit and PCrit' with accuracy.


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Many investigations have shown that the coincidence between the ventilatory thresholds and those thresholds using the lactate response does not happen all of the time, suggesting that there is no relationship between the cause-effect between these phenomena. Thus, the present study had as main purpose to compare and correlate the Oxygen consumption (V̇O 2), the power (W), and the heart rate (HR) values attained using protocols to determine the Ventilatory Threshold (VT) and the Individual Anaerobic Threshold (IAT). The sampling was constituted by eight State and National level cyclists (age: 27.88 ± 8.77 years; body mass: 65.19 ± 4.40 kg; height: 169.31 ± 5,77 cm). The IAT was determined starting from a three minutes 50 W warm up with progressive increases of 50 W.3min -1 up to achieving the voluntary exhaustion, when the blood was collected in the last 20 seconds of each phase, and during the recovering period. In order to determine the VT, it was used the same protocol used to determine the IAT, but without performing the blood collection. The VT was identified through the changes in the pulmonary ventilation, as well as of the ventilatory equivalent of the O 2 and CO 2. The t-Student test showed no significant statistical difference in any of the attained variables. The associations found were high and significant. The V̇O 2 (ml.kg -1.min. -1), P (W), and HR (bpm) corresponding to the VT and IAT, as well as the associations between variables were respectively: 48.00 ± 3.82 vs. 48.08 ± 3.71 (r = 0.90); 256.25 ± 32.04 vs. 246.88 ± 33.91 (r = 0.84); 173.75 ± 9.18 vs. 171.25 ± 12.02 (r = 0.97). According to the results attained, it can be concluded that the IAT and the VT produce similar V̇O 2, W, and HR values, favoring the adoption of the VT because it is a non-invasive method to determine the anaerobic threshold in cyclists.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)