734 resultados para Lifelong learning education


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar os fatores que afetam a decisão dos estudantes quando optam por cursos, parcial ou totalmente, em regime de e-learning e foi desenvolvido numa instituição de ensino superior portuguesa. Em Portugal existem cerca de milhão e meio de adultos com formação secundária candidatos potenciais a ingressar no ensino superior, muitos deles com família organizada e com responsabilidades profissionais, para quem a decisão de regressar à escola tem, normalmente, motivações relacionadas com o desenvolvimento da carreira. Neste estudo analisam-se os fatores que afetam essa decisão concluindo-se que os estudantes, ao optarem por cursos em regime de e-learning valorizam, em primeiro lugar, a redução de custos e a flexibilidade na gestão do tempo, seguindo-se a facilidade de utilização da tecnologia de suporte ao curso. Os resultados revelam ainda que os homens atribuem maior importância à facilidade de utilização da tecnologia de suporte ao curso do que as mulheres. Verifica-se ainda que os mais jovens (menos de 23 anos) tendem a valorizar mais a reputação da escola, enquanto os respondentes de idade compreendida entre os 30 e 39 anos são os que mais valorizam a reputação do curso. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho passa pelo aprofundamento do estudo, através da utilização de uma amostra mais representativa que possibilite a generalização dos resultados ao universo das IES portuguesas.


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This thesis is a collection of five independent but closely related studies. The overall purpose is to approach the analysis of learning outcomes from a perspective that combines three major elements, namely lifelonglifewide learning, human capital, and the benefits of learning. The approach is based on an interdisciplinary perspective of the human capital paradigm. It considers the multiple learning contexts that are responsible for the development of embodied potential – including formal, nonformal and informal learning – and the multiple outcomes – including knowledge, skills, economic, social and others– that result from learning. The studies also seek to examine the extent and relative influence of learning in different contexts on the formation of embodied potential and how in turn that affects economic and social well being. The first study combines the three major elements, lifelonglifewide learning, human capital, and the benefits of learning into one common conceptual framework. This study forms a common basis for the four empirical studies that follow. All four empirical studies use data from the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) to investigate the relationships among the major elements of the conceptual framework presented in the first study. Study I. A conceptual framework for the analysis of learning outcomes This study brings together some key concepts and theories that are relevant for the analysis of learning outcomes. Many of the concepts and theories have emerged from varied disciplines including economics, educational psychology, cognitive science and sociology, to name only a few. Accordingly, some of the research questions inherent in the framework relate to different disciplinary perspectives. The primary purpose is to create a common basis for formulating and testing hypotheses as well as to interpret the findings in the empirical studies that follow. In particular, the framework facilitates the process of theorizing and hypothesizing on the relationships and processes concerning lifelong learning as well as their antecedents and consequences. Study II. Determinants of literacy proficiency: A lifelong-lifewide learning perspective This study investigates lifelong and lifewide processes of skill formation. In particular, it seeks to estimate the substitutability and complementarity effects of learning in multiple settings over the lifespan on literacy skill formation. This is done by investigating the predictive capacity of major determinants of literacy proficiency that are associated with a variety of learning contexts including school, home, work, community and leisure. An identical structural model based on previous research is fitted to the IALS data for 18 countries. The results show that even after accounting for all factors, education remains the most important predictor of literacy proficiency. In all countries, however, the total effect of education is significantly mediated through further learning occurring at work, at home and in the community. Therefore, the job and other literacy related factors complement education in predicting literacy proficiency. This result points to a virtual cycle of lifelong learning, particularly to how educational attainment influences other learning behaviours throughout life. In addition, results show that home background as measured by parents’ education is also a strong predictor of literacy proficiency, but in many countries this occurs only if a favourable home background is complemented with some post-secondary education. Study III. The effect of literacy proficiency on earnings: An aggregated occupational approach using the Canadian IALS data This study uses data from the Canadian Adult Literacy Survey to estimate the earnings return to literacy skills. The approach adapts a labour segmented view of the labour market by aggregating occupations into seven types, enabling the estimation of the variable impact of literacy proficiency on earnings, both within and between different types of occupations. This is done using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). The method used to construct the aggregated occupational classification is based on analysis that considers the role of cognitive and other skills in relation to the nature of occupational tasks. Substantial premiums are found to be associated with some occupational types even after adjusting for within occupational differences in individual characteristics such as schooling, literacy proficiency, labour force experience and gender. Average years of schooling and average levels of literacy proficiency at the between level account for over two-thirds of the premiums. Within occupations, there are significant returns to schooling but they vary depending on the type of occupations. In contrast, the within occupational return of literacy proficiency is not necessarily significant. The latter depends on the type of occupation. Study IV: Determinants of economic and social outcomes from a lifewide learning perspective in Canada In this study the relationship between learning in different contexts, which span the lifewide learning dimension, and individual earnings on the one hand and community participation on the other are examined in separate but comparable models. Data from the Canadian Adult Literacy Survey are used to estimate structural models, which correspond closely to the common conceptual framework outlined in Study I. The findings suggest that the relationship between formal education and economic and social outcomes is complex with confounding effects. The results indicate that learning occurring in different contexts and for different reasons leads to different kinds of benefits. The latter finding suggests a potential trade-off between realizing economic and social benefits through learning that are taken for either job-related or personal-interest related reasons. Study V: The effects of learning on economic and social well being: A comparative analysis Using the same structural model as in Study IV, hypotheses are comparatively examined using the International Adult Literacy Survey data for Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The main finding from Study IV is confirmed for an additional five countries, namely that the effect of initial schooling on well being is more complex than a direct one and it is significantly mediated by subsequent learning. Additionally, findings suggest that people who devote more time to learning for job-related reasons than learning for personal-interest related reasons experience higher levels of economic well being. Moreover, devoting too much time to learning for personal-interest related reasons has a negative effect on earnings except in Denmark. But the more time people devote to learning for personal-interest related reasons tends to contribute to higher levels of social well being. These results again suggest a trade-off in learning for different reasons and in different contexts.


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The Association of American Colleges and Universities presented and promoted integrative liberal learning as a collaborative goal that all institutions of higher education must strive to achieve. The similarities between the goals of integrative liberal learning and the Standards for Academic Advising by the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education are discussed with emphasis placed on the critical role that academic advising plays in support of an integrative liberal learning education, and in turn, future success for all students.


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This is a European Commission Leonardo da Vinci Reference Material project on the impact of new technology on distance learning students. It is known that all the Ministries of Education of the 27 European Union countries pay millions of Euros annually in the provision of educational technology for their schools, colleges and universities. A review of the literature of the impact of technology, however, showed that the research in this field was unacceptably fragile. What research there was focused on the impact of technology on children in American schools. The project set out, therefore, to measure the impact of technology on adult education, lifelong learning and distance education, with a particular focus on adult distance learning.


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In der Lehrerbildung zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts wird einem hohen Bezug zum Berufsfeld Schule, phasenübergreifender Zusammenarbeit und lebenslangem Lernen zunehmend Bedeutung geschenkt. Mehr und mehr kommt in Veröffentlichungen und auf den Internetseiten von Lehrerbildungszentren deutscher Universitäten ein umfassendes Verständnis von Lehrerbildung zum Ausdruck, das alle Phasen der Aus- und Fortbildung von Lehrkräften einschließt: Studium, Vorbereitungsdienst („Referendariat“) und Fortbildungen für Lehrkräfte im Schuldienst. Wenn Lehrerbildung in diesem Sinne gestaltet und nicht reduziert wird auf eine Phase der Ausbildung, die der Tätigkeit im Schuldienst vorangeht, wenn neben den Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen in Studium und Vorbereitungsdienst auch Fortbildungsangebote für bereits im Beruf stehende Lehrkräfte als Selbstverständlichkeit im Rahmen eines lebenslangen Lernprozesses aufgefasst werden, eröffnet die Implementierung digitaler Medien besondere Chancen – etwa im Hinblick auf kooperatives Lernen sowie auf die Arbeit mit und den Zugriff auf Unterrichtsmaterialien. Am Beispiel eines interdisziplinär angelegten Projekts, dessen Ausgangspunkt und Zentrum das Fach Musik bildet und in dem phasenverbindendes und lebenslanges Lernen einen hohen Stellenwert einnehmen, thematisiert dieser Beitrag Möglichkeiten, Perspektiven und Herausforderungen von Blended Learning in der Lehrerbildung. Es handelt sich um einen Einblick in die Verknüpfung von Präsenz- und Online-Anteilen des Projekts und in erste Ergebnisse aus der Projektevaluation. Vorgestellt werden Teilergebnisse aus einer explorativen Studie zur Bedeutung von Kooperationen und phasenübergreifender Vernetzung, im Rahmen derer unter anderem die Akzeptanz und die Relevanz des E-Learning-Angebots thematisiert wird.


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Das heutige Leben der Menschen ist vom Internet durchdrungen, kaum etwas ist nicht „vernetzt“ oder „elektronisch verfügbar“. Die Welt befindet sich im Wandel, die „Informationsgesellschaft“ konsumiert in Echtzeit Informationen auf mobilen Endgeräten, unabhängig von Zeit und Ort. Dies gilt teilweise auch für den Aus- und Weiterbildungssektor: Unter „E-Learning“ versteht man die elektronische Unterstützung des Lernens. Gelernt wird „online“; Inhalte sind digital verfügbar. Zudem hat sich die Lebenssituation der sogenannten „Digital Natives“, der jungen Individuen in der Informationsgesellschaft, verändert. Sie fordern zeitlich und räumlich flexible Ausbildungssysteme, erwarten von Bildungsinstitutionen umfassende digitale Verfügbarkeit von Informationen und möchten ihr Leben nicht mehr Lehr- und Zeitplänen unterordnen – das Lernen soll zum eigenen Leben passen, lebensbegleitend stattfinden. Neue „Lernszenarien“, z.B. für alleinerziehende Teilzeitstudierende oder Berufstätige, sollen problemlos möglich werden. Dies soll ein von der europäischen Union erarbeitetes Paradigma leisten, das unter dem Terminus „Lebenslanges Lernen“ zusammengefasst ist. Sowohl E-Learning, als auch Lebenslanges Lernen gewinnen an Bedeutung, denn die (deutsche) Wirtschaft thematisiert den „Fachkräftemangel“. Die Nachfrage nach speziell ausgebildeten Ingenieuren im MINT-Bereich soll schnellstmöglich befriedigt, die „Mitarbeiterlücke“ geschlossen werden, um so weiterhin das Wachstum und den Wohlstand zu sichern. Spezielle E-Learning-Lösungen für den MINT-Bereich haben das Potential, eine schnelle sowie flexible Aus- und Weiterbildung für Ingenieure zu bieten, in der Fachwissen bezogen auf konkrete Anforderungen der Industrie vermittelt wird. Momentan gibt es solche Systeme allerdings noch nicht. Wie sehen die Anforderungen im MINT-Bereich an eine solche E-Learning-Anwendung aus? Sie muss neben neuen Technologien vor allem den funktionalen Anforderungen des MINTBereichs, den verschiedenen Zielgruppen (wie z.B. Bildungsinstitutionen, Lerner oder „Digital Natives“, Industrie) und dem Paradigma des Lebenslangen Lernens gerecht werden, d.h. technische und konzeptuelle Anforderungen zusammenführen. Vor diesem Hintergrund legt die vorliegende Arbeit ein Rahmenwerk für die Erstellung einer solchen Lösung vor. Die praktischen Ergebnisse beruhen auf dem Blended E-Learning-System des Projekts „Technische Informatik Online“ (VHN-TIO).


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This paper aims to outline a theory-based Content and Language Integrated Learning course and to establish the rationale for adopting a holistic approach to the teaching of languages in tertiary education. Our work focuses on the interdependence between Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in particular regarding the learning of English within the framework of Telecommunications Engineering. The study first analyses the diverse components of the instructional approach and the extent to which this approach interrelates with technologies within the context of what we have defined as a holistic experience, since it also aims to develop a set of generic competences or transferable skills. Second, an example of a course project framed in this holistic approach is described in order to exemplify the specific actions suggested for learner autonomy and CLIL. The approach provides both an adequate framework as well as the conditions needed to carry out a lifelong learning experience within our context, a Spanish School of Engineering. In addition to specialized language and content, the approach integrates the learning of skills and capacities required by the new plans that have been established following the Bologna Declaration in 1999.


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The use of technology in classrooms in Spanish universities has been following an upward path, and in many cases technological devices are substituting other materials that until now have been used, such as books, notebooks and so on. Step by step in higher education, more of these latest generationdevices are being used, and are providing significant improvements in training. Nowadays, there are Spanish universities that use tablets, a device with multiple applications for teaching as well as for students to study differently. They are definitely a notable innovation that will gradually become incorporated into university life. Tablet PCs make teaching more dynamic and available to students through the use of up to date digital materials, something which is key in training engineers. This paper presents their different functions employed in three Spanish universities to support teachingin engineering degrees and masters using the tablet PC, and their impact on the training process. Possible uses in specific programs like the Erasmus Masters Programmes are also assessed. The main objective of using tabletsis to improve the academic performance of students through the use of technology.


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