936 resultados para Life cycle sustainability assessment
I materiali plastici trovano ampie applicazioni in ogni aspetto della vita e delle attività industriali. La maggior parte delle plastiche convenzionali non sono biodegradabili e il loro accumulo è una minaccia per il pianeta. I biopolimeri presentano vantaggi quali: la riduzione del consumo delle risorse e la riduzione delle emissioni CO2, offrendo un importante contributo allo sviluppo sostenibile. Tra i biopolimeri più interessanti troviamo il poliidrossibutirrato (PHB), l’oggetto di questo studio, che è il più noto dei poliidrossialcanoati. Questo polimero biodegradabile mostra molte somiglianze con il polipropilene. La tesi consiste nell’applicazione del Life Cycle Assessment a processi di estrazione del PHB da colture batteriche. In essa sono valutate le prestazioni ambientali di 4 possibili processi alternativi, sviluppati dal CIRI EA, che utilizzano il dimetilcarbonato (DMC) e di 3 processi che utilizzano solventi alogenati (cloroformio, diclorometano, dicloroetano). Per quanto riguarda i processi che utilizzano come solvente di estrazione il DMC, due sono gli aspetti indagati e per i quali differiscono le alternative: la biomassa di partenza (secca o umida), e il metodo di separazione del polimero dal solvente (per evaporazione del DMC oppure per precipitazione). I dati primari di tutti gli scenari sono di laboratorio per cui è stato necessario realizzare un up scaling industriale di tutti i processi. L’up scaling è stato realizzato in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Chimica Ambientale e dei Materiali. La valutazione delle prestazioni ambientali è stata fatta rispetto a tutte le categorie d’impatto raccomandate dall’Handbook della Commissione Europea, di queste solo alcune sono state analizzate nel dettaglio. Tutti i risultati mostrano un andamento simile, in cui gli impatti dei processi che utilizzano DMC sono inferiori a quelli dei solventi alogenati. Fra i processi che impiegano DMC, l’alternativa più interessante appare quella che impiega biomassa di partenza secca e raccolta del PHB per precipitazione.
La presente tesi si propone di determinare quale sia la situazione del mercato italiano e spagnolo sui pneumatici fuori uso (PFU) e quale sia il migliore metodo di costruzione degli elementi elastici da PFU. I risultati dell'analisi di mercato mostrano che l'introduzione del principio di responsabilità del produttore, introdotto in Italia solo nel 2011, sta portando ottimi risultati, e il problema di raccolta degli PFU è in via di risoluzione. Gli studi dinamici documentano che gli under rail paid (URP) costruiti da PFU rispettano tutte le necessità tecniche per l'utilizzo nelle linee ferroviarie sia convenzionali che ad alta velocità. Invece il Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) dimostra che il processo di costruzione degli URP da PFU decostruiti impatta meno rispetto a quello dei PFU triturati. I risultati del Life Cycle Cost (LCC) fanno propendere per un utilizzo degli URP nelle vie ferroviarie in quanto si ha una diminuzione dei costi di manutenzione.
Indoor air pollution from combustion of solid fuels is the fifth leading contributor to disease burden in low-income countries. This, and potential to reduce environmental impacts, has resulted in emphasis on use of improved stoves. However, many efforts have failed to meet expectations and effective coverage remains limited. A disconnect exists between technologies, delivery methods, and long-term adoption. The purpose of this research is to develop a framework to increase long-term success of improved stove projects. The framework integrates sustainability factors into the project life-cycle. It is represented as a matrix and checklist which encourages consideration of social, economic, and environmental issues in projects. A case study was conducted in which an improved stove project in Honduras was evaluated using the framework. Results indicated areas of strength and weakness in project execution and highlighted potential improvements for future projects. The framework is also useful as a guide during project planning.
Biofuels are alternative fuels that have the promise of reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels and decreasing emission of greenhouse gases from energy consumption. This thesis analyses the environmental impacts focusing on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the production and delivery of biofuel using the new Integrated Hydropyrolysis and Hydroconversion (IH2) process. The IH2 process is an innovative process for the conversion of woody biomass into hydrocarbon liquid transportation fuels in the range of gasoline and diesel. A cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with diverse feedstocks production systems and delivery to the IH2 facility plus producing and using these new renewable liquid fuels. The biomass feedstocks analyzed include algae (microalgae), bagasse from a sugar cane-producing locations such as Brazil or extreme southern US, corn stover from Midwest US locations, and forest feedstocks from a northern Wisconsin location. The life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings of 58%–98% were calculated for IH2 gasoline and diesel production and combustion use in vehicles compared to fossil fuels. The range of savings is due to different biomass feedstocks and transportation modes and distances. Different scenarios were conducted to understand the uncertainties in certain input data to the LCA model, particularly in the feedstock production section, the IH2 biofuel production section, and transportation sections.
Highway infrastructure plays a significant role in society. The building and upkeep of America’s highways provide society the necessary means of transportation for goods and services needed to develop as a nation. However, as a result of economic and social development, vast amounts of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are emitted into the atmosphere contributing to global climate change. In recognizing this, future policies may mandate the monitoring of GHG emissions from public agencies and private industries in order to reduce the effects of global climate change. To effectively reduce these emissions, there must be methods that agencies can use to quantify the GHG emissions associated with constructing and maintaining the nation’s highway infrastructure. Current methods for assessing the impacts of highway infrastructure include methodologies that look at the economic impacts (costs) of constructing and maintaining highway infrastructure over its life cycle. This is known as Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). With the recognition of global climate change, transportation agencies and contractors are also investigating the environmental impacts that are associated with highway infrastructure construction and rehabilitation. A common tool in doing so is the use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Traditionally, LCA is used to assess the environmental impacts of products or processes. LCA is an emerging concept in highway infrastructure assessment and is now being implemented and applied to transportation systems. This research focuses on life cycle GHG emissions associated with the construction and rehabilitation of highway infrastructure using a LCA approach. Life cycle phases of the highway section include; the material acquisition and extraction, construction and rehabilitation, and service phases. Departing from traditional approaches that tend to use LCA as a way to compare alternative pavement materials or designs based on estimated inventories, this research proposes a shift to a context sensitive process-based approach that uses actual observed construction and performance data to calculate greenhouse gas emissions associated with highway construction and rehabilitation. The goal is to support strategies that reduce long-term environmental impacts. Ultimately, this thesis outlines techniques that can be used to assess GHG emissions associated with construction and rehabilitation operations to support the overall pavement LCA.
Análisis de ciclo de vida de una nueva solución arquitectónica que mejora el rendimiento térmico de la envolvente del edificio: fachada natural aljibe.
The complexity of climate change and its evolution during the last few years has a positive impact on new developments and approaches to reduce the emissions of CO2. Looking for a methodology to evaluate the sustainability of a roadway, a tool has been developed. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is being accepted by the road industry to measure and evaluate the environmental impacts of an infrastructure, as the energy consumption and carbon footprint. This paper describes the methodology to calculate the CO2 emissions associated with the energy embodied on a roadway along its life cycle, including construction, operations and demolition. It will assist to find solutions to improve the energy footprint and reduce the amount of CO2 emissions. Details are provided of both, the methodology and the data acquisition. This paper is an application of the methodology to the Spanish highways, using a local database. Two case studies and a practical example are studied to show the model as a decision support for sustainable construction in the road industry.
This paper examined the potentialities of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as instrument for policy-support. To this respect, the adoption of an initiative within the Madrid Air Quality Plan (AQP) 2011–2015 regarding the substitution of diesel taxis with hybrid, natural gas and LPG alternatives was studied. Four different scenarios were elaborated, a business-as-usual scenario (BAU), the scenario of the AQP, and two extreme-situation scenarios: all-diesel (ADI) and all-ecologic (AEC). Impacts were characterized according to the ILCD methodology, focusing especially on climate change (CC) and photochemical ozone formation (PO). SimaPro 7.3 was used as analysis and inventory-construction tool. The results indicate that the shift to ecologic alternatives reduced impacts, especially those related to CC and PO. For the complete life cycle, reductions of 13% (CC) and 25% (PO) were observed for AQP against BAU (CC:1365 GgCO2, PO:13336 MgNMVOC). Deeper reductions were observed for AEC (CC:34%, PO:59%), while ADI produced slight increases in impacts if against BAU. The analysis of the use-phase revealed that the central and highest speed zones of the city benefit from the adoption of AQP. This is especially evident in zone 7, with reductions of 16% in CC and 31% in PO respectively against BAU (CCzone1:3443 kgCO2/veh·km, POzone7:11.1 kgNMVOC/veh·km).
The aim of the present research is to characterise the international scene in the field of building refurbishment, by thoroughly reviewing the literature relating to building renovation and systematising the results according to the different aspects considered by the authors. Even though there is certain consensus with respect to the criteria for the selection of energy efficiency measures, the assessment criteria differ broadly and widely. The present work highlights the lack of consensus on the assessment criteria and the need of harmonization. A holistic view is required in order to identify the most sustainable strategies in each particular case, considering social, environmental and economic impacts from a life cycle perspective.
The building sector is well known to be one of the key energy consumers worldwide. The renovation of existing buildings provides excellent opportunities for an effective reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions but it is essential to identify the optimal strategies. In this paper a multi-criteria methodology is proposed for the comparative analysis of retrofitting solutions. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) are combined by expressing environmental impacts in monetary values. A Pareto optimization is used to select the preferred strategies. The methodology is exemplified by a case study: the renovation of a representative housing block from the 1960s located in Madrid. Eight scenarios have been proposed, from the Business as Usual scenario (BAU), through Spanish Building Regulation requirements (for new buildings) up to the Passive House standard. Results show how current renovation strategies that are being applied in Madrid are far from being optimal solutions. The required additional investment, which is needed to obtain an overall performance improvement of the envelope compared with the common practice to date, is relatively low (8%) considering the obtained life cycle environmental and financial savings (43% and 45%, respectively).
The construction industry produces great environmental impacts to the planet. In order to tackle this problem, the European Union has put into effect Regulation No 305/2011, which compels the construction products manufacturers to carry out environmental performance studies of these products and thus make public the impact they cause on the environment. The aim of this research is to make known the environmental impacts of the SOS Natura Conventional Façade (CF) solution, obtained within the research project "SOS Natura, Vegetal Architectural Solutions" developed by the Department of Construction and Technology in Architecture of the School of Architecture of the Technical University of Madrid (Spain). In addition, we report an environmental comparative with the Natural Water Tank Façade (NWTF), studied previously by the same work group and included in the same research project.We present as well an uncertainty analysis for both façades. Following the study conducted we conclude that the NWTF profile has a slightly better environmental behaviour when compared to the CF profile for the entire life cycle in most of the impact categories analysed in this study. However it should also be noted that, in detail and at stage level, the NWTF presents a higher environmental impact than the CF.
The present work aims to develop the Life Cycle Assessment study of thermo-modified Atlanticwood® pine boards based on real data provided by Santos & Santos Madeiras company. Atlanticwood® pine boards are used mainly for exterior decking and cladding facades of buildings. The LCA study is elaborated based on ISO 14040/44 standard and Product Category Rules for preparing an environmental product declaration for Construction Products and Construction Services. The inventory analysis and, subsequently, the impact analysis have been performed using the LCA software SimaPro8.0.4. The method chosen for impact assessment was EPD (2013) V1.01. The results show that more than ¾ of ‘Acidification’, ‘Eutrophication’, ‘Global warming’ and ‘Abiotic depletion’ caused by 1 m3 of Atlanticwood® pine boards production is due to energy consumption (electricity + gas + biomass). This was to be expected since the treatment is based on heat production and no chemicals are added during the heat treatment process.
Most adverse environmental impacts result from design decisions made long before manufacturing or usage. In order to prevent this situation, several authors have proposed the application of life cycle assessment (LCA) at the very first phases of the design of a process, a product or a service. The study in this paper presents an innovative thermal drying process for sewage sludge called fry-drying, in which dewatered sludge is directly contacted in the dryer with hot recycled cooking oils (RCO) as the heat medium. Considering the practical difficulties for the disposal of these two wastes, fry-drying presents a potentially convenient method for their combined elimination by incineration of the final fry-dried sludge. An analytical comparison between a conventional drying process and the new proposed fry-drying process is reported, with reference to some environmental impact categories. The results of this study, applied at the earliest stages of the design of the process, assist evaluation of the feasibility of such system compared to a current disposal process for the drying and incineration of sewage sludge.